12c hidden undocumented parameter list

12c hidden undocumented  parameter list

Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonJune 30, 2013


Here is how to list all of the Oracle 12c hidden undocumented parameters:


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order by




_4030_dump_bitvec                        bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4030 error

_4031_dump_bitvec                        bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4031 error

_4031_dump_interval                      Dump 4031 error once for each n-second interval

_4031_max_dumps                          Maximum number of 4031 dumps for this process

_4031_sga_dump_interval                  Dump 4031 SGA heapdump error once for each n-second interval

_4031_sga_max_dumps                      Maximum number of SGA heapdumps

_ILM_FILTER_TIME                         Upper filter time for ILM block compression

_ILM_FILTER_TIME_LOWER                   Lower filter time for ILM block compression

_ILM_POLICY_NAME                         User specified ILM policy name

_NUMA_instance_mapping                   Set of nodes that this instance should run on

_NUMA_pool_size                          aggregate size in bytes of NUMA pool

_PX_use_large_pool                       Use Large Pool as source of PX buffers

__data_transfer_cache_size               Actual size of data transfer cache

__db_cache_size                          Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers

__dg_broker_service_names                service names for broker use

__java_pool_size                         Actual size in bytes of java pool

__large_pool_size                        Actual size in bytes of large pool

__oracle_base                            ORACLE_BASE

__pga_aggregate_target                   Current target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed

__sga_target                             Actual size of SGA

__shared_io_pool_size                    Actual size of shared IO pool

__shared_pool_size                       Actual size in bytes of shared pool

__streams_pool_size                      Actual size in bytes of streams pool

_abort_on_mrp_crash                      abort database instance when MRP crashes

_abort_recovery_on_join                  if TRUE, abort recovery on join reconfigurations

_ac_enable_dscn_in_rac                   Enable Dependent Commit SCN tracking

_accept_versions                         List of parameters for rolling operation

_active_instance_count                   number of active instances in the cluster database

_active_session_idle_limit               active session idle limit

_active_session_legacy_behavior          active session legacy behavior

_active_standby_fast_reconfiguration     if TRUE optimize dlm reconfiguration for active/standby OPS

_adaptive_direct_read                    Adaptive Direct Read

_adaptive_direct_write                   Adaptive Direct Write

_adaptive_fetch_enabled                  enable/disable adaptive fetch in parallel group by

_adaptive_log_file_sync_high_switch_freq Threshold for frequent log file sync mode switches (per minute)



_adaptive_log_file_sync_poll_aggressiven Polling interval selection bias (conservative=0, aggressive=100)



_adaptive_log_file_sync_sched_delay_wind Window (in seconds) for measuring average scheduling delay



_adaptive_log_file_sync_use_polling_thre Ratio of redo synch time to expected poll time as a percentage



_adaptive_log_file_sync_use_postwait_thr Percentage of foreground load from when post/wait was last used



_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_disable_wo Percentage of overlap across multiple outstanding writes



_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_enable_wor Increase in redo generation rate as a percentage



_adaptive_window_consolidator_enabled    enable/disable adaptive window consolidator PX plan

_add_col_optim_enabled                   Allows new add column optimization

_add_nullable_column_with_default_optim  Allows add of a nullable column with default optimization

_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list         add stale mv to dependency list

_add_trim_for_nlssort                    add trimming for fixed char semantics

_addm_auto_enable                        governs whether ADDM gets run automatically after every AWR snapshot

_addm_skiprules                          comma-separated list of ADDM nodes to skip

_addm_version_check                      governs whether ADDM checks the input AWR snapshot version

_adg_buffer_wait_timeout                 Active Dataguard buffer wait time in cs

_adg_instance_recovery                   enable ADG instance recovery

_adjust_literal_replacement              If TRUE, we will adjust the SQL/PLUS output

_adr_migrate_runonce                     Enable/disable ADR Migrate Runonce action

_advanced_index_compression_options      advanced index compression options

_advanced_index_compression_options_valu advanced index compression options2



_advanced_index_compression_trace        advanced index compression trace

_affinity_on                             enable/disable affinity at run time

_aged_out_cursor_cache_time              number of seconds an aged out session cached cursor stay in cache

_aggregation_optimization_settings       settings for aggregation optimizations

_aiowait_timeouts                        Number of aiowait timeouts before error is reported

_alert_expiration                        seconds before an alert message is moved to exception queue

_alert_message_cleanup                   Enable Alert Message Cleanup

_alert_message_purge                     Enable Alert Message Purge

_alert_post_background                   Enable Background Alert Posting

_all_shared_dblinks                      treat all dblinks as shared

_allocate_creation_order                 should files be examined in creation order during allocation

_allocation_update_interval              interval at which successful search in L1 should be updated

_allow_cell_smart_scan_attr              Allow checking smart_scan_capable Attr

_allow_commutativity                     allow for commutativity of +, * when comparing expressions

_allow_compatibility_adv_w_grp           allow advancing DB compatibility with guaranteed restore points

_allow_drop_snapshot_standby_grsp        Allow dropping snapshot standby guaranteed restore point

_allow_drop_ts_with_grp                  Allow drop Tablespace with guaranteed restore points

_allow_error_simulation                  Allow error simulation for testing

_allow_file_1_offline_error_1245         don't signal ORA-1245 due to file 1 being offline

_allow_level_without_connect_by          allow level without connect by

_allow_read_only_corruption              allow read-only open even if database is corrupt

_allow_resetlogs_corruption              allow resetlogs even if it will cause corruption

_allow_terminal_recovery_corruption      Finish terminal recovery even if it may cause corruption

_alternate_iot_leaf_block_split_points   enable alternate index-organized table leaf-block split-points

_always_anti_join                        always use this method for anti-join when possible

_always_semi_join                        always use this method for semi-join when possible

_always_star_transformation              always favor use of star transformation

_am_container_filesystem_ausize          allocation unit size for non-ASM containers

_am_max_containers                       maximum number of containers

_am_max_groups                           maximum number of containers

_am_max_seg_bytes                        maximum number of bytes per array segment

_am_timeouts_enabled                     enable timeouts

_am_trace_buffer_size                    size of per-process I/O trace buffer

_and_pruning_enabled                     allow partition pruning based on multiple mechanisms

_appqos_cdb_setting                      QoSM CDB Performance Class Setting

_appqos_po_multiplier                    Multiplier for PC performance objective value

_appqos_qt                               System Queue time retrieval interval

_aq_disable_x                            AQ - Disable new cross processes at an instance

_aq_dq_sessions                          Deq session count

_aq_eq_sessions                          Enq session count

_aq_init_shards                          Minimum enqueue shards per queue at an instance

_aq_max_scan_delay                       Maximum allowable scan delay for AQ indexes and IOTs

_aq_precrt_partitions                    Precreate Partitions

_aq_pt_processes                         Partition background processes

_aq_stop_backgrounds                     Stop all AQ background processes

_aq_subshard_Size                        Sub Shard Size

_aq_tm_deqcountinterval                  dequeue count interval for Time Managers to cleanup DEQ IOT BLOCKS

_aq_tm_scanlimit                         scan limit for Time Managers to clean up IOT

_aq_tm_statistics_duration               statistics collection window duration

_aqsharded_cache_limit                   Limit for cached enqueue/dequeue operations

_arch_comp_dbg_scan                      archive compression scan debug

_arch_comp_dec_block_check_dump          decompress archive compression blocks for checking and dumping

_arch_compress_checksums                 enable/disable row checksums for archive compressed blocks

_arch_compression                        archive compression enabled

_arch_io_slaves                          ARCH I/O slaves

_arch_sim_mode                           Change behavior of local archiving

_array_update_vector_read_enabled        Enable array update vector read

_ash_compression_enable                  To enable or disable string compression in ASH

_ash_disk_filter_ratio                   Ratio of the number of in-memory samples to the number of samples actually writt

                                         en to disk


_ash_disk_write_enable                   To enable or disable Active Session History flushing

_ash_dummy_test_param                    Oracle internal dummy ASH parameter used ONLY for testing!

_ash_eflush_trigger                      The percentage above which if the in-memory ASH is full the emergency flusher wi

                                         ll be triggered


_ash_enable                              To enable or disable Active Session sampling and flushing

_ash_min_mmnl_dump                       Minimum Time interval passed to consider MMNL Dump

_ash_sample_all                          To enable or disable sampling every connected session including ones waiting for

                                          idle waits


_ash_sampling_interval                   Time interval between two successive Active Session samples in millisecs

_ash_size                                To set the size of the in-memory Active Session History buffers

_asm_access                              ASM File access mechanism

_asm_acd_chunks                          initial ACD chunks created

_asm_admin_with_sysdba                   Does the sysdba role have administrative privileges on ASM?

_asm_allow_appliance_dropdisk_noforce    Allow DROP DISK/FAILUREGROUP NOFORCE on ASM Appliances

_asm_allow_lvm_resilvering               Enable disk resilvering for external redundancy

_asm_allow_only_raw_disks                Discovery only raw devices

_asm_allow_system_alias_rename           if system alias renaming is allowed

_asm_allow_unsafe_reconnect              attempt unsafe reconnect to ASM

_asm_allowdegeneratemounts               Allow force-mounts of DGs w/o proper quorum

_asm_appliance_config_file               Appliance configuration file name

_asm_ausize                              allocation unit size

_asm_automatic_rezone                    automatically rebalance free space across zones

_asm_avoid_pst_scans                     Avoid PST Scans

_asm_blksize                             metadata block size

_asm_check_for_misbehaving_cf_clients    check for misbehaving CF-holding clients

_asm_compatibility                       default ASM compatibility level

_asm_dba_batch                           ASM Disk Based Allocation Max Batch Size

_asm_dba_spcchk_thld                     ASM Disk Based Allocation Space Check Threshold

_asm_dba_threshold                       ASM Disk Based Allocation Threshold

_asm_dbmsdg_nohdrchk                     dbms_diskgroup.checkfile does not check block headers

_asm_diag_dead_clients                   diagnostics for dead clients

_asm_direct_con_expire_time              Expire time for idle direct connection to ASM instance

_asm_disable_amdu_dump                   Disable AMDU dump

_asm_disable_async_msgs                  disable async intra-instance messaging

_asm_disable_multiple_instance_check     Disable checking for multiple ASM instances on a given node

_asm_disable_profilediscovery            disable profile query for discovery

_asm_disable_smr_creation                Do Not create smr

_asm_disable_ufg_dump                    disable terminated umbilicus diagnostic

_asm_disable_ufgmemberkill               disable ufg member kill

_asm_disk_repair_time                    seconds to wait before dropping a failing disk

_asm_diskerr_traces                      Number of read/write errors per disk a process can trace

_asm_diskgroups2                         disk groups to mount automatically set 2

_asm_diskgroups3                         disk groups to mount automatically set 3

_asm_diskgroups4                         disk groups to mount automatically set 4

_asm_emulate_nfs_disk                    Emulate NFS disk test event



_asm_emulmax                             max number of concurrent disks to emulate I  /O errors

_asm_emultimeout                         timeout before emulation begins (in 3s ticks)

_asm_enable_xrov                         Enable XROV capability

_asm_evenread                            ASM Even Read level

_asm_evenread_alpha                      ASM Even Read Alpha

_asm_evenread_alpha2                     ASM Even Read Second Alpha

_asm_evenread_faststart                  ASM Even Read Fast Start Threshold

_asm_fail_random_rx                      Randomly fail some RX enqueue gets

_asm_fob_tac_frequency                   Timeout frequency for FOB cleanup

_asm_force_quiesce                       Force diskgroup quiescing

_asm_global_dump_level                   System state dump level for ASM asserts

_asm_hbeatiowait                         number of secs to wait for PST Async Hbeat IO return

_asm_hbeatwaitquantum                    quantum used to compute time-to-wait for a PST Hbeat check

_asm_healthcheck_timeout                 seconds until health check takes action

_asm_imbalance_tolerance                 hundredths of a percentage of inter-disk imbalance to tolerate

_asm_instlock_quota                      ASM Instance Lock Quota

_asm_iostat_latch_count                  ASM I/O statistics latch count

_asm_kfdpevent                           KFDP event

_asm_kill_unresponsive_clients           kill unresponsive ASM clients

_asm_libraries                           library search order for discovery

_asm_log_scale_rebalance                 Rebalance power uses logarithmic scale

_asm_lsod_bucket_size                    ASM lsod bucket size

_asm_max_cod_strides                     maximum number of COD strides

_asm_max_redo_buffer_size                asm maximum redo buffer size

_asm_maxio                               Maximum size of individual I/O request

_asm_network_timeout                     Keepalive timeout for ASM network connections

_asm_networks                            ASM network subnet addresses

_asm_nodekill_escalate_time              secs until escalating to nodekill if fence incomplete

_asm_noevenread_diskgroups               List of disk groups having even read disabled

_asm_partner_target_disk_part            target maximum number of disk partners for repartnering

_asm_partner_target_fg_rel               target maximum number of failure group relationships for repartnering

_asm_primary_load                        Number of cycles/extents to load for non-mirrored files

_asm_primary_load_cycles                 True if primary load is in cycles, false if extent counts

_asm_procs_trace_diskerr                 Number of processes allowed to trace a disk failure

_asm_proxy_startwait                     Maximum time to wait for ASM proxy connection

_asm_random_zone                         Random zones for new files

_asm_rebalance_plan_size                 maximum rebalance work unit

_asm_rebalance_space_errors              number of out of space errors allowed before aborting rebalance

_asm_remote_client_timeout               timeout before killing disconnected remote clients

_asm_repairquantum                       quantum (in 3s) used to compute elapsed time for disk drop

_asm_reserve_slaves                      reserve ASM slaves for CF txns

_asm_resyncCkpt                          number of extents to resync before flushing checkpoint

_asm_root_directory                      ASM default root directory

_asm_runtime_capability_volume_support   runtime capability for volume support returns supported

_asm_scrub_limit                         ASM disk scrubbing power

_asm_secondary_load                      Number of cycles/extents to load for mirrored files

_asm_secondary_load_cycles               True if secondary load is in cycles, false if extent counts

_asm_serialize_volume_rebalance          Serialize volume rebalance

_asm_shadow_cycle                        Inverse shadow cycle requirement

_asm_skip_diskval_check                  skip client side discovery for disk revalidate

_asm_skip_rename_check                   skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility for rename

_asm_skip_resize_check                   skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility for resize

_asm_storagemaysplit                     PST Split Possible

_asm_stripesize                          ASM file stripe size

_asm_stripewidth                         ASM file stripe width

_asm_sync_rebalance                      Rebalance uses sync I/O

_asm_trace_limit_timeout                 Time-out in milliseconds to reset the number of traces per disk and the number o

                                         f processes allowed to trace


_asm_usd_batch                           ASM USD Update Max Batch Size

_asm_wait_time                           Max/imum time to wait before asmb exits

_asmsid                                  ASM instance id

_assm_default                            ASSM default

_assm_force_fetchmeta                    enable metadata block fetching in ASSM segment scan

_assm_high_gsp_threshold                 Number of blocks rejected before growing segment

_assm_low_gsp_threshold                  Number of blocks rejected before collecting stats

_async_recovery_claims                   if TRUE, issue recovery claims asynchronously

_async_recovery_reads                    if TRUE, issue recovery reads asynchronously

_async_ts_threshold                      check tablespace thresholds asynchronously

_auto_assign_cg_for_sessions             auto assign CGs for sessions

_auto_bmr                                enable/disable Auto BMR

_auto_bmr_bg_time                        Auto BMR Process Run Time

_auto_bmr_fc_time                        Auto BMR Flood Control Time

_auto_bmr_pub_timeout                    Auto BMR Publish Timeout

_auto_bmr_req_timeout                    Auto BMR Requester Timeout

_auto_bmr_sess_threshold                 Auto BMR Request Session Threshold

_auto_bmr_sys_threshold                  Auto BMR Request System Threshold

_auto_manage_enable_offline_check        perodically check for OFFLINE disks and attempt to ONLINE

