

       在博客目标检测学习_1(用opencv自带hog实现行人检测) 中已经使用了opencv自带的函数detectMultiScale()实现了对行人的检测,当然了,该算法采用的是hog算法,那么hog算法是怎样实现的呢?这一节就来简单分析一下opencv中自带 hog源码。























   代码中的一个hog描述子是针对一个检测窗口而言的,所以一个检测窗口共有105= ((128-16)/8+1)*((64-16)/8+1)个block;一个block中有4个cell,而一个cell的hog描述子向量的长度为 9;所以检测窗口的hog向量长度=3780=105*4*9维。




         训练过程中正样本大小统一为128*64,即检测窗口的大小;该样本图片可以包含1个或多个行人。对该图片提前的hog特征长度刚好为3780维,每一个 特征对应一个正样本标签进行训练。在实际的训练过程中,我们并不是去google上收集或者拍摄刚好128*64大小且有行人的图片,而是收集包含行人的 任意图片(当然了,尺寸最好比128*64大),然后手工对这些正样本进行标注,即对有行人的地方画个矩形,其实也就是存了2个顶点的坐标而已,并把这个 矩形的信息存储起来;最好自己写一个程序,每读入一张图片,就把矩形区域的内容截取出来并缩放到统一尺寸128*64,这样,对处理过后的该图片进行 hog特征提取就可以当做正样本了。











         计算梯度前如果需要gamma校正的话就先进行gamma校正,所谓的gamma校正就是把原来的每个通道像素值范围从0~255变换到 0~15.97(255开根号)。据作者说这样校正过后的图像计算的效果会更好,在计算梯度前不需要进行高斯滤波操作。






         因为这里的梯度和角度都是用到了二线插值的。每一个点的梯度角度可能是0~180度之间的任意值,而程序中将其离散化为9个bin,即每个bin占20 度。所以滑动窗口中每个像素点的梯度角度如果要离散化到这9个bin中,则一般它都会有2个相邻的bin(如果恰好位于某个bin的中心,则可认为对该 bin的权重为1即可)。从源码中可以看到梯度的幅值是用来计算梯度直方图时权重投票的,所以每个像素点的梯度幅值就分解到了其角度相邻的2个bin了, 越近的那个bin得到的权重越大。因此幅度图像用了2个通道,每个通道都是原像素点幅度的一个分量。同理,不难理解,像素点的梯度角度也用了2个通道,每 个通道中存储的是它相邻2个bin的bin序号。序号小的放在第一通道。




         其中,假设那3条半径为离散化后bin的中心,红色虚线为像素点O(像素点在圆心处)的梯度方向,梯度幅值为A,该梯度方向与最近的相邻bin为 bin0,这两者之间的夹角为a.这该像素点O处存储的梯度幅值第1通道为A*(1-a),第2通道为A*a;该像素点O处存储的角度第1通道为 0(bin的序号为0),第2通道为1(bin的序号为1)。




         HOG缓存思想是该程序作者加快hog算法速度采用的一种内存优化技术。由于我们对每幅输入图片要进行4层扫描,分别为图像金字塔层,每层中滑动窗口,每 个滑动窗口中滑动的block,每个block中的cell,其实还有每个cell中的像素点;有这么多层,每一层又是一个二维的,所以速度非常慢。作者 的采用的思想是HOG缓存,即把计算得到的每个滑动窗口的数据(其实最终是每个block的hog描述子向量)都存在内存查找表中,由于滑动窗口在滑动 时,很多个block都会重叠,因此重叠处计算过的block信息就可以直接从查找表中读取,这样就节省了很多时间。



         外面最大的为待检测的图片,对待检测的图片需要用滑动窗口进行滑动来判断窗口中是否有目标,每个滑动窗口中又有很多个重叠移动的block,每个 block中还有不重叠的cell。其实该程序的作者又将每个block中的像素点对cell的贡献不同,有将每个cell分成了4个区域,即图中蓝色虚 线最小的框。









         那到底是怎么对cell贡献的呢?举个例子来说,E区域内的像素点对cell0和cell2有贡献。本来1个block对滑动窗口贡献的向量维数为36 维,即每个cell贡献9维,其顺序分别为cell0,cell1,cell2,cell3.而E区域内的像素由于同时对cell0和cell2有贡献, 所以在计算E区域内的像素梯度投票时,不仅要投向它本来的cell0,还要投向下面的cell2,即投向cell0和cell2有一个权重,该权重与该像 素点所在位置与cell0,cell2中心位置的距离有关。具体的关系可以去查看源码。





    1)         结构体BlockData中有2个变量。1个BlockData结构体是对应的一个block数据。histOfs和imgOffset.其中 histOfs表示为该block对整个滑动窗口内hog描述算子的贡献那部分向量的起始位置;imgOffset为该block在滑动窗口图片中的坐标 (当然是指左上角坐标)。

    2)         结构体PixData中有5个变量,1个PixData结构体是对应的block中1个像素点的数据。其中gradOfs表示该点的梯度幅度在滑动窗口图 片梯度幅度图中的位置坐标;qangleOfs表示该点的梯度角度在滑动窗口图片梯度角度图中的位置坐标;histOfs[]表示该像素点对1个或2个或 4个cell贡献的hog描述子向量的起始位置坐标(比较抽象,需要看源码才懂)。histWeight[]表示该像素点对1个或2个或4个cell贡献 的权重。gradWeight表示该点本身由于处在block中位置的不同因而对梯度直方图贡献也不同,其权值按照二维高斯分布(以block中心为二维 高斯的中心)来决定。

    3)         程序中的count1,cout2,cout4分别表示该block中对1个cell、2个cell、4个cell有贡献的像素点的个数。












         Hog初始化可以采用直接赋初值;也直接从文件节点中读取(有相应的格式,好像采用的是xml文件格式);当然我们可以读取初始值,也可以在程序中设置 hog算子的初始值并写入文件,这些工作可以采用源码中的read,write,load,save等函数来完成。



         在读源码时,由于里面用到了intel的ipp库,优化了算法的速度,所以在程序中遇到#ifdef HAVE_IPP后面的代码时,可以直接跳过不读,直接读#else后面的代码,这并不影响对原hog算法的理解。






