30-Day Leetcoding Challenge Day21
1.每行线性搜索。行遍历。找到每行中第一个为元素1的位置,保存位置中最小的列,break退出当前行。(Wrong Answer)
/** * // This is the BinaryMatrix's API interface. * // You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation * interface BinaryMatrix { * public int get(int row, int col) {} * public List<Integer> dimensions {} * }; */ class Solution { public int leftMostColumnWithOne(BinaryMatrix binaryMatrix) { int row = binaryMatrix.dimensions().get(0); int col = binaryMatrix.dimensions().get(1); int res = col; for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){ int left = 0; int right = col-1; while(left < right){ int mid = (left+right)/2; if(binaryMatrix.get(i, mid) == 0) left = mid+1; else right = mid; } if(binaryMatrix.get(i, left) == 1) res = Math.min(res, left); } if(res == col) return -1; return res; } }
class Solution { public int leftMostColumnWithOne(BinaryMatrix binaryMatrix) { int row = binaryMatrix.dimensions().get(0); int col = binaryMatrix.dimensions().get(1); int i = 0; int j = col-1; while(j >= 0 && i < row){ if(binaryMatrix.get(i, j) == 0) i++; else j--; } if(j == col-1) return -1; return j+1; } }
# """ # This is BinaryMatrix's API interface. # You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation # """ #class BinaryMatrix(object): # def get(self, row: int, col: int) -> int: # def dimensions(self) -> list[]: class Solution: def leftMostColumnWithOne(self, binaryMatrix: 'BinaryMatrix') -> int: row, col = binaryMatrix.dimensions() res = col for i in range(row): left = 0 right = col-1 while left < right: #bug,无=号 mid = (left + right) // 2 if binaryMatrix.get(i, mid) == 0: left = mid+1 else: right = mid #bug 无减1 if binaryMatrix.get(i, left) == 1: res = min(res, left) if res == col: #bug return -1 return res
class Solution: def leftMostColumnWithOne(self, binaryMatrix: 'BinaryMatrix') -> int: row, col = binaryMatrix.dimensions() i = 0 j = col-1 while j >= 0 and i < row: if binaryMatrix.get(i, j) == 1: j -= 1 else: i += 1 if j == col-1: return -1 return j+1