
while(true) { Write it down; Think about it; Refine it; Sleep(); }

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摘要: 博弈论公开课第一课的5个结论1, 不要选择劣势策略;Don't play astrictly dominated strategy;2, 人是自私的;Yale students are evil;3, 理性选择导致次优结果;Rational choices canlead to bad outcomes;4, 学会换位思考;Put yourself in other people'sshoes;5, 汝欲得之,必先知之;Fingure out what you want before you try and get what you want; 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-05-21 17:07 zip's 阅读(574) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