Python 用队列实现多线程并发

# Python queue队列,实现并发,在网站多线程推荐最后也一个例子,比这货简单,但是不够规范

# encoding: utf-8
__author__ = ''  # 由本站增加注释,可随意Fork、Copy

from queue import Queue  # Queue在3.x中改成了queue
import random
import threading
import time

class Producer(threading.Thread):
    Producer thread 制作线程
    def __init__(self, t_name, queue):  # 传入线程名、实例化队列
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name)  # t_name即是threadName = queue

    run方法 和start方法:

    def run(self):
        for i in range(5):  # 生成0-4五条队列
            print("%s: %s is producing %d to the queue!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName(), i))  # 当前时间t生成编号d并加入队列
    # 写入队列编号
            time.sleep(random.randrange(10) / 5)  # 随机休息一会
        print("%s: %s producing finished!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName))  # 编号d队列完成制作

class Consumer(threading.Thread):
    Consumer thread 消费线程,感觉来源于COOKBOOK
    def __init__(self, t_name, queue):
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name) = queue

    def run(self):
        for i in range(5):
            val =
            print("%s: %s is consuming. %d in the queue is consumed!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName(), val))  # 编号d队列已经被消费
        print("%s: %s consuming finished!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName()))  # 编号d队列完成消费

def main():
    Main thread 主线程
    queue = Queue()  # 队列实例化
    producer = Producer('Pro.', queue)  # 调用对象,并传如参数线程名、实例化队列
    consumer = Consumer('Con.', queue)  # 同上,在制造的同时进行消费
    producer.start()  # 开始制造
    consumer.start()  # 开始消费
    print('All threads terminate!')

if __name__ == '__main__':


Thu Feb  4 11:05:48 2016: Pro. is producing 0 to the queue!
Thu Feb  4 11:05:48 2016: Pro. is producing 1 to the queue!
Thu Feb  4 11:05:48 2016: Con. is consuming. 0 in the queue is consumed!
Thu Feb  4 11:05:49 2016: Pro. is producing 2 to the queue!
Thu Feb  4 11:05:50 2016: Pro. is producing 3 to the queue!
Thu Feb  4 11:05:51 2016: Pro. is producing 4 to the queue!
Thu Feb  4 11:05:52 2016: Con. is consuming. 1 in the queue is consumed!
Thu Feb  4 11:05:53 2016: <bound method Producer.getName of <Producer(Pro., started 6864)>> producing finished!
Thu Feb  4 11:06:00 2016: Con. is consuming. 2 in the queue is consumed!
Thu Feb  4 11:06:06 2016: Con. is consuming. 3 in the queue is consumed!
Thu Feb  4 11:06:06 2016: Con. is consuming. 4 in the queue is consumed!
Thu Feb  4 11:06:12 2016: Con. consuming finished!
All threads terminate!



posted on 2016-02-04 11:23  yeayee  阅读(7752)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报