Q:What will be the change in complexity if we will choose 2 and 3 pivots in the quicksort algorithm ?The exact complexity and why ??A:if we use 2 element as a pivot (suppose 1st and last element) then we partisan the array into three part and we use quick shot in every partisanSo the new recurrence 阅读全文
Two sorted array. Find kth smallest elementO(logK)A:Compare A[k/2] and B[k/2].If A[k/2] < B[k/2], it means these A[1] to A[k/2] elements are part of first k elements.Now, the kth element can be in A[k/2 + 1] to A[k] or B[1] to B[k/2]. (note: here may be B[1] to B[k], *not* B[k/2])Hence, we reduce 阅读全文