SQL Server根据子查询更新语句update

SQL Server(00):根据子查询更新语句(update … from)



create table #table1
    (    id int ,  name varchar(20) );

create table #table2
    (  id int ,  name varchar(20) );

insert into #table1 ( id, name ) values ( 1, 'a' ), ( 2, null ), ( 3, 'c' ), ( 4, 'd' ), ( 5, 'e' );
insert into #table2 ( id, name ) values ( 1, 'a1' ), ( 2, 'b1' ), ( 3, 'c1' );


update a 
set a.name = b.name 
from #table1 a inner join #table2 b on b.id = a.id 
where a.name is null;
----或子查询方式 update a set a.name = ( select b.name from #table2 b where a.id = b.id ) from #table1 a where a.name is null;


---update … from(推荐)
update #table1 
set #table1.name = b.name 
from #table2 b
where #table1.id = b.id and #table1.name is null;
--或子查询方式 update #table1 set name = ( select b.name from #table2 b where #table1.id = b.id ) where name is null;


merge #table1 a --要更新的目标表 
    using #table2 b --源表 
    on a.id = b.id and a.name is null--更新条件(即主键)
when matched --如果匹配,将源表指定列的值更新到目标表中 
    then update set a.name = b.name
when not matched 
    then insert values ( id, name ); --如果两个条件都不匹配,将源表指定列的值插入到目标表中。此语句必须以分号结束


select * from #table1;
select * from #table2;

drop table #table1;
drop table #table2;
posted @ 2021-01-24 15:02  yclizq  阅读(2049)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报