_auto_manage_exadata_disks               Automate Exadata disk management

_auto_manage_infreq_tout                 TEST: Set infrequent timeout action to run at this interval, unit is seconds

_auto_manage_ioctl_bufsz                 oss_ioctl buffer size, to read and respond to cell notifications

_auto_manage_max_online_tries            Max. attempts to auto ONLINE an ASM disk

_auto_manage_num_pipe_msgs               Max. number of out-standing msgs in the KXDAM pipe

_auto_manage_num_tries                   Num. tries before giving up on a automation operation

_auto_manage_online_tries_expire_time    Allow Max. attempts to auto ONLINE an ASM disk after lapsing this time (unit in



_automatic_maintenance_test              Enable AUTOTASK Test Mode

_automemory_broker_interval              memory broker statistics gathering interval for auto memory

_autotask_max_window                     Maximum Logical Maintenance Window Length in minutes

_autotask_min_window                     Minimum Maintenance Window Length in minutes

_autotask_test_name                      Name of current Autotask Test (or test step)

_autotune_gtx_idle_time                  idle time to trigger auto-shutdown a gtx background process

_autotune_gtx_interval                   interval to autotune global transaction background processes

_autotune_gtx_threshold                  auto-tune threshold for degree of global transaction concurrency

_aux_dfc_keep_time                       auxiliary datafile copy keep time in minutes

_available_core_count                    number of cores for this instance

_avoid_prepare                           if TRUE, do not prepare a buffer when the master is local

_awr_cdbperf_threshold                   Setting for AWR CDBPERF Threshold

_awr_corrupt_mode                        AWR Corrupt Mode

_awr_disabled_flush_tables               Disable flushing of specified AWR tables

_awr_flush_threshold_metrics             Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Threshold Metrics

_awr_flush_workload_metrics              Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Workload Metrics

_awr_mmon_cpuusage                       Enable/disable AWR MMON CPU Usage Tracking

_awr_mmon_deep_purge_all_expired         Allows deep purge to purge AWR data for all expired snapshots

_awr_mmon_deep_purge_extent              Set extent of rows to check each deep purge run

_awr_mmon_deep_purge_interval            Set interval for deep purge of AWR contents

_awr_mmon_deep_purge_numrows             Set max number of rows per table to delete each deep purge run

_awr_pdb_registration_enabled            Parameter to enable/disable AWR PDB Registration

_awr_remote_target_dblink                AWR Remote Target DBLink for Flushing

_awr_restrict_mode                       AWR Restrict Mode

_awr_sql_child_limit                     Setting for AWR SQL Child Limit

_b_tree_bitmap_plans                     enable the use of bitmap plans for tables w. only B-tree indexes

_backup_align_write_io                   align backup write I/Os

_backup_automatic_retry                  automatic retry on backup write errors

_backup_disk_bufcnt                      number of buffers used for DISK channels

_backup_disk_bufsz                       size of buffers used for DISK channels

_backup_disk_io_slaves                   BACKUP Disk I/O slaves

_backup_dynamic_buffers                  dynamically compute backup/restore buffer sizes

_backup_encrypt_opt_mode                 specifies encryption block optimization mode

_backup_file_bufcnt                      number of buffers used for file access

_backup_file_bufsz                       size of buffers used for file access

_backup_io_pool_size                     memory to reserve from the large pool

_backup_kgc_blksiz                       specifies buffer size to be used by HIGH compression

_backup_kgc_bufsz                        specifies buffer size to be used by BASIC compression

_backup_kgc_memlevel                     specifies memory level for MEDIUM compression

_backup_kgc_niters                       specifies number of iterations done by BASIC compression

_backup_kgc_perflevel                    specifies compression (performance) level for MEDIUM compression

_backup_kgc_scheme                       specifies compression scheme

_backup_kgc_type                         specifies compression type used by kgc BASIC compression

_backup_kgc_windowbits                   specifies window size for MEDIUM compression

_backup_ksfq_bufcnt                      number of buffers used for backup/restore

_backup_ksfq_bufmem_max                  maximum amount of memory (in bytes) used for buffers for backup/restore

_backup_ksfq_bufsz                       size of buffers used for backup/restore

_backup_lzo_size                         specifies buffer size for LOW compression

_backup_max_gap_size                     largest gap in an incremental/optimized backup buffer, in bytes

_backup_min_ct_unused_optim              mimimun size in bytes of change tracking to apply unused space optimuzation

_backup_seq_bufcnt                       number of buffers used for non-DISK channels

_backup_seq_bufsz                        size of buffers used for non-DISK channels

_bct_bitmaps_per_file                    number of bitmaps to store for each datafile

_bct_buffer_allocation_max               maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations, in bytes

_bct_buffer_allocation_min_extents       mininum number of extents to allocate per buffer allocation

_bct_buffer_allocation_size              size of one change tracking buffer allocation, in bytes

_bct_chunk_size                          change tracking datafile chunk size, in bytes

_bct_crash_reserve_size                  change tracking reserved crash recovery SGA space, in bytes

_bct_file_block_size                     block size of change tracking file, in bytes

_bct_file_extent_size                    extent size of change tracking file, in bytes

_bct_fixtab_file                         change tracking file for fixed tables

_bct_health_check_interval               CTWR health check interval (seconds), zero to disable

_bct_initial_private_dba_buffer_size     initial number of entries in the private change tracking dba buffers

_bct_mrp_timeout                         CTWR MRP wait timeout (seconds), zero to wait forever

_bct_public_dba_buffer_dynresize         allow dynamic resizing of public dba buffers, zero to disable

_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize           max buffer size permitted for public dba buffers, in bytes

_bct_public_dba_buffer_size              total size of all public change tracking dba buffers, in bytes

_bg_spawn_diag_opts                      background processes spawn diagnostic options

_bitmap_or_improvement_enabled           controls extensions to partition pruning for general predicates

_block_level_offload_high_lat_thresh     High Latency Threshold for Block Level Offload operations

_block_sample_readahead_prob_threshold   controls readahead value during block sampling

_blocking_sess_graph_cache_size          blocking session graph cache size in bytes

_blocks_per_cache_server                 number of consecutive blocks per global cache server

_bloom_filter_debug                      debug level for bloom filtering

_bloom_filter_enabled                    enables or disables bloom filter

_bloom_filter_size                       bloom filter vector size (in KB)

_bloom_folding_density                   bloom filter folding density lower bound

_bloom_folding_enabled                   Enable folding of bloom filter

_bloom_folding_min                       bloom filter folding size lower bound (in KB)

_bloom_max_size                          maximum bloom filter size (in KB)

_bloom_minmax_enabled                    enable or disable bloom min max filtering

_bloom_predicate_enabled                 enables or disables bloom filter predicate pushdown

_bloom_predicate_offload                 enables or disables bloom filter predicate offload to cells

_bloom_pruning_enabled                   Enable partition pruning using bloom filtering

_bloom_pushing_max                       bloom filter pushing size upper bound (in KB)

_bloom_pushing_total_max                 bloom filter combined pushing size upper bound (in KB)

_bloom_rm_filter                         remove bloom predicate in favor of zonemap join pruning predicate

_bloom_sm_enabled                        enable bloom filter optimization using slave mapping

_branch_tagging                          enable branch tagging for distributed transaction

_broadcast_scn_mode                      broadcast-on-commit scn mode

_broadcast_scn_wait_timeout              broadcast-on-commit scn wait timeout in centiseconds

_bsln_adaptive_thresholds_enabled        Adaptive Thresholds Enabled

_bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled            allow rewrites with multiple MVs and base tables

_buffer_busy_wait_timeout                buffer busy wait time in centiseconds

_buffered_message_spill_age              Buffered message spill age

_buffered_publisher_flow_control_thresho Flow control threshold for buffered publishers except capture



_bufq_stop_flow_control                  Stop enforcing flow control for buffered queues

_build_deferred_mv_skipping_mvlog_update DEFERRED MV creation skipping MV log setup update

_bump_highwater_mark_count               how many blocks should we allocate per free list on advancing HWM

_bwr_for_flushed_pi                      if TRUE, generate a BWR for a flushed PI

_bypass_srl_for_so_eor                   bypass SRL for S/O EOR logs

_bypass_xplatform_error                  bypass datafile header cross-platform-compliance errors

_cache_orl_during_open                   cache online logs

_cache_stats_monitor                     if TRUE, enable cache stats monitoring

_capture_buffer_size                     To set the size of the PGA I/O recording buffers

_capture_publisher_flow_control_threshol Flow control threshold for capture publishers



_case_sensitive_logon                    case sensitive logon enabled

_causal_standby_wait_timeout             Causal standby wait timeout

_cdb_compatible                          CDB Compatible

_cdb_rac_affinity                        rac affinity for parallel cdb operations

_cdc_subscription_owner                  Change Data Capture subscription_owner

_cdmp_diagnostic_level                   cdmp directory diagnostic level

_cell_fast_file_create                   Allow optimized file creation path for Cells

_cell_fast_file_restore                  Allow optimized rman restore for Cells

_cell_file_format_chunk_size             Cell file format chunk size in MB

_cell_index_scan_enabled                 enable CELL processing of index FFS

_cell_materialize_all_expressions        Force materialization of all offloadable expressions on the cells

_cell_materialize_virtual_columns        enable offload of expressions underlying virtual columns to cells

_cell_offload_capabilities_enabled       specifies capability table to load

_cell_offload_complex_processing         enable complex SQL processing offload to cells

_cell_offload_expressions                enable offload of expressions to cells

_cell_offload_hybridcolumnar             Query offloading of hybrid columnar compressed tables to exadata

_cell_offload_predicate_reordering_enabl enable out-of-order SQL processing offload to cells



_cell_offload_sys_context                enable offload of SYS_CONTEXT evaluation to cells

_cell_offload_timezone                   enable timezone related SQL processing offload to cells

_cell_offload_virtual_columns            enable offload of predicates on virtual columns to cells

_cell_range_scan_enabled                 enable CELL processing of index range scans

_cell_storidx_mode                       Cell Storage Index mode

_cgs_allgroup_poll_time                  CGS DBALL group polling interval in milli-seconds

_cgs_comm_readiness_check                CGS communication readiness check

_cgs_dball_group_registration            CGS DBALL group registration type

_cgs_dbgroup_poll_time                   CGS DB group polling interval in milli-seconds

_cgs_health_check_in_reconfig            CGS health check during reconfiguration

_cgs_memberkill_from_rim_instance        allow a RIM instance to issue a CSS member kill

_cgs_msg_batch_size                      CGS message batch size in bytes

_cgs_msg_batching                        CGS message batching

_cgs_node_kill_escalation                CGS node kill escalation to CSS

_cgs_node_kill_escalation_wait           CGS wait time to escalate node kill to CSS in seconds

_cgs_reconfig_extra_wait                 CGS reconfiguration extra wait time for CSS in seconds

_cgs_reconfig_timeout                    CGS reconfiguration timeout interval

_cgs_send_timeout                        CGS send timeout value

_cgs_ticket_sendback                     CGS ticket active sendback percentage threshold

_cgs_tickets                             CGS messaging tickets

_cgs_zombie_member_kill_wait             CGS zombie member kill wait time in seconds

_change_vector_buffers                   Number of change vector buffers for media recovery

_check_block_after_checksum              perform block check after checksum if both are turned on

_check_block_new_invariant_for_flashback check block new invariant for flashback

_check_column_length                     check column length

_check_pdbid_in_redo                     Enable checking of pluggable database ID in redo

_check_ts_threshold                      check tablespace thresholds

_cleanout_shrcur_buffers                 if TRUE, cleanout shrcur buffers

_cleanup_rollback_entries                no. of undo entries to apply per transaction cleanup

_cleanup_timeout                         timeout value for PMON cleanup

_cleanup_timeout_flags                   flags for PMON cleanup timeout

_clear_buffer_before_reuse               Always zero-out buffer before reuse for security

_cli_cachebktalloc                       Percentage of memory to allocate

_client_enable_auto_unregister           enable automatic unregister after a send fails with timeout

_client_ntfn_cleanup_interval            interval after which dead client registration cleanup task repeats

_client_ntfn_pinginterval                time between pings to unreachable notification clients

_client_ntfn_pingretries                 number of times to ping unreachable notification clients

_client_ntfn_pingtimeout                 timeout to connect to unreachable notification clients

_client_result_cache_bypass              bypass the client result cache

_client_tstz_error_check                 Should Client give error for suspect Timestamp with Timezone operations

_clone_one_pdb_recovery                  Recover ROOT and only one PDB in clone database

_close_cached_open_cursors               close cursors cached by PL/SQL at each commit

_close_deq_by_cond_curs                  Close Dequeue By Condition Cursors

_cloud_name                              gsm cloud name

_cluster_library                         cluster library selection

_clusterwide_global_transactions         enable/disable clusterwide global transactions

_collapse_wait_history                   collapse wait history

_collect_tempundo_stats                  Collect Statistics v$tempundostat

_collect_undo_stats                      Collect Statistics v$undostat

_column_compression_factor               Column compression ratio

_column_elimination_off                  turn off predicate-only column elimination

_column_tracking_level                   column usage tracking

_common_user_prefix                      Enforce restriction on a prefix of a Common User/Role/Profile name

_compilation_call_heap_extent_size       Size of the compilation call heaps extents

_complex_view_merging                    enable complex view merging

_compression_above_cache                 number of recompression above cache for sanity check

_compression_advisor                     Compression advisor

_compression_chain                       percentage of chained rows allowed for Compression

_compression_compatibility               Compression compatability

_concurrency_chosen                      what is the chosen value of concurrency

_connect_by_use_union_all                use union all for connect by

_connection_broker_host                  connection broker host for listen address

_controlfile_autobackup_delay            time delay (in seconds) for performing controlfile autobackups

_controlfile_backup_copy_check           enable check of the copied blocks during controlfile backup copy

_controlfile_block_size                  control file block size in bytes

_controlfile_cell_flash_caching          Flash cache hint for control file accesses

_controlfile_enqueue_dump                dump the system states after controlfile enqueue timeout

_controlfile_enqueue_holding_time        control file enqueue max holding time in seconds

_controlfile_enqueue_holding_time_tracki control file enqueue holding time tracking size



_controlfile_enqueue_timeout             control file enqueue timeout in seconds

_controlfile_section_init_size           control file initial section size

_controlfile_section_max_expand          control file max expansion rate

_controlfile_update_check                controlfile update sanity check

_convert_set_to_join                     enables conversion of set operator to join

_coord_message_buffer                    parallel recovery coordinator side extra message buffer size

_corrupted_rollback_segments             corrupted undo segment list

_cost_equality_semi_join                 enables costing of equality semi-join

_cp_num_hash_latches                     connection pool number of hash latches

_cpu_eff_thread_multiplier               CPU effective thread multiplier

_cpu_to_io                               divisor for converting CPU cost to I/O cost

_cr_grant_global_role                    if TRUE, grant lock for CR requests when block is in global role

_cr_grant_local_role                     turn 3-way CR grants off, make it automatic, or turn it on

_cr_grant_only                           if TRUE, grant locks when possible and do not send the block

_cr_server_log_flush                     if TRUE, flush redo log before serving a CR buffer

_cr_trc_buf_size                         size of cr trace buffer

_crash_domain_on_exception               allow domain to exit for exceptions in any thread

_create_stat_segment                     create ilm statistics segment

_create_table_in_any_cluster             allow creation of table in a cluster not owned by the user

_ctx_doc_policy_stems                    enable ctx_doc.policy_stems api

_cu_row_locking                          CU row level locking

_cursor_bind_capture_area_size           maximum size of the cursor bind capture area

_cursor_bind_capture_interval            interval (in seconds) between two bind capture for a cursor

_cursor_cache_time                       number of seconds a session cached cursor stay in cache.

_cursor_db_buffers_pinned                additional number of buffers a cursor can pin at once

_cursor_features_enabled                 Shared cursor features enabled bits.

