




为了解决这些问题,James Burke 便搞了一个AMD(Asynchronous Module Definition 异步模块定义)规范



① 实现javascript异步加载,避免页面假死

② 管理模块之间的依赖性,便于代码编写与维护(这是重点啊)






1 <html xmlns="">
2 <head>
3     <title></title>
4     <script src="js/require.js" type="text/javascript" data-main="main"></script>
5 </head>
6 <body>
7 </body>
8 </html>









 1 /// <reference path="js/require.js" />
 2 /// <reference path="js/jquery.js" />
 4 require.config({
 5     paths: {
 6         jquery: 'js/jquery',
 7         test: 'js/test'
 8     }
 9 });
11 require(['jquery', 'test'], function ($) {
12     alert($().jquery);//打印版本号
13 });



 1 require.config({
 2 //    paths: {
 3 //        jquery: 'js/jquery',
 4 //        test: 'js/test'
 5 //    },
 6     baseUrl: 'js'
 7 });
 9 require(['jquery', 'test'], function ($) {
10     alert($().jquery);//打印版本号
11 });



① main使用了config与require,config用于配制一些基本参数,常用:path、baseUrl

② require第一个参数为数组,数组项目为模块名,他们会依次加载,是有一定顺序的




 1 <html xmlns="">
 2 <head>
 3     <title></title>
 4     <style>
 5         img { min-height: 100px; min-width: 100px; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 1px; margin: 10px; }
 6         #con { width: 600px; height: 400px; overflow: auto; }
 7     </style>
 8 </head>
 9 <body>
10     <div id="con">
11         <img src="//" lazy-src=""><img
12             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
13                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
14                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
15                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
16                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
17                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
18                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
19                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
20                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
21                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
22                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
23                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
24                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
25                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
26                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
27                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
28                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
29                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
30                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
31                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
32                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
33                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
34                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
35                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
36                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
37                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
38                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
39                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
40                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
41                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
42                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
43                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
44                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
45                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
46                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
47                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
48                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
49                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
50                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
51                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
52                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
53                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
54                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
55                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
56                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
57                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
58                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
59                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
60                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
61                                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
62                                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
63                                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
64                                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
65                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
66                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
67                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
68                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
69                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
70                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
71                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
72                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
73                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
74                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
75                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
76                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
77                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
78                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
79                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
80                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
81                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
82                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
83                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
84                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
85                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
86                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
87                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
88                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src=""><img
89                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 src="//" lazy-src=""><img
90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     src="//" lazy-src=""><img
91                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         src="//" lazy-src=""><img
92                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             src="//" lazy-src="">
93     </div>
94     <script src="js/require.js" type="text/javascript" data-main="main"></script>
95 </body>
96 </html>


<script src="js/require.js" type="text/javascript" data-main="main"></script>


1 require.config({
2     baseUrl: 'js'
3 });
5 require(['jquery', 'test'], function ($, imgLazyLoad) {
6     imgLazyLoad($('#con')); //图片延迟加载
7 });


 1 define(function () {
 2     function imgLazyLoad(container) {
 3         var imgLazyLoadTimer = null;
 4         var resetImglazy = null;
 5         container = container || $(window); //需要时jquery对象
 6         var imgArr = {};
 7         initImg();
 8         lazyLoad();
 9         autoLoad();
10         container.scroll(function () {
11             lazyLoad();
12         });
13         $(window).resize(function () {
14             initImg();
15         });
16         $(document).mousemove(function () {
17             clearTimeout(imgLazyLoadTimer);
18             if (resetImglazy) clearTimeout(resetImglazy);
19             resetImglazy = setTimeout(function () {
20                 autoLoad();
21             }, 5000);
22         });
23         function initImg() {
24             $('img').each(function () {
25                 var el = $(this);
26                 if (el.attr('lazy-src') && el.attr('lazy-src') != '') {
27                     var offset = el.offset();
28                     if (!imgArr[]) {
29                         imgArr[] = [];
30                     }
31                     imgArr[].push(el);
32                 }
33             });
34         }
35         function lazyLoad() {
36             var height = container.height();
37             var srollHeight = container.scrollTop();
38             for (var k in imgArr) {
39                 if (parseInt(k) < srollHeight + height) {
40                     var _imgs = imgArr[k];
41                     for (var i = 0, len = _imgs.length; i < len; i++) {
42                         var tmpImg = _imgs[i];
43                         if (tmpImg.attr('lazy-src') && tmpImg.attr('lazy-src') != '') {
44                             tmpImg.attr('src', tmpImg.attr('lazy-src'));
45                             tmpImg.removeAttr('lazy-src');
46                         }
47                     }
48                     delete imgArr[k];
49                 }
50             }
51         } //lazyLoad
52         function autoLoad() {
53             var _key = null;
54             for (var k in imgArr) {
55                 if (!_key) {
56                     _key = k;
57                     break;
58                 }
59             }
60             var _imgs = imgArr[_key];
61             for (var i = 0, len = _imgs.length; i < len; i++) {
62                 var tmpImg = _imgs[i];
63                 if (tmpImg.attr('lazy-src') && tmpImg.attr('lazy-src') != '') {
64                     tmpImg.attr('src', tmpImg.attr('lazy-src'));
65                     tmpImg.removeAttr('lazy-src');
66                 }
67             }
68             delete imgArr[_key];
69             if (imgLazyLoadTimer) {
70                 clearTimeout(imgLazyLoadTimer);
71             }
72             imgLazyLoadTimer = setTimeout(autoLoad, 3000);
73         }
74     } //imgLazyLoad
75     return imgLazyLoad;
76 });







 1 shim: {
 2     $: {
 3         exports: 'jQuery'
 4     },
 5     _: {
 6         exports: '_'
 7     },
 8     B: {
 9         deps: [
10             '_',
11             '$'
12             ],
13         exports: 'Backbone'
14     }
15 },




Supported configuration options:

baseUrl: the root path to use for all module lookups. So in the above example, "my/module"'s script tag will have a src="/another/path/my/module.js". baseUrl is notused when loading plain .js files (indicated by a dependency string starting with a slash, has a protocol, or ends in .js), those strings are used as-is, so a.js and b.js will be loaded from the same directory as the HTML page that contains the above snippet.

