
Deployment  开发阶段

Not all files are required by the editor to run, and you could reduce the number and size of the files to be published in a production environment by removing: 

    ● All directories that start with one underscore (like _docs and _sample) including "editor/_source".  所有的以下划线开头的目录(像 _docs 和 _sample之类的目录)包括 "editor/_source" 目录。

    ● Any skin you are not using from the "editor/skins" directory.  在"editor/skins" 皮肤目录中任何你不会用到的皮肤。

    ● Any "smiley" collection you are not using from the "editor/images/smiley" directory. 在"editor/images/smiley" 目录下的任何你不用的表情集都可以删除(在 2.6.5 版本中默认就一个msn的表情集)。

    ● Any plugin you don't need from the "editor/plugins" directory.  还有"editor/plugins" 目录下不需要的插件也可以删了。

    ● Any connector you don't need from the "editor/filemanager/connectors" directory. 在"editor/filemanager/connectors"目录中有不同编程语言的连接器,所以你可以根据自己使用的语言,把不需要的连接器给删了。

    ● Any "fckeditor.ext" file you don't need from the root of the editor package (based on your server side language).
在编辑器安装根目录下所有你不需要的"fckeditor.ext" 文件都可以删了(根据你使用的服务端语言),在根目录下有很多这样的文件,像 fckeditor.php ,fckeditor.py ,fckeditor.cfm ,fckeditor.asp 等等,一般PHP程序员就用 fckeditor.php 或 fckeditor.js 就可以了。

    ● Any "<lang>.js" file you don't need from the "editor/lang" directory (only if AutoDetectLanguage = false).
还可以删除"editor/lang"目录下不用的语言脚本 "<lang>.js" 的文件(只有在AutoDetectLanguage 为false 才可以)。

At a minimum, there should be 4 files in the root FCKeditor folder: fckeditor.php (or other extensions), fckstyles.xml, fcktemplates.xml and fckconfig.js  在精简完编辑器的文件后,在FCKeditor的根目录必须还有如下的四个文件 :fckeditor.php(或其他语言的扩展),fckstyles.xml ,fcktemplates.xml ,以及 fckconfig.js 文件,上面的每个文件,在以前的章节中都有详细说明。

NOTE: Do not remove the file "fckconfig.js"; otherwise the editor will not work and JavaScript errors could be thrown.
注意:不要移除"fckconfig.js"文件,否则编辑器就不能正常工作了,并且会抛出 javascript 错误。

posted @ 2010-09-04 07:51  夜壶  阅读(206)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报