_cursor_obsolete_threshold               Number of cursors per parent before obsoletion.

_cursor_plan_enabled                     enable collection and display of cursor plans

_cursor_plan_hash_version                version of cursor plan hash value

_cursor_plan_unparse_enabled             enables/disables using unparse to build projection/predicates

_cursor_reload_failure_threshold         Number of failed reloads before marking cursor unusable

_cursor_runtimeheap_memlimit             Shared cursor runtime heap memory limit

_cursor_stats_enabled                    Enable cursor stats

_cvmap_buffers                           Number of change vector buffers for multi instance media recovery

_cvw_enable_weak_checking                enable weak view checking

_data_transfer_cache_bc_perc_x100        Percentange * 100 of buffer cache to transfer to data transfer cache

_data_transfer_cache_size                Size of data transfer cache

_data_warehousing_scan_buffers           if TRUE, enable data warehousing scan buffers

_datafile_cow                            Use copy on write snapshot for the renamed file

_datafile_write_errors_crash_instance    datafile write errors crash instance

_datapump_compressbas_buffer_size        specifies buffer size for BASIC compression algorithm

_datapump_metadata_buffer_size           specifies buffer size for metadata file I/O

_datapump_tabledata_buffer_size          specifies buffer size for table data file I/O

_db_16k_flash_cache_file                 flash cache file for 16k block size

_db_16k_flash_cache_size                 flash cache size for _db_16k_flash_cache_file

_db_2k_flash_cache_file                  flash cache file for 2k block size

_db_2k_flash_cache_size                  flash cache size for _db_2k_flash_cache_file

_db_32k_flash_cache_file                 flash cache file for 32k block size

_db_32k_flash_cache_size                 flash cache size for _db_32k_flash_cache_file

_db_4k_flash_cache_file                  flash cache file for 4k block size

_db_4k_flash_cache_size                  flash cache size for _db_4k_flash_cache_file

_db_8k_flash_cache_file                  flash cache file for 8k block size

_db_8k_flash_cache_size                  flash cache size for _db_8k_flash_cache_file

_db_aging_cool_count                     Touch count set when buffer cooled

_db_aging_freeze_cr                      Make CR buffers always be too cold to keep in cache

_db_aging_hot_criteria                   Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list

_db_aging_stay_count                     Touch count set when buffer moved to head of replacement list

_db_aging_touch_time                     Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list

_db_always_check_system_ts               Always perform block check and checksum for System tablespace

_db_block_adjcheck                       adjacent cache buffer checks - low blkchk overwrite parameter

_db_block_adjchk_level                   adjacent cache buffer check level

_db_block_align_direct_read              Align Direct Reads

_db_block_bad_write_check                enable bad write checks

_db_block_buffers                        Number of database blocks cached in memory: hidden parameter

_db_block_cache_clone                    Always clone data blocks on get (for debugging)

_db_block_cache_history                  buffer header tracing (non-zero only when debugging)

_db_block_cache_history_level            buffer header tracing level

_db_block_cache_history_lru              buffer header tracing for lru operations

_db_block_cache_num_umap                 number of unmapped buffers (for tracking swap calls on blocks)

_db_block_cache_protect                  protect database blocks (true only when debugging)

_db_block_cache_protect_internal         protect database blocks (for strictly internal use only)

_db_block_check_for_debug                Check more and dump block before image for debugging

_db_block_check_objtyp                   check objd and typ on cache disk read

_db_block_chunkify_ncmbr                 chunkify noncontig multi block reads

_db_block_corruption_recovery_threshold  threshold number of block recovery attempts

_db_block_do_full_mbreads                do full block read even if some blocks are in cache

_db_block_hash_buckets                   Number of database block hash buckets

_db_block_hash_latches                   Number of database block hash latches

_db_block_header_guard_level             number of extra buffer headers to use as guard pages

_db_block_hi_priority_batch_size         Fraction of writes for high priority reasons

_db_block_known_clean_pct                Initial Percentage of buffers to maintain known clean

_db_block_lru_latches                    number of lru latches

_db_block_max_cr_dba                     Maximum Allowed Number of CR buffers per dba

_db_block_max_scan_pct                   Percentage of buffers to inspect when looking for free

_db_block_med_priority_batch_size        Fraction of writes for medium priority reasons

_db_block_numa                           Number of NUMA nodes

_db_block_prefetch_fast_longjumps_enable Batched IO enable fast longjumps



_db_block_prefetch_limit                 Prefetch limit in blocks

_db_block_prefetch_override              Prefetch force override in blocks

_db_block_prefetch_private_cache_enabled Batched IO enable private cache

_db_block_prefetch_quota                 Prefetch quota as a percent of cache size

_db_block_prefetch_skip_reading_enabled  Batched IO enable skip reading buffers

_db_block_prefetch_wasted_threshold_perc Allowed wasted percent threshold of prefetched size

_db_block_table_scan_buffer_size         Size of shared table scan read buffer

_db_block_temp_redo                      generate redo for temp blocks

_db_block_trace_protect                  trace buffer protect calls

_db_block_vlm_check                      check of rvlm mapping leaks (for debugging)

_db_block_vlm_leak_threshold             Threshold for allowable vlm leaks

_db_blocks_per_hash_latch                Number of blocks per hash latch

_db_cache_advice_max_size_factor         cache advisory maximum multiple of current size to similate

_db_cache_advice_sample_factor           cache advisory sampling factor

_db_cache_advice_sanity_check            cache simulation sanity check

_db_cache_block_read_stack_trace         dump short call stack for block reads

_db_cache_crx_check                      check for costly crx examination functions

_db_cache_miss_check_les                 check LEs after cache miss

_db_cache_mman_latch_check               check for wait latch get under MMAN ops in kcb

_db_cache_pre_warm                       Buffer Cache Pre-Warm Enabled : hidden parameter

_db_cache_process_cr_pin_max             maximum number of cr pins a process may have

_db_cache_wait_debug                     trace new kslwaits

_db_change_notification_enable           enable db change notification


_db_disable_temp_encryption              Disable Temp Encryption for Spills

_db_dump_from_disk_and_efc               dump contents from disk and efc

_db_dw_scan_adaptive_cooling             if TRUE, enable adaptive DW scan cooling

_db_dw_scan_max_shadow_count             DW Scan adaptive cooling max shadow count

_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_factor           DW Scan object cooling factor to cool all temperatures

_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_interval         DW Scan object cooling interval in number of scans, seconds, or pct of cache siz



_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_policy           DW scan objtect cooling policy

_db_dw_scan_obj_warming_increment        DW Scan object warming increment when an object is scanned

_db_fast_obj_check                       enable fast object drop sanity check

_db_fast_obj_ckpt                        enable fast object checkpoint

_db_fast_obj_truncate                    enable fast object truncate

_db_file_direct_io_count                 Sequential I/O buf size

_db_file_exec_read_count                 multiblock read count for regular clients

_db_file_format_io_buffers               Block formatting I/O buf count

_db_file_noncontig_mblock_read_count     number of noncontiguous db blocks to be prefetched

_db_file_optimizer_read_count            multiblock read count for regular clients

_db_flash_cache_force_replenish_limit    Flash cache force replenish lower limit in buffers

_db_flash_cache_keep_limit               Flash cache keep buffer upper limit in percentage

_db_flash_cache_max_latency              Flash cache maximum latency allowed in 10 milliseconds

_db_flash_cache_max_outstanding_writes   Flash cache maximum outstanding writes allowed

_db_flash_cache_max_read_retry           Flash cache max read retry

_db_flash_cache_max_slow_io              Flash cache maximum slow io allowed

_db_flash_cache_write_limit              Flash cache write buffer upper limit in percentage

_db_flashback_iobuf_size                 Flashback IO Buffer Size

_db_flashback_log_min_size               Minimum flashback database log size in bytes

_db_flashback_log_min_total_space        Minimum flashback database log total space in bytes

_db_flashback_num_iobuf                  Flashback Number of IO buffers

_db_handles                              System-wide simultaneous buffer operations

_db_handles_cached                       Buffer handles cached each process

_db_hot_block_tracking                   track hot blocks for hash latch contention

_db_index_block_checking                 index block checking override parameter

_db_initial_cachesize_create_mb          size of cache created at startup

_db_l2_tracing                           flash cache debug tracing

_db_large_dirty_queue                    Number of buffers which force dirty queue to be written

_db_lost_write_checking                  Enable scn based lost write detection mechanism

_db_lost_write_tracing                   Enable _db_lost_write_checking tracing

_db_mttr_advice                          MTTR advisory

_db_mttr_partitions                      number of partitions for MTTR advisory

_db_mttr_sample_factor                   MTTR simulation sampling factor

_db_mttr_sim_target                      MTTR simulation targets

_db_mttr_sim_trace_size                  MTTR simulation trace size

_db_mttr_trace_to_alert                  dump trace entries to alert file

_db_noarch_disble_optim                  Image redo logging (NOARCHIVEMODE)

_db_num_evict_waitevents                 number of evict wait events

_db_num_gsm                              database number in gsm dbpool

_db_obj_enable_ksr                       enable ksr in object checkpoint/reuse

_db_percent_hot_default                  Percent of default buffer pool considered hot

_db_percent_hot_keep                     Percent of keep buffer pool considered hot

_db_percent_hot_recycle                  Percent of recycle buffer pool considered hot

_db_percpu_create_cachesize              size of cache created per cpu in deferred cache create

_db_prefetch_histogram_statistics        maintain prefetch histogram statistics in x$kcbprfhs

_db_recovery_temporal_file_dest          default database recovery temporal file location

_db_required_percent_fairshare_usage     percent of fairshare a processor group should always use

_db_row_overlap_checking                 row overlap checking override parameter for data/index blocks

_db_todefer_cache_create                 buffer cache deferred create

_db_writer_chunk_writes                  Number of writes DBWR should wait for

_db_writer_coalesce_area_size            Size of memory allocated to dbwriter for coalescing writes

_db_writer_coalesce_write_limit          Limit on size of coalesced write

_db_writer_flush_imu                     If FALSE, DBWR will not downgrade IMU txns for AGING

_db_writer_histogram_statistics          maintain dbwr histogram statistics in x$kcbbhs

_db_writer_max_writes                    Max number of outstanding DB Writer IOs

_db_writer_nomemcopy_coalesce            Enable DBWR no-memcopy coalescing

_db_writer_verify_writes                 Enable lost write detection mechanism

_dbfs_modify_implicit_fetch              DBFS Link allows implicit fetch on modify - only on SecureFiles

_dbg_proc_startup                        debug process startup

_dbg_scan                                generic scan debug

_dbms_sql_security_level                 Security level in DBMS_SQL

_dbop_enabled                            Any positive number enables automatic DBOP monitoring. 0 is disabled

_dbpool_name                             gsm database pool name

_dbrm_dynamic_threshold                  DBRM dynamic threshold setting

_dbrm_num_runnable_list                  Resource Manager number of runnable list per NUMA node

_dbrm_quantum                            DBRM quantum

_dbrm_runchk                             Resource Manager Diagnostic Running Thread Check

_dbrm_short_wait_us                      Resource Manager short wait length

_dbwr_async_io                           Enable dbwriter asynchronous writes

_dbwr_scan_interval                      dbwriter scan interval

_dbwr_tracing                            Enable dbwriter tracing

_dd_validate_remote_locks                GES deadlock detection validate remote locks

_dde_flood_control_init                  Initialize Flood Control at database open

_dead_process_scan_interval              PMON dead process scan interval (in seconds)

_deadlock_diagnostic_level               automatic deadlock resolution diagnostics level

_deadlock_record_to_alert_log            record resolved deadlocks to the alert log

_deadlock_resolution_incidents_always    create incidents when resolving any deadlock?

_deadlock_resolution_incidents_enabled   create incidents during deadlock resolution

_deadlock_resolution_level               automatic deadlock resolution level

_deadlock_resolution_min_wait_timeout_se the minimum wait timeout required for deadlock resolution



_deadlock_resolution_signal_process_thre the amount of time given to process a deadlock resolution signal



_dedicated_server_poll_count             dedicated server poll count

_dedicated_server_post_wait              dedicated server post/wait

_dedicated_server_post_wait_call         dedicated server post/wait call

_default_encrypt_alg                     default encryption algorithm

_default_non_equality_sel_check          sanity check on default selectivity for like/range predicate

_defer_eor_orl_arch_for_so               defer EOR ORL archival for switchover

_defer_log_boundary_ckpt                 defer media recovery checkpoint at log boundary

_defer_log_count                         Number of log boundaries media recovery checkpoint lags behind

_defer_rcv_during_sw_to_sby              Defer recovery during switchover to standby

_defer_sga_alloc_chunk_size              Chunk size for defer sga allocation

_defer_sga_enabled                       Enable deferred shared memory allocation for SGA

_defer_sga_min_spsz_at_startup           Minimum shared pool size at startup with deferred sga enabled

_defer_sga_min_total_defer_segs_sz       Minimum total deferred segs size for defer sga allocation

_defer_sga_test_alloc_intv               SA** sleeps for N secs before allocating a deferred segment

_deferred_constant_folding_mode          Deferred constant folding mode

_deferred_log_dest_is_valid              consider deferred log dest as valid for log deletion (TRUE/FALSE)

_deferred_seg_in_seed                    Enable Deferred Segment Creation in Seed

_delay_index_maintain                    delays index maintenance until after MV is refreshed

_delta_push_share_blockers               enable delta push if greater than the # of share blockers

_deq_execute_reset_time                  deq execute reset time

_deq_ht_child_latches                    deq ht child latches

_deq_ht_max_elements                     deq ht max elements

_deq_large_txn_size                      deq large txn size

_deq_log_array_size                      deq log array size

_deq_max_fetch_count                     deq max fetch count

_deq_maxwait_time                        Change wait times between dequeue calls

_desired_readmem_rate                    The desired percentage of redo reading from memory

_dg_broker_trace_level                   data guard broker trace level

_dg_cf_check_timer                       Data Guard controlfile check timer

_dg_corrupt_redo_log                     Corrupt redo log validation during archivals

_diag_adr_auto_purge                     Enable/disable ADR MMON Auto Purging

_diag_adr_enabled                        Parameter to enable/disable Diag ADR

_diag_adr_test_param                     Test parameter for Diagnosability

_diag_arb_before_kill                    dump diagnostics before killing unresponsive ARBs

_diag_backward_compat                    Backward Compatibility for Diagnosability

_diag_cc_enabled                         Parameter to enable/disable Diag Call Context

_diag_conf_cap_enabled                   Parameter to enable/disable Diag Configuration Capture

_diag_crashdump_level                    parameter for systemstate dump level, used by DIAG during crash

_diag_daemon                             start DIAG daemon

_diag_dde_async_age_limit                diag dde async actions: message age limit (in seconds)

_diag_dde_async_cputime_limit            diag dde async actions: action cputime limit (in seconds)

_diag_dde_async_mode                     diag dde async actions: dispatch mode

_diag_dde_async_msg_capacity             diag dde async actions: message buffer capacity

_diag_dde_async_msgs                     diag dde async actions: number of preallocated message buffers

_diag_dde_async_process_rate             diag dde async actions: message processing rate - per loop

_diag_dde_async_runtime_limit            diag dde async actions: action runtime limit (in seconds)

_diag_dde_async_slaves                   diag dde async actions: max number of concurrent slave processes

_diag_dde_enabled                        enable DDE handling of critical errors

_diag_dde_fc_enabled                     Parameter to enable/disable Diag Flood Control

_diag_dde_fc_implicit_time               Override Implicit Error Flood Control time parameter

_diag_dde_fc_macro_time                  Override Macro Error Flood Control time parameter

_diag_dde_inc_proc_delay                 The minimum delay between two MMON incident sweeps (minutes)

_diag_diagnostics                        Turn off diag diagnostics

_diag_dump_request_debug_level           DIAG dump request debug level (0-2)

_diag_dump_timeout                       timeout parameter for SYNC dump

_diag_enable_startup_events              enable events in instance startup notifiers