View Code
   1 /*M///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   2  //
   4  //
   5  //  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
   6  //  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
   7  //  copy or use the software.
   8  //
   9  //
  10  //                           License Agreement
  11  //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
  12  //
  13  // Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
  14  // Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
  15  // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
  16  //
  17  // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
  18  // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  19  //
  20  //   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  21  //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  22  //
  23  //   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  24  //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  25  //     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  26  //
  27  //   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
  28  //     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
  29  //
  30  // This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
  31  // any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
  32  // warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
  33  // In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
  34  // indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
  35  // (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
  36  // loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
  37  // and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
  38  // or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
  39  // the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
  40  //
  41  //M*/
  43  #include "precomp.hpp"
  44  #include <iterator>
  45  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
  46  #include "ipp.h"
  47  #endif
  48  /****************************************************************************************\
  49        The code below is implementation of HOG (Histogram-of-Oriented Gradients)
  50        descriptor and object detection, introduced by Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs.
  52        The computed feature vectors are compatible with the
  53        INRIA Object Detection and Localization Toolkit
  54        (http://pascal.inrialpes.fr/soft/olt/)
  55  \****************************************************************************************/
  57  namespace cv
  58  {
  60  size_t HOGDescriptor::getDescriptorSize() const
  61  {
  62      //下面2个语句是保证block中有整数个cell;保证block在窗口中能移动整数次
  63      CV_Assert(blockSize.width % cellSize.width == 0 &&
  64          blockSize.height % cellSize.height == 0);
  65      CV_Assert((winSize.width - blockSize.width) % blockStride.width == 0 &&
  66          (winSize.height - blockSize.height) % blockStride.height == 0 );
  67      //返回的nbins是每个窗口中检测到的hog向量的维数
  68      return (size_t)nbins*
  69          (blockSize.width/cellSize.width)*
  70          (blockSize.height/cellSize.height)*
  71          ((winSize.width - blockSize.width)/blockStride.width + 1)*
  72          ((winSize.height - blockSize.height)/blockStride.height + 1);
  73  }
  75  //winSigma到底是什么作用呢?
  76  double HOGDescriptor::getWinSigma() const
  77  {
  78      return winSigma >= 0 ? winSigma : (blockSize.width + blockSize.height)/8.;
  79  }
  81  //svmDetector是HOGDescriptor内的一个成员变量,数据类型为向量vector。
  82  //用来保存hog特征用于svm分类时的系数的.
  83  //该函数返回为真的实际含义是什么呢?保证与hog特征长度相同,或者相差1,但为什么
  84  //相差1也可以呢?
  85  bool HOGDescriptor::checkDetectorSize() const
  86  {
  87      size_t detectorSize = svmDetector.size(), descriptorSize = getDescriptorSize();
  88      return detectorSize == 0 ||
  89          detectorSize == descriptorSize ||
  90          detectorSize == descriptorSize + 1;
  91  }
  93  void HOGDescriptor::setSVMDetector(InputArray _svmDetector)
  94  {  
  95      //这里的convertTo函数只是将图像Mat属性更改,比如说通道数,矩阵深度等。
  96      //这里是将输入的svm系数矩阵全部转换成浮点型。
  97      _svmDetector.getMat().convertTo(svmDetector, CV_32F);
  98      CV_Assert( checkDetectorSize() );
  99  }
 101  #define CV_TYPE_NAME_HOG_DESCRIPTOR "opencv-object-detector-hog"
 103  //FileNode是opencv的core中的一个文件存储节点类,这个节点用来存储读取到的每一个文件元素。
 104  //一般是读取XML和YAML格式的文件
 105  //又因为该函数是把文件节点中的内容读取到其类的成员变量中,所以函数后面不能有关键字const
 106  bool HOGDescriptor::read(FileNode& obj)
 107  {
 108      //isMap()是用来判断这个节点是不是一个映射类型,如果是映射类型,则每个节点都与
 109      //一个名字对应起来。因此这里的if语句的作用就是需读取的文件node是一个映射类型
 110      if( !obj.isMap() )
 111          return false;
 112      //中括号中的"winSize"是指返回名为winSize的一个节点,因为已经知道这些节点是mapping类型
 113      //也就是说都有一个对应的名字。
 114      FileNodeIterator it = obj["winSize"].begin();
 115      //操作符>>为从节点中读入数据,这里是将it指向的节点数据依次读入winSize.width,winSize.height
 116      //下面的几条语句功能类似
 117      it >> winSize.width >> winSize.height;
 118      it = obj["blockSize"].begin();
 119      it >> blockSize.width >> blockSize.height;
 120      it = obj["blockStride"].begin();
 121      it >> blockStride.width >> blockStride.height;
 122      it = obj["cellSize"].begin();
 123      it >> cellSize.width >> cellSize.height;
 124      obj["nbins"] >> nbins;
 125      obj["derivAperture"] >> derivAperture;
 126      obj["winSigma"] >> winSigma;
 127      obj["histogramNormType"] >> histogramNormType;
 128      obj["L2HysThreshold"] >> L2HysThreshold;
 129      obj["gammaCorrection"] >> gammaCorrection;
 130      obj["nlevels"] >> nlevels;
 132      //isSeq()是判断该节点内容是不是一个序列
 133      FileNode vecNode = obj["SVMDetector"];
 134      if( vecNode.isSeq() )
 135      {
 136          vecNode >> svmDetector;
 137          CV_Assert(checkDetectorSize());
 138      }
 139      //上面的都读取完了后就返回读取成功标志
 140      return true;
 141  }
 143  void HOGDescriptor::write(FileStorage& fs, const String& objName) const
 144  {
 145      //将objName名字输入到文件fs中
 146      if( !objName.empty() )
 147          fs << objName;
 149      fs << "{" CV_TYPE_NAME_HOG_DESCRIPTOR
 150      //下面几句依次将hog描述子内的变量输入到文件fs中,且每次输入前都输入
 151      //一个名字与其对应,因此这些节点是mapping类型。
 152      << "winSize" << winSize
 153      << "blockSize" << blockSize
 154      << "blockStride" << blockStride
 155      << "cellSize" << cellSize
 156      << "nbins" << nbins
 157      << "derivAperture" << derivAperture
 158      << "winSigma" << getWinSigma()
 159      << "histogramNormType" << histogramNormType
 160      << "L2HysThreshold" << L2HysThreshold
 161      << "gammaCorrection" << gammaCorrection
 162      << "nlevels" << nlevels;
 163      if( !svmDetector.empty() )
 164          //svmDetector则是直接输入序列,也有对应的名字。
 165          fs << "SVMDetector" << "[:" << svmDetector << "]";
 166      fs << "}";
 167  }
 169  //从给定的文件中读取参数
 170  bool HOGDescriptor::load(const String& filename, const String& objname)
 171  {
 172      FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);
 173      //一个文件节点有很多叶子,所以一个文件节点包含了很多内容,这里当然是包含的
 174      //HOGDescriptor需要的各种参数了。
 175      FileNode obj = !objname.empty() ? fs[objname] : fs.getFirstTopLevelNode();
 176      return read(obj);
 177  }
 179  //将类中的参数以文件节点的形式写入文件中。
 180  void HOGDescriptor::save(const String& filename, const String& objName) const
 181  {
 182      FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);
 183      write(fs, !objName.empty() ? objName : FileStorage::getDefaultObjectName(filename));
 184  }
 186  //复制HOG描述子到c中
 187  void HOGDescriptor::copyTo(HOGDescriptor& c) const
 188  {
 189      c.winSize = winSize;
 190      c.blockSize = blockSize;
 191      c.blockStride = blockStride;
 192      c.cellSize = cellSize;
 193      c.nbins = nbins;
 194      c.derivAperture = derivAperture;
 195      c.winSigma = winSigma;
 196      c.histogramNormType = histogramNormType;
 197      c.L2HysThreshold = L2HysThreshold;
 198      c.gammaCorrection = gammaCorrection;
 199      //vector类型也可以用等号赋值
 200      c.svmDetector = svmDetector; c.nlevels = nlevels; } 
 202  //计算图像img的梯度幅度图像grad和梯度方向图像qangle.
 203  //paddingTL为需要在原图像img左上角扩增的尺寸,同理paddingBR
 204  //为需要在img图像右下角扩增的尺寸。
 205  void HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(const Mat& img, Mat& grad, Mat& qangle,
 206                                      Size paddingTL, Size paddingBR) const
 207  {
 208      //该函数只能计算8位整型深度的单通道或者3通道图像.
 209      CV_Assert( img.type() == CV_8U || img.type() == CV_8UC3 );
 211      //将图像按照输入参数进行扩充,这里不是为了计算边缘梯度而做的扩充,因为
 212      //为了边缘梯度而扩充是在后面的代码完成的,所以这里为什么扩充暂时还不明白。
 213      Size gradsize(img.cols + paddingTL.width + paddingBR.width,
 214                    img.rows + paddingTL.height + paddingBR.height);
 215      grad.create(gradsize, CV_32FC2);  // <magnitude*(1-alpha), magnitude*alpha>
 216      qangle.create(gradsize, CV_8UC2); // [0..nbins-1] - quantized gradient orientation
 217      Size wholeSize;
 218      Point roiofs;
 219      //locateROI在此处是如果img图像是从其它父图像中某一部分得来的,那么其父图像
 220      //的大小尺寸就为wholeSize了,img图像左上角相对于父图像的位置点就为roiofs了。
 221      //对于正样本,其父图像就是img了,所以这里的wholeSize就和img.size()是一样的,
 222      //对应负样本,这2者不同;因为里面的关系比较不好懂,这里权且将wholesSize理解为
 223      //img的size,所以roiofs就应当理解为Point(0, 0)了。
 224      img.locateROI(wholeSize, roiofs);
 226      int i, x, y;
