IBM Db2 LUW to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Validate database objects after migrating from IBM Db2 LUW to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

by Sai Parthasaradhi, Rakesh Raghav, and Veeranjaneyulu Grandhi | on 20 JUN 2022 | in Amazon AuroraAmazon RDSPostgreSQL CompatibleRDS For PostgreSQL | Permalink |  Comments |  Share

Heterogeneous database migration is a multistage process, which usually includes assessment, database schema conversion, data migration, functional testing, performance tuning, and many other steps spanning across multiple teams. Migration from IBM Db2 LUW to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL is heterogeneous in nature, and traditionally follows similar phases.

AWS provides tools and services like AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT), which simplifies schema conversion for heterogeneous database migration, and AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS), which helps you migrate data to AWS quickly and securely while minimizing downtime.

AWS SCT generates an assessment report showing the percentage of Db2 code that is converted to PostgreSQL automatically and the percentage of code that requires manual effort for conversion with detailed action items. Because schema migration with AWS SCT isn’t a fully automated process, there is always a chance of missing objects or key object features in the target database. Schema validation is a crucial milestone that prevents slippage of any issues from the schema conversion process to other stages of the database migration.

In this post, we walk you through how to validate database schema objects migrated from Db2 LUW to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL.

When and what objects to validate

You should perform schema validation after you successfully convert your schema from Db2 LUW and deploy the converted schema in PostgreSQL using AWS SCT or other conversion tools.

The following list shows the database objects in Db2 LUW (source) and Aurora PostgreSQL (target) that you should validate during database migration:

  • Schemas
  • Tables
  • Views
  • Primary keys
  • Foreign keys
  • Indexes
  • Materialized query tables
  • User-defined data types
  • Triggers
  • Sequences
  • Procedures
  • Functions

In the following sections, we go through validation scenarios for each object type in detail to ensure that the number of objects for each object type remains consistent between source and target databases. These validation scenarios do not cover the accuracy of the conversion.


Schemas represent a collection of database objects that serve a related functionality in an application or microservice. You can validate the schemas at the source and target databases using SQL queries.

DB2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select schemaname as schema_name
from syscat.schemata
where schemaname not like 'SYS%' 
and schemaname not IN ('SQLJ', 'NULLID')
order by schema_name;
AND SCHEMA_NAME not like 'pg_temp%' 
AND SCHEMA_NAME not like 'pg_toast%'
order by SCHEMA_NAME;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

When you convert your Db2 LUW schema, AWS SCT adds additional schemas (aws_db2_ext and aws_db2_ext_data) to your target database. These schemas implement SQL system functions of the Db2 LUW database that are required when writing the converted schema to your Aurora PostgreSQL database. These additional schemas are called the AWS SCT extension pack.

We exclude schemas related to system or catalog tables (SYS%,’SQLJ‘, ‘NULLID‘) in Db2 LUW and in PostgreSQL (‘pg_catalog‘,’information_schema‘, ‘public‘). We also exclude schemas related to specific functionality in Aurora PostgreSQL (aws_commonsaws_lambda).

You should verify the number of schemas in the source and target database matches. If any differences are found, you should look at the AWS SCT logs to identify reasons for failure or create it manually.


AWS SCT converts source Db2 LUW tables to the equivalent target (PostgreSQL) tables. If required, we can use custom mapping rules to include or exclude specific tables from migration. The following scripts return the counts and detail-level information for all the tables:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tab.tabschema as schema_name,
    count(tab.tabname) as table_count
from syscat.tables tab
where tab.type = 'T'
    and tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
group by tab.tabschema
order by tab.tabschema;
SELECT NSPNAME as schema_name,
	count(RELNAME) as table_count
WHERE C.RELKIND in ('p','r')
	not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema',
group by NSPNAME
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

We added the condition C.RELISPARTITION = 'f' to filter out the partition table in PostgreSQL because IBM Db2 doesn’t list table partitions as separate tables. It’s important to note that PostgreSQL has several restrictions on partition tables that might impact object counts for primary keys, foreign keys, and indexes.