_diag_hm_rc_enabled                      Parameter to enable/disable Diag HM Reactive Checks

_diag_hm_tc_enabled                      Parameter to enable/disable Diag HM Test(dummy) Checks

_diag_proc_enabled                       enable hung process diagnostic API

_diag_proc_max_time_ms                   hung process diagnostic API max wait time in milliseconds

_diag_proc_stack_capture_type            hung process diagnostic API stack capture type

_diag_test_seg_reinc_mode                Sets trace segmentation to be in reincarnation mode

_diag_uts_control                        UTS control parameter

_diag_verbose_error_on_init              Allow verbose error tracing on diag init

_diag_xm_enabled                         If TRUE, DIAG allows message exchanges across DB/ASM boundary

_dimension_skip_null                     control dimension skip when null feature

_direct_io_skip_cur_slot_on_error        Skip current slot on error

_direct_io_slots                         number of slots for direct path I/O

_direct_io_wslots                        number of write slots for direct path I/O

_direct_path_insert_features             disable direct path insert features

_direct_read_decision_statistics_driven  enable direct read decision based on optimizer statistics

_disable_12751                           disable policy timeout error (ORA-12751)

_disable_12cbigfile                      DIsable Storing ILM Statistics in 12cBigFiles

_disable_active_influx_move              disable active influx move during parallel media recovery

_disable_adaptive_shrunk_aggregation     adaptive shrunk aggregation

_disable_appliance_check                 Disable appliance-specific code

_disable_appliance_partnering            Disable appliance partnering algorithms

_disable_autotune_gtx                    disable autotune global transaction background processes

_disable_block_checking                  disable block checking at the session level

_disable_cell_optimized_backups          disable cell optimized backups

_disable_cpu_check                       disable cpu_count check

_disable_cursor_sharing                  disable cursor sharing

_disable_datalayer_sampling              disable datalayer sampling

_disable_directory_link_check            Disable directory link checking

_disable_duplex_link                     Turn off connection duplexing

_disable_fast_aggregation                fast aggregation

_disable_fast_validate                   disable PL/SQL fast validation

_disable_fastopen                        Do Not Use Fastopen

_disable_fba_qrw                         disable flashback archiver query rewrite

_disable_fba_wpr                         disable flashback archiver wait for prepared transactions

_disable_file_locks                      disable file locks for control, data, redo log files

_disable_flashback_archiver              disable flashback archiver

_disable_flashback_recyclebin_opt        Don't use the Flashback Recyclebin optimization

_disable_flashback_wait_callback         Disable flashback wait callback

_disable_function_based_index            disable function-based index matching

_disable_gvaq_cache                      Disable cache

_disable_health_check                    Disable Health Check

_disable_highres_ticks                   disable high-res tick counter

_disable_image_check                     Disable Oracle executable image checking

_disable_implicit_row_movement           disable implicit row movement

_disable_incremental_checkpoints         Disable incremental checkpoints for thread recovery

_disable_incremental_recovery_ckpt       Disable incremental recovery checkpoint mechanism

_disable_index_block_prefetching         disable index block prefetching

_disable_initial_block_compression       disable initial block compression

_disable_instance_params_check           disable instance type check for ksp

_disable_interface_checking              disable interface checking at startup

_disable_kcb_flashback_blocknew_opt      Disable KCB flashback block new optimization

_disable_kcbhxor_osd                     disable kcbh(c)xor OSD functionality

_disable_kcbl_flashback_blocknew_opt     Disable KCBL flashback block new optimization

_disable_kgghshcrc32_osd                 disable kgghshcrc32chk OSD functionality

_disable_latch_free_SCN_writes_via_32cas disable latch-free SCN writes using 32-bit compare & swap

_disable_latch_free_SCN_writes_via_64cas disable latch-free SCN writes using 64-bit compare & swap

_disable_logging                         Disable logging

_disable_metrics_group                   Disable Metrics Group (or all Metrics Groups)

_disable_multiple_block_sizes            disable multiple block size support (for debugging)

_disable_odm                             disable odm feature

_disable_parallel_conventional_load      Disable parallel conventional loads

_disable_primary_bitmap_switch           disable primary bitmap switch

_disable_read_only_open_dict_check       Disable read-only open dictionary check

_disable_rebalance_space_check           disable space usage checks for storage reconfiguration

_disable_recovery_read_skip              Disable the read optimization during media recovery

_disable_rolling_patch                   Disable Rolling Patch Feature

_disable_sample_io_optim                 disable row sampling IO optimization

_disable_savepoint_reset                 disable the fix for bug 1402161

_disable_selftune_checkpointing          Disable self-tune checkpointing

_disable_storage_type                    Disable storage type checks

_disable_streams_diagnostics             streams diagnostics

_disable_streams_pool_auto_tuning        disable streams pool auto tuning

_disable_sun_rsm                         Disable IPC OSD support for Sun RSMAPI

_disable_system_state                    disable system state dump

_disable_system_state_wait_samples       Disable system state dump - wait samples

_disable_temp_tablespace_alerts          disable tablespace alerts for TEMPORARY tablespaces

_disable_thread_internal_disable         Disable thread internal disable feature

_disable_thread_snapshot                 Thread snapshot

_disable_txn_alert                       disable txn layer alert

_disable_undo_tablespace_alerts          disable tablespace alerts for UNDO tablespaces

_disable_wait_state                      Disable wait state

_discrete_transactions_enabled           enable OLTP mode

_disk_sector_size_override               if TRUE, OSD sector size could be overridden

_diskmon_pipe_name                       DiSKMon skgznp pipe name

_dispatcher_rate_scale                   scale to display rate statistic (100ths of a second)

_dispatcher_rate_ttl                     time-to-live for rate statistic (100ths of a second)

_distinct_view_unnesting                 enables unnesting of in subquery into distinct view

_distributed_recovery_connection_hold_ti number of seconds RECO holds outbound connections open



_dlmtrace                                Trace string of global enqueue type(s)

_dm_dmf_details_compatibility            set dm dmf details compatibility version

_dm_enable_legacy_dmf_output_types       revert dmf output types to pre-

_dm_max_shared_pool_pct                  max percentage of the shared pool to use for a mining model

_dml_batch_error_limit                   number or error handles allocated for DML in batch mode

_dml_frequency_tracking                  Control DML frequency tracking

_dml_frequency_tracking_advance          Control automatic advance and broadcast of DML frequencies

_dml_frequency_tracking_slot_time        Time length of each slot for DML frequency tracking

_dml_frequency_tracking_slots            Number of slots to use for DML frequency tracking

_dml_monitoring_enabled                  enable modification monitoring

_dnfs_rdma_enable                        Enable dNFS RDMA transfers

_dnfs_rdma_max                           Maximum size of dNFS RDMA transfer

_dnfs_rdma_min                           Minimum size of dNFS RDMA transfer

_domain_index_batch_size                 maximum number of rows from one call to domain index fetch routine

_domain_index_dml_batch_size             maximum number of rows for one call to domain index dml routines

_dra_bmr_number_threshold                Maximum number of BMRs that can be done to a file

_dra_bmr_percent_threshold               Maximum percentage of blocks in a file that can be BMR-ed

_dra_enable_offline_dictionary           Enable the periodic creation of the offline dictionary for DRA

_drm_parallel_freeze                     if TRUE enables parallel drm freeze

_drop_flashback_logical_operations_enq   Drop logical operations enqueue immediately during flashback marker generation

_drop_stat_segment                       drop ilm statistics segment

_drop_table_granule                      drop_table_granule

_drop_table_optimization_enabled         reduce SGA memory use during drop of a partitioned table

_ds_enable_auto_txn                      Dynamic Sampling Service Autonomous Transaction control parameter

_ds_iocount_iosize                       Dynamic Sampling Service defaults: #IOs and IO Size

_ds_parse_model                          Dynamic Sampling Service Parse Model control parameter

_dsc_feature_level                       controls the feature level for deferred segment creation

_dskm_health_check_cnt                   DiSKMon health check counter

_dss_cache_flush                         enable full cache flush for parallel execution

_dtree_area_size                         size of Decision Tree Classification work area

_dtree_binning_enabled                   Decision Tree Binning Enabled

_dtree_bintest_id                        Decision Tree Binning Test ID

_dtree_compressbmp_enabled               Decision Tree Using Compressed Bitmaps Enabled

_dtree_max_surrogates                    maximum number of surrogates

_dtree_pruning_enabled                   Decision Tree Pruning Enabled

_dummy_instance                          dummy instance started by RMAN

_dump_10261_level                        Dump level for event 10261, 1=>minimal dump 2=>top pga dump

_dump_common_subexpressions              dump common subexpressions

_dump_connect_by_loop_data               dump connect by loop error message into trc file

_dump_cursor_heap_sizes                  dump comp/exec heap sizes to tryace file

_dump_interval_limit                     trace dump time interval limit (in seconds)

_dump_max_limit                          max number of dump within dump interval

_dump_qbc_tree                           dump top level query parse tree to trace

_dump_rcvr_ipc                           if TRUE enables IPC dump at instance eviction time

_dump_scn_increment_stack                Dumps scn increment stack per session

_dump_system_state_scope                 scope of sysstate dump during instance termination

_dump_trace_scope                        scope of trace dump during a process crash

_dynamic_rls_policies                    rls policies are dynamic

_dynamic_stats_threshold                 delay threshold (in seconds) between sending statistics messages

_eighteenth_spare_parameter              eighteenth spare parameter - string

_eighth_spare_parameter                  eighth spare parameter - integer

_eleventh_spare_parameter                eleventh spare parameter - integer

_eliminate_common_subexpr                enables elimination of common sub-expressions

_emon_max_active_connections             maximum open connections to clients per emon

_emon_outbound_connect_timeout           timeout for completing connection set up to clients

_emon_pool_inc                           increment in EMON slaves per pool type

_emon_pool_max                           maximum number of EMON slaves per pool type

_emon_pool_min                           minimum number of EMON slaves per pool type

_emon_regular_ntfn_slaves                number of EMON slaves doing regular database notifications

_emon_send_timeout                       send timeout after which the client is unregistered

_emx_control                             EM Express control (internal use only)

_emx_max_sessions                        Maximum number of sessions in the EM Express cache

_emx_session_timeout                     Session timeout (sec) in the EM Express cache

_enable_12g_bft                          enable 12g bigfile tablespace

_enable_Front_End_View_Optimization      enable front end view optimization

_enable_LGPG_debug                       Enable LGPG debug mode

_enable_NUMA_interleave                  Enable NUMA interleave mode

_enable_NUMA_optimization                Enable NUMA specific optimizations

_enable_NUMA_support                     Enable NUMA support and optimizations

_enable_asyncvio                         enable asynch vectored I/O

_enable_automatic_maintenance            if 1, Automated Maintenance Is Enabled

_enable_automatic_sqltune                Automatic SQL Tuning Advisory enabled parameter

_enable_block_level_transaction_recovery enable block level recovery

_enable_check_truncate                   enable checking of corruption caused by canceled truncate

_enable_columnar_cache                   Enable Columnar Flash Cache Rewrite

_enable_cscn_caching                     enable commit SCN caching for all transactions

_enable_ddl_wait_lock                    use this to turn off ddls with wait semantics

_enable_default_affinity                 enable default implementation of hard affinity osds

_enable_default_temp_threshold           Enable Default Tablespace Utilization Threshold for UNDO Tablespaces

_enable_default_undo_threshold           Enable Default Tablespace Utilization Threshold for TEMPORARY Tablespaces

_enable_dml_lock_escalation              enable dml lock escalation against partitioned tables if TRUE

_enable_editions_for_users               enable editions for all users

_enable_exchange_validation_using_check  use check constraints on the table for validation

_enable_fast_ref_after_mv_tbs            enable fast refresh after move tablespace

_enable_ffw                              FAL FORWARDING

_enable_flash_logging                    Enable Exadata Smart Flash Logging

_enable_hash_overflow                    TRUE - enable hash cluster overflow based on SIZE

_enable_heatmap_internal                 heatmap related - to be used by oracle dev only

_enable_hwm_sync                         enable HWM synchronization

_enable_iee_stats                        enables IEE stats gathering

_enable_ilm_flush_stats                  Enable ILM Stats Flush

_enable_ilm_testflush_stats              Enable Test ILM Stats Flush

_enable_kqf_purge                        Enable KQF fixed runtime table purge

_enable_list_io                          Enable List I/O

_enable_midtier_affinity                 enable midtier affinity metrics processing

_enable_minscn_cr                        enable/disable minscn optimization for CR

_enable_nativenet_tcpip                  Enable skgxp driver usage for native net

_enable_obj_queues                       enable object queues

_enable_offloaded_writes                 Enable offloaded writes

_enable_online_index_without_s_locking   Allow online index creation algorithm without S DML lock

_enable_pluggable_database               Enable Pluggable Database

_enable_query_rewrite_on_remote_objs     mv rewrite on remote table/view

_enable_redo_global_post                 LGWR post globally on write

_enable_refresh_schedule                 enable or disable MV refresh scheduling (revert to 9.2 behavior)

_enable_reliable_latch_waits             Enable reliable latch waits

_enable_rename_user                      enable RENAME-clause using ALTER USER statement

_enable_rlb                              enable RLB metrics processing

_enable_row_shipping                     use the row shipping optimization for wide table selects

_enable_sb_detection                     Split Brain Detection

_enable_schema_synonyms                  enable DDL operations (e.g. creation) involving schema synonyms

_enable_scn_wait_interface               use this to turn off scn wait interface in kta

_enable_securefile_flashback_opt         Enable securefile flashback optimization

_enable_separable_transactions           enable/disable separable transactions

_enable_shared_pool_durations            temporary to disable/enable kgh policy

_enable_shared_server_vector_io          Enable shared server vector I/O

_enable_space_preallocation              enable space pre-allocation

_enable_spacebg                          enable space management background task

_enable_tablespace_alerts                enable tablespace alerts

_enable_type_dep_selectivity             enable type dependent selectivity estimates

_endprot_chunk_comment                   chunk comment for selective overrun protection

_endprot_heap_comment                    heap comment for selective overrun protection

_endprot_subheaps                        selective overrun protection for subeheaps

_enqueue_deadlock_detect_all_global_lock enable deadlock detection on all global enqueues



_enqueue_deadlock_scan_secs              deadlock scan interval

_enqueue_deadlock_time_sec               requests with timeout <= this will not have deadlock detection

_enqueue_debug_multi_instance            debug enqueue multi instance

_enqueue_hash                            enqueue hash table length

_enqueue_hash_chain_latches              enqueue hash chain latches

_enqueue_locks                           locks for managed enqueues

_enqueue_paranoia_mode_enabled           enable enqueue layer advanced debugging checks

_enqueue_resources                       resources for enqueues

_enqueue_sync_retry_attempts             max number of times the bg process to retry synchronous enqueue open if it faile

                                         d because master could not allocate memory


_enqueue_sync_sim_mem_error              simulate master instance running out of memory when synchronously getting a remo

                                         tely mastered enqueue


_evolve_plan_baseline_report_level       Level of detail to show in plan verification/evolution report

_evt_system_event_propagation            disable system event propagation

_expand_aggregates                       expand aggregates

_explain_rewrite_mode                    allow additional messages to be generated during explain rewrite

_extended_pruning_enabled                do runtime pruning in iterator if set to TRUE

_external_scn_logging_threshold_seconds  High delta SCN threshold in seconds

_external_scn_rejection_delta_threshold_ external SCN rejection delta threshold in minutes



_external_scn_rejection_threshold_hours  Lag in hours between max allowed SCN and an external SCN

_fair_remote_cvt                         if TRUE enables fair remote convert

_fairness_threshold                      number of times to CR serve before downgrading lock

_fast_cursor_reexecute                   use more memory in order to get faster execution

_fast_dual_enabled                       enable/disable fast dual

_fast_full_scan_enabled                  enable/disable index fast full scan

_fast_index_maintenance                  fast global index maintenance during PMOPs