 227      int cn = img.channels();
 229      //_lut为行向量,用来作为浮点像素值的存储查找表
 230      Mat_<float> _lut(1, 256);
 231      const float* lut = &_lut(0,0);
 233      //gamma校正指的是将0~256的像素值全部开根号,即范围缩小了,且变换范围都不成线性了,
 234      if( gammaCorrection )
 235          for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
 236              _lut(0,i) = std::sqrt((float)i);
 237      else
 238          for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
 239              _lut(0,i) = (float)i;
 241      //创建长度为gradsize.width+gradsize.height+4的整型buffer
 242      AutoBuffer<int> mapbuf(gradsize.width + gradsize.height + 4);
 243      int* xmap = (int*)mapbuf + 1;
 244      int* ymap = xmap + gradsize.width + 2; 
 246      //言外之意思borderType就等于4了,因为opencv的源码中是如下定义的。
 247      //#define IPL_BORDER_REFLECT_101    4
 248      //enum{...,BORDER_REFLECT_101=IPL_BORDER_REFLECT_101,...}
 249      //borderType为边界扩充后所填充像素点的方式。   
 250      /*
 251      Various border types, image boundaries are denoted with '|'
 253      * BORDER_REPLICATE:     aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh
 254      * BORDER_REFLECT:       fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb
 255      * BORDER_REFLECT_101:   gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba
 256      * BORDER_WRAP:          cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg        
 257      * BORDER_CONSTANT:      iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii  with some specified 'i'
 258     */
 259      const int borderType = (int)BORDER_REFLECT_101;
 261      for( x = -1; x < gradsize.width + 1; x++ )
 262      /*int borderInterpolate(int p, int len, int borderType)
 263        其中参数p表示的是扩充后图像的一个坐标,相对于对应的坐标轴而言;
 264        len参数表示对应源图像的一个坐标轴的长度;borderType为扩充类型,
 265        在上面已经有过介绍.
 266        所以这个函数的作用是从扩充后的像素点坐标推断出源图像中对应该点
 267        的坐标值。
 268     */
 269      //这里的xmap和ymap实际含义是什么呢?其实xmap向量里面存的就是
 270      //扩充后图像第一行像素点对应与原图像img中的像素横坐标,可以看
 271          //出,xmap向量中有些元素的值是相同的,因为扩充图像肯定会对应
 272          //到原图像img中的某一位置,而img本身尺寸内的像素也会对应该位置。
 273          //同理,ymap向量里面存的是扩充后图像第一列像素点对应于原图想img
 274          //中的像素纵坐标。
 275          xmap[x] = borderInterpolate(x - paddingTL.width + roiofs.x,
 276                          wholeSize.width, borderType) - roiofs.x;
 277      for( y = -1; y < gradsize.height + 1; y++ )
 278          ymap[y] = borderInterpolate(y - paddingTL.height + roiofs.y,
 279                          wholeSize.height, borderType) - roiofs.y;
 281      // x- & y- derivatives for the whole row
 282      int width = gradsize.width;
 283      AutoBuffer<float> _dbuf(width*4);
 284      float* dbuf = _dbuf;
 285      //DX为水平梯度图,DY为垂直梯度图,Mag为梯度幅度图,Angle为梯度角度图
 286      //该构造方法的第4个参数表示矩阵Mat的数据在内存中存放的位置。由此可以
 287      //看出,这4幅图像在内存中是连续存储的。
 288      Mat Dx(1, width, CV_32F, dbuf);
 289      Mat Dy(1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width);
 290      Mat Mag(1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width*2);
 291      Mat Angle(1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width*3);
 293      int _nbins = nbins;
 294      //angleScale==9/pi;
 295      float angleScale = (float)(_nbins/CV_PI);
 296  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 297      Mat lutimg(img.rows,img.cols,CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F,cn));
 298      Mat hidxs(1, width, CV_32F);
 299      Ipp32f* pHidxs  = (Ipp32f*)hidxs.data;
 300      Ipp32f* pAngles = (Ipp32f*)Angle.data;
 302      IppiSize roiSize;
 303      roiSize.width = img.cols;
 304      roiSize.height = img.rows;
 306      for( y = 0; y < roiSize.height; y++ )
 307      {
 308         const uchar* imgPtr = img.data + y*img.step;
 309         float* imglutPtr = (float*)(lutimg.data + y*lutimg.step);
 311         for( x = 0; x < roiSize.width*cn; x++ )
 312         {
 313            imglutPtr[x] = lut[imgPtr[x]];
 314         }
 315      }
 317  #endif
 318      for( y = 0; y < gradsize.height; y++ )
 319      {
 320  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 321          const float* imgPtr  = (float*)(lutimg.data + lutimg.step*ymap[y]);
 322          const float* prevPtr = (float*)(lutimg.data + lutimg.step*ymap[y-1]);
 323          const float* nextPtr = (float*)(lutimg.data + lutimg.step*ymap[y+1]);
 324  #else
 325      //imgPtr在这里指的是img图像的第y行首地址;prePtr指的是img第y-1行首地址;
 326      //nextPtr指的是img第y+1行首地址;
 327          const uchar* imgPtr  = img.data + img.step*ymap[y];
 328          const uchar* prevPtr = img.data + img.step*ymap[y-1];
 329          const uchar* nextPtr = img.data + img.step*ymap[y+1];
 330  #endif
 331          float* gradPtr = (float*)grad.ptr(y);
 332          uchar* qanglePtr = (uchar*)qangle.ptr(y);
 334      //输入图像img为单通道图像时的计算
 335          if( cn == 1 )
 336          {
 337              for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
 338              {
 339                  int x1 = xmap[x];
 340  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 341                  dbuf[x] = (float)(imgPtr[xmap[x+1]] - imgPtr[xmap[x-1]]);
 342                  dbuf[width + x] = (float)(nextPtr[x1] - prevPtr[x1]);
 343  #else
 344          //下面2句把Dx,Dy就计算出来了,因为其对应的内存都在dbuf中
 345                  dbuf[x] = (float)(lut[imgPtr[xmap[x+1]]] - lut[imgPtr[xmap[x-1]]]);
 346                  dbuf[width + x] = (float)(lut[nextPtr[x1]] - lut[prevPtr[x1]]);
 347  #endif
 348              }
 349          }
 350      //当cn==3时,也就是输入图像为3通道图像时的处理。
 351          else
 352          {
 353              for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
 354              {
 355          //x1表示第y行第x1列的地址
 356                  int x1 = xmap[x]*3;
 357                  float dx0, dy0, dx, dy, mag0, mag;
 358  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 359                  const float* p2 = imgPtr + xmap[x+1]*3;
 360                  const float* p0 = imgPtr + xmap[x-1]*3;
 362                  dx0 = p2[2] - p0[2];
 363                  dy0 = nextPtr[x1+2] - prevPtr[x1+2];
 364                  mag0 = dx0*dx0 + dy0*dy0;
 366                  dx = p2[1] - p0[1];
 367                  dy = nextPtr[x1+1] - prevPtr[x1+1];
 368                  mag = dx*dx + dy*dy;
 370                  if( mag0 < mag )
 371                  {
 372                      dx0 = dx;
 373                      dy0 = dy;
 374                      mag0 = mag;
 375                  }
 377                  dx = p2[0] - p0[0];
 378                  dy = nextPtr[x1] - prevPtr[x1];
 379                  mag = dx*dx + dy*dy;
 380  #else
 381          //p2为第y行第x+1列的地址
 382          //p0为第y行第x-1列的地址
 383                  const uchar* p2 = imgPtr + xmap[x+1]*3;
 384                  const uchar* p0 = imgPtr + xmap[x-1]*3;
 386          //计算第2通道的幅值
 387                  dx0 = lut[p2[2]] - lut[p0[2]];
 388                  dy0 = lut[nextPtr[x1+2]] - lut[prevPtr[x1+2]];
 389                  mag0 = dx0*dx0 + dy0*dy0;
 391          //计算第1通道的幅值
 392                  dx = lut[p2[1]] - lut[p0[1]];
 393                  dy = lut[nextPtr[x1+1]] - lut[prevPtr[x1+1]];
 394                  mag = dx*dx + dy*dy;
 396          //取幅值最大的那个通道
 397                  if( mag0 < mag )
 398                  {
 399                      dx0 = dx;
 400                      dy0 = dy;
 401                      mag0 = mag;
 402                  }
 404          //计算第0通道的幅值
 405                  dx = lut[p2[0]] - lut[p0[0]];
 406                  dy = lut[nextPtr[x1]] - lut[prevPtr[x1]];
 407                  mag = dx*dx + dy*dy;
 408   #endif
 409          //取幅值最大的那个通道
 410                  if( mag0 < mag )
 411                  {
 412                      dx0 = dx;
 413                      dy0 = dy;
 414                      mag0 = mag;
 415                  }
 417                  //最后求出水平和垂直方向上的梯度图像
 418          dbuf[x] = dx0;
 419                  dbuf[x+width] = dy0;
 420              }
 421          }
 422  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 423          ippsCartToPolar_32f((const Ipp32f*)Dx.data, (const Ipp32f*)Dy.data, (Ipp32f*)Mag.data, pAngles, width);
 424          for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
 425          {
 426             if(pAngles[x] < 0.f)
 427               pAngles[x] += (Ipp32f)(CV_PI*2.);
 428          }
 430          ippsNormalize_32f(pAngles, pAngles, width, 0.5f/angleScale, 1.f/angleScale);
 431          ippsFloor_32f(pAngles,(Ipp32f*)hidxs.data,width);
 432          ippsSub_32f_I((Ipp32f*)hidxs.data,pAngles,width);
 433          ippsMul_32f_I((Ipp32f*)Mag.data,pAngles,width);
 435          ippsSub_32f_I(pAngles,(Ipp32f*)Mag.data,width);
 436          ippsRealToCplx_32f((Ipp32f*)Mag.data,pAngles,(Ipp32fc*)gradPtr,width);
 437  #else
 438      //cartToPolar()函数是计算2个矩阵对应元素的幅度和角度,最后一个参数为是否
 439      //角度使用度数表示,这里为false表示不用度数表示,即用弧度表示。
 440      //如果只需计算2个矩阵对应元素的幅度图像,可以采用magnitude()函数。
 441      //-pi/2<Angle<pi/2;
 442          cartToPolar( Dx, Dy, Mag, Angle, false );
 443  #endif
 444          for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
 445          {
 446  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 447              int hidx = (int)pHidxs[x];
 448  #else
 449          //-5<angle<4
 450              float mag = dbuf[x+width*2], angle = dbuf[x+width*3]*angleScale - 0.5f;
