# Fred Denis -- Jan 2016 -- http://unknowndba.blogspot.com -- fred.denis3@gmail.com
# Quickly shows a status of all running instances accross a 11g, 12c, 18c+ cluster
# The script just needs to have a working oraenv, if rac-status.sh hangs, you may suffer from http://bit.ly/2IODPJo (alternatively ,see the -e option)
# Ultimately, feel free to contact me
# Please have a look at http://bit.ly/2MFkzDw for some details and screenshots
# The latest version of the script can be downloaded here : http://bit.ly/2XEXa6j
# The current script version is 20200415
# History :
# 20200415 - Fred Denis - mktemp to create tempfiles
# 20200413 - Fred Denis - Fixed a bug with offline resources in green for the tech resources
# - Fixed a bug with disabled instances
# - Indentation
# 20200317 - Fred Denis - A new -t option (included in -a) which shows the tech resources (DGs, vips, etc ...)
# Also provide insights to the user if we cannot find an ASM entry in oratab as oraenv wont work
# 20200305 - Fred Denis - Fixed a bug when the hostname contains twice the cluster name
# 20190906 - Fred Denis - A new -V option to show the version of the script
# 20190830 - Fred Denis - Show a red "x" also when instances and listeners are disabled
# 20190829 - Fred Denis - Show a red "x" if a service is disabled as well as a legend below the services table
# 20190828 - Fred Denis - Option -L to always show full hostnames; also fixed a bug with the name of the cluster shown
# 20190725 - Fred Denis - When STATUS and TARGET are different, shows with a WITH_BACK2 background color and a legend
# Fixed a bug where the recently restarted legend was shown when it should not
# 20190701 - Fred Denis - Minor fixes, alignements issues with the sorting
# 20190626 - Fred Denis - Better sorting, better recently restarted legend
# 20190621 - Fred Denis - Fixed a bug on the sorting when version was different as other (12.1 instead of
# - Option -w now also supports d for day, w for week, m for month and y for year to specify the delay
# 20190620 - Fred Denis - Fixed an issue with the sorting when there was recently restarted instances
# 20190617 - Fred Denis - New -c option to sort the databases output
# 20190606 - Fred Denis - Show a yellow background when a resource has been restarted less than DIFF_HOURS hours
# A new -w option can be use to specify a number of hours through the command line
# Owners and groups which contained numbers were ignored, this is fixed
# 20190524 - Fred Denis - Fixed a bug when hostnames had more than 1 "db" pattern in their names
# 20190508 - Fred Denis - Show the whole service name and not only part of it when it contains "."
# 20190426 - Fred Denis - which gawk for AIX
# 20190104 - Fred Denis - A new -r option to Reverse the colors (useful for clear terminal backgrounds)
# A new -u option to show an Uncolored output
# 20190325 - Fred Denis - Solaris sed does not support sed -i, use gsed instead
# New -e option to NOT use oraenv to set the ASM environment but to use the current manually set environment
# (USE_ORAENV="NO" on top of the script to have this permanently)
# 20190318 - Fred Denis - Dont show the owner:group legend about '' menaing same as above if only 1 Home
# 20190307 - Fred Denis - Added owner:group behind the ORACLE_HOME (useful when owner are different) -- thanks Andrey for the feature idea !
# Also removed the P for Primary and S for Stanby legend; it looks self explanatory enough already
# 20190204 - Fred Denis - Oracle Restart support
# 20190130 - Fred Denis - 11g support (BREAK_HERE); 11g and 12c crsctl outputs are quite different
# - A new -o option to specify a file to save the crsctl commands output
# - A new -f option to specify an input file (a file generated by the -o option for example)
# 20190122 - Fred Denis - Multi OS support for AWK (especially for Solaris)
# 20190115 - Fred Denis - Fixed minor alignement issues
# Add grep (-g) and ungrep (-v) feature
# 20181110 - Fred Denis - Show short names in the tables instead of the whole hostnames if possible for better visibility
# - Col 1 and col 2 now align dynamically depending on the largest element to keep all the tables well aligned
# - Dynamic calculation of an offser for the status column size depending on the number of nodes
# - This can also be fixed by setting a non 0 value to COL_NODE_OFFSET on top of the script
# - Better alignements, centered databases and service were not nice, they are now left aligned which is more clear
# 20181010 - Fred Denis - Added the services
# Added default value and options to show and hide some resources (./rac-status.sh -h for more information)
# 20181009 - Fred Denis - Show the usual blue "-" when a target is offline on purpose instead of a red "Offline" which was confusing
# 20180921 - Fred Denis - Added the listeners
# 20180227 - Fred Denis - Make the the size of the DB column dynamic to handle very long database names (Thanks Michael)
# - Added a (P) for Primary databases and a (S) for Stanby for color blind people who
# may not see the difference between white and red (Thanks Michael)
# 20180225 - Fred Denis - Make the multi status like "Mounted (Closed),Readonly,Open Initiated" clear in the table by showing only the first one
# 20180205 - Fred Denis - There was a version alignement issue with more than 10 different ORACLE_HOMEs
# - Better colors for the label "White for PRIMARY, Red for STANBY"
# 20171218 - Fred Denis - Modify the regexp to better accomodate how the version can be in the path (cannot get it from crsctl)
# 20170620 - Fred Denis - Parameters for the size of the columns and some formatting
# 20170619 - Fred Denis - Add a column type (RAC / RacOneNode / Single Instance) and color it depending on the role of the database
# (WHITE for a PRIMARY database and RED for a STANDBY database)
# 20170616 - Fred Denis - Shows an ORACLE_HOME reference in the Version column and an ORACLE_HOME list below the table
# 20170606 - Fred Denis - A new 12cR2 GI feature now shows the ORACLE_HOME in the STATE_DETAILS column from "crsctl -v"
# - Example : STATE_DETAILS=Open,HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/ instead of STATE_DETAILS=Open in 12cR1
# 20170518 - Fred Denis - Add a readable check on the ${DBMACHINE} file - it happens that it exists but is only root readable
# 20170501 - Fred Denis - First release
# Variables
TMP=$(mktemp) # A tempfile
TMP2=$(mktemp) # Another tempfile
DBMACHINE=/opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/databasemachine.xml # File where we should find the Exadata model as oracle user
GREP="." # What we grep -- default is everything
UNGREP="nothing_to_ungrep_unless_v_option_is_used$$" # What we don't grep (grep -v) -- default is nothing
USE_ORAENV="YES" # Use oraenv to set the ASM env (-e changes this to NO)
REVERSE="NO" # Revert the colors to make them visible, useful for clear terminal backgrounds
WITH_COLORS="YES" # Output with colors, (-b changes this to NO); set to NO for permanent no colored output
WHITE="37m" # White color code
DIFF_HOURS="24" # Nb of hours the instance has been restarted
SORT_BY="" # Column to sort by (see the help for possible values)
LONG_NAMES="NO" # If we try to shorten the host names in the tables or not
# Choose the information what you want to see -- the last uncommented value wins
# ./rac-status.sh -h for more information
SHOW_DB="YES" # Databases
SHOW_LSNR="YES" # Listeners
SHOW_SVC="YES" # Services
SHOW_TECH="YES" # Tech (DGs, ONS, etc ...)