_fast_psby_conversion                    Enable fast physical standby conversion

_fastpin_enable                          enable reference count based fast pins

_fbda_busy_percentage                    flashback archiver busy percentage

_fbda_debug_assert                       flashback archiver debug assert for testing

_fbda_debug_mode                         flashback archiver debug event for testing

_fbda_global_bscn_lag                    flashback archiver global barrier scn lag

_fbda_inline_percentage                  flashback archiver inline percentage

_fbda_rac_inactive_limit                 flashback archiver rac inactive limit

_fg_iorm_slaves                          ForeGround I/O slaves for IORM

_fg_log_checksum                         Checksum redo in foreground process

_fg_sync_sleep_usecs                     Log file sync via usleep

_fic_algorithm_set                       Set Frequent Itemset Counting Algorithm

_fic_area_size                           size of Frequent Itemset Counting work area

_fic_max_length                          Frequent Itemset Counting Maximum Itemset Length

_fic_min_bmsize                          Frequent Itemset Counting Minimum BITMAP Size

_fic_outofmem_candidates                 Frequent Itemset Counting Out Of Memory Candidates Generation

_fifteenth_spare_parameter               fifteenth spare parameter - integer

_fifth_spare_parameter                   fifth spare parameter - integer

_file_size_increase_increment            Amount of file size increase increment, in bytes

_filemap_dir                             FILEMAP directory

_first_k_rows_dynamic_proration          enable the use of dynamic proration of join cardinalities

_first_spare_parameter                   first spare parameter - integer

_fix_control                             bug fix control parameter

_flashback_11.1_block_new_opt            use 11.1 flashback block new optimization scheme

_flashback_allow_noarchivelog            Allow enabling flashback on noarchivelog database

_flashback_archiver_partition_size       flashback archiver table partition size

_flashback_barrier_interval              Flashback barrier interval in seconds

_flashback_copy_latches                  Number of flashback copy latches

_flashback_database_test_only            Run Flashback Database in test mode

_flashback_delete_chunk_MB               Amount of flashback log (in MB) to delete in one attempt

_flashback_dynamic_enable                enable flashback enable code path

_flashback_dynamic_enable_failure        Simulate failures during dynamic enable

_flashback_enable_ra                     Flashback enable read ahead

_flashback_format_chunk_mb               Chunk mega-bytes for formatting flashback logs using sync write

_flashback_format_chunk_mb_dwrite        Chunk mega-bytes for formatting flashback logs using delayed write

_flashback_fuzzy_barrier                 Use flashback fuzzy barrier

_flashback_generation_buffer_size        flashback generation buffer size

_flashback_hint_barrier_percent          Flashback hint barrier percent

_flashback_log_io_error_behavior         Specify Flashback log I/O error behavior

_flashback_log_min_size                  Minimum flashback log size

_flashback_log_rac_balance_factor        flashback log rac balance factor

_flashback_log_size                      Flashback log size

_flashback_logfile_enqueue_timeout       flashback logfile enqueue timeout for opens

_flashback_marker_cache_enabled          Enable flashback database marker cache

_flashback_marker_cache_size             Size of flashback database marker cache

_flashback_max_log_size                  Maximum flashback log size in bytes (OS limit)

_flashback_max_n_log_per_thread          Maximum number of flashback logs per flashback thread

_flashback_max_standby_sync_span         Maximum time span between standby recovery sync for flashback

_flashback_n_log_per_thread              Desired number of flashback logs per flashback thread

_flashback_prepare_log                   Prepare Flashback logs in the background

_flashback_size_based_on_redo            Size new flashback logs based on average redo log size

_flashback_standby_barrier_interval      Flashback standby barrier interval in seconds

_flashback_validate_controlfile          validate flashback pointers in controlfile for database

_flashback_verbose_info                  Print verbose information about flashback database

_flashback_write_max_loop_limit          Flashback writer loop limit before it returns

_flush_ilm_stats                         flush ilm stats

_flush_plan_in_awr_sql                   Plan is being flushed from an AWR flush SQL

_flush_redo_to_standby                   Flush redo to standby test event parameter

_flush_undo_after_tx_recovery            if TRUE, flush undo buffers after TX recovery

_force_arch_compress                     Archive Compress all newly created compressed tables

_force_datefold_trunc                    force use of trunc for datefolding rewrite

_force_hash_join_spill                   force hash join to spill to disk

_force_hsc_compress                      compress all newly created tables

_force_logging_in_upgrade                force logging during upgrade mode

_force_oltp_compress                     OLTP Compress all newly created compressed tables

_force_oltp_update_opt                   OLTP Compressed row optimization on update

_force_rcv_info_ping                     Force recovery info ping to stdby

_force_rewrite_enable                    control new query rewrite features

_force_slave_mapping_intra_part_loads    Force slave mapping for intra partition loads

_force_sys_compress                      Sys compress

_force_temptables_for_gsets              executes concatenation of rollups using temp tables

_force_tmp_segment_loads                 Force tmp segment loads

_forwarded_2pc_threshold                 auto-tune threshold for two-phase commit rate across RAC instances

_fourteenth_spare_parameter              fourteenth spare parameter - integer

_fourth_spare_parameter                  fourth spare parameter - integer

_frame_cache_time                        number of seconds a cached frame page stay in cache.

_full_diag_on_rim                        rim nodes have full DIA* function

_full_pwise_join_enabled                 enable full partition-wise join when TRUE

_fusion_security                         Fusion Security

_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled            enable group-by and aggregation using hash scheme

_gby_onekey_enabled                      enable use of one comparison of all group by keys

_gc_affinity_acquire_time                if TRUE, save the time we acquired an affinity lock

_gc_affinity_locking                     if TRUE, enable object affinity

_gc_affinity_locks                       if TRUE, get affinity locks

_gc_affinity_ratio                       dynamic object affinity ratio

_gc_async_send                           send blocks asynchronously

_gc_bypass_readers                       if TRUE, modifications bypass readers

_gc_check_bscn                           if TRUE, check for stale blocks

_gc_coalesce_recovery_reads              if TRUE, coalesce recovery reads

_gc_cpu_time                             if TRUE, record the gc cpu time

_gc_cr_server_read_wait                  if TRUE, cr server waits for a read to complete

_gc_defer_ping_index_only                if TRUE, restrict deferred ping to index blocks only

_gc_defer_time                           how long to defer pings for hot buffers in milliseconds

_gc_delta_push_compression               if delta >= K bytes, compress before push

_gc_delta_push_max_level                 max delta level for delta push

_gc_delta_push_objects                   objects which use delta push

_gc_disable_s_lock_brr_ping_check        if TRUE, disable S lock BRR ping check for lost write protect

_gc_down_convert_after_keep              if TRUE, down-convert lock after recovery

_gc_element_percent                      global cache element percent

_gc_escalate_bid                         if TRUE, escalates create a bid

_gc_fg_merge                             if TRUE, merge pi buffers in the foreground

_gc_fg_spin_time                         foreground msgq spin time

_gc_flush_during_affinity                if TRUE, flush during affinity

_gc_fusion_compression                   compress fusion blocks if there is free space

_gc_global_checkpoint_scn                if TRUE, enable global checkpoint scn

_gc_global_cpu                           global cpu checks

_gc_global_lru                           turn global lru off, make it automatic, or turn it on

_gc_global_lru_touch_count               global lru touch count

_gc_global_lru_touch_time                global lru touch time in seconds

_gc_integrity_checks                     set the integrity check level

_gc_keep_recovery_buffers                if TRUE, make single instance crash recovery buffers current

_gc_latches                              number of latches per LMS process

_gc_log_flush                            if TRUE, flush redo log before a current block transfer

_gc_long_query_threshold                 threshold for long running query

_gc_max_downcvt                          maximum downconverts to process at one time

_gc_maximum_bids                         maximum number of bids which can be prepared

_gc_no_fairness_for_clones               if TRUE, no fairness if we serve a clone

_gc_object_queue_max_length              maximum length for an object queue

_gc_override_force_cr                    if TRUE, try to override force-cr requests

_gc_persistent_read_mostly               if TRUE, enable persistent read-mostly locking

_gc_policy_minimum                       dynamic object policy minimum activity per minute

_gc_policy_time                          how often to make object policy decisions in minutes

_gc_read_mostly_flush_check              if TRUE, optimize flushes for read mostly objects

_gc_read_mostly_locking                  if TRUE, enable read-mostly locking

_gc_sanity_check_cr_buffers              if TRUE, sanity check CR buffers

_gc_save_cleanout                        if TRUE, save cleanout to apply later

_gc_split_flush                          if TRUE, flush index split redo before rejecting bast

_gc_statistics                           if TRUE, kcl statistics are maintained

_gc_temp_affinity                        if TRUE, enable global temporary affinity

_gc_transfer_ratio                       dynamic object read-mostly transfer ratio

_gc_undo_affinity                        if TRUE, enable undo affinity

_gc_undo_block_disk_reads                if TRUE, enable undo block disk reads

_gc_vector_read                          if TRUE, vector read current buffers

_gcr_cpu_min_free                        minimum amount of free CPU to flag an anomaly

_gcr_enable_high_cpu_kill                if TRUE, GCR may kill foregrounds under high load

_gcr_enable_high_cpu_rm                  if TRUE, GCR may enable a RM plan under high load

_gcr_enable_high_cpu_rt                  if TRUE, GCR may boost bg priority under high load

_gcr_enable_high_memory_kill             if TRUE, GCR may kill foregrounds under high memory load

_gcr_enable_new_drm_check                if FALSE, revert to old drm load metric

_gcr_enable_statistical_cpu_check        if FALSE, revert to old cpu load metric

_gcr_high_cpu_threshold                  minimum amount of CPU process must consume to be kill target

_gcr_high_memory_threshold               minimum amount of Memory process must consume to be kill target

_gcr_max_rt_procs                        maximum number of RT DLM processes allowed by GCR

_gcr_mem_min_free                        minimum amount of free memory to flag an anomaly

_gcr_use_css                             if FALSE, GCR wont register with CSS nor use any CSS feature

_gcs_disable_remote_handles              disable remote client/shadow handles

_gcs_disable_skip_close_remastering      if TRUE, disable skip close optimization in remastering

_gcs_disable_switch_role_with_writer     if TRUE, disable switching to local role with a writer

_gcs_fast_reconfig                       if TRUE, enable fast reconfiguration for gcs locks

_gcs_latches                             number of gcs resource hash latches to be allocated per LMS process

_gcs_min_slaves                          if non zero, it enables the minimum number of gcs slaves

_gcs_pkey_history                        number of pkey remastering history

_gcs_process_in_recovery                 if TRUE, process gcs requests during instance recovery

_gcs_res_hash_buckets                    number of gcs resource hash buckets to be allocated

_gcs_res_per_bucket                      number of gcs resource per hash bucket

_gcs_reserved_resources                  allocate the number of reserved resources in reconfiguration

_gcs_reserved_shadows                    allocate the number of reserved shadows in reconfiguration

_gcs_resources                           number of gcs resources to be allocated

_gcs_shadow_locks                        number of pcm shadow locks to be allocated

_gcs_testing                             GCS testing parameter

_generalized_pruning_enabled             controls extensions to partition pruning for general predicates

_ges_dd_debug                            if 1 or higher enables GES deadlock detection debug diagnostics

_ges_default_lmds                        default lmds for enqueue hashing

_ges_designated_master                   designated master for GES and GCS resources

_ges_diagnostics                         if TRUE enables GES diagnostics

_ges_diagnostics_asm_dump_level          systemstate level on global enqueue diagnostics blocked by ASM

_ges_direct_free                         if TRUE, free each resource directly to the freelist

_ges_direct_free_res_type                string of resource types(s) to directly free to the freelist

_ges_dump_open_locks                     if TRUE, dump open locks for the LCK process during shutdown

_ges_fggl                                DLM fg grant lock on/off

_ges_freeable_res_chunk_free             if TRUE, free dynamic resource chunks which are freeable

_ges_freeable_res_chunk_free_interval    time interval for freeing freeable dynamic resource chunks

_ges_gather_res_reuse_stats              if TRUE, gather resource reuse statistics

_ges_hash_groups                         enqueue hash table groups

_ges_health_check                        if greater than 0 enables GES system health check

_ges_lmd_mapping                         enqueue to lmd mapping

_ges_nres_divide                         how to divide number of enqueue resources among hash tables

_ges_num_blockers_to_kill                number of blockers to be killed for hang resolution

_ges_resource_memory_opt                 enable different level of ges res memory optimization

_ges_server_processes                    number of background global enqueue server processes

_global_hang_analysis_interval_secs      the interval at which global hang analysis is run

_globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled         enables filter for global index with partition extended syntax

_grant_secure_role                       Disallow granting of SR to NSR

_groupby_nopushdown_cut_ratio            groupby nopushdown cut ratio

_groupby_orderby_combine                 groupby/orderby don't combine threshold

_gs_anti_semi_join_allowed               enable anti/semi join for the GS query

_gsm                                     GSM descriptions

_gsm_config_vers                         version of gsm config

_gsm_cpu_thresh                          CPU busy threshold

_gsm_drv_interval                        metric derived values interval

_gsm_max_instances_per_db                maximum number of instances per database in gsm cloud

_gsm_max_num_regions                     maximum number of regions in gsm cloud

_gsm_region_list                         List of GSM Regions

_gsm_srlat_thresh                        Single block read latency threshold

_gsm_thresh_respct                       threshold resource percentage

_gsm_thresh_zone                         threshold zone

_gwm_spare1                              gsm spare 1

_gwm_spare2                              gsm spare 2

_gwm_spare3                              gsm spare 3

_hang_analysis_num_call_stacks           hang analysis num call stacks

_hang_base_file_count                    Number of trace files for the normal base trace file

_hang_base_file_space_limit              File space limit for current normal base trace file

_hang_bool_spare1                        Hang Management 1

_hang_delay_resolution_for_libcache      Hang Management delays hang resolution for library cache

_hang_detection_enabled                  Hang Management detection

_hang_detection_interval                 Hang Management detection interval in seconds

_hang_hang_analyze_output_hang_chains    if TRUE hang manager outputs hang analysis hang chains

_hang_hiload_promoted_ignored_hang_count Hang Management high load or promoted ignored hang count

_hang_hiprior_session_attribute_list     Hang Management high priority session attribute list

_hang_ignored_hang_count                 Hang Management ignored hang count

_hang_ignored_hangs_interval             Time in seconds ignored hangs must persist after verification

_hang_int_spare2                         Hang Management 2

_hang_log_verified_hangs_to_alert        Hang Management log verified hangs to alert log

_hang_long_wait_time_threshold           Long session wait time threshold in seconds

_hang_lws_file_count                     Number of trace files for long waiting sessions

_hang_lws_file_space_limit               File space limit for current long waiting session trace file

_hang_monitor_archiving_related_hang_int Time in seconds ignored hangs must persist after verification



_hang_msg_checksum_enabled               enable hang graph message checksum

_hang_resolution_allow_archiving_issue_t Hang Management hang resolution allow archiving issue termination



_hang_resolution_confidence_promotion    Hang Management hang resolution confidence promotion

_hang_resolution_global_hang_confidence_ Hang Management hang resolution global hang confidence promotion



_hang_resolution_policy                  Hang Management hang resolution policy

_hang_resolution_promote_process_termina Hang Management hang resolution promote process termination



_hang_resolution_scope                   Hang Management hang resolution scope

_hang_signature_list_match_output_freque Hang Signature List matched output frequency



_hang_statistics_collection_interval     Hang Management statistics collection interval in seconds

_hang_statistics_collection_ma_alpha     Hang Management statistics collection moving average alpha

_hang_statistics_high_io_percentage_thre Hang Management statistics high IO percentage threshold



_hang_terminate_session_replay_enabled   Hang Management terminates sessions allowing replay

_hang_verification_interval              Hang Management verification interval in seconds

_hard_protection                         if TRUE enable H.A.R.D specific format changes