For detail-level information, use the following queries:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tab.tabschema as schema_name,
    tab.tabname as table_name
from syscat.tables tab
where tab.type = 'T'
    and tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
order by tab.tabschema,tab.tabname;
SELECT NSPNAME as schema_name,
	RELNAME as table_name
WHERE C.RELKIND in ('p','r')
	not in  ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema',
        'aws_db2_ext','public') order by NSPNAME,RELNAME;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output: 

Verify the results from the source and target databases. If you see any differences, identify the reason from the AWS SCT or manual logs and rerun the failed statement after fixing the problem.


You can validate the views count converted by AWS SCT with the following queries on the source and target databases:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tab.tabschema as schema_name,
       count(tab.tabname) as view_count
from   syscat.tables tab
where  tab.type = 'V'
and    tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
group by tab.tabschema
order by tab.tabschema;
SELECT NSPNAME as schema_name,
	count(RELNAME) as view_count
	not in  ('pg_catalog','information_schema',
group by NSPNAME
order by NSPNAME;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tab.tabschema as schema_name,
    tab.tabname as view_name
from syscat.tables tab
where tab.type = 'V'
    and tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
order by tab.tabschema,tab.tabname;
SELECT NSPNAME as schema_name,
	RELNAME as view_name
	not in  ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema',
        'aws_commons', 'aws_lambda','aws_db2_ext_data',
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

You should verify the count and details between the source and target using this SQL. If any differences are found, identify the cause and fix the differences.

Primary keys

Along with database object validation, you need to ensure the data is consistent and bound to integrity. Different types of constraints provide you with the flexibility to control and check the data during insertion to avoid runtime data integrity issues.

Primary keys allow you to have unique values for columns, which prevent information from being duplicated, following the normalization process. This key helps improve the search based on the key values and avoid table scans.

The following queries help you extract the counts and details of primary keys in the source and target databases:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tab.tabschema as schema_name,
       count(*) as PK_Count
from   syscat.tables tab
inner join syscat.tabconst const
    on const.tabschema = tab.tabschema  
    and const.tabname = tab.tabname and const.type = 'P'
inner join syscat.keycoluse key
    on const.tabschema = key.tabschema 
    and const.tabname = key.tabname 
    and const.constname = key.constname
where tab.type = 'T'
and tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
group by tab.tabschema
order by tab.tabschema;
select kcu.table_schema,
       count(*) as pk_count
from information_schema.table_constraints tco
join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu 
     on kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name
     and kcu.constraint_schema = tco.constraint_schema
     and kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name
where tco.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
and kcu.table_schema not in 
'aws_db2_data','aws_db2_context','aws_db2_ext', 'public','db2inst1')
group by kcu.table_schema
order by kcu.table_schema;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following query:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tab.tabschema as schema_name,
tab.tabname as table_name,
key.colname as column_name,
key.colseq as position
from   syscat.tables tab
inner join syscat.tabconst const
on const.tabschema = tab.tabschema
and const.tabname = tab.tabname and const.type = 'P'
inner join syscat.keycoluse key
on const.tabschema = key.tabschema
and const.tabname = key.tabname
and const.constname = key.constname
where tab.type = 'T'
and tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
order by tab.tabschema,tab.tabname, 
const.constname,key.colname, key.colseq;
select kcu.table_schema,
kcu.ordinal_position as position
from information_schema.table_constraints tco
join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
on kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name
and kcu.constraint_schema = tco.constraint_schema
and kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name
where tco.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
and kcu.table_schema not in 
order by kcu.table_schema,kcu.table_name,
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

You should verify the count and details of the primary keys between the source and target using this SQL. If any differences are found, identify the cause through the deployment logs and fix the differences.

Foreign keys

Foreign keys help you maintain referential integrity between tables. These keys should be turned off on the target before performing data migration using AWS DMS full load migration. For more information, see Using a PostgreSQL database as a target for AWS Database Migration Service.

With the following queries, you get the counts and detail-level information about the foreign keys in both the source and target databases. You validate the foreign keys after completing the full load data migration using AWS DMS.