# Number of spaces between the status and the "|" of the column - this applies before and after the status
# A value of 2 would print 2 spaces before and after the status and like | Open |
# A value of 8 would print | Open |
# A value of 99 means that this parameter is dynamically calculated depending on the number of nodes
# A non 99 value is applied regardless of the number of nodes
# Different OS support
case ${OS} in
ORATAB="/var/opt/oracle/oratab" ;
AWK=`which gawk` ;
SED=`which gsed` ;;
ORATAB="/etc/oratab" ;
AWK=`which awk` ;
SED=`which sed` ;;
ORATAB="/etc/oratab" ;
AWK=`which awk` ;
SED=`which sed` ;;
ORATAB="/etc/oratab" ;
AWK=`which gawk` ;
SED=`which sed` ;;
*) printf "\n\t\033[1;31m%s\033[m\n\n" "Unsupported OS, cannot continue." ;
exit 666 ;;
# Check if we have an AWK and a SED to continue
if [[ ! -f ${AWK} ]]; then
printf "\n\t\033[1;31m%s" "No awk found on your system, cannot continue, if you run Solaris, please ensure that gawk is in your path"
printf "\t%s\033[m\n\n" ${AWK}
exit 678
if [[ ! -f ${SED} ]]; then
printf "\n\t\033[1;31m%s" "No sed found on your system, cannot continue, if you run Solaris, please ensure that gsed is in your path"
printf "\t%s\033[m\n\n" ${SED}
exit 679
# Show the version of the script (-V)
show_version() {
VERSION=`${AWK} '{if ($0 ~ /^# 20[0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9]/) {print $2; exit}}' $0`
printf "\n\t\033[1;36m%s\033[m\n" "The current version of "`basename $0`" is "$VERSION"." ;
# An usage function
usage() {
printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n" "NAME" ;
cat << END
`basename $0` - A nice overview of databases, listeners and services running across a GI 12c
printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n" "SYNOPSIS" ;
cat << END
$0 [-a] [-n] [-d] [-l] [-s] [-o] [-f] [-r] [-u] [-h]
printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n" "DESCRIPTION" ;
cat << END
`basename $0` needs to be executed with a user allowed to query GI using crsctl; oraenv also has to be working
`basename $0` will show what is running or not running accross all the nodes of a GI 12c :
- The databases instances (and the ORACLE_HOME they are running against)
- The type of database : Primary, Standby, RAC One node, Single
- The listeners (SCAN Listener and regular listeners)
- The services
With no option, `basename $0` will show what is defined by the variables :
- SHOW_DB # To show the databases instances
- SHOW_LSNR # To show the listeners
- SHOW_SVC # To show the services
- SHOW_TECH # To show the tech stuff (DGs, ONS, etc ...)
These variables can be modified in the script itself or you can use command line option to revert their value (see below)
printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n" "OPTIONS" ;
cat << END
-a Show everything regardless of the default behavior defined with SHOW_DB, SHOW_LSNR, SHOW_SVC and SHOW_TECH
-n Show nothing regardless of the default behavior defined with SHOW_DB, SHOW_LSNR, SHOW_SVC and SHOW_TECH
-a and -n are handy to erase the defaults values:
$ ./rac-status.sh -n -d # Show the databases output only
$ ./rac-status.sh -a -s # Show everything but the services (then the listeners and the databases)
-d Revert the behavior defined by SHOW_DB ; if SHOW_DB is set to YES to show the databases by default, then the -d option will hide the databases
-l Revert the behavior defined by SHOW_LSNR; if SHOW_LSNR is set to YES to show the listeners by default, then the -l option will hide the listeners
-s Revert the behavior defined by SHOW_SVC ; if SHOW_SVC is set to YES to show the services by default, then the -s option will hide the services
-t Revert the behavior defined by SHOW_TECH; if SHOW_TECH is set to YES to show the tech resources by default, then the -t option will hide the tech resources
-g Act as a grep command to grep a pattern from the output (key sensitive)
-v Act as "grep -v" to ungrep from the output
-g and -v examples :
$ ./rac-status.sh -g Open # Show only the lines with "Open" on it
$ ./rac-status.sh -g Open # Show only the lines with "Open" on it
$ ./rac-status.sh -g "Open|Online" # Show only the lines with "Open" or "Online" on it
$ ./rac-status.sh -g "Open|Online" -v 12 # Show only the lines with "Open" or "Online" on it but no those containing 12
-c Column to sort by, please have a look at "Sort the database output" in http://bit.ly/2MFkzDw for more details on this -c option
-o Specify a file to save the crsctl commands output
$ ./rac-status.sh -o /tmp/rac-status_output.log
-f A file to use as input file (one generated by the -o option for example)
$ ./rac-status.sh -f /tmp/rac-status_output.log
-e Do not use oraenv to set the ASM environment but relies on the current environment
Set USE_ORAENV="NO" on top of the script to have a permanent -e option
-L Do not try to shorten the host names, show the entire host names
-r Reverse the colors (useful for clear terminal backgrounds)
-u Shows the Uncolored output (no colors); set WITH_COLORS="NO" on top of the script to have it permanently
-w Shows a yellow background when a resource has been restarted less than the number of hours in parameter (default is $DIFF_HOURS)
h for hours (default) d for day, w for week, m for month and y for year can be used to specify the delay:
$ ./rac-status.sh -w 24 # 24 hours
$ ./rac-status.sh -w 24h # 24 hours
$ ./rac-status.sh -w 2d # 2 days
$ ./rac-status.sh -w 3m # 3 months
-V Shows the version of the script
-h Shows this help
Note : the options are cumulative and can be combined with a "the last one wins" behavior :
$ $0 -a -l # Show everything but the listeners (-a will force show everything then -l will hide the listeners)
$ $0 -n -d # Show only the databases (-n will force hide everything then -d with show the databases)
Experiment and enjoy !
