Game Programming
Rendering (2nd edition) Tomas Akenine-Möller and Eric Haines A. K.
Peters, Ltd., Natick MA (July 2002)
Shading Marc Olano, John C. Hart, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Michael
McCool A. K. Peters, Ltd., Natick MA (July 2002)
Level of
Detail for 3D Graphics David Luebke, Martin Reddy, Jonathan D. Cohen,
Amitabh Varshney, Benjamin Watson, Robert Huebner Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
San Francisco CA (July 2002)
Programming Gems Mark DeLoura (editor) Charles River Media, Inc.,
Rockland MA (2000)
Programming Gems 2 Mark DeLoura (editor) Charles River Media, Inc.,
Rockland MA (October 2001)
Programming Gems 3 Dante Treglia, Mark DeLoura (editors) Charles River
Media, Inc., Rockland MA (July 2002)
Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.2 (third
edition) Mason Woo, Jackie Nieder, Tom Davis, Dave
Shreiner Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1999)
Reference Manual: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.2 (third
edition) Dave Shreiner (editor) Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Trick Wolfgang F. Engel
(Editor) Wordware Publishing (2002)
for Game Developers David M. Bourg O'Reilly & Associates (November
Computer Graphics
Blinn's Corner: A Trip Down the Graphics Pipeline by Jim Blinn is a
compendium of 20 of the column's articles, leads you through the "graphics
pipeline" offering a wealth of tips and tricks. It explores common graphics
problems, many of which have never before been addressed. Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 247 pages $32.00 |
Glassner's Notebook: Recreational Computer Graphics by Andrew S. Glassner.
Reproducing and expanding almost all of his columns from IEEE Computer Graphics
& Applications over the past three years, this book is an eclectic,
provocative, and broadly relevant book sure to entertain and inform you,
regardless of the nature of your interest in graphics or the extent of your
knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 328 pages, $44.95 |
Graphics: Principles and Practice (second edition) James Foley, Andries
van Dam, Steven Feiner, John Hughes Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Gems I by Andrew S. Glassner. Started in 1990 by Andrew Glassner, the vision
and purpose of the Graphics Gems Series was - and still is - to provide tips,
techniques, and algorithms for graphics programmers. All of the gems are written
by programmers who work in the field and are motivated by a common desire to
share interesting ideas and tools with their colleagues. Each volume provides a
new set of innovative solutions to a variety of programming problems. Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 864 pages, $64.00 |
Gems II James Arvo (editor) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Gems III David Kirk (editor) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Graphics Gems Volumes I-III Bundle. The Graphics Gems Package
contains Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of the Graphics Gems Series. Started in 1990 by
Andrew Glassner, the vision and purpose of the Graphics Gems Series was - and
still is - to provide tips, techniques, and algorithms for graphics programmers.
All of the gems are written by programmers who work in the field and are
motivated by a common desire to share interesting ideas and tools with their
colleagues. Each volume provides a new set of innovative solutions to a variety
of programming problems. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, $125.00 |
Gems IV, IBM Version by Paul S. Heckbert. Started in 1990 by Andrew
Glassner, the vision and purpose of the The Graphics Gems Series was - and still
is - to provide tips, techniques, and algorithms for graphics programmers. All
of the gems are written by programmers who work in the field and are motivated
by a common desire to share interesting ideas and tools with their colleagues.
Each volume provides a new set of innovative solutions to a variety of
programming problems. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 575 pages, $64.00 |
Gems V, IBM Version by Mark W. Paeth. Started in 1990 by Andrew Glassner,
the vision and purpose of the The Graphics Gems Series was - and still is - to
provide tips, techniques, and algorithms for graphics programmers. All of the
gems are written by programmers who work in the field and are motivated by a
common desire to share interesting ideas and tools with their colleagues. Each
volume provides a new set of innovative solutions to a variety of programming
problems. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 438 pages, $64.00 |
and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design: A Practical Guide (4th
edition) Gerald Farin Academic Press, Inc., San Diego CA
From Projective Geometry to Practical Use (2nd edition) Gerald
Farin A.K. Peters, Natick MA (1999)
Introduction to NURBS: With Historical Perspective by David F. Rogers.
