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N$_1$$^T$ = A$^T$ : the node–edge incidence matrix

N$_2$$^T$ = B$^T$ : the edge–face incidence matrix.

σ$^p$: p-cell



V0-cells or nodes,

E1-cells or edges

F2-cells or faces

C$_p$: the space of p-chain

σ$_i$: p-chain basis

τ$_p$: p-chain

C$^p$: the space of p-cochain

σ$^i$: p-cochain basis

c$^p$: p-cochain

p-simplex: a p-cell consists of exactly p+1 vertices

p-clique: a clique comprised of p nodes C$^p$: vector space of p-cochains


Discrete Calculus


conventional (连续的)vector calculus 以下简记为vector calculus,与discrete calculus相对。)


discrete calculus

complex networks

algorithmic content extraction


1.1 Discrete Calculus

It establishes a separate, equivalent calculus that operates purely in the discrete space without any reference to an underlying continuous process.


It aims to establish a fully discrete calculus rather than a discretized calculus

(discretized calculus后来发展成为finite element method;进一步(把点变成cell complex)发展为mimetic discretization) )

Discrete Calculus不是传统微积分的离散化,历史上两者平行发展,两者的出发点:

- spatial representations and relationships

- the description of physical systems associated with space


The standard setting for this discrete calculus is a cell complex, of which a graph or network is a

special case.


1.1.1 Origins of Vector Calculus(传统微积分)

infinitesimal 但微积分基本定理却不依赖于infinitesimal(微积分基本定理本质上描述的是topological relationship


1D calculus----(2D complex number: a+ib)-------------------->2D calculus

–-----------------(4D complex number: quaternion)------------>4D calculus

------------------(simplify)------------------------------------------>3D calculus


不同物理定律之间有类似的公式的原因:each analogous quantity was associated with the same unit of space(by Enzo Tonti)


1.1.2 Origins of Discrete Calculus

源于用graph theory来研究space

Kirchhoffgraph theory来研究electrical circuits

algebraic topology---->electrical circuits

electrical circuits –---(相同结构(isomorphism?)----> conventional vector calculus


1.1.3 Discrete vs. Discretized

vector calculus关注的是analytical, closed-form solutions

discrete calculus关注的是algorithms for finding solutions


Discretized calculusFEM


1.2 Complex Networks

complex networks may be used to model a huge array of phenomena across all scientific and social disciplines.



Chapter 2

Introduction to Discrete Calculus


Gradient Theorem, Divergence(Gauss’s) Theorem, Curl(Stokes’) Theorem, Green’s Theorem

These expressions phrased in the language of vector calculus all share a common

structure that relates the vector fields to the topology of the underlying space in

a way that is independent of the dimension of the space.


Vector calculus ----(推广至任意维度)----> differential forms

∂<--->d : this exchange suggests a topological character of the derivative


2.2 Differential Forms

The generalization of the derivative provided by the theory of differential forms in arbitrary dimensions is motivated by the requirement that it must measure how a function changes in all directions simultaneously, just as df/dx measures how a function f changes in the x coordinate direction.

This requirement leads directly to the antisymmetry property of differential forms and the exterior algebra that is based on the measurement of volume enclosed by a set of vectors


The exterior algebra of antisymmetric tensors motivates the exterior derivative for differential forms(指的是d(α∧β) = dα ∧β + (-1)$^k$ α∧dβ)


2.2.1 Exterior Algebra and Antisymmetric Tensors

p-vectors and p-forms are special cases of antisymmetric tensors


exterior/wedge product :∧ (欧氏空间下退化成cross product)

inner product<,> (欧氏空间下退化成dot product)



- v1,v2,v3exterior product描述的是:向量张成的量(空间的体积)



以前的方法是v1 v2 v3----需要预先定义


- v1,v2,v3inner product描述的是:向量之间的夹角(line-up的程度)

<v1, v2>v1, v2的夹角。夹角越小,v1v2 lineup的程度越大。

(v1, v2,v3的夹角(solid angle)如何计算?)