exit 123
# Options
while getopts "andslLhg:v:o:f:eruw:c:tV" OPT; do
case ${OPT} in
d) if [ "$SHOW_DB" = "YES" ]; then SHOW_DB="NO"; else SHOW_DB="YES"; fi ;;
s) if [ "$SHOW_SVC" = "YES" ]; then SHOW_SVC="NO"; else SHOW_SVC="YES"; fi ;;
l) if [ "$SHOW_LSNR" = "YES" ]; then SHOW_LSNR="NO"; else SHOW_LSNR="YES"; fi ;;
t) if [ "$SHOW_TECH" = "YES" ]; then SHOW_TECH="NO"; else SHOW_TECH="YES"; fi ;;
g) GREP=${OPTARG} ;;
f) FILE=${OPTARG} ;;
o) OUT=${OPTARG} ;;
V) show_version; exit 567 ;;
h) usage ;;
\?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2; usage ;;
# Manage the diff hours depending on the unit in the -w option
if [[ ! "${DIFF_HOURS_UNIT}" =~ [0-9] ]]; then
HOURS=`echo ${DIFF_HOURS} | sed s'/.$//'`
case ${DIFF_HOURS_UNIT} in
h) NB_HOURS=1 ;;
d) NB_HOURS=24 ;;
w) NB_HOURS=$((24*7)) ;;
m) NB_HOURS=$((24*7*31)) ;;
y) NB_HOURS=$((24*7*31*365)) ;;
# If we dont show the DB we dont need to sort
if [ "$SHOW_DB" = "NO" ]; then
# Check that the input file is here if specified
if [[ "${REVERSE}" == "YES" ]]; then
WHITE="30m" ; # Black
if [ -n "$FILE" ]; then # Input file specified, we wont run any crsctl command and rely on the file as input
if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then
printf "\n\t\033[1;31m%s\033[m\n\n" "Cannot find the ${FILE} input file; cannot continue"
exit 222
else # we use $FILE as input
printf "\n\t\033[1;34m%s\033[m\n\n" "Proceeding with the ${FILE} file as input file"
if [ -z "$FILE" ]; then # This is not needed when using an input file
if [[ "${USE_ORAENV}" == "YES" ]]; then
# Set the ASM env to be able to use crsctl commands
ORACLE_SID=`ps -ef | grep pmon | grep asm | ${AWK} '{print $NF}' | sed s'/asm_pmon_//' | egrep "^[+]"`
# If oratab exists, we check if there is an ASM entry trying to know if oraenv will work -- if we cannot find an ASM entry
# in oratab, we try to point the user in the right direction to fix it
if [[ -f "${ORATAB}" ]]; then
grep ^${ORACLE_SID} ${ORATAB} > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
printf "\n\t\033[1;31m%s\033[m\n\n" "Cannot find an entry for ${ORACLE_SID} in ${ORATAB}. You can consider using the -e option or you may suffer from https://unknowndba.blogspot.com/2019/01/lost-entries-in-oratab-after-gi-122.html ; cannot continue at this point."
exit 888
. oraenv > /dev/null 2>&1
if ! type crsctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then
printf "\n\t\033[1;31m%s\033[m\n\n" "Cannot find crsctl, cannot continue, please check if oraenv works or set your environment manually and use the -e option." ;
exit 777
# List of the nodes of the cluster
# Try to find if there is "db" in the hostname, if yes we can delete the common "<clustername>" pattern from the hosts for visibility
if [[ `olsnodes | head -1 | sed s'/,.*$//g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` == *"db"* && "${LONG_NAMES}" == "NO" ]]; then
NODES=`olsnodes | sed s'/^.*db/db/g' | ${AWK} '{if (NR<2){txt=$0} else{txt=txt","$0}} END {print txt}'`
CLUSTER_NAME=`olsnodes | head -1 | sed s'/db.*$//g'`
NODES=`olsnodes | ${AWK} '{if (NR<2){txt=$0} else{txt=txt","$0}} END {print txt}'`
CLUSTER_NAME=`olsnodes -c`
NAME_OF_THE_CLUSTER=`olsnodes -c`
# if oracle restart, olsnodes is here but returns nothing, we then set the NODES with the current hostname
if [ -z "${NODES}" ]; then
NODES=`hostname -s`
if [[ "$WITH_COLORS" == "YES" ]]; then
printf "\n\t\t%s"${COLOR_FOR_CLUSTER}"%s\e[m" "Cluster " "$NAME_OF_THE_CLUSTER"
# Show the Exadata model if possible (if this cluster is an Exadata)
if [ -f ${DBMACHINE} ] && [ -r ${DBMACHINE} ]; then
MODEL=`grep -i MACHINETYPES ${DBMACHINE} | sed -e s':</*MACHINETYPES>::g' -e s'/^ *//' -e s'/ *$//'`
printf "%s"${COLOR_FOR_CLUSTER}"%s\e[m\n" " is a " "$MODEL"
printf "\n"
printf "\n"
# Get the info we want
cat /dev/null > $TMP
if [ "$SHOW_DB" = "YES" ]; then
crsctl stat res -p -w "TYPE = ora.database.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -v -w "TYPE = ora.database.type" >> $TMP
if [ "$SHOW_LSNR" = "YES" ]; then
crsctl stat res -v -w "TYPE = ora.listener.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -p -w "TYPE = ora.listener.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -v -w "TYPE = ora.scan_listener.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -p -w "TYPE = ora.scan_listener.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -v -w "TYPE = ora.leaf_listener.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -p -w "TYPE = ora.leaf_listener.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -v -w "TYPE = ora.asm_listener.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -p -w "TYPE = ora.asm_listener.type" >> $TMP
if [ "$SHOW_SVC" = "YES" ]; then
crsctl stat res -v -w "TYPE = ora.service.type" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -p -w "TYPE = ora.service.type" >> $TMP
if [ "$SHOW_TECH" = "YES" ]; then
crsctl stat res -v -w "((TYPE != ora.database.type) AND (TYPE != ora.listener.type) AND (TYPE != ora.scan_listener.type) AND (TYPE != ora.service.type) AND (TYPE != ora.leaf_listener.type) AND (TYPE != ora.asm_listener.type))" >> $TMP
