Failed to start program. Path or permissions wrong? in Qt

THIS PAGE  COPY FROM WEBSIT. I have the same question , this is my Qt confg.  And i guess this  is  permission problem.



I have downloaded Qt Mobility Open source project. I had a set of demo apps. And when built it and started the App, I got this error:

Failed to start program. Path or permissions wrong?

Can someone tell me what this problem could be?


The complete error is:

Starting /Users/xxxxx/Qt/qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.0.2/ Failed to start program. Path or permissions wrong?

I have include the ".pro" file contents:

TARGET = writemessage

QT += gui


CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY = messaging
INCLUDEPATH += ../../src/messaging



symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY = NetworkServices \
    LocalServices \
    ReadUserData \
    WriteUserData \
    UserEnvironment \
    ReadDeviceData \

qt qt-creator qt-mobility

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edited Jan 14 '12 at 2:22


asked Oct 14 '10 at 9:54


Is it Qt Creator? Does it work if launched from command line? Also it could be useful if you posted your .pro file. –  laalto Oct 14 '10 at 12:28

I did not try launching from command line. I am just learning it. I imported a sample Messaging App that came part of the open source project in to Qt creator and then I got this problem. I have updated my question with .pro file contents. –  Krishnan Oct 14 '10 at 13:00

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4 Answers


up vote2down voteaccepted

I think the problem you are facing here are either the user rights of the executable or a wrong build path.

First, try setting the build path under 'Projects' - 'General' - Build Directory to a correct path. If that doesn't work, open the terminal, go to the build path and execute ./QtBuildProgram. If that doesn't work, take a look at the user rights (ls -a ./QtBuildProgram ), maybe the executable rights are not granted because you are running the Creator in another user mode as the terminal emulator.

Just to be sure, execute sudo chmod u+x QtBuildProgram and then execute the program from the command line by typing ./QtBuildProgram

That should also allow you to run the program from the QtCreator again.

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edited Jan 17 '12 at 18:31

answered Jan 13 '12 at 22:26


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up vote2down vote

I had the same issue in Windows. I found the answer. You need to check the "Working directory" parameter in "Run Settings" section. I changed it to the same path as my build directory and it worked.

I was running QT as admin.

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edited Aug 20 '12 at 18:07

answered Aug 20 '12 at 16:22


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In my case, it was because I have a 32-bit CPU and it was building 64-bit executables. I only figured this out after trying to run it from the command line though.

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answered Nov 25 '12 at 1:49


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up vote0down vote

Check your run settings and see if the exe path is existing and file is built there. If you are running windows 7 or windows 8, set the qtcreator executable's settings to "Run as administrator".

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answered Jan 17 '13 at 4:42


点击projects,选择Run settings,点击run configuration后面的+号;这时Excutable后面会多出一个路径,把当前工程的可执行文件路径加入,就可以执行。


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