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tabschema as schema_name, 
count(*) as fk_count
from   syscat.references 
where  tabschema not like 'SYS%'
group by tabschema
order by tabschema;
select kcu.table_schema,
       count(*) as fk_count
from information_schema.table_constraints tco
join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu 
     on kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name
     and kcu.constraint_schema = tco.constraint_schema
     and kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name
where tco.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
and kcu.table_schema 
not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema','aws_commons',
group by kcu.table_schema
order by kcu.table_schema;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following query:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select  ref.reftabschema as schema_name ,
ref.reftabname as table_name,
ref.constname as fk_constraint_name,
ref.tabname as foreign_table_name,
trim(key.colname)  as fk_column_name
from syscat.references ref
left outer join syscat.keycoluse key 
on key.tabschema = ref.tabschema
and key.tabname = ref.tabname
and key.constname = ref.constname
where ref.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
order by ref.reftabschema,ref.reftabname,ref.constname;
select rel_kcu.table_schema as schema_name,
rel_kcu.table_name as table_name,
kcu.table_name as foreign_table_name,
kcu.column_name as fk_column_name
from information_schema.table_constraints tco
join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
on tco.constraint_schema = kcu.constraint_schema
and tco.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
join information_schema.referential_constraints rco
on tco.constraint_schema = rco.constraint_schema
and tco.constraint_name = rco.constraint_name
join information_schema.key_column_usage rel_kcu
on rco.unique_constraint_schema = rel_kcu.constraint_schema
and rco.unique_constraint_name = rel_kcu.constraint_name
and kcu.ordinal_position = rel_kcu.ordinal_position
where tco.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
and kcu.table_schema not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema',
order by rel_kcu.table_schema,rel_kcu.table_name,kcu.constraint_name;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

PostgreSQL version 11 has limitations with respect to foreign keys on partitioned tables, but many of those limitations are overcome in version 12 and onwards. You should keep these limitations in mind when verifying the count and detail of foreign keys between the source and target database.


Indexes are the database objects created based on one or more columns of a table. Indexes are used to improve the query performance and ensure uniqueness of data when defined as unique indexes.

Unique indexes

With unique keys, you can maintain the uniqueness of data in the column. With the following queries, you get the counts and detail-level information about the unique keys in both the source and target databases:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select ind.tabschema as schema_name,
       count(cols.colname) as unique_count
from syscat.indexes ind
join syscat.indexcoluse cols
     on ind.indname = cols.indname
     and ind.indschema = cols.indschema
where ind.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
and ind.uniquerule in ('U')
group by ind.tabschema
order by schema_name;
SELECT sch.nspname,count(*) as unique_count
FROM pg_index idx 
JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=idx.indexrelid
JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=idx.indrelid 
and tab.RELISPARTITION = 'f'
JOIN pg_namespace sch on sch.oid = tab.relnamespace
JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam 
JOIN pg_indexes ids ON sch.nspname = ids.schemaname 
and ids.tablename = tab.relname 
and cls.relname = ids.indexname
where idx.indisunique='t'
and indisprimary='f'
and sch.nspname not in  ('pg_toast','pg_catalog','information_schema',
group by sch.nspname
order by sch.nspname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following query:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select ind.tabschema as schema_name,
ind.tabname as table_name,
ind.indname as CONSTRAINT_NAME,
'Unique Index' as constraint_type,
cols.colname as column_name
from syscat.indexes ind
join syscat.indexcoluse cols
on ind.indname = cols.indname
and ind.indschema = cols.indschema
where ind.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
and ind.uniquerule in ('U')
order by schema_name,
SELECT sch.nspname as schema_name,tab.relname as table_name,
cls.relname as constraint_name,
ids.indexdef as definition
FROM pg_index idx
JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=idx.indexrelid
JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=idx.indrelid and  tab.RELISPARTITION = 'f'
JOIN pg_namespace sch on sch.oid = tab.relnamespace
JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam
JOIN pg_indexes ids ON sch.nspname = ids.schemaname
and ids.tablename = tab.relname
and cls.relname = ids.indexname
where idx.indisunique='t'
and indisprimary='f'
and sch.nspname not in  ('pg_toast','pg_catalog','information_schema',
order by sch.nspname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

Non-unique indexes

Indexes play a key role in improving query performance. Because tuning methodologies differ from database to database, the number of indexes and their types vary between Db2 LUW and PostgreSQL databases based on different use cases, so index counts also may differ. The index count may also differ due to the limitation of partitioned tables in PostgreSQL.

