<Differential Geometry: A Geometric Introduction> (by David W. Henderson ) Note
========================================== CH1 直线意味着存在一种对称变换 Lines which are intrinsically straight on a surface are often called 【geodesics】. 。 Two geometric spaces, G and H, are said to be 【locally isometric】 at points G in G and H in H if the local intrinsic experience at G is the same as the experience at H. 。 A surface that is locally isometric to the plane is traditionally called 【developable】. ========================================= CH2 We call a figure in our f.o.v. a 【point】 if it does not have two parts which are distinguishable from each other. 。 We can define limits in a f.o.v. by asserting that the sequence {x n } converges to y if eventually x n is indistinguishable from y. . If γ is a smooth curve with nonzero curvature κ p at the point p, then the 【osculating circle】 at p is the circle C p through p which has the same curvature vector and unit tangent vector as γ. . A unit vector perpendicular to the osculating plane at p is called the【binormal】, Bp。 We pick the direction of B p by specifying that {Tp , Np , Bp } be right handed, The three unit vectors, Tp , Np , Bp , are called the 【Frenét frame】 at the point p。 . . Most books define the 【torsion(扭力/扭矩)】 (vector) of a curve to be the rate of change (with respect to arc length) of the binormal, in symbols τ p = B'p . a curve with well-defined (nonzero) curvature is planar if and only if the binormal is constant (or, its torsion is everywhere zero). . 【Frenét-Serret Equations】: κ ≡ T′(s) = κ(s)N(s), N′(s) = −κ(s)T(s) + τ(s)B(s), τ ≡ B′(s) = −τ(s)N(s), where κ(s) = |T′(s)| is the 【scalar curvature】 and τ(s) = −[B′(s)·N(s)] is the 【scalar torsion】. ============================================================== Chapter 3 Extrinsic Descriptions of Intrinsic Curvature intrinsic curvature=geodesic curvature The 【normal space】 N p M at a point p in the smooth surface M is the union of all lines which are perpendicular to T p M at p. In 3-space the normal space is a line called the 【normal line】. We are, in effect, defining intrinsic curvature as the curvature observed by the bug. For now all that we can do is to find a formal extrinsic definition of the intrinsic curvature by defining the 【intrinsic curvature】 to be the projection of the 【extrinsic curvature】 onto the tangent plane. 【intrinsic curvature (or geodesic curvature)】: κg = [projection of κ onto the tangent plane Tp S ] 【normal curvature】: κn = [projection of κ onto the normal space Np S ]. The directions of the three different curvatures, κ , κn , κg , give rise to three different normals:(Figure 3.5) k: the extrinsic normal to the curve, (extrinsic curvature) kn: the normal to the surface, kg: the intrinsic normal to the curve in the surface.(把圆锥摊平) 。 The curvature κ is the extrinsic curvature of the curve as a curve in space without reference to any surface containing it. (extrinsic curvature κ与曲线所在的面无关!) However, the normal and intrinsic curvatures depend on the surface that one is considering.(normal kn,intrinsic curvatures kg与曲线所在的面有关) κ = κn + κg 。 The curve γ is called a geodesic if and only if κ g = 0 at every point. 。 A smooth surface M is called a 【regular ruled surface】 if on M there is a smooth curve α(t) (parametrized by arclength t) and at each point α(t) of the curve a unit vector r(t) such that 1. r(t) is a differentiable function of t, 2. each point α(t) is in the interior of an (extrinsically) straight segment in M that is parallel to r(t), 3. there is a (global) coordinate patch for M which can be expressed in the form: x(t,s) = α(t) + sr(t), and 4. the vectors, x1(t,s) = α′(t) + sr′(t), x2(t,s) = r(t) form a basis for the tangent space. The curve α is called the 【directrix准线】 of the surface, and the extrinsically straight segments are called the 【rulings】 of the surface. (x1表示x对第一个变量求偏导) ======================================================== Chapter.4.Tangent.Space.Metric(度量,度规?).and.Directional.Derivative ======================================================== In Chapter 5 we developed geometrically intrinsic descriptions of holonomy, parallel transport, and curvature of surfaces. 。 In Chapter 6 we developed extrinsic descriptions of Gaussian curvature and showed that it was the same as the intrinsic curvature for all C$^2$ surfaces. 。 In Chapter 7, we found intrinsic local descriptions of Gaussian (intrinsic) curvature with respect to extrinsically defined local coordinates, using (extrinsic) directional derivatives. 。 in chapter 8,we will develop an intrinsic directional derivative that will allow intrinsic local descriptions of parallel transport. . intrinsic directional derivative: ∇$_X$f =Xf − <Xf, n(p)> n where X is a tangent vector at p =========================================== CH6 PROBLEM 6.2. Second Fundamental Form if Xp , Yp∈TpM for a smooth surface M in R3 , then we define the second fundamental form to be: II(Xp, Yp) = <Xp, −Yp n> , c. Show that II(x1 ,x2 ) = 〈x21 ,n〉 = 〈x12 ,n〉 = II(x2 ,x1 ) and that II(Xp, Yp ) = II(Yp, Xp) 解答: Since x 1 and x 2 are tangent vectors, 〈x 1 ,n〉 = 0 = 〈x 2 ,n〉. Thus, 0 = x 2 〈x 1 ,n〉 = 〈x 2 x 1 ,n〉 + 〈x 1 ,x 2 n〉 and 0 = x 1 〈x 2 ,n〉 = 〈x 1 x 2 ,n〉 + 〈x 2 ,x 1 n〉. Therefore, II(x1, x2) ≡ 〈x 1 ,− x 2 n〉 = −〈x1 ,x2 n〉 = 〈x21 ,n〉 = 〈x 12 ,n〉 = −〈x 2 ,x 1 n〉 = 〈x 2 ,− x 1 n〉 = II(x 2 ,x 1 ) −〈x1, x2 n〉= 〈x21, n〉?为什么? 因为法线n和切向量x1相互垂直,所以x1*n=0,两边对第二个坐标参数求偏导得: x21*n + x1 *x2 n = 0,即〈x21, n〉+ 〈x1, x2 n〉=0 ============================================================= º¹²³⁴ⁿ₁₂₃₄·∶αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω∽≌⊥∠⊙∈∩∪∑∫∞≡≠±≈$㏒㎡㎥㎎㎏㎜ ⊂∈∂ http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/www/tex/online_latex.jsp得,N$_u$*x$_u$+N, x$_{uu}$=0,得证。