Veritas Infoscale Availability (VCS) CommandLine Reference (Cheat Sheet)
By admin
VCS Operations
Task | Command |
Start VCS |
hastart |
Start VCS stale |
hastart -stale |
Force start VCS |
hastart -force |
Start VCS on a single node |
hastart -onenode |
Stop VCS on all nodes |
hastop -all |
Stop VCS & leave apps running |
hastop -all -force |
Stop local node |
hastop -local |
Stop local node & evacuate service groups |
hastop -local -evacuate |
Stop local node & leave apps running |
hastop -local -force |
Stop a system |
hastop -sys system_name |
Stop a system & evacuate service groups |
hastop -sys system_name -evacuate |
Stop a system & leave apps running |
hastop -sys system_name -force |
Show VCS status |
hastatus |
Show a group status |
hastatus -group group_name |
Show a status summary |
hastatus -summary |
Open cluster configuration |
haconf -makerw |
Save cluster configuration |
haconf -dump |
Save & close cluster configuration |
haconf -dump -makero |
Verify cluster configuration |
hacf -verify config_dir |
Start VCS Java GUI |
hagui |
Cluster Operations
Task | Command |
Display cluster information |
haclus -display |
Display a cluster attribute |
haclus -value attribute |
System Operations
Task | Command |
List cluster systems |
hasys -list |
Display a system attribute |
hasys -display system_name |
Add a system |
hasys -add system_name |
Delete a system |
hasys -delete system_name |
Freeze a system |
hasys -freeze system_name |
Thaw a system |
hasys -unfreeze system_name |
Display the state of a system |
hasys -state system_name |
Display a system’s node id |
hasys -nodeid |
Force a system to start |
hasys -force system_name |
User Operations
Task | Command |
Add a user with Guest access |
hauser -add username |
Add a user with Cluster Admin access |
haclus -modify Administrators -add username |
Add a user with Operator access |
haclus -modify Operators -add username |
Add a user with group administrator access |
hagrp -modify service_group Administrators -add username |
Freeze a system |
hasys -freeze system_name |
Add a user with group operator access |
hagrp -modify service_group Operators -add username |
Modify a user |
hauser -update username |
Delete a user |
hauser -delete username |
Display a user |
hauser -display |
Service Group Operations
Task | Command |
List groups |
hagrp -list |
Display group state |
hagrp -state group_name [-sys system_name] |
Clear group faults |
hagrp -clear group_name [-sys system_name] |
List group resources |
hagrp -resources group_name |
List group dependencies |
hagrp -dep group_name |
Display a group |
hagrp -display group_name [-sys system_name] |
Online a group |
hagrp -online group_name -sys system_name |
Offline a group |
hagrp -offline group_name -sys system_name |
Switch a group |
hagrp -switch group_name -to system_name |
Flush a group |
hagrp -flush group_name -sys system_name |
Freeze a group |
hagrp -freeze group_name |
Unfreeze a group |
hagrp -unfreeze group_name |
Enable a group |
hagrp -enable group_name [-sys system_name] |
Disable a group |
hagrp -disable group_name [-sys system_name] |
Enable group resources |
hagrp -enableresources group_name |
Disable group resources |
hagrp -disableresources group_name |
Add a group |
hagrp -add group_name |
Delete a group |
hagrp -delete group_name |
Modify a group |
hagrp -modify group_name attribute value |
Remove group dep |
hagrp -unlink parent_group child_group |
Create a group dependency |
hagrp -link parent_group child_group relationship |
Below are the possible group dependancy relationships:
- online local soft
- online local firm
- online global soft
- online global firm
- online remote soft
- offline remote soft
- offline remote firm
- offline local
Resource Operations
Task | Command |
List resources |
hares -list |
Display resource state |
hares -state res_name [-sys system_name] |
Clear resource faults |
hares -clear res_name [-sys system_name] |
Display a resource |
hares -display res_name |
Display a resource (of a group) |
hares -display -group group_name |
Display a resource (of a node) |
hares -display -sys system_name |
Display resource dependencies |
hares -dep res_name |
Online a resource |
hares -online res_name -sys system_name |
Offline a resource |
hares -offline res_name -sys system_name |
Offline propagate a resource |
hares -offprop res_name -sys system_name |
Probe a resource |
hares -probe res_name -sys system_name |
Add a resource |
hares -add res_name res_type group_name |
Delete a resource |
hares -delete res_name |
Modify a resource |
hares -modify res_name attribute value |
Create a resource dependency |
hares -link parent_res child_res |
Delete a resource dependency |
hares -unlink parent_res child_res |
Resource Type Operations
Task | Command |
List resource types |
hatype -list |
List resources of a particular type |
hatype -resources res_type |
Display a resource type |
hatype -display [res_type] |
Add a resource type |
hatype -add res_type |
Delete a resource type |
hatype -delete res_type |
Modify a resource type |
hatype -modify res_type attribute value |
Agent Operations
Task | Command |
List agents |
haagent -list |
Display agents |
haagent -display [agent_type] |
Start an agent |
haagent -start agent_type -sys system_name |
Stop an agent |
haagent -stop agent_type -sys system_name |
LLT & GAB Operations
Task | Command |
Display llt links |
lltconfig -a list |
Display llt stats |
lltstat |
Display llt links |
lltstat -nvv |
Display llt system name |
lltstat -H |
Display gab config |
gabconfig -l |
Display gab ports |
gabconfig -a |
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