一.基础语法1.在OC中,一般用2个文件来描述一个类:1>.h:类的声明文件,用于声明成员变量、方法。类的声明使用关键字@interface和@end。注意:.h中的方法只是做一个声明,并不对方法进行实现。也就是说,只是说明一下方法名、方法的返回值类型、方法接收的参数类型而已,并不会编写方法内部的代... 阅读全文
完全不能理解,这到底是个什么玩意。 阅读全文
As I Began to Love Myself: Charlie Chaplin on his 70thbirthdayAs I began to love myself I found thatanguishand emotional suffering are only warning si... 阅读全文
When you are old——W.B Yeats (William ButlerYeats) When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And ... 阅读全文
I dont know where to start so searched the net and get a lot of free videos, my plan is to watch them all, buy a mac mini, then sign a train school,th... 阅读全文
After gradution for three years , I suddenly found I did nothing. So decide to settle down and focus on work now. Played enough.This blog is mainly fo... 阅读全文