 451              //cvFloor()返回不大于参数的最大整数
 452          //hidx={-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4};
 453              int hidx = cvFloor(angle);
 454              //0<=angle<1;angle表示的意思是与其相邻的较小的那个bin的弧度距离(即弧度差)
 455              angle -= hidx;
 456              //gradPtr为grad图像的指针
 457          //gradPtr[x*2]表示的是与x处梯度方向相邻较小的那个bin的幅度权重;
 458          //gradPtr[x*2+1]表示的是与x处梯度方向相邻较大的那个bin的幅度权重
 459          gradPtr[x*2] = mag*(1.f - angle);
 460              gradPtr[x*2+1] = mag*angle;
 461  #endif
 462              if( hidx < 0 )
 463                  hidx += _nbins;
 464              else if( hidx >= _nbins )
 465                  hidx -= _nbins;
 466              assert( (unsigned)hidx < (unsigned)_nbins );
 468              qanglePtr[x*2] = (uchar)hidx;
 469              hidx++;
 470              //-1在补码中的表示为11111111,与-1相与的话就是自己本身了;
 471          //0在补码中的表示为00000000,与0相与的结果就是0了.
 472              hidx &= hidx < _nbins ? -1 : 0;
 473              qanglePtr[x*2+1] = (uchar)hidx;
 474          }
 475      }
 476  }
 479  struct HOGCache
 480  {
 481      struct BlockData
 482      {
 483          BlockData() : histOfs(0), imgOffset() {}
 484          int histOfs;
 485          Point imgOffset;
 486      };
 488      struct PixData
 489      {
 490          size_t gradOfs, qangleOfs;
 491          int histOfs[4];
 492          float histWeights[4];
 493          float gradWeight;
 494      };
 496      HOGCache();
 497      HOGCache(const HOGDescriptor* descriptor,
 498          const Mat& img, Size paddingTL, Size paddingBR,
 499          bool useCache, Size cacheStride);
 500      virtual ~HOGCache() {};
 501      virtual void init(const HOGDescriptor* descriptor,
 502          const Mat& img, Size paddingTL, Size paddingBR,
 503          bool useCache, Size cacheStride);
 505      Size windowsInImage(Size imageSize, Size winStride) const;
 506      Rect getWindow(Size imageSize, Size winStride, int idx) const;
 508      const float* getBlock(Point pt, float* buf);
 509      virtual void normalizeBlockHistogram(float* histogram) const;
 511      vector<PixData> pixData;
 512      vector<BlockData> blockData;
 514      bool useCache;
 515      vector<int> ymaxCached;
 516      Size winSize, cacheStride;
 517      Size nblocks, ncells;
 518      int blockHistogramSize;
 519      int count1, count2, count4;
 520      Point imgoffset;
 521      Mat_<float> blockCache;
 522      Mat_<uchar> blockCacheFlags;
 524      Mat grad, qangle;
 525      const HOGDescriptor* descriptor;
 526  };
 528  //默认的构造函数,不使用cache,块的直方图向量大小为0等
 529  HOGCache::HOGCache()
 530  {
 531      useCache = false;
 532      blockHistogramSize = count1 = count2 = count4 = 0;
 533      descriptor = 0;
 534  }
 536  //带参的初始化函数,采用内部的init函数进行初始化
 537  HOGCache::HOGCache(const HOGDescriptor* _descriptor,
 538          const Mat& _img, Size _paddingTL, Size _paddingBR,
 539          bool _useCache, Size _cacheStride)
 540  {
 541      init(_descriptor, _img, _paddingTL, _paddingBR, _useCache, _cacheStride);
 542  }
 544  //HOGCache结构体的初始化函数
 545  void HOGCache::init(const HOGDescriptor* _descriptor,
 546          const Mat& _img, Size _paddingTL, Size _paddingBR,
 547          bool _useCache, Size _cacheStride)
 548  {
 549      descriptor = _descriptor;
 550      cacheStride = _cacheStride;
 551      useCache = _useCache;
 553      //首先调用computeGradient()函数计算输入图像的权值梯度幅度图和角度量化图
 554      descriptor->computeGradient(_img, grad, qangle, _paddingTL, _paddingBR);
 555      //imgoffset是Point类型,而_paddingTL是Size类型,虽然类型不同,但是2者都是
 556      //一个二维坐标,所以是在opencv中是允许直接赋值的。
 557      imgoffset = _paddingTL;
 559      winSize = descriptor->winSize;
 560      Size blockSize = descriptor->blockSize;
 561      Size blockStride = descriptor->blockStride;
 562      Size cellSize = descriptor->cellSize;
 563      int i, j, nbins = descriptor->nbins;
 564      //rawBlockSize为block中包含像素点的个数
 565      int rawBlockSize = blockSize.width*blockSize.height;
 567      //nblocks为Size类型,其长和宽分别表示一个窗口中水平方向和垂直方向上block的
 568      //个数(需要考虑block在窗口中的移动)
 569      nblocks = Size((winSize.width - blockSize.width)/blockStride.width + 1,
 570                     (winSize.height - blockSize.height)/blockStride.height + 1);
 571      //ncells也是Size类型,其长和宽分别表示一个block中水平方向和垂直方向容纳下
 572      //的cell个数
 573      ncells = Size(blockSize.width/cellSize.width, blockSize.height/cellSize.height);
 574      //blockHistogramSize表示一个block中贡献给hog描述子向量的长度
 575      blockHistogramSize = ncells.width*ncells.height*nbins;
 577      if( useCache )
 578      {
 579          //cacheStride= _cacheStride,即其大小是由参数传入的,表示的是窗口移动的大小
 580          //cacheSize长和宽表示扩充后的图像cache中,block在水平方向和垂直方向出现的个数
 581          Size cacheSize((grad.cols - blockSize.width)/cacheStride.width+1,
 582                         (winSize.height/cacheStride.height)+1);
 583          //blockCache为一个float型的Mat,注意其列数的值
 584          blockCache.create(cacheSize.height, cacheSize.width*blockHistogramSize);
 585          //blockCacheFlags为一个uchar型的Mat
 586          blockCacheFlags.create(cacheSize);
 587          size_t cacheRows = blockCache.rows;
 588          //ymaxCached为vector<int>类型
 589          //Mat::resize()为矩阵的一个方法,只是改变矩阵的行数,与单独的resize()函数不相同。
 590          ymaxCached.resize(cacheRows);
 591          //ymaxCached向量内部全部初始化为-1
 592          for(size_t ii = 0; ii < cacheRows; ii++ )
 593              ymaxCached[ii] = -1;
 594      }
 596      //weights为一个尺寸为blockSize的二维高斯表,下面的代码就是计算二维高斯的系数
 597      Mat_<float> weights(blockSize);
 598      float sigma = (float)descriptor->getWinSigma();
 599      float scale = 1.f/(sigma*sigma*2);
 601      for(i = 0; i < blockSize.height; i++)
 602          for(j = 0; j < blockSize.width; j++)
 603          {
 604              float di = i - blockSize.height*0.5f;
 605              float dj = j - blockSize.width*0.5f;
 606              weights(i,j) = std::exp(-(di*di + dj*dj)*scale);
 607          }
 609      //vector<BlockData> blockData;而BlockData为HOGCache的一个结构体成员
 610      //nblocks.width*nblocks.height表示一个检测窗口中block的个数,
 611      //而cacheSize.width*cacheSize.heigh表示一个已经扩充的图片中的block的个数
 612      blockData.resize(nblocks.width*nblocks.height);
 613      //vector<PixData> pixData;同理,Pixdata也为HOGCache中的一个结构体成员
 614      //rawBlockSize表示每个block中像素点的个数
 615      //resize表示将其转换成列向量
 616      pixData.resize(rawBlockSize*3);
 618      // Initialize 2 lookup tables, pixData & blockData.
 619      // Here is why:
 620      //
 621      // The detection algorithm runs in 4 nested loops (at each pyramid layer):
 622      //  loop over the windows within the input image
 623      //    loop over the blocks within each window
 624      //      loop over the cells within each block
 625      //        loop over the pixels in each cell
 626      //
 627      // As each of the loops runs over a 2-dimensional array,
 628      // we could get 8(!) nested loops in total, which is very-very slow.
 629      //
 630      // To speed the things up, we do the following:
 631      //   1. loop over windows is unrolled in the HOGDescriptor::{compute|detect} methods;
 632      //         inside we compute the current search window using getWindow() method.
 633      //         Yes, it involves some overhead (function call + couple of divisions),
 634      //         but it's tiny in fact.
 635      //   2. loop over the blocks is also unrolled. Inside we use pre-computed blockData[j]
 636      //         to set up gradient and histogram pointers.
 637      //   3. loops over cells and pixels in each cell are merged
 638      //       (since there is no overlap between cells, each pixel in the block is processed once)
 639      //      and also unrolled. Inside we use PixData[k] to access the gradient values and
 640      //      update the histogram
 641      //count1,count2,count4分别表示block中同时对1个cell,2个cell,4个cell有贡献的像素点的个数。
 642      count1 = count2 = count4 = 0;
 643      for( j = 0; j < blockSize.width; j++ )
 644          for( i = 0; i < blockSize.height; i++ )
 645          {
 646              PixData* data = 0;
 647              //cellX和cellY表示的是block内该像素点所在的cell横坐标和纵坐标索引,以小数的形式存在。
 648              float cellX = (j+0.5f)/cellSize.width - 0.5f;
 649              float cellY = (i+0.5f)/cellSize.height - 0.5f;
 650              //cvRound返回最接近参数的整数;cvFloor返回不大于参数的整数;cvCeil返回不小于参数的整数
 651              //icellX0和icellY0表示所在cell坐标索引,索引值为该像素点相邻cell的那个较小的cell索引
 652              //当然此处就是由整数的形式存在了。
 653              //按照默认的系数的话,icellX0和icellY0只可能取值-1,0,1,且当i和j<3.5时对应的值才取-1
 654              //当i和j>11.5时取值为1,其它时刻取值为0(注意i,j最大是15,从0开始的)
 655              int icellX0 = cvFloor(cellX);
 656              int icellY0 = cvFloor(cellY);
 657              int icellX1 = icellX0 + 1, icellY1 = icellY0 + 1;
 658              //此处的cellx和celly表示的是真实索引值与最近邻cell索引值之间的差,
 659              //为后面计算同一像素对不同cell中的hist权重的计算。
 660              cellX -= icellX0;
 661              cellY -= icellY0;
 663                 //满足这个if条件说明icellX0只能为0,也就是说block横坐标在(3.5,11.5)之间时
 664              if( (unsigned)icellX0 < (unsigned)ncells.width &&
 665                  (unsigned)icellX1 < (unsigned)ncells.width )
 666              {
 667                 //满足这个if条件说明icellY0只能为0,也就是说block纵坐标在(3.5,11.5)之间时