v ̄, ω ̃: vector / form in general vector spaces


/\$^p$ V :={the space of p-vectors over V}: set of vector space; dimension= C$_n$$^p$ (每一个组合表示一个维度(比如x ̄1∧x ̄2∧x ̄3表示一个维度, x ̄1 ∧x ̄3∧x ̄4表示另一个维度) )

/\$^p$ V$*$:={the space of p-forms over V$*$}: set of form space; dimension= C$_n$$^p$


x ̄1 , x ̄2 , . . . , x ̄p are linearly dependent <===> x ̄1 ∧x ̄2 ∧ · · · ∧x ̄p = 0


a remarkable property of ∧ is its relationship to the determinant of a matrix.

Ax ̄1 ∧ Ax ̄2 ∧ · · · ∧ Ax ̄n = |A|( x ̄1 ∧ x ̄2 ∧ · · · ∧ x ̄n )

(可以这么理解:x ̄i是基坐标向量,Ax ̄ix ̄i由矩阵A变换后的向量)


V$^∗$:={linear functional α ̃: V→R}: dual space of V; (α ̃就是form)

V$^∗$满足如下操作:(α ̃+β ̃)(v ̄) = α ̃(v ̄)+β ̃(v ̄), cα ̃(v ̄) = cα ̃(v ̄) (β ̃∈ V$^∗$, v ̄∈V )


定义【dual basisσ ̃1 , σ ̃2 , . . . , σ ̃n of V∗,满足: σ ̃$^i$(e ̄j) = δij

可得σ ̃$^i$(v ̄) = v$^i$ (v ̄i-th分量抽取出来)


It is important to note that although forms are commonly thought of as supplying

a “measure” for vectors, they do not require a metric for their evaluation.

(而metric衡量的是距离度,所以 forms不需要衡量距离(所以formstoplogy上的概念)。)

. Manifolds, Tangent Spaces, and Cotangent Spaces

A general manifold isa topological space that is “locally Euclidean”.

A manifold consists of a collection or “atlas” of homeomorphisms to Euclidean

space called charts.


x$^i$ : coordinate functions

∂/∂x$^i$: tangent vectors


v ̄ = ∑$_j$ v$^j$ ∂/∂x$^j$,可把∂/∂x$^j$看作TMnq上的正交基。

σ ̃$^i$(e ̄j) = δij,可把σ ̃$^i$ 看作另一个空间的正交基,由此定义了【cotangent spaceT*Mnq


df(v ̄)|$_q$ ≡ v ̄$_q$(f) = (D$_{v ̄}$f)(q)

这表示:the differential df evaluated on the v ̄ is equivalent to D$_{v ̄}$ evaluated on the function f

特别的: 由dx$^i$ (∂/∂x$^j$) = δij ,得dx$^i$ (v ̄) = v$^i$ (v ̄i-th分量抽取出来) 这表示dx$^i$是一组正交基;同时,由前面的σ ̃$^i$得:dx$^i$ = σ ̃$^i$

所以,any expression in terms of these basis elements (e.g. ω ̃ = ω$_i$ dx$^i$) is a differential form.


coordinate invariance:

v ̄ = 2e ̄1∧e ̄2 +3e ̄2∧e ̄3 −e ̄3∧e ̄1;

ω ̃ = 7σ ̃1∧σ ̃2 −6 σ ̃2∧σ ̃3 +4σ ̃3∧σ ̃1;

ω ̃(v ̄)的值不随 e ̄ i ∧ e ̄ j σ ̃ i ∧ σ ̃ j变化


. The Metric Tensor: Mapping p-Forms to p-Vectors

contravariant v.s. covariant

contravariant quantities: e ̄i,

covariant quantities: ∂f/∂xi


计算ω ̃(v ̄)的值不需要引入metric,但是,forms <-------metric(tensor) makes an isomorphism-------> vector


