BIM is a term which represents three separate but linked functions:


Building Information Modeling: Is a BUSINESS PROCESS for generating and leveraging building data to design, construct and operate the building during its lifecycle. BIM allows all stakeholders to have access to the same information at the same time through interoperability between technology platforms.

建筑信息建模: 是在建筑生命周期内生成和利用建筑数据来设计、建造和运维建筑的业务流程。BIM让所有利益相关者通过技术平台之间的互操作性同时访问相同的信息。

Building Information Model: Is the DIGITAL REPRESENTATION of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility, forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle from inception onwards.

建筑信息模型: 是设施的物理和功能特征的数字表示。因此,它可以作为有关设施信息的共享知识资源,在其生命周期内形成可靠的决策基础。

Building Information Management: Is the ORGANIZATION & CONTROL of the business process by utilizing the information in the digital prototype to effect the sharing of information over the entire lifecycle of an asset. The benefits include centralized and visual communication, early exploration of options, sustainability, efficient design, integration of disciplines, site control, as built documentation, etc.– effectively developing an asset lifecycle process and model from conception to final retirement.

建筑信息管理: 通过利用数字原型中的信息在资产的整个生命周期内实现信息共享,对业务流程进行组织和控制。其好处包括集中和可视化的沟通、早期探索选项、可持续性、高效设计、学科集成、现场控制、作为建设文档等 —— 有效地开发从概念到最终退役的资产生命周期流程和模型

posted @ 2023-03-02 16:00  一花一世界,一叶一乾坤  阅读(137)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报