 668                  if( (unsigned)icellY0 < (unsigned)ncells.height &&
 669                      (unsigned)icellY1 < (unsigned)ncells.height )
 670                  {
 671                      //同时满足上面2个if语句的像素对4个cell都有权值贡献
 672                      //rawBlockSize表示的是1个block中存储像素点的个数
 673                      //而pixData的尺寸大小为block中像素点的3倍,其定义如下:
 674                      //pixData.resize(rawBlockSize*3);
 675                      //pixData的前面block像素大小的内存为存储只对block中一个cell
 676                      //有贡献的pixel;中间block像素大小的内存存储对block中同时2个
 677                      //cell有贡献的pixel;最后面的为对block中同时4个cell都有贡献
 678                      //的pixel
 679                      data = &pixData[rawBlockSize*2 + (count4++)];
 680                      //下面计算出的结果为0
 681                      data->histOfs[0] = (icellX0*ncells.height + icellY0)*nbins;
 682                       //为该像素点对cell0的权重
 683                      data->histWeights[0] = (1.f - cellX)*(1.f - cellY);
 684                      //下面计算出的结果为18
 685                      data->histOfs[1] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY0)*nbins;
 686                      data->histWeights[1] = cellX*(1.f - cellY);
 687                      //下面计算出的结果为9
 688                      data->histOfs[2] = (icellX0*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
 689                      data->histWeights[2] = (1.f - cellX)*cellY;
 690                      //下面计算出的结果为27
 691                      data->histOfs[3] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
 692                      data->histWeights[3] = cellX*cellY;
 693                  }
 694                  else
 695                     //满足这个else条件说明icellY0取-1或者1,也就是说block纵坐标在(0, 3.5)
 696                  //和(11.5, 15)之间.
 697                  //此时的像素点对相邻的2个cell有权重贡献
 698                  {
 699                      data = &pixData[rawBlockSize + (count2++)];                    
 700                      if( (unsigned)icellY0 < (unsigned)ncells.height )
 701                      {
 702                          //(unsigned)-1等于127>2,所以此处满足if条件时icellY0==1;
 703                          //icellY1==1;
 704                          icellY1 = icellY0;
 705                          cellY = 1.f - cellY;
 706                      }
 707                      //不满足if条件时,icellY0==-1;icellY1==0;
 708                      //当然了,这2种情况下icellX0==0;icellX1==1;
 709                      data->histOfs[0] = (icellX0*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
 710                      data->histWeights[0] = (1.f - cellX)*cellY;
 711                      data->histOfs[1] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
 712                      data->histWeights[1] = cellX*cellY;
 713                      data->histOfs[2] = data->histOfs[3] = 0;
 714                      data->histWeights[2] = data->histWeights[3] = 0;
 715                  }
 716              }
 717              //当block中横坐标满足在(0, 3.5)和(11.5, 15)范围内时,即
 718              //icellX0==-1或==1
 719              else
 720              {
 722                  if( (unsigned)icellX0 < (unsigned)ncells.width )
 723                  {
 724                      //icellX1=icllX0=1;
 725                      icellX1 = icellX0;
 726                      cellX = 1.f - cellX;
 727                  }
 728                  //当icllY0=0时,此时对2个cell有贡献
 729                  if( (unsigned)icellY0 < (unsigned)ncells.height &&
 730                      (unsigned)icellY1 < (unsigned)ncells.height )
 731                  {                    
 732                      data = &pixData[rawBlockSize + (count2++)];
 733                      data->histOfs[0] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY0)*nbins;
 734                      data->histWeights[0] = cellX*(1.f - cellY);
 735                      data->histOfs[1] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
 736                      data->histWeights[1] = cellX*cellY;
 737                      data->histOfs[2] = data->histOfs[3] = 0;
 738                      data->histWeights[2] = data->histWeights[3] = 0;
 739                  }
 740                  else
 741                  //此时只对自身的cell有贡献
 742                  {
 743                      data = &pixData[count1++];
 744                      if( (unsigned)icellY0 < (unsigned)ncells.height )
 745                      {
 746                          icellY1 = icellY0;
 747                          cellY = 1.f - cellY;
 748                      }
 749                      data->histOfs[0] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
 750                      data->histWeights[0] = cellX*cellY;
 751                      data->histOfs[1] = data->histOfs[2] = data->histOfs[3] = 0;
 752                      data->histWeights[1] = data->histWeights[2] = data->histWeights[3] = 0;
 753                  }
 754              }
 755              //为什么每个block中i,j位置的gradOfs和qangleOfs都相同且是如下的计算公式呢?
 756              //那是因为输入的_img参数不是代表整幅图片而是检测窗口大小的图片,所以每个
 757              //检测窗口中关于block的信息可以看做是相同的
 758              data->gradOfs = (grad.cols*i + j)*2;
 759              data->qangleOfs = (qangle.cols*i + j)*2;
 760              //每个block中i,j位置的权重都是固定的
 761              data->gradWeight = weights(i,j);
 762          }
 764      //保证所有的点都被扫描了一遍
 765      assert( count1 + count2 + count4 == rawBlockSize );
 766      // defragment pixData
 767      //将pixData中按照内存排满,这样节省了2/3的内存
 768      for( j = 0; j < count2; j++ )
 769          pixData[j + count1] = pixData[j + rawBlockSize];
 770      for( j = 0; j < count4; j++ )
 771          pixData[j + count1 + count2] = pixData[j + rawBlockSize*2];
 772      //此时count2表示至多对2个cell有贡献的所有像素点的个数
 773      count2 += count1;
 774      //此时count4表示至多对4个cell有贡献的所有像素点的个数
 775      count4 += count2;
 777      //上面是初始化pixData,下面开始初始化blockData
 778      // initialize blockData
 779      for( j = 0; j < nblocks.width; j++ )
 780          for( i = 0; i < nblocks.height; i++ )
 781          {
 782              BlockData& data = blockData[j*nblocks.height + i];
 783              //histOfs表示该block对检测窗口贡献的hog描述变量起点在整个
 784              //变量中的坐标
 785              data.histOfs = (j*nblocks.height + i)*blockHistogramSize;
 786              //imgOffset表示该block的左上角在检测窗口中的坐标
 787              data.imgOffset = Point(j*blockStride.width,i*blockStride.height);
 788          }
 789          //一个检测窗口对应一个blockData内存,一个block对应一个pixData内存。
 790  }
 793  //pt为该block左上角在滑动窗口中的坐标,buf为指向检测窗口中blocData的指针
 794  //函数返回一个block描述子的指针
 795  const float* HOGCache::getBlock(Point pt, float* buf)
 796  {
 797      float* blockHist = buf;
 798      assert(descriptor != 0);
 800      Size blockSize = descriptor->blockSize;
 801      pt += imgoffset;
 803      CV_Assert( (unsigned)pt.x <= (unsigned)(grad.cols - blockSize.width) &&
 804                 (unsigned)pt.y <= (unsigned)(grad.rows - blockSize.height) );
 806      if( useCache )
 807      {
 808          //cacheStride可以认为和blockStride是一样的
 809          //保证所获取到HOGCache是我们所需要的,即在block移动过程中会出现
 810          CV_Assert( pt.x % cacheStride.width == 0 &&
 811                     pt.y % cacheStride.height == 0 );
 812          //cacheIdx表示的是block个数的坐标
 813          Point cacheIdx(pt.x/cacheStride.width,
 814                        (pt.y/cacheStride.height) % blockCache.rows);
 815          //ymaxCached的长度为一个检测窗口垂直方向上容纳的block个数
 816          if( pt.y != ymaxCached[cacheIdx.y] )
 817          {
 818              //取出blockCacheFlags的第cacheIdx.y行并且赋值为0
 819              Mat_<uchar> cacheRow = blockCacheFlags.row(cacheIdx.y);
 820              cacheRow = (uchar)0;
 821              ymaxCached[cacheIdx.y] = pt.y;
 822          }
 824          //blockHist指向该点对应block所贡献的hog描述子向量,初始值为空
 825          blockHist = &blockCache[cacheIdx.y][cacheIdx.x*blockHistogramSize];
 826          uchar& computedFlag = blockCacheFlags(cacheIdx.y, cacheIdx.x);
 827          if( computedFlag != 0 )
 828              return blockHist;
 829          computedFlag = (uchar)1; // set it at once, before actual computing
 830      }
 832      int k, C1 = count1, C2 = count2, C4 = count4;
 833      //
 834      const float* gradPtr = (const float*)(grad.data + grad.step*pt.y) + pt.x*2;
 835      const uchar* qanglePtr = qangle.data + qangle.step*pt.y + pt.x*2;
 837      CV_Assert( blockHist != 0 );
 838  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 839      ippsZero_32f(blockHist,blockHistogramSize);
 840  #else
 841      for( k = 0; k < blockHistogramSize; k++ )
 842          blockHist[k] = 0.f;
 843  #endif
 845      const PixData* _pixData = &pixData[0];
 847      //C1表示只对自己所在cell有贡献的点的个数
 848      for( k = 0; k < C1; k++ )
 849      {
 850          const PixData& pk = _pixData[k];
 851          //a表示的是幅度指针
 852          const float* a = gradPtr + pk.gradOfs;
 853          float w = pk.gradWeight*pk.histWeights[0];
 854          //h表示的是相位指针
 855          const uchar* h = qanglePtr + pk.qangleOfs;
 857          //幅度有2个通道是因为每个像素点的幅值被分解到了其相邻的两个bin上了
 858          //相位有2个通道是因为每个像素点的相位的相邻处都有的2个bin的序号
 859          int h0 = h[0], h1 = h[1];
 860          float* hist = blockHist + pk.histOfs[0];
 861          float t0 = hist[h0] + a[0]*w;
 862          float t1 = hist[h1] + a[1]*w;
 863          //hist中放的为加权的梯度值
 864          hist[h0] = t0; hist[h1] = t1;
