dictate 口述
but can you spare me a second?
clause 条款
overdue 延误的
dreadful 可怕的
nuisance 可怕的东西
claim 索取;声称
claim compensation
compartment 隔层
a ticket for a sleeping compartment
jacket 书皮
parking lot 停车场
He cannot afford to have a coffee break 没时间喝咖啡
be up to one’s neck 忙得不可开交
kidding 开玩笑
forum 讨论会
nominate 提名
standout 杰出的人
co-workers and managers were asked to nominate the standouts
run up against 遇到
crucial 至关重要的
cruel 残忍的
cruelty 残忍
hair-raising 恐惧的
portrayal 描述
testimony 证据
photocopier 复印机
maternity 母性;怀孕的
maternity leave 产假
mall 购物中心
flattering 奉承的;谄媚的
attendant 服务员
second only to 仅次于
vegetarian 素食主义者
deteriorate 恶化
automobile 汽车
detach 脱离
vulnerable 易患的
Some groups of people are more vulnerable to the illness
practcing 开业的;工作的
fax 传真
associate 同事;合伙人
what does the fax from our associates in Britain say
stain 污点
rally 召集
worked up 激动的
moody 喜怒无常的
in case 以防万一
cut out to 适合做
nuisance 危害
shrub 灌木
collide 碰撞
cemetery 墓地
dispose(of) 处理
transmit 传播;传染
transit 运输
try 审判
when hunting has been tried
confrontation 对抗
terrorize 威胁;恐吓
dominate 主导
domestic 国内的;家用的;家佣
she is a domestic servant
entertain 招待;娱乐
state 国家;州;国家的;陈述;状态
royalty 王族成员;王权
entertain heads of state and royalty
intimate 内在的;亲密的
friendly and intimiate
fountain 喷泉
oval 椭圆形的
oval table
armrest 扶手
panel 面板
crippler 残废;不完美的事物
exotic 异国情调的;奇异的
dean 院长;资深最深者
retiring dean
briefcase 公文包
boil 煮
boil the vegetables
figure out 弄明白
dazzling 耀眼的
place an order 订购