<v ̄, w ̄> = ∑i ∑j v$^i$ w$^j$ g$_{ij}$, 用矩阵表示为:<v ̄, w ̄> = v$^T$ G w

<α ̃, β ̃> = ∑i ∑j α$_i$ β$_j$ g$^{ij}$, 用矩阵表示为:<α ̃, β ̃> = a G$^{−1}$ b$^T$

(G: primal metric tensor, G$^{−1}$ dual metric tensor)



αj = ∑i v$^i$ g$_{ij}

v$^i$ = ∑i αj g$^{ij}


primal metric tensormetric tensor on the tangent space

dual metric tensormetric tensor on the cotangent space





2.2.2 Differentiation and Integration of Forms

closed form: ω is closed if dω ̃ = 0 (the kernel of d)

exact form: α is exact if α ̃ = dβ ̃ (the image of d)


的几何意义: the expansion of ω outwards in all directions(σ ̃$^i$表示的方向)

d measures the variation of a p-form simultaneously in

each of the p directions of a p-dimensional parallelepiped, and is therefore

the natural generalization of the one-dimensional differential operator d/dt .


的拓扑意义: ∫$_s$ dω ̃ = ∫$_{∂s}$ ω ̃


p-domain: the domain of integration of a p-form


∫$_s$ dω ̃ = ∫$_{∂s}$ ω ̃ 记为:[dω ̃, S]= [ω ̃, ∂S],称d和∂是adjoint with respect to [,]

. The Poincaré Lemma

ddω =0,

∫$_s$ ddω ̃ = ∫$_{∂s}$ dω ̃ = ∫$_{∂∂s}$ ω ̃ = 0

∂∂S = 0,


In the case of the exterior derivative, this identity is equivalent to the condition that mixed partial second derivatives are equal.(为什么?)


a closed form may be not exact


cohomology theory: whether a closed form is exact

homology theory: whether a closed region is the boundary of something




2.2.3 The Hodge Star Operator

ω ̃= ∑$_{i,1,r}$ w$_i$ σ ̃$^i$

*ω ̃= sqrt(|g|) ∑$_{i,1,r}$ w$^*_i$ (*σ ̃i) (|g|: primal metric tensor determinant)


Hodge star operator has been recently extended to operate also on p-vectors,参见Harrison, J.: Geometric Hodge star operator with applications to the theorems of Gauss and

Green. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 140(1), 135–155

(2006). doi:10.1017/S0305004105008716


HodgeStar的性质: (given p-forms α ̃, β ̃, a scalar function f)

*α ̃ ∧ β ̃ = *β ̃ ∧ α ̃ (= scalar = <α ̃, β ̃> vol$^n$ , 为什么? vol$^n$ = sqrt(|g|) dx1∧· · ·∧dxn)

*(f α ̃) = f *α ̃

**(α ̃)= (−1)$^p(n−p)$ α ̃

****α ̃ = α ̃

α ̃ ∧*α ̃ = 0 iff α ̃ = 0 (non-degeneracy of the inner product).

*1= vol n


global scalar product (α ̃, β ̃) :

(α ̃, β ̃) ≡ ∫M α ̃∧*β ̃ = ∫M <α ̃, β ̃> vol$^n$ (M : compact manifold M$^n$)


in Euclidean metric:

u ̄ · v ̄ = *(u ̃∧ *v ̃) = *(v ̃ ∧ Hu ̃)

u ̄×v ̄ = *(u ̃ ∧ v ̃)

u ̄ · (v ̄×w ̄) = *(u ̃∧v ̃∧w ̃)


× α ̄ = *dα ̃ (没有给出推导过程)

· α ̄ = *d*α ̃ (=-δα ̃ if M⊂R3, α ̃ is 1-form)(没有给出推导过程)

(α ̄$^b$ = (α ̃) )