crsctl stat res -p -w "((TYPE != ora.database.type) AND (TYPE != ora.listener.type) AND (TYPE != ora.scan_listener.type) AND (TYPE != ora.service.type) AND (TYPE != ora.leaf_listener.type) AND (TYPE != ora.asm_listener.type))" >> $TMP
# Easiest way to manage the different versions of crsctl outputs
awk '{if ($1 ~ /^NAME=/) {print "BREAK_HERE"; print $0} else {print $0}}' $TMP > $TMP2
cp ${TMP2} ${TMP}
if [ "$SHORT_NAMES" = "YES" ]; then
${SED} -i "s/$CLUSTER_NAME//" $TMP
NB_NODES=`olsnodes | wc -l`
else # If we use an input file
cp ${FILE} ${TMP}
NODES=`grep LAST_SERVER $TMP | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | grep -v "^$" | awk '{if (NR<2){txt=$0} else{txt=txt","$0}} END {print txt}'`
NB_NODES=`grep LAST_SERVER $TMP | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | wc -l`
fi # End if [ -z "$FILE" ]
# Define the offset to apply to the status column depending on the number of nodes to make the tables visible for big implementations
if [ "$COL_NODE_OFFSET" = "99" ]; then
if [ "$NB_NODES" -eq "2" ]; then COL_NODE_OFFSET=6 ; fi ;
if [ "$NB_NODES" -eq "4" ]; then COL_NODE_OFFSET=5 ; fi ;
if [ "$NB_NODES" -gt "4" ]; then COL_NODE_OFFSET=3 ; fi ;
${AWK} -v NODES="$NODES" \
-v col_node_offset="$COL_NODE_OFFSET" \
{ FS = "=" ;
n = split(NODES, nodes, ",") ; # Make a table with the nodes of the cluster
# some colors
COLOR_BEGIN = "\033[1;" ;
#COLOR_BEGIN = "\033[" ;
COLOR_END = "\033[m" ;
RED = "31m" ;
GREEN = "32m" ;
YELLOW = "33m" ;
BLUE = "34m" ;
TEAL = "36m" ;
WHITE = "37m" ;
WITH_BACK = "43m" ; # Yellow background
WITH_BACK2 = "44m" ; # Blue background
WITH_BACK2 = "41m" ; # Red background
if (REVERSE == "YES")
WHITE = "30m" ; # Black
TEAL = "34m" ; # Blue
COLOR_BEGIN = "\033[2;" ; # Bold
UNKNOWN = "-" ; # Something to print when the status is unknown
DISABLED = "x" ; # Something disabled
# Default columns size
COL_NODE = 0 ;
COL_NODE_OFFSET = col_node_offset * 2 ; # Defined on top the script, have a look for explanations on this
COL_DB = 12 ;
COL_VER = 15 ;
COL_TYPE = 14 ;
COL_OH = 24 ; # to print the ORACLE_HOMEs
COL_OWNER = 6 ; # to print owner:group
COL_GROUP = 3 ; # to print owner:group
COL_DEFAULT = BLUE ; # for the "-"
RECENT_RESTARTED = 0 ; # To show a legend if we found a recent restarted
STATUS_ISSUE = 0 ; # To show a legend if we found an issue with the status
SERVICE_DISABLED = 0 ; # To show a legend of a service is disabled
COL_SEP = "|" ; # Column separator
} # End BEGIN
# A function to center the outputs with colors
function center(str, n, color, sep) {
right = int((n - length(str)) / 2) ;
left = n - length(str) - right ;
return sprintf(COLOR_BEGIN color "%" left "s%s%" right "s" COLOR_END sep, "", str, "" ) ;
# Colorize a string
function in_color(str, color) {
return sprintf(COLOR_BEGIN color "%s" COLOR_END, str) ;
# Get a date in format MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS and return the rounded number hours difference between this date and the current date
function diff_hours(a_date) {
if ((a_date == "NEVER ") || (a_date == " ")) {
return (999999999999999999999) ;
} else {
split(a_date, temp, /[\/ :]/) ;
return (systime()-mktime (temp[3]" "temp[1]" "temp[2]" "temp[4]" "temp[5]" "temp[6]))/(60*60) ;
# Get a string and return it with a nice case: first character in upper case ad the others in lower case (ABCD => Abcd)
function nice_case(str) {
return sprintf("%s", toupper(substr(str,1,1)) tolower(substr(str,2,length(str)))) ;
# Print a legend for the recent restarted instances, listeners and services
function print_legend_recent_restarted() {
printf("%s", " ") ;
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WITH_BACK "%-3s" COLOR_END, " ") ;
if (DIFF_HOURS_UNIT == "h") { UNIT="hour" }
if (DIFF_HOURS_UNIT == "d") { UNIT="day" }
if (DIFF_HOURS_UNIT == "w") { UNIT="week" }
if (DIFF_HOURS_UNIT == "m") { UNIT="month" }
if (DIFF_HOURS_UNIT == "y") { UNIT="year" }
if (HOURS > 1) { UNIT=UNIT"s" }
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-s\n " COLOR_END, ": Has been restarted less than "HOURS" "UNIT" ago");
# Print a legend if we found an issue in the status (STATUS != TARGET)
function print_legend_status_issue() {
if (STATUS_ISSUE == 1) {
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WITH_BACK2 "%-3s" COLOR_END, " ") ;
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-s\n " COLOR_END, ": STATUS and TARGET are different") ;
# Print a legend when something is disabled
function print_legend_disabled(a_variable, a_text) {
if (a_variable == 1) {
printf("%s", " ") ;
printf("%s", center(DISABLED, 3, RED)) ;
printf("%-s\n", in_color(" : "a_text" is disabled", WHITE)) ;
# A function that just print a "---" white line
function print_a_line(size) {
if ( ! size) {
printf("%s", COLOR_BEGIN WHITE) ;
for (k=1; k<=size; k++) {printf("%s", "-");} ; # n = number of nodes
printf("%s", COLOR_END"\n") ;
{ # Fill 2 tables with the OH and the version from "crsctl stat res -p -w "TYPE = ora.database.type""
