
Lecture 4: Neural Networks and Backpropagation

Multi-layer Perceptron(多层感知机)


Backprop Review Session(反向传播复习课)

Lecture 6: CNN Architectures

Batch Normalization

Transfer learning

AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet

Lecture 7: Training Neural Networks

Activation functions

Data processing

Weight initialization

Hyperparameter tuning

Data augmentation

Lecture 8: Visualizing and Understanding

Feature visualization and inversion

Adversarial examples

DeepDream and style transfer

PyTorch Review Session

Lecture 9: Object Detection and Image Segmentation

Single-stage detectors

Two-stage detectors

Semantic/Instance/Panoptic segmentation

Lecture 10: Recurrent Neural Networks


Language modeling

Image captioning


Object Detection & RNNs Review Session

Lecture 11: Attention and Transformers



Lecture 12: Video Understanding

Video classification


Two-stream networks

Multimodal video understanding

Midterm Review Session

In-Class Midterm

四、Reconstructing and Interacting with the Visual World

Lecture 13: Generative Models

Supervised vs. Unsupervised learning

Pixel RNN, Pixel CNN

Variational Autoencoders

Generative Adversarial Networks

Lecture 14: Self-supervised Learning

Pretext tasks

Contrastive learning

Multisensory supervision

Lecture 15: Low-Level Vision(Guest Lecture by Prof. Jia Deng from Princeton University)

Optical flow

Depth estimation

Stereo vision

Lecture 16: 3D Vision

3D shape representations

Shape reconstruction

Neural implicit representations

五、Human-Centered Applications and Implications

Lecture 17: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

AI & healthcare

Lecture 18: Fairness in Visual Recognition(Guest Lecture by Prof. Olga Russakovsky from Princeton University)

Final Project Poster Session

posted @ 2022-07-25 16:50  JaxonYe  阅读(70)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报