[ Skill ] 中如何获取内置的数学常量?
- code
- describe
- s_id 类型为 symbol
- 通过
Name | Meaning |
E | The base of natural logarithms. (e) |
LOG2E | The base-2 logarithm of e |
LOG10E | The base-10 logarithm of e |
LN2 | The natural logarithm of 2. |
LN10 | The natural logarithm of 10. |
PI | The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.(π) |
PI_OVER_2 | π / 2 |
PI_OVER_4 | π / 4 |
ONE_OVER_PI | 1 / π |
TWO_OVER_PI | 2 / π |
SQRT_TWO | (The positive square root of 2.) |
SQRT_POINT_FIVE | (The positive square root of 1/2.) |
INT_MAX | The maximum value of a SKILL integer. |
INT_MIN | The minimum value of a SKILL integer. |
DBL_MAX | The maximum value of a SKILL double. |
DBL_MIN | The minimum value of a SKILL double. |
SHRT_MAX | The maximum value of a SKILL "short" integer. |
SHRT_MIN | The minimum value of a SKILL "short" integer. |
The minimum value of a SKILL integer is -2147483648.
The minimum literal value which may appear in a program is -2147483647.
- example
; 获取 π
printf("%f\n" ycMath.PI)