if ($1 == "NAME") {
sub("^ora.", "", $2) ;
sub(/\(.*$/, "", $2) ; # Remove the consumer group
type = "TECH" ;
if ($2 ~ ".db$") { # Databases
type = "DB" ;
sub(".db$", "", $2) ;
if ($2 ~ ".lsnr") { # Listeners
sub(".lsnr$", "", $2) ;
tab_lsnr[$2] = $2 ;
type = "LISTENER" ;
if ($2 ~ ".svc") { # Services
sub(".svc$", "", $2) ;
tab_svc[$2]=$2 ;
service=$2 ;
sub(/^[^.]*\./, "", service) ; # Remove the DB name
if (length(service) > COL_VER-1) { # To adapt the column size
COL_VER = length(service) +1 ;
type = "SERVICE" ;
DB=$2 ;
split($2, temp, ".") ;
if (length(temp[1]) > COL_DB-1) { # To adapt the 1st column size
COL_DB = length(temp[1]) +1 ;
if (type == "TECH") {
if ($2 ~ /\./) {
sub(/\.[[:alnum:]]*$/, "", $2) ;
# We put the type before the name to sort it by type easily later
type_name = temp[length(temp)]"."$2 ;
tab_tech[$2] = type_name ;
if (length($2) > COL_VER-1) {
COL_VER = length($2) + 1 ;
} else {
tab_tech[temp[1]] = temp[1] ;
getline; getline ;
if ($1 == "ACL") { # crsctl stat res -p output
if (type == "DB") {
# Get the owner and the group
match($2, /owner:([[:alnum:]]*):.*/, OWNER) ;
match($2, /^.*pgrp:([[:alnum:]]*):.*/, GROUP) ;
while (getline)
if ($1 == "ORACLE_HOME") {
OH = $2 ;
match($2, /1[0-9]\.[0-9]\.?[0-9]?\.?[0-9]?/) ; # Grab the version from the OH path)
if ($1 == "DATABASE_TYPE") { # RAC / RACOneNode / Single Instance are expected here
dbtype[DB] = $2 ;
if ($1 == "ROLE") { # Primary / Standby expected here
role[DB] = $2 ;
if ($1 == "ENABLED") { # Instance is enabled (1) or disabled (0)
enabled = $2 ; # Save it for later
if ($1 == "GEN_USR_ORA_INST_NAME") {
instance = $2 ;
while (getline) {
if (($1 ~ /^GEN_USR_ORA_INST_NAME@SERVERNAME/) && ($2 == instance)) {
sub(")", "", $1) ;
is_enabled[DB,$1] = enabled ;
break ;
if ($0 ~ /^$/) {
break ;
if ($0 ~ /^$/) {
version[DB] = VERSION ;
oh[DB] = OH ;
if (!(OH in oh_list)) {
oh_ref++ ;
oh_list[OH] = oh_ref ;
o_list[OH] = OWNER[1] ;
g_list[OH] = GROUP[1] ;
if (length(OH) > COL_OH) { COL_OH = length(OH) ; }
if (length(OWNER[1]) > COL_OWNER) { COL_OWNER = length(OWNER[1]) ; }
if (length(GROUP[1]) > COL_GROUP) { COL_GROUP = length(GROUP[1]) ; }
break ;
} # End if (type == "DB")
if (type == "SERVICE") {
while(getline) {
if ($1 == "ENABLED") { # Service is enabled (1) or disabled (0)
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { # n = number of nodes
is_enabled[DB,nodes[i]]= $2 ;
while(getline) {
sub("ENABLED@SERVERNAME[(]", "", $1) ;
sub(")", "", $1) ;
is_enabled[DB,$1] = $2 ;
} else {
break ;
if ($0 ~ /^$/) {
break ;
} # End if (type == "SERVICE")
#if (DB in tab_lsnr == 1)
if (type == "LISTENER") {
while(getline) {
if ($1 == "ENABLED") { # Listener is enabled (1) or disabled (0)
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { # n = number of nodes
is_enabled[DB,nodes[i]]= $2 ;
while(getline) {
sub("ENABLED@SERVERNAME[(]", "", $1) ;
sub(")", "", $1) ;
is_enabled[DB,$1] = $2 ;
} else {
break ;
if ($1 == "ENDPOINTS") {
port[DB] = $2 ;
break ;
} # End if (type == LISTENER)
if (type == "TECH") {
while (getline) {
if ($1 == "ENABLED") {
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { # n = number of nodes
is_enabled[DB,nodes[i]]= $2 ;
while(getline) {
sub("ENABLED@SERVERNAME[(]", "", $1) ;
sub(")", "", $1) ;
is_enabled[DB,$1] = $2 ;
} else {
break ;
if ($0 ~ /^$/) {
break ;
} # End if (type == TECH)
} # End if ($1 == "ACL")
if ($1 == "LAST_SERVER") { # crsctl stat res -v output
NB = 0 ; # Number of instances we went through
SERVER = $2 ;
if (length(SERVER) > COL_NODE) {
while (getline) {
if ($1 == "LAST_SERVER") { SERVER = $2 ; }
if ($1 == "STATE") { gsub(" on .*$", "", $2) ;
status[DB,SERVER] = $2 ;
if (length(status[DB,SERVER]) > COL_NODE) { COL_NODE = length(status[DB,SERVER]) + COL_NODE_OFFSET;}
if ($1 == "TARGET") { target[DB,SERVER]=$2 ;}
if ($1 == "LAST_RESTART") { started[DB,SERVER]=diff_hours($2" "$3) ;}
if ($1 == "STATE_DETAILS") { NB++ ; # Number of instances we came through
if (DB ~ /acfs/) { acfs_mount[DB] = $2 ; }
sub("STATE_DETAILS=", "", $0) ;
sub(",HOME=.*$", "", $0) ; # Manage the 12cR2 new feature, check 20170606 for more details
sub("),.*$", ")", $0) ; # To make clear multi status like "Mounted (Closed),Readonly,Open Initiated"
if ($0 == "Instance Shutdown") { status_details[DB,SERVER] = "Shutdown" ; } else
if ($0 ~ "Readonly") { status_details[DB,SERVER] = "Readonly" ; } else
if ($0 ~ /Mount/) { status_details[DB,SERVER] = "Mounted" ; } else
if ($0 ~ /running from old/) { status_details[DB,SERVER] = "Open from old OH"; } else
{ status_details[DB,SERVER] = $0 ; }
if ((length(status_details[DB,SERVER]) > COL_NODE) && (type != "TECH")) {
COL_NODE = length(status_details[DB,SERVER]) + COL_NODE_OFFSET ;
if ($1 == "BREAK_HERE") { break;}
} # End of if ($1 == LAST_SERVER)
} # End of if ($1 ~ /^NAME/)
} # End of main awk section
END { #
# Tech stuff
if (length(tab_tech) > 0) { # We print only if we have something to show
# A header for the listeners
printf("%s", center("Type" , COL_DB, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("%s", center("Name" , COL_VER+1, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