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select ind.tabschema as schema_name,
       count(cols.colname) as index_count
from syscat.indexes ind
join syscat.indexcoluse cols
     on ind.indname = cols.indname
     and ind.indschema = cols.indschema
where ind.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
and ind.uniquerule in ('D')
group by ind.tabschema
order by schema_name;
SELECT sch.nspname,count(*) as index_count
FROM pg_index idx 
JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=idx.indexrelid
JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=idx.indrelid 
and tab.RELISPARTITION = 'f'
JOIN pg_namespace sch on sch.oid = tab.relnamespace
JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam 
JOIN pg_indexes ids ON sch.nspname = ids.schemaname 
and ids.tablename = tab.relname 
and cls.relname = ids.indexname
where idx.indisunique='f'
and indisprimary='f'
and sch.nspname not in  ('pg_toast','pg_catalog','information_schema',
,'aws_db2_ext','public', 'db2inst1')
group by sch.nspname
order by sch.nspname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following query:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select ind.tabschema as schema_name,
       ind.tabname as table_name,
       ind.indname as index_name,
       cols.colname as column_name
from syscat.indexes ind
join syscat.indexcoluse cols
     on ind.indname = cols.indname
     and ind.indschema = cols.indschema
where ind.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
and ind.uniquerule in ('D')
order by schema_name,
SELECT sch.nspname as schema_name,tab.relname as tabl_name,
cls.relname as constraint_name,
ids.indexdef as definition
FROM pg_index idx 
JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=idx.indexrelid
JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=idx.indrelid and 
JOIN pg_namespace sch on sch.oid = tab.relnamespace
JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam 
JOIN pg_indexes ids ON sch.nspname = ids.schemaname 
and ids.tablename = tab.relname 
and cls.relname = ids.indexname
where idx.indisunique='f'
and indisprimary='f'
and sch.nspname not in ('pg_toast','pg_catalog','information_schema',
order by sch.nspname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

You should verify the count and detail of indexes between the source and target database, and any differences should either be attributed to a known reason or investigated and fixed based on the deployment logs.

Materialized query tables

Materialized query tables from Db2 LUW are migrated as materialized views in PostgreSQL. They’re similar to regular views, except that the materialized query tables persist the results in a table-like form. This improves query performance because the data is readily available to be returned. You can use the following queries to compare the objects between source and target:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tab.tabschema as schema_name,
       count(tab.tabname) as mq_count
from   syscat.tables tab
where  tab.type = 'S'
and    tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
group by tab.tabschema
order by tab.tabschema;
select schemaname,count(*) as mq_count
from pg_matviews 
where schemaname NOT IN ('information_schema',
group by schemaname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following query:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tabschema as schema_name, 
tabname as MQ_NAME
from   syscat.tables 
where  type = 'S'
and    tabschema not like 'SYS%';
select schemaname,matviewname as mq_name
from pg_matviews 
where schemaname NOT IN ('information_schema',
'pg_catalog',  'public','aws_db2_ext', 'aws_db2_ext_data');
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

You should verify the count and detail of materialized query tables and materialized views between the source and target database, and any differences should be investigated and fixed based on the deployment logs.

User-defined data types

AWS SCT migrates custom data types from Db2 LUW to PostgreSQL as types. You can use the following queries to compare the objects between source and target:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select typeschema as schema_name,count(*) 
as udt_count
where typeschema not like 'SYS%'
group by typeschema;
SELECT n.nspname,
count(*) as udt_count
FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
WHERE ( t.typrelid = 0
OR ( SELECT c.relkind = 'c'
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
WHERE c.oid = t.typrelid ) )
FROM pg_catalog.pg_type el
WHERE el.oid = t.typelem
AND el.typarray = t.oid )
AND n.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema','pg_toast','aws_commons',
group by n.nspname
order by n.nspname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

You should verify the count and detail of user-defined types between the source and target databases, and any differences should be investigated and fixed based on the deployment logs.