Beginning with Bézier curves, the book develops a lucid explanation of NURBS
curves, then does the same for surfaces, consistently stressing important shape
design properties and the capabilities of each curve and surface type. Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 300 pages, $49.94 |
Introduction to Splines for use in Computer Graphics and Geometric
Modeling Richard H. Bartels, John C. Beatty, Brian A. Barsky Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco CA (1987)
to Implicit Surfaces edited by Jules Bloomenthal, et al. is a
comprehensive introduction that develops the fundamental concepts and techniques
of implicit surface modeling, rendering, and animating in terms accessible to
anyone with a basic background in computer graphics. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
332 pages, $69.00 |
and Surfaces in Geometric Modeling: Theory and Algorithms by Jean Gallier
offers both a theoretically unifying understanding of polynomial curves and
surfaces and an effective approach to implementation that you can bring to bear
on your own work-whether you're a graduate student, scientist, or practitioner.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 512 pages, $69.95 |
Modeling with Splines: An Introduction Elaine Cohen, Richard F.
Riesenfeld, Gershon Elber A. K. Peters Ltd. (201)
Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures Hanan
Samet Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1990)
of Spatial Data Structures Hanan Samet Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company (1990)
and Modeling, Second Edition by David S. Ebert, et al. Updated to the
current computer graphics marketplace, the second edition contains a toolbox of
procedures upon which programmers can build a library of textures and objects.
450 pages $56.95 |
for Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications Eric J. Stollnitz, Tony D.
DeRose, David H. Salesin Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco CA
Computer Animation
Animation: Algorithms and Techniques by Richard Parent. Whether you're a
programmer developing new animation functionality or an animator trying to get
the most out of your current animation software, Computer Animation: Algorithms
and Techniques will help work more efficiently and achieve better results.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 500 pages, $64.95 |
Animators Technical Handbook by Lynn Pocock and Judson Rosebush. With this
book, you get precisely what you've been looking for: a complete technical
resource focused exclusively on animation and written on a level that ensures
its relevance, regardless of the applications you use or the precise uses to
which you put them. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 544 pages, $69.95 |
RenderMan: Creating CGI for Motion Picture by Anthony A. Apodaca and Larry
Gritz. Written by the world's foremost RenderMan experts, it offers thoroughly
updated coverage of the standard while moving beyond the scope of the original
RenderMan Companion to provide in-depth information on dozens of advanced
topics. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 512 pages, $49.95 |
Them Move: Mechanics, Control, and Animation of Articulated Figures by
Norman I. Badler, Brian A. Barsky, and David Zeltzer presents the work of
leading researchers in computer graphics, psychology, robotics and mechanical
engineering , and explores biological and robotic motor control, as well as
state-of-the-art computer graphics techniques for simulating human and animal
figures in a natural and physically realistic manner. Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 348 pages, $59.00 |
Motion Capture for Computer Animation and Video Games by Alberto Menache. In
this book, industry insider Alberto Menache tells the complete story of motion
capture, examining its technical details as well as its growth as an industry.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 256 pages, $54.95 |
Computational Geometry
Radiosity and Compositing
and Realistic Image Synthesis by Michael Cohen. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
450 pages, $69.00 |
And Global Illuminiation by Francois X. Sillion and Claude Puech. Here, the
authors reformulate some of the most recent and innovative research results into
a consistent framework, allowing readers to quickly acquire a comprehensive view
of the technique and its derivatives. In addition to reviewing practical issues
and offering recommendations, the authors also provide a complete theoretical
presentation of the various radiosity algorithms. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
251 pages, $58.00 |
The Art
and Science of Digital Compositing by Ron Brinkmann covers a wide range of
topics from basic image creation, representation, and manipulation, to a look at
the visual cues that are necessary to create a believable composite. With
CD-ROM. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 384 pages, $54.95 |
Artificial Intelligence
Evolutionary Systems by Peter Bentley and David Corne. Concentrates on
applying important ideas in evolutionary computation to creative areas, such as
art, music, architecture, and design. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 460 pages,
$69.95 |
Design by Computers edited by Peter J. Bentley. Provides a showcase of the
best and most original work of the leading international experts in Evolutionary
Computation, Engineering Design, Computer Art, and Artificial Life, and explores
related sub-areas of Evolutionary Design, including design optimization,
creative design, and the creation of art. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 464 pages,
$59.95 |
Intelligence: A New Synthesis by Nils J. Nilsson. Intelligent agents are
employed as the central characters in this new introductory text. Beginning with
elementary reactive agents, Nilsson gradually increases their cognitive
horsepower to illustrate the most important and lasting ideas in AI. Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 536 pages, $63.00 |
Intelligence by James Kennedy and Russell C. Eberhart, with Yuhui Shi.
