rac 手动删除磁盘组后,OCR资源里面没有删除的解决方法
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Then look back the Cluster Resource Issue
at first ,we try to start res db manually using srvctl .
checked the dependency for the database resource
Since ASM diskgroup FRADG has been physically dropped. We should to remove FRADG resource from CRS start/stop dependency for database resource ora.db.db.
Cleanup Diskgroup Cluster resources
How to drop asm groups in RAC? sqlplus in asm, asmca, EM. either ones will work.
Question then is, is there one command that I can run which will do both? drop the diskgroup AND as a RAC resource. If you use SQLPLUS to drop Diskgroup you must to use "srvctl remove diskgroup -g" to remove diskgroup from OCR. If you use ASMCA one step remove both. No, there is no one command to do it.... but is easy with 4 command. e.g: oracle@node1 > sqlplus / as sysasm SQL> sqlplus / as sysasm SQL> ! srvctl status diskgroup -g DATA Disk Group DATA is running on node1,node2,node3 SQL> ! srvctl stop diskgroup -g DATA -n node2,node3 SQL> DROP DISKGROUP DATA; SQL > ! srvctl remove diskgroup -g DATA On release, after drop a diskgroups ASM is not releasing file descriptors on the raw devices. Document 4693355.8 states that this problem (Bug:4693355 & Bug:7225720) is fixed on release, but the problem persists on release Even if DROP DISKGROUP or DISMOUNT DISK GROUP scenarios. Note that the forced disk group dismount will cause all datafiles in that database to go offline, which means they will need recovery (and restore if I drop disk group PLAY)