虽然计算里包含*,但并不需要求g。所以运算符× · are purely topological in nature The Codifferential Operator and the Laplace–de Rham Operator

codifferential operator d$^∗$d$^∗$ ≡ (−1)$^{n(p+1)+1}$ *d*



(dα ̃, β ̃)= (α ̃ , δβ ̃) ,称dδadjoint with respect to (,)

coclosedδβ ̃=0,

coexactβ ̃= δα ̃

δδ≡(−1)$^{n(p+1)+1}$ *d* (−1)$^{n(p+1)+1}$ *d* =(−1)$^{2n(p+1)+2}$ *d**d*

=*d**d*= *d (−1)$^p(n−p)$ d*= (−1)$^p(n−p)$ *dd* = (−1)$^p(n−p)$ *0*=0


Δ≡dδ+δd = (d+δ)^2


(Δα ̃, β ̃)= (α ̃ , Δβ ̃) ,称Δself-adjoint with respect to (,)


harmonic form : Δω ̃ = 0




2.3 Discrete Calculus

2.3.1 Discrete Domains

A discrete domain will be represented by a cell complex, which is comprised of a collection of finite dimensional vector spaces of p-cells.

clique: a fully-connected set of nodes

σ$^p$: p-cell



V0-cells or nodes,

E1-cells or edges

F2-cells or faces

p-simplexa p-cell consists of exactly p+1 vertices

p-clique: a clique comprised of p nodes

Note how this definition of a cell and its boundary excludes the possibility for the cell’s boundary

to self-intersect.


cell complex(simplical complex):

1. The boundary of each p-cell (for p > 0) is comprised of the union of lower-order p-cells.

2. The intersection of any two cells is either empty or a boundary element of both cells.(toplogy space的条件之一)



Typically, the 0-cells of a complex are considered as vertices of a discrete manifold and as such are thought of as being embedded in some extrinsic embedding space, i.e., to each vertex is assigned a coordinate in n dimensions. This embedding of the vertices allows one to define other features of the complex, like orientation and duality (discussed below), in terms of the ambient space into which the complex is embedded. Orientation

We consider two orientations to be the same (called coherent) if one can be obtained from the other by an even permutation


For completeness, a 0-cell is considered to have two orientations

(“sourceness” and “sinkness”) although it is defined by only a single node.Conven-

tionally, all nodes are given the same orientation, “sourceness”, meaning that the

negative (sink) end of an edge will not be coherent with the orientation of a node,

while the positive (source) end of an edge will be coherent with the orientation of a



为什么把edge 的起点设置为-1,终点设置为+1

类比定积分∫f(x)dx = F(b) – F(a) 。起点a的系数是-1,终点b的系数是+1


p-cell merge

. The Incidence Matrix



discrete calculus的方法论:

把拓扑元素代数化(topology---->algebra, 具体是:

1. 把拓扑结构(拓扑元素之间的(层级)连接关系)表示为matrix , Incidence Matrix N$_n$$^T$ (这里的层级关系就是boudnary关系)

2. 拓扑元素的权重表示为vector , p-chain τp

(p-chain 类比于被积函数f(x) ---- 在积分∫f(x)dxdx|x=x0对积分结果的贡献是f(x0)dx,即dx|x=x0的权重是f(x0) )

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Chains

p-chainτpcolumn vectoran n$_p$-tuple of scalars which assigns a coefficient to each p-cell.

(n$_p$: the number of distinct p-cells in the complex)

σ$_i$: p-chain basis

C$_p$: the space of p-chain The Discrete Boundary Operator

The incidence matrix maps p-chains into their

corresponding boundary elements. In other words, when the incidence matrix N T p is

applied to a p-chain, the result is a (p−1)-chain

τ$_{p−1}$ = N$_p$$^T$ * τ$_p$

Remarkably, this chain τ$_{p−1}$ represents the oriented set of (p−1)-cells on the

boundary of p-cells represented by the chain τp.