_hash_join_enabled                       enable/disable hash join

_hash_multiblock_io_count                number of blocks hash join will read/write at once

_hashops_prefetch_size                   maximum no of rows whose relevant memory locations are prefetched

_hb_redo_msg_interval                    BOC HB redo message interval in ms

_heatmap_format_1block                   heatmap related - to be used by oracle dev only

_heatmap_min_maxsize                     Internal testing only

_heur_deadlock_resolution_secs           the heuristic wait time per node for deadlock resolution

_high_priority_processes                 High Priority Process Name Mask

_high_server_threshold                   high server thresholds

_highres_drift_allowed_sec               allowed highres timer drift for VKTM

_highthreshold_undoretention             high threshold undo_retention in seconds

_hj_bit_filter_threshold                 hash-join bit filtering threshold (0 always enabled)

_hm_analysis_oradebug_sys_dump_level     the oradebug system state level for hang manager hang analysis

_hm_xm_enabled                           If TRUE, DIA0 allows message exchanges across DB/ASM boundary

_hwm_sync_threshold                      HWM synchronization threshold in percentage

_idl_conventional_index_maintenance      enable conventional index maintenance for insert direct load

_idle_session_kill_enabled               enables or disables resource manager session idle limit checks

_idxrb_rowincr                           proportionality constant for dop vs. rows in index rebuild

_ignore_desc_in_index                    ignore DESC in indexes, sort those columns ascending anyhow

_ignore_edition_enabled_for_EV_creation  ignore schema's edition-enabled status during EV creation

_ignore_fg_deps                          ignore fine-grain dependencies during invalidation

_ilm_mem_limit                           percentage of the max shared pool heat-map can use - internal

_ilmflush_stat_limit                     ILM flush statistics limit - Internal testing only

_ilmset_stat_limit                       ILM set statistics limit - Internal testing only

_ilmstat_memlimit                        Percentage of shared pool for use by ILM Statistics

_image_redo_gen_delay                    Image redo generation delay in centi-seconds (direct write mode)

_immediate_commit_propagation            if TRUE, propagate commit SCN immediately

_improved_outerjoin_card                 improved outer-join cardinality calculation

_improved_row_length_enabled             enable the improvements for computing the average row length

_imr_active                              Activate Instance Membership Recovery feature

_imr_avoid_double_voting                 Avoid device voting for CSS reconfig during IMR

_imr_controlfile_access_wait_time        IMR controlfile access wait time in seconds

_imr_device_type                         Type of device to be used by IMR

_imr_disk_voting_interval                Maximum wait for IMR disk voting (seconds)

_imr_diskvote_implementation             IMR disk voting implementation method

_imr_evicted_member_kill                 IMR issue evicted member kill after a wait

_imr_evicted_member_kill_wait            IMR evicted member kill wait time in seconds

_imr_extra_reconfig_wait                 Extra reconfiguration wait in seconds

_imr_highload_threshold                  IMR system highload threshold

_imr_max_reconfig_delay                  Maximum Reconfiguration delay (seconds)

_imr_rr_holder_kill_time                 IMR max time instance is allowed to hold RR lock in seconds

_imr_splitbrain_res_wait                 Maximum wait for split-brain resolution (seconds)

_imr_systemload_check                    Perform the system load check during IMR

_imu_pools                               in memory undo pools

_in_memory_tbs_search                    FALSE - disable fast path for alter tablespace read only

_in_memory_undo                          Make in memory undo for top level transactions

_incremental_recovery_ckpt_min_batch     minimum number of writes for incremental recovery ckpt every second

_index_join_enabled                      enable the use of index joins

_index_max_inc_trans_pct                 max itl expand percentage soft limit during index insert

_index_partition_large_extents           Enables large extent allocation for partitioned indices

_index_prefetch_factor                   index prefetching factor

_index_scan_check_skip_corrupt           check and skip corrupt blocks during index scans

_index_scan_check_stopkey                check stopkey during index range scans

_init_granule_interval                   number of granules to process for deferred cache

_init_sql_file                           File containing SQL statements to execute upon database creation

_inject_startup_fault                    inject fault in the startup code

_inline_sql_in_plsql                     inline SQL in PL/SQL

_inplace_update_retry                    inplace update retry for ora1551

_inquiry_retry_interval                  if greater than 0 enables inquiry retry after specified interval

_insert_enable_hwm_brokered              during parallel inserts high water marks are brokered

_inst_locking_period                     period an instance can retain a newly acquired level1 bitmap

_interconnect_checksum                   if TRUE, checksum interconnect blocks

_intrapart_pdml_enabled                  Enable intra-partition updates/deletes

_intrapart_pdml_randomlocal_enabled      Enable intra-partition updates/deletes with random local dist

_io_internal_test                        I/O internal testing parameter

_io_osd_param                            OSD specific parameter

_io_outlier_threshold                    Latency threshold for io_outlier table

_io_resource_manager_always_on           io resource manager always on

_io_shared_pool_size                     Size of I/O buffer pool from SGA

_io_slaves_disabled                      Do not use I/O slaves

_io_statistics                           if TRUE, ksfd I/O statistics are collected

_iocalibrate_init_ios                    iocalibrate init I/Os per process

_iocalibrate_max_ios                     iocalibrate max I/Os per process

_ioq_fanin_multiplier                    IOQ miss count before a miss exception

_ior_serialize_fault                     inject fault in the ior serialize code

_iorm_tout                               IORM scheduler timeout value in msec

_ioslave_batch_count                     Per attempt IOs picked

_ioslave_issue_count                     IOs issued before completion check

_ipc_fail_network                        Simulate cluster network failer

_ipc_test_failover                       Test transparent cluster network failover

_ipc_test_mult_nets                      simulate multiple cluster networks

_ipddb_enable                            Enable IPD/DB data collection

_job_queue_interval                      Wakeup interval in seconds for job queue co-ordinator

_k2q_latches                             number of k2q latches

_ka_allow_reenable                       reenability of kernel accelerator service after disable

_ka_compatibility_requirement            kernel accelerator compatibility operation requirement

_ka_doorbell                             kernel accelerator doorbell mode

_ka_locks_per_sector                     locks per sector in kernel accelerator

_ka_mode                                 kernel accelerator mode

_ka_msg_reap_count                       maximum number of KA messages to receive and process per wait

_ka_pbatch_messages                      kernel accelerator perform pbatch messages

_kcfis_automem_level                     Set auto memory management control for kcfis memory allocation

_kcfis_block_dump_level                  Smart IO block dump level

_kcfis_caching_enabled                   enable kcfis intra-scan session caching

_kcfis_cell_passthru_dataonly            Allow dataonly passthru for smart scan

_kcfis_cell_passthru_enabled             Do not perform smart IO filtering on the cell

_kcfis_cell_passthru_fromcpu_enabled     Enable automatic passthru mode when cell CPU util is too high

_kcfis_celloflsrv_passthru_enabled       Enable offload server usage for passthru operations

_kcfis_celloflsrv_usage_enabled          Enable offload server usage for offload operations

_kcfis_control1                          Kcfis control1

_kcfis_control2                          Kcfis control2

_kcfis_control3                          Kcfis control3

_kcfis_control4                          Kcfis control4

_kcfis_control5                          Kcfis control5

_kcfis_control6                          Kcfis control6

_kcfis_disable_platform_decryption       Don't use platform-specific decryption on the storage cell

_kcfis_dump_corrupt_block                Dump any corrupt blocks found during smart IO

_kcfis_fast_response_enabled             Enable smart scan optimization for fast response (first rows)

_kcfis_fast_response_initiosize          Fast response - The size of the first IO in logical blocks

_kcfis_fast_response_iosizemult          Fast response - (next IO size = current IO size * this parameter)

_kcfis_fast_response_threshold           Fast response - the number of IOs after which smartIO is used

_kcfis_fault_control                     Fault Injection Control

_kcfis_io_prefetch_size                  Smart IO prefetch size for a cell

_kcfis_ioreqs_throttle_enabled           Enable Smart IO requests throttling

_kcfis_kept_in_cellfc_enabled            Enable usage of cellsrv flash cache for kept objects

_kcfis_large_payload_enabled             enable large payload to be passed to cellsrv

_kcfis_max_cached_sessions               Sets the maximum number of kcfis sessions cached

_kcfis_max_out_translations              Sets the maximum number of outstanding translations in kcfis

_kcfis_nonkept_in_cellfc_enabled         Enable use of cellsrv flash cache for non-kept objects

_kcfis_oss_io_size                       KCFIS OSS I/O size

_kcfis_qm_prioritize_sys_plan            Prioritize Quaranitine Manager system plan

_kcfis_qm_user_plan_name                 Quaranitine Manager user plan name

_kcfis_rdbms_blockio_enabled             Use block IO instead of smart IO in the smart IO module on RDBMS

_kcfis_read_buffer_limit                 KCFIS Read Buffer (per session) memory limit in bytes

_kcfis_spawn_debugger                    Decides whether to spawn the debugger at kcfis initialize

_kcfis_stats_level                       sets kcfis stats level

_kcfis_storageidx_diag_mode              Debug mode for storage index on the cell

_kcfis_storageidx_disabled               Don't use storage index optimization on the storage cell

_kcfis_test_control1                     kcfis tst control1

_kcfis_trace_bucket_size                 KCFIS tracing bucket size in bytes

_kcl_commit                              if TRUE, call kjbcommit

_kcl_conservative_log_flush              if TRUE, conservatively log flush before CR serving

_kcl_debug                               if TRUE, record le history

_kcl_index_split                         if TRUE, reject pings on blocks in middle of a split

_kd_symtab_chk                           enable or disable symbol table integrity block check

_kdbl_enable_post_allocation             allocate dbas after populating data buffers

_kdi_avoid_block_checking                avoid index block checking on sensitive opcodes

_kdic_segarr_sz                          size threshold for segmented arrays for seg_info_kdicctx

_kdis_reject_level                       b+tree level to enable rejection limit

_kdis_reject_limit                       #block rejections in space reclamation before segment extension

_kdis_reject_ops                         enable rejection heuristic for branch splits

_kdlf_read_flag                          kdlf read flag

_kdli_STOP_bsz                           undocumented parameter for internal use only

_kdli_STOP_dba                           undocumented parameter for internal use only

_kdli_STOP_fsz                           undocumented parameter for internal use only

_kdli_STOP_nio                           undocumented parameter for internal use only

_kdli_STOP_tsn                           undocumented parameter for internal use only

_kdli_allow_corrupt                      allow corrupt filesystem_logging data blocks during read/write

_kdli_buffer_inject                      use buffer injection for CACHE [NO]LOGGING lobs

_kdli_cache_inode                        cache inode state across calls

_kdli_cache_read_threshold               minimum lob size for cache->nocache read (0 disables heuristic)

_kdli_cache_size                         maximum #entries in inode cache

_kdli_cache_verify                       verify cached inode via deserialization

_kdli_cache_write_threshold              minimum lob size for cache->nocache write (0 disables heuristic)

_kdli_cacheable_length                   minimum lob length for inode cacheability

_kdli_checkpoint_flush                   do not invalidate cache buffers after write

_kdli_dbc                                override db_block_checking setting for securefiles

_kdli_delay_flushes                      delay flushing cache writes to direct-write lobs

_kdli_descn_adj                          coalesce extents with deallocation scn adjustment

_kdli_flush_cache_reads                  flush cache-reads data blocks after load

_kdli_flush_injections                   flush injected buffers of CACHE NOLOGGING lobs before commit

_kdli_force_cr                           force CR when reading data blocks of direct-write lobs

_kdli_force_cr_meta                      force CR when reading metadata blocks of direct-write lobs

_kdli_force_storage                      force storage settings for all lobs

_kdli_full_readahead_threshold           maximum lob size for full readahead

_kdli_inject_assert                      inject asserts into the inode

_kdli_inject_batch                       buffer injection batch size [1, KCBNEWMAX]

_kdli_inject_crash                       inject crashes into the inode

_kdli_inline_xfm                         allow inline transformed lobs

_kdli_inode_preference                   inline inode evolution preference (data, headless, lhb)

_kdli_inplace_overwrite                  maximum inplace overwrite size (> chunksize)

_kdli_itree_entries                      #entries in lhb/itree blocks (for testing only)

_kdli_memory_protect                     trace accesses to inode memory outside kdli API functions

_kdli_mts_so                             use state objects in shared server for asyncIO pipelines

_kdli_oneblk                             allocate chunks as single blocks

_kdli_preallocation_mode                 preallocation mode for lob growth

_kdli_preallocation_pct                  percentage preallocation [0 .. inf) for lob growth

_kdli_ralc_length                        lob length threshold to trigger rounded allocations

_kdli_ralc_rounding                      rounding granularity for rounded allocations

_kdli_rci_lobmap_entries                 #entries in RCI lobmap before migration to lhb

_kdli_readahead_limit                    shared/cached IO readahead limit

_kdli_readahead_strategy                 shared/cached IO readahead strategy

_kdli_recent_scn                         use recent (not dependent) scns for block format/allocation

_kdli_reshape                            reshape an inode to inline or headless on length truncation

_kdli_safe_callbacks                     invoke inode read/write callbacks safely

_kdli_sio_async                          asynchronous shared IO

_kdli_sio_backoff                        use exponential backoff when attempting SIOP allocations

_kdli_sio_bps                            maximum blocks per IO slot

_kdli_sio_dop                            degree-of-parallelism in the SIO keep pool

_kdli_sio_fbwrite_pct                    percentage of buffer used for direct writes in flashback-db

_kdli_sio_fgio                           reap asynchronous IO in the foreground

_kdli_sio_fileopen                       shared IO fileopen mode: datasync vs nodatasync vs async

_kdli_sio_flush                          enable shared IO pool operations

_kdli_sio_free                           free IO buffers when not in active use

_kdli_sio_min_read                       shared IO pool read threshold

_kdli_sio_min_write                      shared IO pool write threshold

_kdli_sio_nbufs                          maximum #IO buffers to allocate per session

_kdli_sio_niods                          maximum #IO descriptors to allocate per session

_kdli_sio_on                             enable shared IO pool operations

_kdli_sio_pga                            use PGA allocations for direct IO

_kdli_sio_pga_top                        PGA allocations come from toplevel PGA heap

_kdli_sio_strategy                       shared IO strategy: block vs. extent

_kdli_sio_write_pct                      percentage of buffer used for direct writes

_kdli_small_cache_limit                  size limit of small inode cache

_kdli_sort_dbas                          sort dbas during chunkification

_kdli_space_cache_limit                  maximum size of the space cache in #blocks

_kdli_squeeze                            compact lobmap extents with contiguous dbas

_kdli_timer_dmp                          dump inode timers on session termination

_kdli_timer_trc                          trace inode timers to uts/tracefile

_kdli_trace                              inode trace level

_kdli_vll_direct                         use skip-navigation and direct-positioning in vll-domain

_kdlu_max_bucket_size                    UTS kdlu bucket size

_kdlu_max_bucket_size_mts                UTS kdlu bucket size for mts

_kdlu_trace_layer                        UTS kdlu per-layer trace level

_kdlu_trace_system                       UTS system dump

_kdlw_enable_ksi_locking                 enable ksi locking for lobs

_kdlw_enable_write_gathering             enable lob write gathering for sql txns

_kdlwp_flush_threshold                   WGC flush threshold in bytes

_kdlxp_cmp_subunit_size                  size of compression sub-unit in bytes

_kdlxp_dedup_flush_threshold             deduplication flush threshold in bytes

_kdlxp_dedup_hash_algo                   secure hash algorithm for deduplication - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_dedup_inl_pctfree                 deduplication pct size increase by which inlining avoided

_kdlxp_dedup_prefix_threshold            deduplication prefix hash threshold in bytes

_kdlxp_dedup_wapp_len                    deduplication length to allow write-append

_kdlxp_lobcmpadp                         enable adaptive compression - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_lobcmplevel                       Default securefile compression

_kdlxp_lobcmprciver                      Default securefile compression map version