 865      }
 867      for( ; k < C2; k++ )
 868      {
 869          const PixData& pk = _pixData[k];
 870          const float* a = gradPtr + pk.gradOfs;
 871          float w, t0, t1, a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1];
 872          const uchar* h = qanglePtr + pk.qangleOfs;
 873          int h0 = h[0], h1 = h[1];
 875          //因为此时的像素对2个cell有贡献,这是其中一个cell的贡献
 876          float* hist = blockHist + pk.histOfs[0];
 877          w = pk.gradWeight*pk.histWeights[0];
 878          t0 = hist[h0] + a0*w;
 879          t1 = hist[h1] + a1*w;
 880          hist[h0] = t0; hist[h1] = t1;
 882          //另一个cell的贡献
 883          hist = blockHist + pk.histOfs[1];
 884          w = pk.gradWeight*pk.histWeights[1];
 885          t0 = hist[h0] + a0*w;
 886          t1 = hist[h1] + a1*w;
 887          hist[h0] = t0; hist[h1] = t1;
 888      }
 890      //和上面类似
 891      for( ; k < C4; k++ )
 892      {
 893          const PixData& pk = _pixData[k];
 894          const float* a = gradPtr + pk.gradOfs;
 895          float w, t0, t1, a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1];
 896          const uchar* h = qanglePtr + pk.qangleOfs;
 897          int h0 = h[0], h1 = h[1];
 899          float* hist = blockHist + pk.histOfs[0];
 900          w = pk.gradWeight*pk.histWeights[0];
 901          t0 = hist[h0] + a0*w;
 902          t1 = hist[h1] + a1*w;
 903          hist[h0] = t0; hist[h1] = t1;
 905          hist = blockHist + pk.histOfs[1];
 906          w = pk.gradWeight*pk.histWeights[1];
 907          t0 = hist[h0] + a0*w;
 908          t1 = hist[h1] + a1*w;
 909          hist[h0] = t0; hist[h1] = t1;
 911          hist = blockHist + pk.histOfs[2];
 912          w = pk.gradWeight*pk.histWeights[2];
 913          t0 = hist[h0] + a0*w;
 914          t1 = hist[h1] + a1*w;
 915          hist[h0] = t0; hist[h1] = t1;
 917          hist = blockHist + pk.histOfs[3];
 918          w = pk.gradWeight*pk.histWeights[3];
 919          t0 = hist[h0] + a0*w;
 920          t1 = hist[h1] + a1*w;
 921          hist[h0] = t0; hist[h1] = t1;
 922      }
 924      normalizeBlockHistogram(blockHist);
 926      return blockHist;
 927  }
 930  void HOGCache::normalizeBlockHistogram(float* _hist) const
 931  {
 932      float* hist = &_hist[0];
 933  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 934      size_t sz = blockHistogramSize;
 935  #else
 936      size_t i, sz = blockHistogramSize;
 937  #endif
 939      float sum = 0;
 940  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 941      ippsDotProd_32f(hist,hist,sz,&sum);
 942  #else
 943      //第一次归一化求的是平方和
 944      for( i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
 945          sum += hist[i]*hist[i];
 946  #endif
 947      //分母为平方和开根号+0.1
 948      float scale = 1.f/(std::sqrt(sum)+sz*0.1f), thresh = (float)descriptor->L2HysThreshold;
 949  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 950      ippsMulC_32f_I(scale,hist,sz);
 951      ippsThreshold_32f_I( hist, sz, thresh, ippCmpGreater );
 952      ippsDotProd_32f(hist,hist,sz,&sum);
 953  #else
 954      for( i = 0, sum = 0; i < sz; i++ )
 955      {
 956          //第2次归一化是在第1次的基础上继续求平和和
 957          hist[i] = std::min(hist[i]*scale, thresh);
 958          sum += hist[i]*hist[i];
 959      }
 960  #endif
 962      scale = 1.f/(std::sqrt(sum)+1e-3f);
 963  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
 964      ippsMulC_32f_I(scale,hist,sz);
 965  #else
 966      //最终归一化结果
 967      for( i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
 968          hist[i] *= scale;
 969  #endif
 970  }
 973  //返回测试图片中水平方向和垂直方向共有多少个检测窗口
 974  Size HOGCache::windowsInImage(Size imageSize, Size winStride) const
 975  {
 976      return Size((imageSize.width - winSize.width)/winStride.width + 1,
 977                  (imageSize.height - winSize.height)/winStride.height + 1);
 978  }
 981  //给定图片的大小,已经检测窗口滑动的大小和测试图片中的检测窗口的索引,得到该索引处
 982  //检测窗口的尺寸,包括坐标信息
 983  Rect HOGCache::getWindow(Size imageSize, Size winStride, int idx) const
 984  {
 985      int nwindowsX = (imageSize.width - winSize.width)/winStride.width + 1;
 986      int y = idx / nwindowsX;//
 987      int x = idx - nwindowsX*y;//余数
 988      return Rect( x*winStride.width, y*winStride.height, winSize.width, winSize.height );
 989  }
 992  void HOGDescriptor::compute(const Mat& img, vector<float>& descriptors,
 993                              Size winStride, Size padding,
 994                              const vector<Point>& locations) const
 995  {
 996      //Size()表示长和宽都是0
 997      if( winStride == Size() )
 998          winStride = cellSize;
 999      //gcd为求最大公约数,如果采用默认值的话,则2者相同
1000      Size cacheStride(gcd(winStride.width, blockStride.width),
1001                       gcd(winStride.height, blockStride.height));
1002      size_t nwindows = locations.size();
1003      //alignSize(m, n)返回n的倍数大于等于m的最小值
1004      padding.width = (int)alignSize(std::max(padding.width, 0), cacheStride.width);
1005      padding.height = (int)alignSize(std::max(padding.height, 0), cacheStride.height);
1006      Size paddedImgSize(img.cols + padding.width*2, img.rows + padding.height*2);
1008      HOGCache cache(this, img, padding, padding, nwindows == 0, cacheStride);
1010      if( !nwindows )
1011          //Mat::area()表示为Mat的面积
1012          nwindows = cache.windowsInImage(paddedImgSize, winStride).area();
1014      const HOGCache::BlockData* blockData = &cache.blockData[0];
1016      int nblocks = cache.nblocks.area();
1017      int blockHistogramSize = cache.blockHistogramSize;
1018      size_t dsize = getDescriptorSize();//一个hog的描述长度
1019      //resize()为改变矩阵的行数,如果减少矩阵的行数则只保留减少后的
1020      //那些行,如果是增加行数,则保留所有的行。
1021      //这里将描述子长度扩展到整幅图片
1022      descriptors.resize(dsize*nwindows);
1024      for( size_t i = 0; i < nwindows; i++ )
1025      {
1026          //descriptor为第i个检测窗口的描述子首位置。
1027          float* descriptor = &descriptors[i*dsize];
1029          Point pt0;
1030          //非空
1031          if( !locations.empty() )
1032          {
1033              pt0 = locations[i];
1034              //非法的点
1035              if( pt0.x < -padding.width || pt0.x > img.cols + padding.width - winSize.width ||
1036                  pt0.y < -padding.height || pt0.y > img.rows + padding.height - winSize.height )
1037                  continue;
1038          }
1039          //locations为空
1040          else
1041          {
1042              //pt0为没有扩充前图像对应的第i个检测窗口
1043              pt0 = cache.getWindow(paddedImgSize, winStride, (int)i).tl() - Point(padding);
1044              CV_Assert(pt0.x % cacheStride.width == 0 && pt0.y % cacheStride.height == 0);
1045          }
1047          for( int j = 0; j < nblocks; j++ )
1048          {
1049              const HOGCache::BlockData& bj = blockData[j];
1050              //pt为block的左上角相对检测图片的坐标
1051              Point pt = pt0 + bj.imgOffset;
1053              //dst为该block在整个测试图片的描述子的位置
1054              float* dst = descriptor + bj.histOfs;
1055              const float* src = cache.getBlock(pt, dst);
1056              if( src != dst )
1057  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
1058                 ippsCopy_32f(src,dst,blockHistogramSize);
1059  #else
1060                  for( int k = 0; k < blockHistogramSize; k++ )
1061                      dst[k] = src[k];
1062  #endif
1063          }
1064      }
1065  }
1068  void HOGDescriptor::detect(const Mat& img,
1069      vector<Point>& hits, vector<double>& weights, double hitThreshold, 
1070      Size winStride, Size padding, const vector<Point>& locations) const
1071  {
1072      //hits里面存的是符合检测到目标的窗口的左上角顶点坐标
1073      hits.clear();
1074      if( svmDetector.empty() )
1075          return;
1077      if( winStride == Size() )
1078          winStride = cellSize;
1079      Size cacheStride(gcd(winStride.width, blockStride.width),
1080                       gcd(winStride.height, blockStride.height));
1081      size_t nwindows = locations.size();
1082      padding.width = (int)alignSize(std::max(padding.width, 0), cacheStride.width);
1083      padding.height = (int)alignSize(std::max(padding.height, 0), cacheStride.height);
1084      Size paddedImgSize(img.cols + padding.width*2, img.rows + padding.height*2);
1086      HOGCache cache(this, img, padding, padding, nwindows == 0, cacheStride);
1088      if( !nwindows )
1089          nwindows = cache.windowsInImage(paddedImgSize, winStride).area();
1091      const HOGCache::BlockData* blockData = &cache.blockData[0];
1093      int nblocks = cache.nblocks.area();
1094      int blockHistogramSize = cache.blockHistogramSize;
1095      size_t dsize = getDescriptorSize();
1097      double rho = svmDetector.size() > dsize ? svmDetector[dsize] : 0;
1098      vector<float> blockHist(blockHistogramSize);
1100      for( size_t i = 0; i < nwindows; i++ )
1101      {
1102          Point pt0;
1103          if( !locations.empty() )
1104          {
1105              pt0 = locations[i];
1106              if( pt0.x < -padding.width || pt0.x > img.cols + padding.width - winSize.width ||
1107                  pt0.y < -padding.height || pt0.y > img.rows + padding.height - winSize.height )
1108                  continue;
1109          }
1110          else
1111          {