(比如,假设积分区域不包含p-cell A, 那么τ$_p$不应该包含A的数据,则经过N$_p$$^T$变换后,τ$_{p−1}$里也不会包含A(boundary)数据。最终的效果就是,不会在A上做积分(因为A不在积分区域内)。可参考Fig.2.10)

Consequently, the incidence matrix is the matrix representation of the discrete boundary operator, i.e., N T p : C p →C p−1


p-chain 表示的就是p-cell

所以,τ$_{p−1}$ = N$_p$$^T$ * τ$_p$ 的含义是:用(p-1)-cell表示p-cell

所以,N$_0$$^T$ * N$_1$$^T$ *...* N$_p$$^T$的含义是:






所以,discrete calculus的思路:连续地取boundary,最终得出结果。


N$_p$$^T$: the boundary operator ∂p on p-chains

incidence matrix (Np)$^T$ is a natural representation of the boundary operator ∂ p on p-chains


The incidence matrix (Np)$^T$ provides

(i) a representation (or data structure) of the topology of the discrete manifold

(ii) a representation of the boundary operator ∂p .


The oriented cell complex-----------------------------the entire domain

the chain τ$_p$-----------------------------------------an oriented subdomain (the domain of integration)

the incidence matrix------–----------------------------the boundary operator(e.g. A$^T$, B$^T$)

p-cochain c$^{p-1}$-----------------------------------the function assigning values to vertex/edge/face/...

incidence matrix's transpose (inverse?)-------------derivative operator(coboundary operator) (e.g. A, B)




2.3.2 Discrete Forms and the Coboundary Operator

p-cochainsc$^p$: a linear function defined on the domain of p-cells. C$_p$-->R. 表示为n$_p$×1 column vector c$^p$

form: vector-->R

cochain: C$^p$ -->R

C$^p$: vector space of p-cochains

σ$^i$: p-cochain basis

there is a single basic p-chain and a single basic p-cochain defined at each p-cell of the complex,

and therefore the basis sets of p-cochains and p-chains are biorthogonal. For this reason, the two vector spaces are isomorphic.(为什么?)


∑$_{σ^p}$ applying p-cochain c$^p$ to p-chain τ$_p$ at p-cell σ$^p$

= ∑$_{i, 1, n$_p$}$ τ$_p$(σ$_i$) c$^p$(σ$^i$)

:= [c$^p$, τ$_p$]

定义 adjoint boundary operator (Np)$^{T*}$ 满足:

[(Np)$^{T*}$ c$^{p-1}$, τ$_p$] = [c$^{p-1}$, (Np)$^T$ τ$_p$] (discrete version of Generalized Stokes’Theorem)

类比Generalized Stokes’Theorem,得:

exterior derivativeon p-cochains dpdp = (∂$_{p+1}$ )$^*$ ≡ (N$_{p+1}$)$^{T*}$ = Np


2.3.3 Primal and Dual Complexes

我们对Dual Complexe的定义意味着定义了一个combinatorial manifold(局部同胚于欧式空间)

(详见Milnor, J.: On the relationship between differentiable manifolds and combinatorial mani-

folds. In: Collected Papers of John Milnor, vol. III: Differential Topology, pp. 19–28. Am.

Math. Soc., Providence (1956)

Primal and Dual之间的incidence matrix的联系:

(N$_p$)$^T$ = M$_(n-(p-1))$

this notion of duality is completely independent of the embedding


dual complex‘s orientation:

The combinatorial orientation of a primal cell has been termed intrinsic (since the orientation is defined by the cell nodes)

while the orientation of a dual cell has been termed extrinsic (since this orientation is defined by the primal cell nodes)


2.3.4 The Role of a Metric: the Metric Tensor, the Discrete Hodge Star Operator, and Weighted Complexes The Metric Tensor and the Associated Inner Product

g$^p$$_{ii}$ := <σ$_i$, σ$_j$> (σ$_i$: the basis of C$_p$)


定义metric tensor G$_p$, C$_p$ -->C$^p$: c$^p$ = G$_p$ τ$_p$

Gp = diag(g$^p$$_{ii}$)


p-chains a, b:

<a, b> = a$^T$ G b


p-cochains u, v:

