1. Class的属性

在JVM中,通常一个class会初始化成Klass(接口), InstanceKlass(实例), Method(方法), ConstantsPool(常量区)


    InstanceKlass 里面保存着ConstantPool指针,Method指针的数组

我们可以通过Method  -> ConstMethod -> ConstantsPool ->InstanceKlass构建Method 和InstanceKlass关系


2. Method


// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | header                                               |
// | klass                                                |
// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | ConstMethod*                   (oop)                 |
// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | methodData                     (oop)                 |
// | methodCounters                                       |
// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | access_flags                                         |
// | vtable_index                                         |
// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | result_index (C++ interpreter only)                  |
// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | method_size             |   intrinsic_id|   flags    |
// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | code                           (pointer)             |
// | i2i                            (pointer)             |
// | adapter                        (pointer)             |
// | from_compiled_entry            (pointer)             |
// | from_interpreted_entry         (pointer)             |
// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | native_function       (present only if native)       |
// | signature_handler     (present only if native)       |
// |------------------------------------------------------|
class Method : public Metadata {
 friend class VMStructs;
  ConstMethod*      _constMethod;                // Method read-only data.
  MethodData*       _method_data;
  MethodCounters*   _method_counters;
  AccessFlags       _access_flags;               // Access flags
  int               _vtable_index;               // vtable index of this method (see VtableIndexFlag)
nmethod* volatile _code;                       // Points to the corresponding piece of native code


2.1  MethodData


 *  The system supports 5 execution levels:

 *  * level 0 - interpreter

 *  * level 1 - C1 with full optimization (no profiling)

 *  * level 2 - C1 with invocation and backedge counters

 *  * level 3 - C1 with full profiling (level 2 + MDO)

 *  * level 4 - C2




我们介绍一种extra扩展区的SpeculativeTrapData类型,这是在JVM在进行的deoptimization method A过程中会反向的将method A指针保存到method A调用的Method的Extra data中

2.2 ConstMethod


 1 enum {
 2     _has_linenumber_table = 0x0001,
 3     _has_checked_exceptions = 0x0002,
 4     _has_localvariable_table = 0x0004,
 5     _has_exception_table = 0x0008,
 6     _has_generic_signature = 0x0010,
 7     _has_method_parameters = 0x0020,
 8     _is_overpass = 0x0040,
 9     _has_method_annotations = 0x0080,
10     _has_parameter_annotations = 0x0100,
11     _has_type_annotations = 0x0200,
12     _has_default_annotations = 0x0400
13   };
15   // Bit vector of signature
16   // Callers interpret 0=not initialized yet and
17   // -1=too many args to fix, must parse the slow way.
18   // The real initial value is special to account for nonatomicity of 64 bit
19   // loads and stores.  This value may updated and read without a lock by
20   // multiple threads, so is volatile.
21   volatile uint64_t _fingerprint;
23   ConstantPool*     _constants;                  // Constant pool
25   // Raw stackmap data for the method
26   Array<u1>*        _stackmap_data;
28   int               _constMethod_size;
29   u2                _flags;
30   u1                _result_type;                 // BasicType of result
32   // Size of Java bytecodes allocated immediately after Method*.
33   u2                _code_size;
34   u2                _name_index;                 // Method name (index in constant pool)
35   u2                _signature_index;            // Method signature (index in constant pool)
36   u2                _method_idnum;               // unique identification number for the method within the class
37                                                  // initially corresponds to the index into the methods array.
38                                                  // but this may change with redefinition
39   u2                _max_stack;                  // Maximum number of entries on the expression stack
40   u2                _max_locals;                 // Number of local variables used by this method
41   u2                _size_of_parameters;         // size of the parameter block (receiver + arguments) in words
42   u2                _orig_method_idnum;          // Original unique identification number for the method

其中_constants,_method_idnum这两个是链接method的参数,因为method有constMethod指针,但constMethod没有method的指针,如何通过constMethod来获取Method,需要通过ConstantPool -> InstanceKlass -> Method数组->第_method_idnum个来获取Method指针

2.3 nmethod

nmethod全名native method,指向的是Java method编译的一个版本。当一个方法被JNI编译后会生成一个nmethod,指向的是编译的代码,整个 nmethod结构包含如下:

 1 //  - header                 (the nmethod structure)
 2 //  [Relocation]
 3 //  - relocation information
 4 //  - constant part          (doubles, longs and floats used in nmethod)
 5 //  - oop table
 6 //  [Code]
 7 //  - code body
 8 //  - exception handler
 9 //  - stub code
10 //  [Debugging information]
11 //  - oop array
12 //  - data array
13 //  - pcs
14 //  [Exception handler table]
15 //  - handler entry point array
16 //  [Implicit Null Pointer exception table]
17 //  - implicit null table array




2.3.1 nmethod的状态

1  enum { in_use       = 0,   // executable nmethod
2          not_entrant  = 1,   // marked for deoptimization but activations may still exist,
3                              // will be transformed to zombie when all activations are gone
4          zombie       = 2,   // no activations exist, nmethod is ready for purge
5          unloaded     = 3 }; // there should be no activations, should not be called,
6                              // will be transformed to zombie immediately







2.3.2 nmethod编译 

nmethod是通过CompilerThread线程(JavaThread)进行独立编译的,对不同的C1,C2 级别会构建不同数量的线程,默认是C1是1个线程,C2是2个线程,该线程数量无法通过参数设置改变线程数量