_kdlxp_lobcompress                       enable lob compression - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_lobdeduplicate                    enable lob deduplication - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_lobdedupvalidate                  enable deduplicate validate - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_lobencrypt                        enable lob encryption - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_mincmp                            minimum comp ratio in pct - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_mincmplen                         minimum loblen to compress - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_minxfm_size                       minimum transformation size in bytes

_kdlxp_spare1                            deduplication spare 1

_kdlxp_uncmp                             lob data uncompressed - only on SecureFiles

_kdlxp_xfmcache                          enable xfm cache - only on SecureFiles

_kdt_buffering                           control kdt buffering for conventional inserts

_kdtgsp_retries                          max number of retries in kdtgsp if space returns same block

_kdu_array_depth                         array update retry recursion depth limits

_kdz_hcc_flags                           Miscellaneous HCC flags

_kdz_hcc_track_upd_rids                  Enable rowid tracking during updates

_kdz_pred_nrows                          Number of rows to predicate at a time in kdzt

_kdz_proj_nrows                          Number of rows to project at a time in kdzt

_kebm_nstrikes                           kebm # strikes to auto suspend an action

_kebm_suspension_time                    kebm auto suspension time in seconds

_kecap_cache_size                        Workload Replay INTERNAL parameter used to set memory usage in  Application Repl



_keep_remote_column_size                 remote column size does not get modified

_kernel_message_network_driver           kernel message network driver

_kes_parse_model                         SQL Tune/SPA KES Layer Parse Model control parameter

_kffmap_hash_size                        size of kffmap_hash table

_kffmlk_hash_size                        size of kffmlk_hash table

_kffmop_chunks                           number of chunks of kffmop's

_kffmop_hash_size                        size of kffmop_hash table

_kfm_disable_set_fence                   disable set fence calls and revert to default (process fence)

_kghdsidx_count                          max kghdsidx count

_kgl_bucket_count                        Library cache hash table bucket count (2^_kgl_bucket_count * 256)

_kgl_cap_hd_alo_stacks                   capture stacks for library cache handle allocation

_kgl_cluster_lock                        Library cache support for cluster lock

_kgl_cluster_lock_read_mostly            Library cache support for cluster lock read mostly optimization

_kgl_cluster_pin                         Library cache support for cluster pins

_kgl_debug                               Library cache debugging

_kgl_fixed_extents                       fixed extent size for library cache memory allocations

_kgl_hash_collision                      Library cache name hash collision possible

_kgl_heap_size                           extent size for library cache heap 0

_kgl_hot_object_copies                   Number of copies for the hot object

_kgl_kqr_cap_so_stacks                   capture stacks for library and row cache state objects

_kgl_large_heap_warning_threshold        maximum heap size before KGL writes warnings to the alert log

_kgl_latch_count                         number of library cache latches

_kgl_message_locks                       RAC message lock count

_kgl_min_cached_so_count                 Minimum cached SO count. If > 1 can help find SO corruptions

_kgl_time_to_wait_for_locks              time to wait for locks and pins before timing out

_kglsim_maxmem_percent                   max percentage of shared pool size to be used for KGL advice

_kgsb_threshold_size                     threshold size for base allocator

_kgx_latches                             # of mutex latches if CAS is not supported.

_kill_controlfile_enqueue_blocker        enable killing controlfile enqueue blocker on timeout

_kill_diagnostics_timeout                timeout delay in seconds before killing enqueue blocker

_kill_enqueue_blocker                    if greater than 0 enables killing enqueue blocker

_kill_java_threads_on_eoc                Kill Java threads and do sessionspace migration at end of call

_kill_session_dump                       Process dump on kill session immediate

_kjac_force_outcome_current_session      if TRUE, enable to run force outcome on the current session

_kjdd_call_stack_dump_enabled            Enables printing of short call stack with the WFG

_kjdd_wfg_dump_cntrl                     To control the way Wait-For_Graph is dumped

_kjltmaxgt                               record latch requests that takes longer than this many us

_kjltmaxht                               record latch reqeust that are held longer than this many us

_kjlton                                  track DLM latch usage on/off

_kkfi_trace                              trace expression substitution

_kks_free_cursor_stat_pct                percentage of cursor stats buckets to scan on each load, in 1/10th of a percent

_kokli_cache_size                        Size limit of ADT Table Lookup Cache

_kokln_current_read                      Make all LOB reads for this session 'current' reads

_kolfuseslf                              allow kolf to use slffopen

_kqdsn_max_instance_bits                 maximum bits used for instance value in sequence partition

_kqdsn_min_instance_bits                 minimum bits used for instance value in sequence partition

_kqdsn_partition_ratio                   ratio of instance to session bits in sequence partition

_kql_subheap_trace                       tracing level for library cache subheap level pins

_kqr_optimistic_reads                    optimistic reading of row cache objects

_ksb_restart_clean_time                  process uptime for restarts

_ksb_restart_policy_times                process restart policy times in seconds

_ksd_test_param                          KSD test parmeter

_ksdx_charset_ratio                      ratio between the system and oradebug character set

_ksdxdocmd_default_timeout_ms            default timeout for internal oradebug commands

_ksdxdocmd_enabled                       if TRUE ksdxdocmd* invocations are enabled

_ksdxw_cini_flg                          ksdxw context initialization flag

_ksdxw_nbufs                             ksdxw number of buffers in buffered mode

_ksdxw_num_pgw                           number of watchpoints on a per-process basis

_ksdxw_num_sgw                           number of watchpoints to be shared by all processes

_ksdxw_stack_depth                       number of PCs to collect in the stack when watchpoint is hit

_kse_die_timeout                         amount of time a dying process is spared by PMON (in centi-secs)

_kse_pc_table_size                       kse pc table cache size

_kse_signature_entries                   number of entries in the kse stack signature cache

_kse_signature_limit                     number of stack frames to cache per kse signature

_kse_snap_ring_record_stack              should error snap ring entries show a short stack trace

_kse_snap_ring_size                      ring buffer to debug internal error 17090

_kse_trace_int_msg_clear                 enables soft assert of KGECLEAERERROR is cleares an interrupt message

_ksfd_verify_write                       verify asynchronous writes issued through ksfd

_ksi_clientlocks_enabled                 if TRUE, DLM-clients can provide the lock memory

_ksi_trace                               KSI trace string of lock type(s)

_ksi_trace_bucket                        memory tracing: use ksi-private or rdbms-shared bucket

_ksi_trace_bucket_size                   size of the KSI trace bucket

_ksipc_libipc_path                       over-ride default location of libipc

_ksipc_mode                              ksipc mode

_ksipc_spare_param1                      ksipc spare param 1

_ksipc_spare_param2                      ksipc spare param 2

_ksipc_wait_flags                        tune ksipcwait

_ksm_post_sga_init_notif_delay_secs      seconds to delay instance startup at sga initialization (post)

_ksm_pre_sga_init_notif_delay_secs       seconds to delay instance startup at sga initialization (pre)

_ksmb_debug                              ksmb debug flags

_ksmd_protect_mode                       KSMD protect mode for catching stale access

_ksmg_granule_locking_status             granule locking status

_ksmg_granule_size                       granule size in bytes

_ksmg_lock_check_interval                timeout action interval in minutes

_ksmg_lock_reacquire_count               repeat count for acquisition of locks

_ksmlsaf                                 KSM log alloc and free

_kspol_tac_timeout                       timeouts for TAC registerd by kspol

_ksr_unit_test_processes                 number of ksr unit test processes

_kss_callstack_type                      state object callstack trace type

_kss_quiet                               if TRUE access violations during kss dumps are not recorded

_ksu_diag_kill_time                      number of seconds ksuitm waits before killing diag

_ksuitm_addon_trccmd                     command to execute when dead processes don't go away

_ksuitm_dont_kill_dumper                 delay inst. termination to allow processes to dump

_ksv_dynamic_flags1                      ksv dynamic flags 1 - override default behavior

_ksv_max_spawn_fail_limit                bg slave spawn failure limit

_ksv_pool_hang_kill_to                   bg slave pool terminate timeout

_ksv_pool_wait_timeout                   bg slave pool wait limit

_ksv_slave_exit_timeout                  slave exit timeout

_ksv_spawn_control_all                   control all spawning of background slaves

_ksv_static_flags1                       ksv static flags 1 - override default behavior

_ksvppktmode                             ksv internal pkt test

_ksxp_compat_flags                       ksxp compat flags

_ksxp_control_flags                      modify ksxp behavior

_ksxp_diagmode                           set to OFF to disable automatic slowsend diagnostics

_ksxp_disable_clss                       disable CLSS interconnects

_ksxp_disable_dynamic_loading            disable dynamic loadin of lib skgxp

_ksxp_disable_ipc_stats                  disable ipc statistics

_ksxp_disable_rolling_migration          disable possibility of starting rolling migration

_ksxp_dump_timeout                       set timeout for kjzddmp request

_ksxp_dynamic_skgxp_param                dynamic skgxp parameters

_ksxp_if_config                          ksxp if config flags

_ksxp_init_stats_bkts                    initial number arrays for ipc statistics

_ksxp_lwipc_enabled                      enable lwipc for KSXP

_ksxp_max_stats_bkts                     max. arrays for ipc statistics

_ksxp_ping_enable                        disable dynamic loadin of lib skgxp

_ksxp_ping_polling_time                  max. arrays for ipc statistics

_ksxp_reaping                            tune ksxp layer reaping limit

_ksxp_reporting_process                  reporting process for KSXP

_ksxp_send_timeout                       set timeout for sends queued with the inter-instance IPC

_ksxp_skgxp_ant_options                  SKGXP ANT options

_ksxp_skgxp_compat_library_path          over-ride default location of lib skgxp compat

_ksxp_skgxp_ctx_flags1                   IPC debug options flags (RAC)

_ksxp_skgxp_ctx_flags1mask               IPC debug options flags mask (RAC)

_ksxp_skgxp_dynamic_protocol             IPC protocol override (RAC) (0/-1=*,2=UDP,3=RDS,!0x1000=ipc_X)

_ksxp_skgxp_inets                        limit SKGXP networks

_ksxp_skgxp_library_path                 over-ride default location of lib skgxp

_ksxp_skgxp_rgn_ports                    region socket limits (0xFFFFNNXX): F=flags, N=min, X=max

_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param1                 ipc ksxp spare parameter 1

_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param2                 ipc ksxp spare parameter 2

_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param3                 ipc ksxp spare parameter 3

_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param4                 ipc ksxp spare parameter 4

_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param5                 ipc ksxp spare parameter 5

_ksxp_skgxpg_last_parameter              last defined skgxpg parameter - ksxp

_ksxp_stats_mem_lmt                      limit ipc statistics memory. this parameter is a percentage value

_ksxp_testing                            KSXP test parameter

_ksxp_unit_test_byte_transformation      enable byte transformation unit test

_ksxp_wait_flags                         tune ksxpwait

_ktb_debug_flags                         ktb-layer debug flags

_ktc_debug                               for ktc debug

_ktc_latches                             number of ktc latches

_ktilmsc_exp                             expiration time of ktilm segment cache (in second)

_ktslj_segext_max_mb                     segment pre-extension max size in MB (0: unlimited)

_ktslj_segext_retry                      segment pre-extension retry

_ktslj_segext_warning                    segment pre-extension warning threshold in percentage

_ktslj_segext_warning_mb                 segment pre-extension warning threshold in MB

_ktspsrch_maxsc                          maximum segments supported by space search cache

_ktspsrch_maxskip                        space search cache rejection skip upper limit

_ktspsrch_scchk                          cleanout check time of space search cache

_ktspsrch_scexp                          expiration time of space search cache

_ktst_rss_max                            maximum temp extents to be released across instance

_ktst_rss_min                            minimum temp extents to be released across instance

_ktst_rss_retry                          maximum retries of sort segment release

_kttext_warning                          tablespace pre-extension warning threshold in percentage

_ktu_latches                             number of KTU latches

_ku_trace                                datapump trace parameter

_kxdbio_ctx_init_count                   initial count of KXDBIO state object

_kxdbio_disable_offload_opcode           KXDBIO Disable offload for the set opcodes.  Value is a Bitmap of    0x00000001

                                         - disable cell to cell data copy offload    0x00000002 - disable disk scrubbing

                                         offload to cell


_kxdbio_enable_ds_opcode                 KXDBIO Enable Dumb storage simulation for the set opcodes.

_kxdbio_ut_ctl                           kxdbio unit test controls

_large_pool_min_alloc                    minimum allocation size in bytes for the large allocation pool

_last_allocation_period                  period over which an instance can retain an active level1 bitmap

_latch_class_0                           latch class 0

_latch_class_1                           latch class 1

_latch_class_2                           latch class 2

_latch_class_3                           latch class 3

_latch_class_4                           latch class 4

_latch_class_5                           latch class 5

_latch_class_6                           latch class 6

_latch_class_7                           latch class 7

_latch_classes                           latch classes override

_latch_miss_stat_sid                     Sid of process for which to collect latch stats

_latch_wait_list_pri_sleep_secs          Time to sleep on latch wait list until getting priority

_ldr_io_size                             size of write IOs used during a load operation

_ldr_io_size2                            size of write IOs used during a load operation of EHCC with HWMB

_ldr_pga_lim                             pga limit, beyond which new partition loads are delayed

_ldr_tempseg_threshold                   amount to buffer prior to allocating temp segment (extent sizing)

_left_nested_loops_random                enable random distribution method for left of nestedloops

_lgwr_delay_write                        LGWR write delay for debugging

_lgwr_io_outlier                         LGWR I/O outlier frequency

_lgwr_io_slaves                          LGWR I/O slaves

_lgwr_max_ns_wt                          Maximum wait time for lgwr to allow NetServer to progress

_lgwr_ns_nl_max                          Variable to simulate network latency or buffer threshold

_lgwr_ns_nl_min                          Variable to simulate network latency or buffer threshold

_lgwr_ns_sim_err                         Variable to simulate errors lgwrns

_lgwr_posts_for_pending_bcasts           LGWR posts commit waiters for pending broadcasts

_lgwr_ta_sim_err                         Variable to simulate errors lgwr true async

_library_cache_advice                    whether KGL advice should be turned on

_lightweight_hdrs                        Lightweight headers for redo

_like_with_bind_as_equality              treat LIKE predicate with bind as an equality predicate

_limit_itls                              limit the number of ITLs in OLTP Compressed Tables

_linux_prepage_large_pages               prepage large pages during allocation on Linux

_lm_activate_lms_threshold               threshold value to activate an additional lms

_lm_asm_enq_hashing                      if TRUE makes ASM use enqueue master hashing for fusion locks

_lm_batch_compression_threshold          GES threshold to start compression on batch messages

_lm_better_ddvictim                      GES better deadlock victim

_lm_big_cluster_optimizations            enable certain big cluster optimizations in drm

_lm_broadcast_res                        Enable broadcast of highest held mode of resource.