Triggers can help you audit databases, implement a business rule, or implement referential integrity. They can also impact performance based on usage in appropriate areas. The following queries give you the count and details of triggers for both the source and target databases:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select tabschema as table_schema,
count(trigname) as trigger_count
From	syscat.triggers t
where tabschema not like 'SYS%'
group by tabschema
order by tabschema;
SELECT trigger_schema  AS SchemaName, Count(trigger_name) AS TriggerCount
FROM   information_schema.TRIGGERS
WHERE  trigger_schema NOT IN ( 'aws_db2_ext', 
'aws_db2_ext_data',   'pg_catalog' )
GROUP  BY trigger_schema
ORDER  BY trigger_schema;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following query:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
tabschema as table_schema,
trigname as trigger_name,
tabname as table_name,
case trigtime
when 'B' then 'before'
when 'A' then 'after'
when 'I' then 'instead of'
end as activation,
rtrim(case when eventupdate ='Y' then 'update ' else '' end
case when eventdelete ='Y' then 'delete ' else '' end
case when eventinsert ='Y' then 'insert ' else '' end)
as event
from syscat.triggers t
where tabschema not like 'SYS%'
order by table_name, trigger_name;
SELECT trigger_schema  AS TriggerSchemaName,
event_object_schema AS TableSchema,
event_object_table  AS TableName,
event_manipulation  AS TriggerType
FROM   information_schema.TRIGGERS
WHERE  trigger_schema NOT IN ( 'aws_db2_ext',
'aws_db2_ext_data',   'pg_catalog' )
ORDER  BY trigger_schema,trigger_name;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

The trigger count between Db2 LUW and PostgreSQL could vary because of the way triggers are implemented in PostgreSQL. You should verify the count and detail of triggers between the source and target databases, and any differences should either be attributed to a known reason or investigated and fixed based on the deployment logs.


Sequences help you create and increment integer values for columns based on given ranges and order. Unlike identity columns, sequences aren’t associated with specific tables. Applications refer to a sequence object to retrieve its next value. The relationship between sequences and tables is controlled by the application. User applications can reference a sequence object and coordinate the values across multiple rows and tables.

The following queries help you get the counts and detail-level information of sequences available in the source and target databases:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
count(*) as seq_count
from syscat.sequences
where SEQSCHEMA not like 'SYS%'
and OWNERTYPE = 'U' and SEQTYPE = 'S'
group by SEQSCHEMAorder by SEQSCHEMA;
select n.nspname as schema_namee
,count(*) as seq_count
from  pg_sequence seq
join pg_class seqc on seq.seqrelid = seqc.oid
join pg_namespace n on seqc.relnamespace = n.oid
where n.nspname NOT IN ( 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema',
group by n.nspname
order by n.nspname ;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
from syscat.sequences 
	where SEQSCHEMA not like 'SYS%' and 
	OWNERTYPE = 'U' and 
select n.nspname as schema_namee
,seqc.relname as seqname,
seqcycle as cycle,
seqcache as cache
from  pg_sequence seq
join pg_class seqc on seq.seqrelid = seqc.oid
join pg_namespace n on seqc.relnamespace = n.oid
where n.nspname NOT IN ( 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema',
order by n.nspname,seqc.relname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

You should verify the count and details of sequences between source and target, but it’s also important that you set the sequence to the correct values after migration. Setting the sequence is important because after sequences are migrated from the source to target database, they start with the minvalue of the sequence and can cause duplicate key errors during insert and update statements.