1112              pt0 = cache.getWindow(paddedImgSize, winStride, (int)i).tl() - Point(padding);
1113              CV_Assert(pt0.x % cacheStride.width == 0 && pt0.y % cacheStride.height == 0);
1114          }
1115          double s = rho;
1116          //svmVec指向svmDetector最前面那个元素
1117          const float* svmVec = &svmDetector[0];
1118  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
1119          int j;
1120  #else
1121          int j, k;
1122  #endif
1123          for( j = 0; j < nblocks; j++, svmVec += blockHistogramSize )
1124          {
1125              const HOGCache::BlockData& bj = blockData[j];
1126              Point pt = pt0 + bj.imgOffset;
1128              //vec为测试图片pt处的block贡献的描述子指针
1129              const float* vec = cache.getBlock(pt, &blockHist[0]);
1130  #ifdef HAVE_IPP
1131              Ipp32f partSum;
1132              ippsDotProd_32f(vec,svmVec,blockHistogramSize,&partSum);
1133              s += (double)partSum;
1134  #else
1135              for( k = 0; k <= blockHistogramSize - 4; k += 4 )
1136                  //const float* svmVec = &svmDetector[0];
1137                  s += vec[k]*svmVec[k] + vec[k+1]*svmVec[k+1] +
1138                      vec[k+2]*svmVec[k+2] + vec[k+3]*svmVec[k+3];
1139              for( ; k < blockHistogramSize; k++ )
1140                  s += vec[k]*svmVec[k];
1141  #endif
1142          }
1143          if( s >= hitThreshold )
1144          {
1145              hits.push_back(pt0);
1146              weights.push_back(s);
1147          }
1148      }
1149  }
1151  //不用保留检测到目标的可信度,即权重
1152  void HOGDescriptor::detect(const Mat& img, vector<Point>& hits, double hitThreshold, 
1153                             Size winStride, Size padding, const vector<Point>& locations) const
1154  {
1155      vector<double> weightsV;
1156      detect(img, hits, weightsV, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, locations);
1157  }
1159  struct HOGInvoker
1160  {
1161      HOGInvoker( const HOGDescriptor* _hog, const Mat& _img,
1162                  double _hitThreshold, Size _winStride, Size _padding,
1163                  const double* _levelScale, ConcurrentRectVector* _vec, 
1164                  ConcurrentDoubleVector* _weights=0, ConcurrentDoubleVector* _scales=0 ) 
1165      {
1166          hog = _hog;
1167          img = _img;
1168          hitThreshold = _hitThreshold;
1169          winStride = _winStride;
1170          padding = _padding;
1171          levelScale = _levelScale;
1172          vec = _vec;
1173          weights = _weights;
1174          scales = _scales;
1175      }
1177      void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
1178      {
1179          int i, i1 = range.begin(), i2 = range.end();
1180          double minScale = i1 > 0 ? levelScale[i1] : i2 > 1 ? levelScale[i1+1] : std::max(img.cols, img.rows);
1181          //将原图片进行缩放
1182          Size maxSz(cvCeil(img.cols/minScale), cvCeil(img.rows/minScale));
1183          Mat smallerImgBuf(maxSz, img.type());
1184          vector<Point> locations;
1185          vector<double> hitsWeights;
1187          for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ )
1188          {
1189              double scale = levelScale[i];
1190              Size sz(cvRound(img.cols/scale), cvRound(img.rows/scale));
1191              //smallerImg只是构造一个指针,并没有复制数据
1192              Mat smallerImg(sz, img.type(), smallerImgBuf.data);
1193              //没有尺寸缩放
1194              if( sz == img.size() )
1195                  smallerImg = Mat(sz, img.type(), img.data, img.step);
1196              //有尺寸缩放
1197              else
1198                  resize(img, smallerImg, sz);
1199              //该函数实际上是将返回的值存在locations和histWeights中
1200              //其中locations存的是目标区域的左上角坐标
1201              hog->detect(smallerImg, locations, hitsWeights, hitThreshold, winStride, padding);
1202              Size scaledWinSize = Size(cvRound(hog->winSize.width*scale), cvRound(hog->winSize.height*scale));
1203              for( size_t j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++ )
1204              {
1205                  //保存目标区域
1206                  vec->push_back(Rect(cvRound(locations[j].x*scale),
1207                                      cvRound(locations[j].y*scale),
1208                                      scaledWinSize.width, scaledWinSize.height));
1209                  //保存缩放尺寸
1210                  if (scales) {
1211                      scales->push_back(scale);
1212                  }
1213              }
1214              //保存svm计算后的结果值
1215              if (weights && (!hitsWeights.empty()))
1216              {
1217                  for (size_t j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++)
1218                  {
1219                      weights->push_back(hitsWeights[j]);
1220                  }
1221              }        
1222          }
1223      }
1225      const HOGDescriptor* hog;
1226      Mat img;
1227      double hitThreshold;
1228      Size winStride;
1229      Size padding;
1230      const double* levelScale;
1231      //typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<Rect> ConcurrentRectVector;
1232      ConcurrentRectVector* vec;
1233      //typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<double> ConcurrentDoubleVector;
1234      ConcurrentDoubleVector* weights;
1235      ConcurrentDoubleVector* scales;
1236  };
1239  void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(
1240      const Mat& img, vector<Rect>& foundLocations, vector<double>& foundWeights,
1241      double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding,
1242      double scale0, double finalThreshold, bool useMeanshiftGrouping) const  
1243  {
1244      double scale = 1.;
1245      int levels = 0;
1247      vector<double> levelScale;
1249      //nlevels默认的是64层
1250      for( levels = 0; levels < nlevels; levels++ )
1251      {
1252          levelScale.push_back(scale);
1253          if( cvRound(img.cols/scale) < winSize.width ||
1254              cvRound(img.rows/scale) < winSize.height ||
1255              scale0 <= 1 )
1256              break;
1257          //只考虑测试图片尺寸比检测窗口尺寸大的情况
1258          scale *= scale0;
1259      }
1260      levels = std::max(levels, 1);
1261      levelScale.resize(levels);
1263      ConcurrentRectVector allCandidates;
1264      ConcurrentDoubleVector tempScales;
1265      ConcurrentDoubleVector tempWeights;
1266      vector<double> foundScales;
1268      //TBB并行计算
1269      parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, (int)levelScale.size()),
1270                   HOGInvoker(this, img, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, &levelScale[0], &allCandidates, &tempWeights, &tempScales));
1271      //将tempScales中的内容复制到foundScales中;back_inserter是指在指定参数迭代器的末尾插入数据
1272      std::copy(tempScales.begin(), tempScales.end(), back_inserter(foundScales));
1273      //容器的clear()方法是指移除容器中所有的数据
1274      foundLocations.clear();
1275      //将候选目标窗口保存在foundLocations中
1276      std::copy(allCandidates.begin(), allCandidates.end(), back_inserter(foundLocations));
1277      foundWeights.clear();
1278      //将候选目标可信度保存在foundWeights中
1279      std::copy(tempWeights.begin(), tempWeights.end(), back_inserter(foundWeights));
1281      if ( useMeanshiftGrouping )
1282      {
1283          groupRectangles_meanshift(foundLocations, foundWeights, foundScales, finalThreshold, winSize);
1284      }
1285      else
1286      {
1287          //对矩形框进行聚类
1288          groupRectangles(foundLocations, (int)finalThreshold, 0.2);
1289      }
1290  }
1292  //不考虑目标的置信度
1293  void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, vector<Rect>& foundLocations, 
1294                                       double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding,
1295                                       double scale0, double finalThreshold, bool useMeanshiftGrouping) const  
1296  {
1297      vector<double> foundWeights;
1298      detectMultiScale(img, foundLocations, foundWeights, hitThreshold, winStride, 
1299                       padding, scale0, finalThreshold, useMeanshiftGrouping);
1300  }
1302  typedef RTTIImpl<HOGDescriptor> HOGRTTI;
1304  CvType hog_type( CV_TYPE_NAME_HOG_DESCRIPTOR, HOGRTTI::isInstance,
1305                   HOGRTTI::release, HOGRTTI::read, HOGRTTI::write, HOGRTTI::clone);
1307  vector<float> HOGDescriptor::getDefaultPeopleDetector()
1308  {
1309      static const float detector[] = {
1310         0.05359386f, -0.14721455f, -0.05532170f, 0.05077307f,
1311         0.11547081f, -0.04268804f, 0.04635834f, ........
1312    };
1313         //返回detector数组的从头到尾构成的向量
1314      return vector<float>(detector, detector + sizeof(detector)/sizeof(detector[0]));
1315  }
1316  //This function renurn 1981 SVM coeffs obtained from daimler's base. 
1317  //To use these coeffs the detection window size should be (48,96)  
1318  vector<float> HOGDescriptor::getDaimlerPeopleDetector()
1319  {
1320      static const float detector[] = {
1321          0.294350f, -0.098796f, -0.129522f, 0.078753f,
1322          0.387527f, 0.261529f, 0.145939f, 0.061520f,
1323        ........
1324          };
1325          //返回detector的首尾构成的向量
1326          return vector<float>(detector, detector + sizeof(detector)/sizeof(detector[0]));
1327  }
1329  }


