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<Differential Geometry: A Geometric Introduction> (by David W. Henderson ) Note


Lines which are intrinsically straight on a surface are often called geodesics.

Two geometric spaces, G and H, are said to be locally isometricat points G in G and H in H if the local intrinsic experience at G is the same as the experience at H.

A surface that is locally isometric to the plane is traditionally called developable.
We call a figure in our f.o.v. a pointif it does not have two parts which are distinguishable from each other.

We can define limits in a f.o.v. by asserting that the sequence {x n } converges to y if eventually x n is indistinguishable from y.
If γ is a smooth curve with nonzero curvature κ p at the point p, then the osculating circleat p is the circle C p through p which has the same curvature vector and unit tangent vector as γ.
A unit vector perpendicular to the osculating plane at p is called thebinormal, Bp
We pick the direction of B p by specifying that {Tp , Np , Bp } be right handed,
The three unit vectors, Tp , Np , Bp , are called the Frenét frameat the point p
Most books define the torsion(扭力/扭矩)(vector) of a curve to be the rate of change (with respect to arc length) of the binormal, in symbols τ p = B'p
a curve with well-defined (nonzero) curvature is planar if and only if the binormal is constant (or, its torsion is everywhere zero).
Frenét-Serret Equations:
κ ≡ T′(s) = κ(s)N(s),
N′(s) = −κ(s)T(s) + τ(s)B(s),
τ ≡ B′(s) = −τ(s)N(s),
where κ(s) = |T′(s)| is the scalar curvatureand
τ(s) = −[B′(s)·N(s)]  is the scalar torsion.
Chapter 3 Extrinsic Descriptions of Intrinsic Curvature
intrinsic curvature=geodesic curvature
The normal spaceN p M at a point p in the smooth surface M is the union of all lines which are perpendicular to T p M at p. In 3-space the normal space is a line called the normal line.
We are, in effect, defining intrinsic curvature as the curvature observed by the bug.
For now all that we can do is to find a formal extrinsic definition of the intrinsic curvature by defining the intrinsic curvatureto be the projection of the extrinsic curvatureonto the tangent plane.
intrinsic curvature (or geodesic curvature)】:
κg = [projection of κ onto the tangent plane Tp S ]
normal curvature】:
κn = [projection of κ onto the normal space Np S ].
The directions of the three different curvatures, κ , κn , κg , give rise to three different normals:(Figure 3.5)
k:   the extrinsic normal to the curve, extrinsic curvature
kn: the normal to the surface,  
kg: the intrinsic normal to the curve in the surface.(把圆锥摊平)

The curvature κ is the extrinsic curvature of the curve as a curve in space without reference to any surface containing it. extrinsic curvature κ与曲线所在的面无关!)
However, the normal and intrinsic curvatures depend on the surface that one is considering.normal knintrinsic curvatures kg与曲线所在的面有关)
κ = κn + κg

The curve γ is called a geodesic if and only if κ g = 0 at every point.

A smooth surface M is called a regular ruled surfaceif on M there is a smooth curve α(t) (parametrized by arclength t) and at each point α(t) of the curve a unit vector r(t) such that
1. r(t) is a differentiable function of t,
2. each point α(t) is in the interior of an (extrinsically) straight segment in M that is parallel to r(t),
3. there is a (global) coordinate patch for M which can be expressed in the form:
x(t,s) = α(t) + sr(t), and
4. the vectors, x1(t,s) = α′(t) + sr′(t), x2(t,s) = r(t) form a basis for the tangent space.
The curve α is called the directrix准线】 of the surface, and the extrinsically straight segments are called the rulingsof the surface.
In Chapter 5 we developed geometrically intrinsic descriptions of holonomy, parallel transport, and curvature of surfaces.

 In Chapter 6 we developed extrinsic descriptions of Gaussian curvature and showed that it was the same as the intrinsic curvature for all C$^2$ surfaces.

 In Chapter 7, we found intrinsic local descriptions of Gaussian (intrinsic) curvature with respect to extrinsically defined local coordinates, using (extrinsic) directional derivatives. 

in  chapter 8we will develop an intrinsic directional derivative that will allow intrinsic local descriptions of parallel transport.
intrinsic directional derivative:
∇$_X$f =Xf − <Xf, n(p)> n
where X is a tangent vector at p
PROBLEM 6.2. Second Fundamental Form
if Xp , Yp∈TpM for a smooth surface M in R3 , then we define the second fundamental form to be: II(Xp, Yp) = <Xp, −Yp n> ,
c. Show that 
II(x1 ,x2 ) = x21 ,n= x12 ,n= II(x2 ,x1 )  
and that
II(Xp, Yp ) = II(Yp, Xp)
Since x 1 and x 2 are tangent vectors, x 1 ,n= 0 = x 2 ,n. Thus, 
0 = x 2 x 1 ,n= x 2 x 1 ,n+ x 1 ,x 2 nand 
0 = x 1 x 2 ,n= x 1 x 2 ,n+ x 2 ,x 1 n. 
Therefore, II(x1, x2) ≡ x 1 ,− x 2 n= −x1 ,x2 n= x21 ,n= x 12 ,n= −x 2 ,x 1 n= x 2 ,− x 1 n= II(x 2 ,x 1 )
−x1, x2 n= x21, n〉?为什么?
x21*n + x1 *x2 n = 0,即〈x21, n+ x1, x2 n=0
http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/www/tex/online_latex.jsp得,N$_u$*x$_u$+N, x$_{uu}$=0,得证。

posted on 2017-08-02 19:35  yys  阅读(243)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报