1 课务 iOS 概述
CS193P 本课老版本 2010 年冬 http://open.163.com/movie/2010/6/C/7/M6RU83DCT_M6RU957C7.html
iOS5 http://v.163.com/special/opencourse/ipadandiphoneapplication.html
决定直接看下去,不懂的再查 因为还好听的懂噻
2015版 https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/developing-ios-8-apps-swift/id961180099
http://itunes.stanford.edu/ 可以在iTunes上面看到所有的斯坦福课程
好之上面有iOS9 http://www.howzhi.com/course/11377/lesson/72730
消息 message
实例变量 instance variable
父类 superclass
子类 subclass
what’s in iOS?
1 Core OS 核心操作系统层 close to the hardware
Unix Kernel,BSD-based mock(基于 BSD 的 Unix 版本), Unix 有的 它都有,sockets(嵌套字),file system ,permissions + power management ,key chain access to kind of manage the security of things(安全管理的钥匙串访问), Bonjour .
2 Core services an object-orented on the top of 1
Arrays dictionaries strings, objected - oriented ways to access the file system, objected - oriented ways to find out the GPS, multithreading .
3 Media
video/video editing image audio/3D audio
4 Cocoa Touch UI Layer
Buliding buttons , sliders , textfields, interact, animation happening, things sliding in and out, fading out and in, get pics from camera from the user, localization, map kit,
high - level objects
Tools Xcode 5 Instruments
二.Frameworks Foundation UiKit ,Core data, Core motion ,Map Kit
三.Design strategies MVC(Model View Controller)
1.MVC: is essentially a strategy for how to organise all the classes in your app. Camps。
Model-> what (independent of UI)
Controller-> how the model is presented on screen (hTake the model data and put it in, and using it to view minions, put on screen)
View-> UI
Controller Model View
13.30~29.52 MVC
2.how they communicate?
View -> Controller
1.target action
2. Will+should+did delegate protocols
is a blind way to talk to another object. Blind communication.
View should not own the data they're displaying
(eg, a player, song in the model, surface in the view, way in the controller)
3. data source count (It's a special delegate)
Model -> Controller
Notification&KVO (Radio broadcast)
An MVC can use another MVC as part of its View.
Calender (year,month,day)
Tab Bar Controlers
Objective - C
1. Strict superset of C
2. Properties
Card class
Card.h is the public API
Card.m is your private API and all your implementation
@interface Card:NSObject
@property [strong,nonatomic] NSString *contens;
@property [nonatomic, getter=isChosen] BOOL chosen;
//BOOL 原始数据类型,没有在堆栈中,like int or floate 不需要管理内存,不涉及指针
@property [nonatomic, getter=isMatched] BOOL matched;
// strong mean reference counting (引用计数)
// OC will track every single strong pointer to an object in the heap, as long as at least one strong pointer exists, it going to keep that thing in the heap. 只要有就保留。没有强指针时候,立刻释放内存。
// weak means OC keep it in memory as long as someone else has a strong pointer to it. No strong pointer to it, it gets freed from the memory, and this pointer gets set to nil. 配合强指针,指向内存,没有强指针指向时,释放内存,弱指针为nil。weak不仅释放内存,还会使指针为空。
// nonatomic calling this setter and getter that go along with this property is not thread safe
// @property advantage: balance checking, set a property then updating UI, initialize pointers
// advantage to use setter & getter:
// all properties in OC start off 0
-(int)match:(NSArray *)otherCards; // 0 don't match
Setter and Getter are created automatically but you can't see, they are in Card.m all public.
@interface Card()
@implementation Card
-(int)match:(NSArray *)otherCards{
int score=0; // all local variables start out 0
for(Card *card in otherCards){
if([Card.contents isEqualToString:self.comtents]){ // [ ]
// . dot noattin is only for properties (actually call the setter and setter), other places u will get warning
// self 就是正在这段代码起作用的实例, this instance that this code is operating on.
// == compare two pointers, not contents they pointing
return score;
.m 文件中好像不太一样,但是都是XCode自动生成的,应该只是版本问题,问题不大
新语法 在 @property 里面修饰有strong和weak之分
并且 getter 方法名可以自己重命名哦