View Code
  1 //////////////// HOG (Histogram-of-Oriented-Gradients) Descriptor and Object Detector //////////////
  3  struct CV_EXPORTS_W HOGDescriptor
  4  {
  5  public:
  6      enum { L2Hys=0 };
  7      enum { DEFAULT_NLEVELS=64 };
  9      CV_WRAP HOGDescriptor() : winSize(64,128), blockSize(16,16), blockStride(8,8),
 10          cellSize(8,8), nbins(9), derivAperture(1), winSigma(-1),
 11          histogramNormType(HOGDescriptor::L2Hys), L2HysThreshold(0.2), gammaCorrection(true),
 12          nlevels(HOGDescriptor::DEFAULT_NLEVELS)
 13      {}
 15      //可以用构造函数的参数来作为冒号外的参数初始化传入,这样定义该类的时候,一旦变量分配了
 16      //内存,则马上会被初始化,而不用等所有变量分配完内存后再初始化。
 17      CV_WRAP HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride,
 18                    Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture=1, double _winSigma=-1,
 19                    int _histogramNormType=HOGDescriptor::L2Hys,
 20                    double _L2HysThreshold=0.2, bool _gammaCorrection=false,
 21                    int _nlevels=HOGDescriptor::DEFAULT_NLEVELS)
 22      : winSize(_winSize), blockSize(_blockSize), blockStride(_blockStride), cellSize(_cellSize),
 23      nbins(_nbins), derivAperture(_derivAperture), winSigma(_winSigma),
 24      histogramNormType(_histogramNormType), L2HysThreshold(_L2HysThreshold),
 25      gammaCorrection(_gammaCorrection), nlevels(_nlevels)
 26      {}
 28      //可以导入文本文件进行初始化
 29      CV_WRAP HOGDescriptor(const String& filename)
 30      {
 31          load(filename);
 32      }
 34      HOGDescriptor(const HOGDescriptor& d)
 35      {
 36          d.copyTo(*this);
 37      }
 39      virtual ~HOGDescriptor() {}
 41      //size_t是一个long unsigned int型
 42      CV_WRAP size_t getDescriptorSize() const;
 43      CV_WRAP bool checkDetectorSize() const;
 44      CV_WRAP double getWinSigma() const;
 46      //virtual为虚函数,在指针或引用时起函数多态作用
 47      CV_WRAP virtual void setSVMDetector(InputArray _svmdetector);
 49      virtual bool read(FileNode& fn);
 50      virtual void write(FileStorage& fs, const String& objname) const;
 52      CV_WRAP virtual bool load(const String& filename, const String& objname=String());
 53      CV_WRAP virtual void save(const String& filename, const String& objname=String()) const;
 54      virtual void copyTo(HOGDescriptor& c) const;
 56      CV_WRAP virtual void compute(const Mat& img,
 57                           CV_OUT vector<float>& descriptors,
 58                           Size winStride=Size(), Size padding=Size(),
 59                           const vector<Point>& locations=vector<Point>()) const;
 60      //with found weights output
 61      CV_WRAP virtual void detect(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Point>& foundLocations,
 62                          CV_OUT vector<double>& weights,
 63                          double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
 64                          Size padding=Size(),
 65                          const vector<Point>& searchLocations=vector<Point>()) const;
 66      //without found weights output
 67      virtual void detect(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Point>& foundLocations,
 68                          double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
 69                          Size padding=Size(),
 70                          const vector<Point>& searchLocations=vector<Point>()) const;
 71      //with result weights output
 72      CV_WRAP virtual void detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
 73                                    CV_OUT vector<double>& foundWeights, double hitThreshold=0,
 74                                    Size winStride=Size(), Size padding=Size(), double scale=1.05,
 75                                    double finalThreshold=2.0,bool useMeanshiftGrouping = false) const;
 76      //without found weights output
 77      virtual void detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
 78                                    double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
 79                                    Size padding=Size(), double scale=1.05,
 80                                    double finalThreshold=2.0, bool useMeanshiftGrouping = false) const;
 82      CV_WRAP virtual void computeGradient(const Mat& img, CV_OUT Mat& grad, CV_OUT Mat& angleOfs,
 83                                   Size paddingTL=Size(), Size paddingBR=Size()) const;
 85      CV_WRAP static vector<float> getDefaultPeopleDetector();
 86      CV_WRAP static vector<float> getDaimlerPeopleDetector();
 88      CV_PROP Size winSize;
 89      CV_PROP Size blockSize;
 90      CV_PROP Size blockStride;
 91      CV_PROP Size cellSize;
 92      CV_PROP int nbins;
 93      CV_PROP int derivAperture;
 94      CV_PROP double winSigma;
 95      CV_PROP int histogramNormType;
 96      CV_PROP double L2HysThreshold;
 97      CV_PROP bool gammaCorrection;
 98      CV_PROP vector<float> svmDetector;
 99      CV_PROP int nlevels;
100  };







posted on 2012-10-12 15:50  鸳都学童  阅读(845)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