n=asort(nodes) ; # sort array nodes
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printf("%s", center(nodes[i], COL_NODE, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("\n") ;
# a "---" line under the header
print_a_line(COL_DB+COL_NODE*n+COL_VER+n+2) ;
# Print the tech stuff
# Sort by type
y = asort(tab_tech, tech_sorted) ;
for (i = 1; i<=y; i++) {
the_type = tech_sorted[i] ;
the_name = tech_sorted[i] ;
sub(/\..*$/, "", the_type) ;
sub(/^[[:alnum:]]*\./, "", the_name)
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_DB-1"s" COLOR_END"|", the_type, WHITE) ;
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_VER"s" COLOR_END"|", the_name, WHITE) ;
if (the_name == the_type) {
a = the_type ;
} else {
a = the_name"."the_type ;
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { # For each node
if (is_enabled[a, nodes[j]] == "") {
tech_enabled = 1 ;
} else {
tech_enabled = is_enabled[a, nodes[j]] ;
tech_status = status[a, nodes[j]] ;
tech_target = target[a, nodes[j]] ;
if (tech_status == "") {
tech_status = status[a, ""] ;
if ((started[a,nodes[j]] < DIFF_HOURS) && (started[a,nodes[j]])) {
} else {
if (tech_status != tech_target) {
if (tech_enabled == 1) { # Resource is enabled
if (tech_status == "") {
printf("%s", center(UNKNOWN, COL_NODE, COL_DEFAULT, COL_SEP )) ;
} else {
if (toupper(tech_status) == "ONLINE") {
} else {
printf("%s", center(nice_case(tech_status), COL_NODE, THE_COLOR, COL_SEP)) ;
} else { # Resource is disabled
right = int((COL_NODE - length(tech_status)) / 2) ;
left = COL_NODE - length(tech_status) - right ;
if (length(tech_status) < COL_DB+4) {
left-- ;
if (tech_status == "") {
printf("%s", center(DISABLED, COL_NODE, RED, COL_SEP )) ;
} else {
if (toupper(tech_status) == "ONLINE") {
printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(tech_status), COL_ONLINE), in_color(DISABLED, RED),COL_SEP);
} else {
printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(tech_status), COL_OTHER ), in_color(DISABLED, RED),COL_SEP);
} # End for each node
if (acfs_mount[the_name"."the_type]) {
printf(" %s", acfs_mount[the_name"."the_type]) ;
printf("\n") ;
# a "---" line under the header
print_a_line(COL_DB+COL_NODE*n+COL_VER+n+2) ;
print_legend_disabled(TECH_DISABLED, "Resource") ;
print_legend_recent_restarted() ;
print_legend_status_issue() ;
printf("\n") ;
# Listeners
if (length(tab_lsnr) > 0) { # We print only if we have something to show
# A header for the listeners
printf("%s", center("Listener" , COL_DB, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("%s", center("Port" , COL_VER+1, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
n=asort(nodes) ; # sort array nodes
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printf("%s", center(nodes[i], COL_NODE, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("%s", center("Type" , COL_TYPE, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("\n") ;
# a "---" line under the header
print_a_line() ;
# print the listeners
x=asorti(tab_lsnr, lsnr_sorted) ;
for (j = 1; j <= x; j++) { # For each listener
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_DB-1"s" COLOR_END"|", lsnr_sorted[j], WHITE); # Listener name
# It may happen that listeners listen on many ports then it wont fit this column
# We then print it outside of the table after the last column
if (length(port[lsnr_sorted[j]]) > COL_VER) {
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_VER"s" COLOR_END"|", "See -->", WHITE); # "See -->"
print_port_later = 1 ;
} else {
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_VER"s" COLOR_END"|", port[lsnr_sorted[j]], WHITE); # Port
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { # For each node
dbstatus = status[lsnr_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
dbtarget = target[lsnr_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
dbdetail = status_details[lsnr_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
if ((started[lsnr_sorted[j],nodes[i]] < DIFF_HOURS) && (started[lsnr_sorted[j],nodes[i]])) {
} else {
if (dbstatus != dbtarget) {
if (is_enabled[lsnr_sorted[j],nodes[i]] == 0) { # Listener disabled
right = int((COL_NODE - length(dbstatus)) / 2) ;
left = COL_NODE - length(dbstatus) - right ;
if (length(dbstatus) < COL_DB+4) {
left-- ;
if (dbstatus == "") {printf("%s", center(DISABLED, COL_NODE, RED, COL_SEP )) ;} else
if (dbstatus == "ONLINE") {printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(dbstatus), COL_ONLINE), in_color(DISABLED, RED), COL_SEP);}
else {printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(dbstatus), COL_OTHER ), in_color(DISABLED, RED), COL_SEP);}
} else {
if (dbstatus == "") {printf("%s", center(UNKNOWN, COL_NODE, COL_DEFAULT, COL_SEP )) ;} else
if (dbstatus == "ONLINE") {printf("%s", center(nice_case(dbstatus), COL_NODE, COL_ONLINE, COL_SEP )) ;}
else {printf("%s", center(nice_case(dbstatus), COL_NODE, COL_OTHER, COL_SEP )) ;}
# Type column
if (toupper(lsnr_sorted[j]) ~ /SCAN/) {