If no baseUrl is explicitly set in the configuration, the default value will be the location of the HTML page that loads require.js. If a data-main attribute is used, that path will become the baseUrl.

The baseUrl can be a URL on a different domain as the page that will load require.js. RequireJS script loading works across domains. The only restriction is on text content loaded by text! plugins: those paths should be on the same domain as the page, at least during development. The optimization tool will inline text! plugin resources so after using the optimization tool, you can use resources that reference text! plugin resources from another domain.

paths: path mappings for module names not found directly under baseUrl. The path settings are assumed to be relative to baseUrl, unless the paths setting starts with a "/" or has a URL protocol in it ("like http:"). Using the above sample config, "some/module"'s script tag will be src="/another/path/some/v1.0/module.js".

The path that is used for a module name should not include an extension, since the path mapping could be for a directory. The path mapping code will automatically add the .js extension when mapping the module name to a path. If require.toUrl() is used, it will add the appropriate extension, if it is for something like a text template.

When run in a browser, paths fallbacks can be specified, to allow trying a load from a CDN location, but falling back to a local location if the CDN location fails to load.

shim: Configure the dependencies, exports, and custom initialization for older, traditional "browser globals" scripts that do not use define() to declare the dependencies and set a module value.

Here is an example. It requires RequireJS 2.1.0+, and assumes backbone.js, underscore.js and jquery.js have been installed in the baseUrl directory. If not, then you may need to set a paths config for them:

    //Remember: only use shim config for non-AMD scripts,
    //scripts that do not already call define(). The shim
    //config will not work correctly if used on AMD scripts,
    //in particular, the exports and init config will not
    //be triggered, and the deps config will be confusing
    //for those cases.
    shim: {
        'backbone': {
            //These script dependencies should be loaded before loading
            deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
            //Once loaded, use the global 'Backbone' as the
            //module value.
            exports: 'Backbone'
        'underscore': {
            exports: '_'
        'foo': {
            deps: ['bar'],
            exports: 'Foo',
            init: function (bar) {
                //Using a function allows you to call noConflict for
                //libraries that support it, and do other cleanup.
                //However, plugins for those libraries may still want
                //a global. "this" for the function will be the global
                //object. The dependencies will be passed in as
                //function arguments. If this function returns a value,
                //then that value is used as the module export value
                //instead of the object found via the 'exports' string.
                //Note: jQuery registers as an AMD module via define(),
                //so this will not work for jQuery. See notes section
                //below for an approach for jQuery.
                return this.Foo.noConflict();

//Then, later in a separate file, call it 'MyModel.js', a module is
//defined, specifying 'backbone' as a dependency. RequireJS will use
//the shim config to properly load 'backbone' and give a local
//reference to this module. The global Backbone will still exist on
//the page too.
define(['backbone'], function (Backbone) {
  return Backbone.Model.extend({});

In RequireJS 2.0.*, the "exports" property in the shim config could have been a function instead of a string. In that case, it functioned the same as the "init" property as shown above. The "init" pattern is used in RequireJS 2.1.0+ so a string value for exports can be used forenforceDefine, but then allow functional work once the library is known to have loaded.

For "modules" that are just jQuery or Backbone plugins that do not need to export any module value, the shim config can just be an array of dependencies:

    shim: {
        'jquery.colorize': ['jquery'],
        'jquery.scroll': ['jquery'],
        'backbone.layoutmanager': ['backbone']

Note however if you want to get 404 load detection in IE so that you can use paths fallbacks or errbacks, then a string exports value should be given so the loader can check if the scripts actually loaded (a return from init is not used for enforceDefine checking):

    shim: {
        'jquery.colorize': {
            deps: ['jquery'],
            exports: 'jQuery.fn.colorize'
        'jquery.scroll': {
            deps: ['jquery'],
            exports: 'jQuery.fn.scroll'
        'backbone.layoutmanager': {
            deps: ['backbone']
            exports: 'Backbone.LayoutManager'

Important notes for "shim" config:

  • The shim config only sets up code relationships. To load modules that are part of or use shim config, a normal require/define call is needed. Setting shim by itself does not trigger code to load.
  • Only use other "shim" modules as dependencies for shimmed scripts, or AMD libraries that have no dependencies and call define() after they also create a global (like jQuery or lodash). Otherwise, if you use an AMD module as a dependency for a shim config module, after a build, that AMD module may not be evaluated until after the shimmed code in the build executes, and an error will occur. The ultimate fix is to upgrade all the shimmed code to have optional AMD define() calls.
  • The init function will not be called for AMD modules. For example, you cannot use a shim init function to call jQuery's noConflict. See Mapping Modules to use noConflict for an alternate approach to jQuery.
  • Shim config is not supported when running AMD modules in node via RequireJS (it works for optimizer use though). Depending on the module being shimmed, it may fail in Node because Node does not have the same global environment as browsers. As of RequireJS 2.1.7, it will warn you in the console that shim config is not supported, and it may or may not work. If you wish to suppress that message, you can pass requirejs.config({ suppress: { nodeShim: true }});.








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