 1 void CompileBroker::compiler_thread_loop() {
 2   CompilerThread* thread = CompilerThread::current();
 3   CompileQueue* queue = thread->queue();
 4   ...
 5   // Poll for new compilation tasks as long as the JVM runs. Compilation
 6   // should only be disabled if something went wrong while initializing the
 7   // compiler runtimes. This, in turn, should not happen. The only known case
 8   // when compiler runtime initialization fails is if there is not enough free
 9   // space in the code cache to generate the necessary stubs, etc.
10   while (!is_compilation_disabled_forever()) {
11     // We need this HandleMark to avoid leaking VM handles.
12     HandleMark hm(thread);
14     if (CodeCache::unallocated_capacity() < CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace) {
15       // the code cache is really full
16       handle_full_code_cache();
17     }
19     CompileTask* task = queue->get();
20     if (task == NULL) {
21       continue;
22     }
24     // Give compiler threads an extra quanta.  They tend to be bursty and
25     // this helps the compiler to finish up the job.
26     if( CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt )
27       os::hint_no_preempt();
29     // trace per thread time and compile statistics
30     CompilerCounters* counters = ((CompilerThread*)thread)->counters();
31     PerfTraceTimedEvent(counters->time_counter(), counters->compile_counter());
33     // Assign the task to the current thread.  Mark this compilation
34     // thread as active for the profiler.
35     CompileTaskWrapper ctw(task);
36     nmethodLocker result_handle;  // (handle for the nmethod produced by this task)
37     task->set_code_handle(&result_handle);
38     methodHandle method(thread, task->method());
40     // Never compile a method if breakpoints are present in it
41     if (method()->number_of_breakpoints() == 0) {
42       // Compile the method.
43       if ((UseCompiler || AlwaysCompileLoopMethods) && CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs()) {
44         invoke_compiler_on_method(task);
45       } else {
46         // After compilation is disabled, remove remaining methods from queue
47         method->clear_queued_for_compilation();
48         task->set_failure_reason("compilation is disabled");
49       }
50     }
51   }
53   // Shut down compiler runtime
54   shutdown_compiler_runtime(thread->compiler(), thread);
55 }


 1 void CompileBroker::compile_method_base(methodHandle method,
 2                                         int osr_bci,
 3                                         int comp_level,
 4                                         methodHandle hot_method,
 5                                         int hot_count,
 6                                         const char* comment,
 7                                         Thread* thread) {
 8 ......
10   if (blocking) {
11     wait_for_completion(task);
12   }
13 }

2.3.3 nmethod的回收(sweep)


CompileThread 满足下列条件会触发nmethod 进行sweep函数NMethodSweeper::possibly_sweep();

一轮sweep :代表从nmethod从头到尾一次回收

    当从CompileQueue里没有获取到ComileTask的时候,在等待一定的时间NmethodSweepCheckInterval(default=5) * 1000后触发




    _sweep_fractions_left 默认值ReservedCodeCacheSize/16M当调用possibly_sweep的时候会减去1,当等于0的时候代表sweep  结束(设置_should_sweep =false),需要等到进入softpoint才能重置会ReservedCodeCacheSize/16M

我们可以看到当进入Softpoint次数越多,空闲的内存越少越会促发sweep code cache, 而调用函数NMethodSweeper::sweep_code_cache并不代表一定会回收所有的nmethod,在函数里还有一个 int todo = (CodeCache::nof_nmethods() - _seen) / _sweep_fractions_left;来控制这次轮训多少个nmethod,_seen代表这一轮sweep 已经轮训的个数,CodeCache::nof_nmethods()代表nmethods的总数,_sweep_fractions_left就是前面定义的,我们可以看到在sweep_code_cache并不是一次全部轮询所有的nmethods,而是将剩余的总数/_sweep_fractions_left的数量,越到一轮的sweep后期清除的数量越多,是一个渐进式的回收方式。


 1 void NMethodSweeper::mark_active_nmethods() {
 2   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be executed at a safepoint");
 3   // If we do not want to reclaim not-entrant or zombie methods there is no need
 4   // to scan stacks
 5   if (!MethodFlushing) {
 6     return;
 7   }
 9   // Increase time so that we can estimate when to invoke the sweeper again.
10   _time_counter++;
12   // Check for restart
13   assert(CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(_current) == _current, "Sweeper nmethod cached state invalid");
14   if (!sweep_in_progress()) {
15     _seen = 0;
16     _sweep_fractions_left = NmethodSweepFraction;
17     _current = CodeCache::first_nmethod();
18     _traversals += 1;
19     _total_time_this_sweep = Tickspan();
20     Threads::nmethods_do(&mark_activation_closure);
22   } else {
23     // Only set hotness counter
24     tty->print_cr("### Sweep  mark_active_nmethods not in progress %d /" PTR_FORMAT " ",  _traversals, _current);
25     Threads::nmethods_do(&set_hotness_closure);
26   }
28   OrderAccess::storestore();
29 }

在函数里我们看到重置了_seen 和 _sweep_fractions_left,而并不是每个nmethod进入not_entrant都能进入zombie状态,同时要不能被VM调用或者ServiceThread

 1 bool nmethod::can_convert_to_zombie() {
 2   assert(is_not_entrant(), "must be a non-entrant method");
 4   // Since the nmethod sweeper only does partial sweep the sweeper's traversal
 5   // count can be greater than the stack traversal count before it hits the
 6   // nmethod for the second time.
 7   tty->print_cr("### nmethod stack_traversal_mark %d %d",stack_traversal_mark(),NMethodSweeper::traversal_count());
 8   return stack_traversal_mark()+1 < NMethodSweeper::traversal_count() &&
 9          !is_locked_by_vm();
10 }
posted on 2020-03-18 07:55  i野老i  阅读(670)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报