} else {
LSNR_TYPE = "Listener" ;
printf("%s", center(LSNR_TYPE, COL_TYPE, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
if (print_port_later) {
print_port_later = 0 ;
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_VER-1"s" COLOR_END, port[lsnr_sorted[j]], WHITE); # Port
printf("\n") ;
# a "---" line under the header
print_a_line() ;
print_legend_disabled(LISTENER_DISABLED, "Listener") ;
print_legend_recent_restarted() ;
print_legend_status_issue() ;
printf("\n") ;
} # End of listeners
# Services
if (length(tab_svc) > 0) { # We print only if we have something to show
# A header for the services
printf("%s", center("DB" , COL_DB, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("%s", center("Service" , COL_VER+1, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
n=asort(nodes) ; # sort array nodes
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printf("%s", center(nodes[i], COL_NODE, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
# a "---" line under the header
print_a_line(COL_DB+COL_NODE*n+COL_VER+n+2) ;
# Print the Services
x=asorti(tab_svc, svc_sorted) ;
for (j = 1; j <= x; j++) {
split(svc_sorted[j], to_print, ".") ; # The service we have is <db_name>.<service_name>
service = svc_sorted[j] ;
sub(/^[^.]*\./, "", service) ; # Remove the DB name only
if (previous_db != to_print[1]) { # Do not duplicate the DB names on the output
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_DB-1"s" COLOR_END COL_SEP, to_print[1], WHITE); # Database
previous_db = to_print[1] ;
} else {
printf("%s", center("", COL_DB, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_VER"s" COLOR_END"|", service, WHITE) ; # Service
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { # For each node
dbstatus = status[svc_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
dbtarget = target[svc_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
dbdetail = status_details[svc_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
if ((started[svc_sorted[j],nodes[i]] < DIFF_HOURS) && (started[svc_sorted[j],nodes[i]])) {
} else {
if (dbstatus != dbtarget) {
if (is_enabled[svc_sorted[j],nodes[i]] == 0) { # Service disabled
right = int((COL_NODE - length(dbstatus)) / 2) ;
left = COL_NODE - length(dbstatus) - right ;
if (length(dbstatus) < COL_DB+4) {
left-- ;
if (dbstatus == "") {printf("%s", center(DISABLED, COL_NODE, RED, COL_SEP )) ;} else
if (dbstatus == "ONLINE") {printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(dbstatus), COL_ONLINE), in_color(DISABLED, RED), COL_SEP);}
else {printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(dbstatus), COL_OTHER ), in_color(DISABLED, RED), COL_SEP);}
} else {
if (dbstatus == "") {printf("%s", center(UNKNOWN, COL_NODE, COL_DEFAULT, COL_SEP )) ;} else
if (dbstatus == "ONLINE") {printf("%s", center(nice_case(dbstatus), COL_NODE, COL_ONLINE, COL_SEP )) ;}
else {printf("%s", center(nice_case(dbstatus), COL_NODE, COL_OTHER, COL_SEP )) ;}
} # End of each node
printf("\n") ;
# a "---" line under the header
print_a_line(COL_DB+COL_NODE*n+COL_VER+n+2) ;
print_legend_disabled(SERVICE_DISABLED, "Service") ;
print_legend_recent_restarted() ;
print_legend_status_issue() ;
printf("\n") ;
} # End services
# Databases
if (length(version) > 0) { # We print only if we have something to show
# A header for the databases
printf("%s", center("DB" , COL_DB, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("%s", center("Version" , COL_VER+1, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
n=asort(nodes) ; # sort array nodes
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printf("%s", center(nodes[i], COL_NODE, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("%s", center("DB Type" , COL_TYPE, WHITE, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("\n") ;
# a "---" line under the header
print_a_line() ;
# Print the databases
m=asorti(version, version_sorted) ;
for (j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_DB-1"s" COLOR_END"|", version_sorted[j], WHITE) ; # Database
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE " %-"COL_VER-6"s" COLOR_END, version[version_sorted[j]], COL_VER, WHITE); # Version
printf(COLOR_BEGIN WHITE "%6s" COLOR_END"|"," ("oh_list[oh[version_sorted[j]]] ") ") ; # OH id
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { # For each node
dbstatus = status[version_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
dbtarget = target[version_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
dbdetail = status_details[version_sorted[j],nodes[i]] ;
# Print the status here, all that are not listed in that if ladder will appear in RED
if ((started[version_sorted[j],nodes[i]] < DIFF_HOURS) && (started[version_sorted[j],nodes[i]])) {
} else {
if (dbstatus != dbtarget) {
if ((is_enabled[version_sorted[j],nodes[i]] == 0) && (is_enabled[version_sorted[j],nodes[i]] != "")) { # Instance disabled
right = int((COL_NODE - length(dbdetail)) / 2) ;
left = COL_NODE - length(dbdetail) - right ;
if (length(dbdetail) < COL_DB+4) {
