Q: from given array of n elements find the maximum element for each consecutive sub-array of k elements.eg.array=[6,5,4,3,2,1]k=3ans=6 5 4 3explanation:6 from array [6,5,4]5 from array [5,4,3]4 from array [4,3,2]3 from array [3,2,1]A:void max_element_of_subarr(int a[], int n, int k){ for(int m=0;... 阅读全文
下载好gtest-1.6.0,然后解压到一个目录下,比如e:\gtest-1.6.0如果大家尝试着用VS2012 去编译GTest (e:\gtest-1.6.0\msvc\gtest.sln),可能会碰到下面的编译错误:\gtest\include\gtest\gtest-printers.h(550): error C2977: 'std::tuple' : too many template arguments可是,怎么解决呢?Q:用VS2012打开gtest.sln,会提示升级,不用管,一路YES下去。然后打开project的properties -> C\C++ 阅读全文
google 面试 准备 清单 阅读全文
Have an arraywe have to find longest subarray with consecutive numbersex [4,5,34,33,32,11,10,31]answer is[31,32,33,34][92 26 30 28 27]answer is [27, 28]NOT [26, 27, 28]because 26, 27, and 28 are not in a contiguous subarray 阅读全文
Q:假设你可以回到昨天,并且得到股市昨天的全天每个时刻的数据,你能够通过买卖交易,赚取最多的钱么?比如:1. {10, 20, 15, 18, 22, 20, 4, 5}{买入 卖出} {10, 20} {15, 22} {4, 5} 一共三次交易,赚了 10 + 7 + 1 = 18块钱2. {5, 10, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 100}{5, 10} {9, 100} 两次交易,赚了 5 + 91 = 96,是最多的钱。条件:1. 不计手续费2. 一次买+卖算一次完整交易3. 买入后,在卖出前,不能再买入(意思是,交易不能交叉)问题:1. 如果没有其它限制,只让你尽可能多的 阅读全文
The following is an implementation of the CMWC algorithm in theC programming language. Also, included in the program is a sample initialization function. In this implementation the lagr=4096. The period of the resulting generator is about.#include <stdint.h> #define PHI 0x9e3779b9 static uint3 阅读全文
Q:Given an integer, return all sequences of numbers that sum to it. (Example: 3 -> (1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 1, 1)).A:class CalcSequenceNumber{private: static void print(int values[], int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) // n may be less then length of values[] { cout << " "... 阅读全文
Q:What will be the change in complexity if we will choose 2 and 3 pivots in the quicksort algorithm ?The exact complexity and why ??A:if we use 2 element as a pivot (suppose 1st and last element) then we partisan the array into three part and we use quick shot in every partisanSo the new recurrence 阅读全文
Two sorted array. Find kth smallest elementO(logK)A:Compare A[k/2] and B[k/2].If A[k/2] < B[k/2], it means these A[1] to A[k/2] elements are part of first k elements.Now, the kth element can be in A[k/2 + 1] to A[k] or B[1] to B[k/2]. (note: here may be B[1] to B[k], *not* B[k/2])Hence, we reduce 阅读全文
Q:Given an array of positive and negative integers find the first subarray with zero sum?no 0's will be a part of the input array and handle all the edge casesA:1. iterate through the array once, and take the sum from 0 to every other index of the array.2. If any sum is zero, the subarray from 0 阅读全文