<u, v> = u$^T$ G$^{-1}$ v


<a, b> = <G a, G b>

. The Discrete Hodge Star Operator

Hodge Star *: C$^p$-->C$^{n-p}$

*x = G$_p$$^{-1}$ x

x$^*$ := *x

. The Volume Cochain

2.3.5 The Dual Coboundary Operator

dual coboundary operator, (Np)*:C$^p$-->C$^{p-1}$

(Np)* := * M$_{n-p+1}$ *

(Np)* = * (Np)$^T$ * = G$_{p−1}$ N$_p$ Gp$^{-1}$

欧式空间下, (Np)* = (Np)$^T$

2.3.6 The Discrete Laplace–de Rham Operator

Δ≡ dd∗ + d∗d

Lp = N$_p$ N$_p$* + N$_{p+1}$* N$_{p+1}$


Lij = di, if i=j; -1, if eij ∈ E; 0, otherwise (di means node degree)


L = D − W = A$^T$ A (D = {Dii=di})


for a weighted graph:

Lij = di/wi, if i=j; -wij/wi, if eij ∈ E; 0, otherwise (wi: node weight; wij: edge weight )


L0: scalar Laplacian

L1: edge Laplacian


2.5 Examples of Discrete Calculus

scalar fields ~ 0-cochains

vector field ~ 1-cochains(a function assigning values to edges)

? ~ 2-cochains(a function assigning values to cycles) Generalized Stokes’ Theorem on a 1-Complex

[Ac$^0$ , τ$_1$ ] = [c$^0$ , A$^T$ τ$_1$] A=N$_1$

Fig. 2.20 的解释非常赞!

. Comparison with Finite Differences Operators

discrete calculus v.s. FEM:

the central differences operator(模拟的是梯度) does not represent a boundary operator(所以无法满足微积分基本公式)

discrete calculus里的梯度是φ = (dφ)^#, Generalized Stokes’ Theorem on a 2-Complex


[Bc$^1$ , τ$_2$ ] = [c$^1$ , B$^T$ τ$_2$] B=N$_2$

Fig. 2.24, B$^T$ τ$_2$得出边界 Generalized Stokes’ Theorem on a 3-Complex


[N$_3$c$^2$ , τ$_3$ ] = [c$^2$ , (N$_3$)$^T$ τ$_3$]

div-theorem(dual form):

[A$^T$ c$^1$ , τ$_0$ ] = [c$^1$ , Aτ$_0$]

the divergence of the flow field c$^1$, given by A$^T$ c$^1$ , integrated over a region of nodes τ$_0$ = the flow out of the region subtracted from the flow into the region. (参见Fig. 2.25)


2.5.2 The Helmholtz Decomposition

cochain ~ vector field

c$^1$ = c$^1$div-free + c$^1$curl-free

Helmholtz decomposition的解不唯一,regularization后 可以得到唯一的解

2.5.3 Matrix Representation of Discrete Calculus Identities

discrete Gauss–Green formula:

c$^0$$^T$ diag(τ$_0$) (A$^T$ c$^1$) (diag(τ$_0$)怎么理解?)

=(A diag(τ$_0$) c$^0$)$^T$ c$^1$ (分部积分,得下式)

=(A diag(τ$_0$) c$^0$)$^T$ diag(τ$_{boundary}$) c$^1$ (edges connecting one node in τ0(为什么?))

+(A diag(τ$_0$) c$^0$)$^T$ diag(τ$_{interior}$) c$^1$ (edges connecting two nodes in τ0(为什么?))

∇ × ∇u = 0 B Ac$^0$ = 0

∇ · ∇ × F = 0 AT BT c$^1$ = 0

(u: scalar field; F: vector field)

general form of this Green’s identity

2.5.4 Elliptic Equations


¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹ ᵃᵇᵈᵉᶠᵍʰⁱʲᵏˡᵐⁿᵒᵖ ʳˢᵗᵘᵛʷˣʸᶻ ᵅᵝᵞᵟᵠ ₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉ ₐ ₑ ₕᵢⱼₖₗₘₙₒₚᵣₛₜᵤᵥ ₓ ᵦ





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