Db2 LUW stored procedures encapsulate business logic and run related DDL or DML operations in a single unit of work. In PostgreSQL, we use functions over stored procedures, owing to the limitations of procedures. This count gets added to the already existing function count in the source database. In both the source and target databases, the following queries provide counts and detail-level information about the procedures:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select routineschema as schema_name
,count(*) as proc_count
from syscat.routines
where routinetype = 'P'
and routineschema not like 'SYS%'
and routineschema not like 'SQLJ%'
group by routineschema
order by routineschema;
SELECT n.nspname AS SchemaName,
Count(p.proname) AS procCount
FROM   pg_proc p
join pg_namespace n
ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
WHERE  n.nspname NOT IN ( 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema',
AND p.prokind = 'p'
GROUP  BY n.nspname
ORDER  BY n.nspname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following query:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select routineschema as schema_name,
routinename as procedure_name
from syscat.routines
where routinetype = 'P'
and routineschema not like 'SYS%'
and routineschema not like 'SQLJ%'
order by schema_name,
SELECT n.nspname AS SchemaName,
p.proname AS function_name
FROM   pg_proc p
join pg_namespace n
ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
WHERE  n.nspname NOT IN ( 'pg_catalog','information_schema',
AND p.prokind = 'p'
GROUP  BY n.nspname, p.proname
ORDER  BY n.nspname, p.proname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:


In Db2 LUW, functions implement specific business or functional logic on input parameters and return certain types of predefined output. In PostgreSQL, because functions are the preferred choice to implement business and functional logic, their count is usually more than Db2 LUW. In both the source and target databases, the following queries provide counts and detail-level information about the functions:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select routineschema as schema_name,
count(*) as func_count
from syscat.routines
where routinetype = 'F'
and routineschema not like 'SYS%'
and routineschema not like 'SQLJ%'
group by routineschema
order by routineschema;
SELECT n.nspname  AS SchemaName,
Count(p.proname) AS func_Count
FROM   pg_proc p
join pg_namespace n
ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
WHERE  n.nspname NOT IN ( 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema',
AND p.prokind = 'f'
GROUP  BY n.nspname
ORDER  BY n.nspname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

For detail-level information, use the following query:

Db2 LUW Query PostgreSQL Query
select routineschema as schema_name,
routinename as function_name
from syscat.routines
where routinetype = 'F'
and routineschema not like 'SYS%'
and routineschema not like 'SQLJ%'
order by schema_name,
SELECT n.nspname AS SchemaName,
p.proname AS function_name
FROM   pg_proc p
join pg_namespace n
ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
WHERE  n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema',
AND p.prokind = 'f'
GROUP  BY n.nspname, p.proname
ORDER  BY n.nspname, p.proname;
Db2 LUW example output:
PostgreSQL example output:

Useful PostgreSQL catalog tables

The following table summarizes some helpful Db2 LUW and their corresponding PostgreSQL system and catalog tables and views. These tables and views contain metadata with respect to various objects present in the database and are used for database object validation.

Db2 LUW PostgreSQL Use Case
syscat.tables/ syscat.columns



Look for various table properties
syscat.tables/ syscat.columns Pg_views/information_schema.views Look for different properties of views
syscat.tables/ syscat.tabconst/ syscat.references/ syscat.keycoluse pg_indexes/pg_index Gather details about indexes
syscat.routines pg_proc Gather details about procedures, functions, and trigger functions
syscat.triggers information_schema.triggers Gather details about triggers
Syscat.sequences pg_sequence/information_schema.sequences Gather details about sequence, and identity or serial columns
Syscat.tables pg_matviews Find more details about materialized views
syscat.datatypes pg_type Gather more information about custom data types

Handling objects not supported in PostgreSQL

You must manually perform migration of Db2 LUW objects not supported by PostgreSQL. You can use the queries provided in this post to iteratively validate the migrated objects to identify gaps and fix them accordingly.


In this post, we discussed validation of database objects with metadata queries for Db2 LUW and Aurora PostgreSQL or RDS for PostgreSQL databases. Database object validation is an essential step that provides an in-depth view into migration accuracy and confirms whether all database objects are migrated appropriately. The database validation phase also confirms the integrity of the target database and ensures business continuity of the dependent application processes.

You should do a few rounds of unit testing as well as functional testing irrespective of whether an object is automatically or manually converted. This saves a lot of rework when you conduct integration testing with your applications.

Let us know if you have any comments or questions. We value your feedback!

posted @ 2023-10-27 16:55  耀阳居士  阅读(14)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报