Traditional methods for creating intelligent computational systems have
privileged private "internal" cognitive and computational processes. In
contrast, Swarm Intelligence argues that human intelligence derives from the
interactions of individuals in a social world and further, that this model of
intelligence can be effectively applied to artificially intelligent systems.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 400 pages, $65.95 |
Programming: An Introduction by Wolfgang Banzhaf, Peter Nordin, Robert E.
Keller, and Frank D. Francone. This unique introduction to GP provides a
detailed overview of the subject and its antecedents, with extensive references
to the published and online literature. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 450 pages,
$61.95 |
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Digital Signal Processing
Ridges in
Image and Data Analysis David Eberly Series on Computational Imaging
and Vision Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Diffusion in Computer Vision (Chapter 14: A Differential Geometric
Approach to Anisotropic Diffusion) Bart M. ter Haar Romeny (editor) Series
on Computational Imaging and Vision Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands (1994)
Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing Richard E.
Blahut Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1985)
Transforms: Algorithms, Analyses, Applications Douglass F. Elliott, K.
Ramamohan Rao Academic Press, San Diego CA (1982)
of Digital Image Processing Anil K. Jain Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs NJ (1989)
Shape Jan J. Koenderink The MIT Press, Cambridge MA
Vision Harry Wechsler Academic Press, San Diego CA
Morphology and its Applications to Image Processing Jean Serra, Pierre
Soille (editors) Series on Computational Imaging and Vision Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
to Algorithms, Second...
The Art
of Computer Programming, Volumes 1, 2, 3 (boxed set) Donald E.
Knuth Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1973)
The Art
of Computer Programming: Volume 1 - Fundamental Algorithms Donald E.
Knuth Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1973)
The Art
of Computer Programming: Volume 2 - Seminumerical Algorithms Donald E.
Knuth Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1973)
The Art
of Computer Programming: Volume 3 - Sorting and Searching Donald E.
Knuth Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1973)
to Algorithms (Second Edition) Thomas H. Cormen (Editor), Charles E.
Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest MIT Press (2001)
Structure Techniques Thomas A. Standish Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company (1980)
Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering Frederick P. Brooks,
Jr. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1982)
Software Construction Bertrand Meyer Prentice Hall International
Series in Computer Science (C.A.R. Hoare, editor) Prentice Hall, New York NY
to the Theory of Programming Languages Bertrand Meyer Prentice Hall
International Series in Computer Science (C.A.R. Hoare, editor) Prentice
Hall, New York NY (1990)
Annotated C++ Reference Manual Margaret A. Ellis, Bjarne
Stroustrup Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1990)
Primer Stanley P. Lippman, Josee Lajoie Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company (1991)
Patterns Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John
Vlissides Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1995)
C++ Software Design John Lakos Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Calculus Ross
Finney Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1988)
of Applied Mathematics: Selected Results and Methods Carl E. Pearson
(editor) Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York NY (1983)
of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical
Tables Milton Abramowitz, Irene A. Stegun (editors) Dover
Publications, Inc., New York NY (1964)
Analysis Roger A. Horn and Charles R. Johnson Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge MA (1985)
Advanced Calculus: An Introduction to Applied Mathematics (2
volumes) Arthur E. Danese Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston MA
(1965) Library of Congress Catalog 65-21789
and Tensor Analysis Harry Lass McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New
York NY (1950)
Outline of Tensor Calculus David C. Kay McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Inc., New York NY (1988)
Topics in Differential Geometry J.A. Thorpe Undergraduate Texts in
Mathematics Springer-Verlag, New York NY (1979)
Forms with Applications to the Physical Sciences Harley Flanders Dover
Publications, Inc., New York NY (1989)
Numerical Methods