




public interface ISubModule


//当前显示的Item Index

System.Windows.Forms.Button SubBtn { get; }

System.Windows.Forms.Control SubPanel { get;  }




int i = 0;

foreach (ISubModule SubBtn in _ListSubModule)


SubBtn.SubBtn.Click += new EventHandler(SubBtnClick);

SubBtn.SubBtn.Text = i.ToString();


SubBtn.SubBtn.TabIndex = i++;





Button clickedButton = (Button)sender;


int clickedButtonTabIndex = clickedButton.TabIndex;

Control selectControl = null;

Button selectBtn = null;


foreach (ISubModule ctl in _ListSubModule)


ctl.SubPanel.Visible = false;



foreach (ISubModule ctl in _ListSubModule)


if (ctl.SubBtn != null)


Button btn = (Button)ctl.SubBtn;

Control panel = (Control)ctl.SubPanel;

if (btn.TabIndex <clickedButtonTabIndex)


if (btn.Dock != DockStyle.Top)


btn.Dock = DockStyle.Top;




else if (btn.TabIndex == clickedButtonTabIndex)


selectBtn = btn;

panel.Visible = true;

selectControl = panel;




if (selectBtn != null)


if (selectBtn.Dock != DockStyle.Top)


selectBtn.Dock = DockStyle.Top;




if (selectControl != null)



selectControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;


for (int i = _ListSubModule.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)


ISubModule ctl = _ListSubModule[i] as ISubModule;

if (ctl.SubBtn != null)


Button btn = (Button)ctl.SubBtn;

Control panel = (Control)ctl.SubPanel;

if (btn.TabIndex > clickedButtonTabIndex)


if (btn.Dock != DockStyle.Bottom)


btn.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;










The Z order of a window indicates the window's position in a stack of overlapping windows. This window stack is oriented along an imaginary axis, the z-axis, extending outward from the screen. The window at the top of the Z order overlaps all other windows. The window at the bottom of the Z order is overlapped by all other windows.

The system maintains the Z order in a single list. It adds windows to the Z order based on whether they are topmost windows, top-level windows, or child windows. A topmost window overlaps all other non-topmost windows, regardless of whether it is the active or foreground window. A topmost window has the WS_EX_TOPMOST style. All topmost windows appear in the Z order before any non-topmost windows. A child window is grouped with its parent in Z order.

When an application creates a window, the system puts it at the top of the Z order for windows of the same type. You can use the BringWindowToTop function to bring a window to the top of the Z order for windows of the same type. You can rearrange the Z order by using the SetWindowPos and DeferWindowPos functions.

The user changes the Z order by activating a different window. The system positions the active window at the top of the Z order for windows of the same type. When a window comes to the top of Z order, so do its child windows. You can use the GetTopWindow function to search all child windows of a parent window and return a handle to the child window that is highest in Z order. The GetNextWindow function retrieves a handle to the next or previous window in Z order.



Z: 它来源于三维空间的概念,xy分别代表屏幕所在平面上的水平坐标和垂直坐标,而z轴则是垂直于屏幕的。z-order的作用表现在两方面:一是控件组中每个控件在同一位置时的叠加顺序;二是当几个控件停靠在父控件的同一边缘时的堆积顺序。z-order的初始值是根据你设置每个控件的parent属性值的顺序或者将一个控件加入到一个控件集合的顺序来决定的。可以查看相应的Windows 窗体设计器生成的代码,可以看到最靠近客户区中间的控件是最早被加入到控件集合中的,而停靠在边缘的控件则是最后被加入到控件集合中的。明白了以上基础原 理后,即可调用控件类提供的相关方法例如SetChildIndex或者BringToFrontSendToBack等等来修改控件的z- order,从面起到按需调整控件位置的作用。









posted @ 2009-06-07 02:46  yellowyu  阅读(1397)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报