left-- ;
if (dbdetail == "") {
printf("%s", center(DISABLED, COL_NODE, RED, COL_SEP )) ;
} else if (dbdetail == "Open") {
printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(dbdetail), COL_ONLINE), in_color(DISABLED, RED), COL_SEP);
} else if (dbdetail ~ /Readonly/) {
printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(dbdetail), COL_READONLY), in_color(DISABLED, RED), COL_SEP);
} else if (dbdetail ~ /Shut/) {
printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(dbdetail), COL_SHUT), in_color(DISABLED, RED), COL_SEP);
} else {
printf("%"left"s%s %s%"right"s", "", in_color(nice_case(dbdetail), COL_OTHER), in_color(DISABLED, RED), COL_SEP);
} else {
if (dbdetail == "") {printf("%s", center(UNKNOWN, COL_NODE, COL_DEFAULT, COL_SEP )) ;} else
if (dbdetail == "Open") {printf("%s", center(nice_case(dbdetail), COL_NODE, COL_OPEN, COL_SEP )) ;} else
if (dbdetail ~ /Readonly/) {printf("%s", center(nice_case(dbdetail), COL_NODE, COL_READONLY,COL_SEP )) ;} else
if (dbdetail ~ /Shut/) {printf("%s", center(nice_case(dbdetail), COL_NODE, COL_SHUT, COL_SEP )) ;} else
{printf("%s", center(nice_case(dbdetail), COL_NODE, COL_OTHER, COL_SEP )) ;}
} # End for each node
# Color the DB Type column depending on the ROLE of the database (20170619)
if (role[version_sorted[j]] == "PRIMARY") {
} else {
printf("%s", center(dbtype[version_sorted[j]] ROLE_SHORT, COL_TYPE, ROLE_COLOR, COL_SEP)) ;
printf("\n") ;
# a "---" line as a footer
print_a_line() ;
# Print the OH list and a legend for the DB Type colors underneath the table
printf ("%s", "ORACLE_HOME references listed in the Version column ") ;
if (oh_ref > 1) {
printf ("(%s)", "\"" sprintf(COLOR_BEGIN TEAL "%s" COLOR_END, "\47\47") "\" means \"same as above\"") ;
printf ("\n\n") ;
previous_group = "" ;
previous_owner = "" ;
if (COL_OWNER%2) { COL_OWNER++ }
if (COL_GROUP%2) { COL_GROUP++ } ;
g_same_as_above=sprintf(COLOR_BEGIN TEAL "%"(COL_GROUP/2)-1"s%s" COLOR_END, "", "\47\47") ;
o_same_as_above=sprintf(COLOR_BEGIN TEAL "%"(COL_OWNER/2)-1"s%s%"(COL_OWNER/2)-1"s" COLOR_END, "", "\47\47", "") ;
# to ease the ORACLE_HOME sorting
for (x in oh_list) {
to_print[oh_list[x]] = x ;
for (i=1; i<=oh_ref; i++) {
# to ease the naming
the_oh=to_print[i] ;
owner=o_list[to_print[i]] ;
group=g_list[to_print[i]] ;
if (group == previous_group) {
group_to_print = g_same_as_above ;
} else {
group_to_print = group ;
if (owner == previous_owner) {
owner_to_print = o_same_as_above ;
} else {
owner_to_print = owner ;
printf("\t%2d : %-"COL_OH"s\t%-"COL_OWNER"s %s\n", i, the_oh, owner_to_print, group_to_print) ;
previous_group = group ;
previous_owner = owner ;
printf ("\n") ;
print_legend_disabled(INSTANCE_DISABLED, "Instance") ;
print_legend_recent_restarted() ;
print_legend_status_issue() ;
} ' $TMP | ${AWK} -v GREP="$GREP" -v UNGREP="$UNGREP" ' BEGIN {FS="|"} # AWK used to grep and ungrep
{ if ((NF >= 3) && ($(NF-1) !~ /Type/) && ($2 !~ /Service/)) {
if (($0 ~ GREP) && ($0 !~ UNGREP)) {
print $0 ;
} else {
print $0 ;
}' | sed s'/^/ /' > ${TMP2} # We can reuse TMP2 here
# Special sort order (option -c)
if [[ -n ${SORT_BY} ]]; then # Special sort order
SORT_COL="${SORT_BY:0:1}" # First character
SORT_NODE="${SORT_BY:1:1}" # Second character
SORT_ORDER="${SORT_BY: -1}" # Last character
if [[ "${SORT_COL}" =~ [1-9] ]]; then
if [[ "${SORT_ORDER}" != "r" ]]; then # Sort order can only be "r" for reverse or "" for normal
else SORT_ORDER="r"
if [[ ! "${SORT_NODE}" =~ [1-9] ]]; then # Column or node number
# Assign the column number depending of what we want to sort by
SORT_NUM2=2 # Second column to sort by
SORT_NUM3=2 # Third column to sort by
case ${SORT_COL} in
c) if [[ "${SORT_NODE}" -gt "2" ]]; then
else SORT_NUM=$(( ${SORT_NODE}*2 ))
fi ;; # Sort by column number
d) SORT_NUM=2 ;; # Sort by DB name
v) SORT_NUM=4 ;; # Sort by version
s) SORT_NUM=$(((${SORT_NODE}*2)+6)) ; # Sort by status (Shutdown, Open)
SORT_NUM2=$((${SORT_NUM}-1)) ;;
t) TYPE_COL=`cat ${TMP2} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"}{if ($2 ~ "Version"){print (NF-1); exit}}'` ;
SORT_NUM=$(((${TYPE_COL}*2)+1)) ;; # Sort by Type
SORT_K_2=" -k"${SORT_NUM2}" "
SORT_K_3=" -k"${SORT_NUM3}" "
cat ${TMP2} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"} {print $0; if ($2 ~ "Version"){getline; print $0; exit;}}' > ${TMP}
cat ${TMP2} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"}{if ($2 ~ "Version"){getline; while(getline){if ($0 ~ /---------------/){break}; print $0; }}}' | sort -i ${SORT_K_1} ${SORT_K_2} ${SORT_K_3} >> ${TMP}
tac ${TMP2} | awk '{print $0; if ($0 ~ /---------------/){exit;}}' | tac >> ${TMP}
cp ${TMP} ${TMP2}
if [[ "$WITH_COLORS" == "YES" ]]; then
cat ${TMP2}
cat ${TMP2} | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" # Remove the colors
printf "\n"
if [ -f ${TMP} ]; then
if [ -n "$OUT" ]; then
cp $TMP $OUT
printf "\n\t\033[1;34m%s\033[m\n\n" "Output file $OUT has been generated"
rm -f ${TMP}
rm -f ${TMP2}
# E N D O F S O U R C E
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