_lm_broadcast_resname                    Trace string of resource type(s)

_lm_cache_allocated_res_ratio            ratio of cached over allocated resources

_lm_cache_lvl0_cleanup                   how often to cleanup level 0 cache res (in sec)

_lm_cache_res_cleanup                    percentage of cached resources should be cleanup

_lm_cache_res_cleanup_tries              max number of batches of cached resources to free per cleanup

_lm_cache_res_options                    ges resource cache options

_lm_cache_res_skip_cleanup               multiple of iniital res cache below which cleanup is skipped

_lm_cache_res_type                       cache resource: string of lock types(s)

_lm_checksum_batch_msg                   GES checksum batch messages

_lm_comm_channel                         GES communication channel type

_lm_comm_msgq_busywait                   busy wait time in microsecond for msgq

_lm_comm_reap_count                      message reap count for receive

_lm_comm_tkts_add_factor                 Ticket allocation addition factor

_lm_comm_tkts_calc_period_length         Weighted average calculation interval length (second)

_lm_comm_tkts_max_periods                Max number of periods used in weighted avearage calculation

_lm_comm_tkts_min_decrease_wait          Time to wait before allowing an allocation decrease

_lm_comm_tkts_min_increase_wait          Time to wait before allowing an allocation increase

_lm_comm_tkts_mult_factor                Ticket allocation multiplication factor

_lm_comm_tkts_nullreq_threshold          Null request frequency threshold (percentage)

_lm_compression_scheme                   GES compression scheme

_lm_contiguous_res_count                 number of contiguous blocks that will hash to the same HV bucket

_lm_dd_ignore_nodd                       if TRUE nodeadlockwait/nodeadlockblock options are ignored

_lm_dd_interval                          dd time interval in seconds

_lm_dd_max_search_time                   max dd search time per token

_lm_dd_maxdump                           max number of locks to be dumped during dd validation

_lm_dd_scan_interval                     dd scan interval in seconds

_lm_dd_search_cnt                        number of dd search per token get

_lm_deferred_msg_timeout                 deferred message timeout

_lm_drm_batch_time                       time in seconds to wait to batch drm requests

_lm_drm_disable                          disable drm in different level

_lm_drm_hiload_percentage                drm high load threshold percentage

_lm_drm_lowload_percentage               drm low load threshold percentage

_lm_drm_max_requests                     dynamic remastering maximum affinity requests processed together

_lm_drm_min_interval                     minimum interval in secs between two consecutive drms

_lm_drm_object_scan                      enable/disable object scan to force full table scan always

_lm_drm_window                           dynamic remastering bucket window size

_lm_drm_xlatch                           dynamic remastering forced exclusive latches

_lm_drmopt12                             enable drm scan optimizations in 12

_lm_drmopt12_nolatch                     enable drm latching optimizations in 12

_lm_dump_null_lock                       dump null lock in state dump

_lm_dynamic_lms                          dynamic lms invocation

_lm_dynamic_load                         dynamic load adjustment

_lm_enable_aff_benefit_stats             enables affinity benefit computations if TRUE

_lm_enq_lock_freelist                    Number of ges enqueue element freelist

_lm_enq_rcfg                             if TRUE enables enqueue reconfiguration

_lm_enqueue_blocker_dump_timeout         enqueue blocker dump timeout

_lm_enqueue_blocker_dump_timeout_cnt     enqueue blocker dump timeout count

_lm_enqueue_blocker_kill_timeout         enqueue blocker kill timeout

_lm_enqueue_freelist                     Number of enqueue freelist

_lm_enqueue_timeout                      enqueue suggested min timeout in seconds

_lm_fdrm_stats                           gather full drm statistics

_lm_file_affinity                        mapping between file id and master instance number

_lm_file_read_mostly                     mapping between read-mostly file id and master instance number

_lm_free_queue_threshold                 GES free queue threshold

_lm_freeze_kill_time                     timeout for killing unfrozen processes in rcfg/drm freeze step

_lm_global_posts                         if TRUE deliver global posts to remote nodes

_lm_hashtable_bkt_high                   High element threshold in hash table bucket

_lm_hashtable_bkt_low                    Low element threshold in hash table bucket

_lm_hashtable_bkt_thr                    Threshold for hash table resizing

_lm_hb_acceptable_hang_condition         list of acceptable hang conditions in heartbeat check

_lm_hb_callstack_collect_time            hb diagnostic call stack collection time in seconds

_lm_hb_disable_check_list                list of process names to be disabled in heartbeat check

_lm_hb_enable_acl_check                  to enable the wait analysis with acceptable condition lists

_lm_hb_exponential_hang_time_factor      heartbeat exponential hang time multiplier

_lm_hb_maximum_hang_report_count         maximum heartbeat hang report count

_lm_high_load_sysload_percentage         high watermark system load percentage

_lm_high_load_threshold                  high load threshold parameter

_lm_idle_connection_check                GES idle connection check

_lm_idle_connection_check_interval       GES idle connection check interval time

_lm_idle_connection_instance_check_callo GES idle connection instance check callout



_lm_idle_connection_kill                 GES idle connection kill

_lm_idle_connection_kill_max_skips       GES idle connection max skip kill request

_lm_idle_connection_max_ignore_kill_coun GES maximum idle connection kill request ignore count



_lm_idle_connection_quorum_threshold     GES idle connection health quorum threshold

_lm_kill_fg_on_timeout                   GES kill fg on IPC timeout

_lm_lhupd_interval                       load and health update interval

_lm_lmd_waittime                         default wait time for lmd in centiseconds

_lm_lmon_nowait_latch                    if TRUE makes lmon get nowait latches with timeout loop

_lm_lms                                  number of background gcs server processes to start

_lm_lms_opt_priority                     enable freeslot lms priority optimization

_lm_lms_priority_check_frequency         frequency of LMS priority decisions in milliseconds

_lm_lms_priority_dynamic                 enable lms priority modification

_lm_lms_rt_threshold                     maximum number of real time lms processes on machine

_lm_lms_spin                             make lms not sleep

_lm_lms_waittime                         default wait time for lms in centiseconds

_lm_local_hp_enq                         use static file affinity for HP enqueue mastership

_lm_locks                                number of enqueues configured for cluster database

_lm_low_load_percentage                  low watermark percentage for load threshold

_lm_master_weight                        master resource weight for this instance

_lm_max_lms                              max. number of background global cache server processes

_lm_msg_batch_size                       GES batch message size

_lm_msg_cleanup_interval                 GES message buffer cleanup interval time

_lm_no_lh_check                          skip load and health check at decision points

_lm_no_sync                              skip reconfiguration/drm syncr/synca messaging

_lm_node_join_opt                        cluster database node join optimization in reconfig

_lm_non_fault_tolerant                   disable cluster database fault-tolerance mode

_lm_num_bnft_stats_buckets               number of buckets in the benefit stats hash table

_lm_num_pt_buckets                       number of buckets in the object affinity hash table

_lm_num_pt_latches                       number of latches in the object affinity hash table

_lm_postevent_buffer_size                postevent buffer size

_lm_preregister_css_restype              enqueue type that requires pre-registration to css

_lm_proc_freeze_timeout                  reconfiguration: process freeze timeout

_lm_process_batching                     GES implicit process batching for IPC messages

_lm_process_lock_q_scan_limit            limit on scanning process lock queue instead of resource convert lock queue

_lm_procs                                number of client processes configured for cluster database

_lm_psrcfg                               enable pseudo reconfiguration

_lm_rac_spare_dp1                        rac parameter dp1

_lm_rac_spare_dp10                       rac parameter dp10

_lm_rac_spare_dp2                        rac parameter dp2

_lm_rac_spare_dp3                        rac parameter dp3

_lm_rac_spare_dp4                        rac parameter dp4

_lm_rac_spare_dp5                        rac parameter dp5

_lm_rac_spare_dp6                        rac parameter dp6

_lm_rac_spare_dp7                        rac parameter dp7

_lm_rac_spare_dp8                        rac parameter dp8

_lm_rac_spare_dp9                        rac parameter dp9

_lm_rac_spare_p1                         rac parameter p1

_lm_rac_spare_p10                        rac parameter p10

_lm_rac_spare_p2                         rac parameter p2

_lm_rac_spare_p3                         rac parameter p3

_lm_rac_spare_p4                         rac parameter p4

_lm_rac_spare_p5                         rac parameter p5

_lm_rac_spare_p6                         rac parameter p6

_lm_rac_spare_p7                         rac parameter p7

_lm_rac_spare_p8                         rac parameter p8

_lm_rac_spare_p9                         rac parameter p9

_lm_rcfg_timeout                         dlm reconfiguration timeout

_lm_rcvinst                              designated instance to do instance recovery

_lm_rcvr_hang_allow_time                 receiver hang allow time in seconds

_lm_rcvr_hang_cfio_kill                  to kill receiver hang at control file IO

_lm_rcvr_hang_check_frequency            receiver hang check frequency in seconds

_lm_rcvr_hang_check_system_load          examine system load when check receiver health

_lm_rcvr_hang_kill                       to kill receiver hang

_lm_rcvr_hang_systemstate_dump_level     systemstate dump level upon receiver hang

_lm_res_hash_bucket                      number of resource hash buckets

_lm_res_part                             number of resource partition configured for gcs

_lm_res_tm_hash_bucket                   number of extra TM resource hash buckets

_lm_resend_open_convert_timeout          timeout in secs before resubmitting the open-convert

_lm_ress                                 number of resources configured for cluster database

_lm_rm_slaves                            if non zero, it enables remastering slaves

_lm_send_mode                            GES send mode

_lm_send_queue_batching                  GES send queue message batching

_lm_send_queue_length                    GES send queue maximum length

_lm_sendproxy_reserve                    GES percentage of send proxy reserve of send tickets

_lm_share_lock_opt                       if TRUE enables share lock optimization

_lm_single_inst_affinity_lock            enable single instance affinity lock optimization

_lm_spare_threads                        number of spare threads to be created by the GPnP master

_lm_spare_undo                           number of spare undo tablespaces to be created by GPnP master

_lm_sq_batch_factor                      GES send queue minimum batching factor

_lm_sq_batch_type                        GES send queue batching mechanism

_lm_sq_batch_waittick                    GES send queue batching waittime in tick

_lm_sync_timeout                         Synchronization timeout for DLM reconfiguration steps

_lm_ticket_active_sendback               Flow control ticket active sendback threshold

_lm_tickets                              GES messaging tickets

_lm_tx_delta                             TX lock localization delta

_lm_use_gcr                              use GCR module if TRUE

_lm_use_new_defmsgtmo_action             use new defered msg queue timeout action

_lm_use_tx_tsn                           use undo tsn affinity master as TX enqueue master

_lm_validate_pbatch                      GES process batch validation

_lm_wait_pending_send_queue              GES wait on pending send queue

_lm_watchpoint_maximum                   GES number of watchpoints

_lm_watchpoint_timeout                   GES maximum time in seconds to keep watchpoint

_lm_xids                                 number of transaction IDs configured for cluster database

_lmn_compression                         suppl logging for compression enabled

_load_without_compile                    Load PL/SQL or Database objects without compilation

_local_arc_assert_on_wait                Assert whenever local ORL arch waits for space

_local_communication_costing_enabled     enable local communication costing when TRUE

_local_communication_ratio               set the ratio between global and local communication (0..100)

_local_hang_analysis_interval_secs       the interval at which local hang analysis is run

_lock_ref_constraint_count               number of nowait attempts to lock referential constraint

_lock_sga_areas                          Lock specified areas of the SGA in physical memory

_log_archive_avoid_memcpy                log archive avoid memcpy

_log_archive_buffers                     Number of buffers to allocate for archiving

_log_archive_callout                     archival callout

_log_archive_network_redo_size           Log archive network redo buffer size used by ARCH

_log_archive_prot_auto_demote            log archive protection auto demotion

_log_archive_strong_auth                 log archive security strong auth

_log_archive_trace_pids                  log archive trace pids parameter

_log_blocks_during_backup                log block images when changed during backup

_log_buffer_coalesce                     Coalescing log buffers for log writes

_log_buffers_corrupt                     corrupt redo buffers before write

_log_buffers_debug                       debug redo buffers (slows things down)

_log_checkpoint_recovery_check           # redo blocks to verify after checkpoint

_log_committime_block_cleanout           Log commit-time block cleanout

_log_deletion_policy                     archivelog deletion policy for mandatory/all destination

_log_event_queues                        number of the log writer event queues

_log_file_sync_timeout                   Log file sync timeout (centiseconds)

_log_max_optimize_threads                maximum number of threads to which log scan optimization is applied

_log_parallelism_dynamic                 Enable dynamic strands

_log_parallelism_max                     Maximum number of log buffer strands

_log_private_mul                         Private strand multiplier for log space preallocation

_log_private_parallelism_mul             Active sessions multiplier to deduce number of private strands

_log_read_buffer_size                    buffer size for reading log files

_log_read_buffers                        Number of log read buffers for media recovery

_log_simultaneous_copies                 number of simultaneous copies into redo buffer(# of copy latches)

_log_space_errors                        should we report space errors to alert log

_log_switch_timeout                      Maximum number of seconds redos in the current log could span

_log_undo_df_info                        generate marker to log file# that belong to undo tablespace

_log_write_info_size                     Size of log write info array

_log_writer_worker_dlm_hearbeat_update_f LGWR worker DLM health-monitoring heartbeat update frequency (ms)



_logout_storm_rate                       number of processes that can logout in a second

_logout_storm_retrycnt                   maximum retry count for logouts

_logout_storm_timeout                    timeout in centi-seconds for time to wait between retries

_long_bcast_ack_warning_threshold        threshold for long bcast ack warning messages in ms

_long_log_write_warning_threshold        threshold for long log write warning messages in ms

_longops_enabled                         longops stats enabled

_low_server_threshold                    low server thresholds

_lowres_drift_allowed_sec                allowed lowres timer drift for VKTM

_ltc_trace                               tracing level for load table conventional

_lthread_cleanup_intv_secs               interval for cleaning lightweight threads in secs

_lthread_clnup_hk_wait_secs              timeout after hard killing operation for lthread to exit

_lthread_clnup_pmon_softkill_wait_secs   wait timeout for PMON between soft kill and hard kill of lthreads

_lthread_clnup_spawner_sk_wait_secs      timeout for spawner between soft kill and hard kill of lthreads

_lthread_debug                           Enable Debugging mode for lightweight threads

_lthread_enabled                         Enable lightweight threads

_lthread_max_spawn_time_csecs            maximum time interval a spawner will wait for a lthread to get ready

_lthread_spawn_check_intv_ms             time interval for a spawner to check for spawnee to get ready

_lthread_step_debugging                  Enable Step wise Debugging mode for lightweight threads

_main_dead_process_scan_interval         PMON main dead process scan interval (in seconds)

_master_direct_sends                     direct sends for messages from master (DFS)

_mav_refresh_consistent_read             refresh materialized views using consistent read snapshot

_mav_refresh_double_count_prevented      materialized view MAV refreshes avoid double counting

_mav_refresh_opt                         optimizations during refresh of materialized views

_mav_refresh_unionall_tables             # tables for union all expansion during materialized view refresh

_max_aq_persistent_queue_memory          max aq persistent queue memory

_max_async_wait_for_catch_up             Switchover wait time for async LNS to catch up in seconds

_max_clients_per_emon                    maximum number of clients per emon

_max_cr_rollbacks                        Maximum number of CR  rollbacks per block (LMS)

_max_data_transfer_cache_size            Maximum size of data transfer cache

_max_defer_gran_xfer_atonce              Maximum deferred granules transferred by MMAN atonce

_max_exponential_sleep                   max sleep during exponential backoff

_max_filestat_tries                      maximum number of file stat tries

_max_fsu_segments                        Maximum segments to track for fast space usage

_max_fsu_stale_time                      Allowed space usage staleness in seconds

_max_incident_file_size                  Maximum size (in KB, MB, GB, Blocks) of incident dump file

_max_io_size                             Maximum I/O size in bytes for sequential file accesses

_max_kcnibr_ranges                       Max number of nonlogged data block ranges

_max_large_io                            IORM:max number of large I/O's to issue

_max_largepage_alloc_time_secs           Maximum number of seconds to spend on largepage allocation

_max_lns_shutdown_archival_time          Maximum time spent by LNS to archive last log during shutdown

_max_log_write_io_parallelism            Maximum I/O parallelism within a log write (auto=0)

_max_log_write_parallelism               Maximum parallelism within a log write (auto=0)

_max_outstanding_log_writes              Maximum number of outstanding redo log writes

_max_pending_scn_bcasts                  maximum number of pending SCN broadcasts

_max_protocol_support                    Max occurrence protocols supported in a process

_max_queued_report_requests              Maximum number of report requests that can be queued in a list

_max_reasonable_scn_rate                 Max reasonable SCN rate

_max_report_flushes_percycle             Max no of report requests that can be flushed per cycle

_max_rwgs_groupings                      maximum no of groupings on materialized views

_max_services                            maximum number of database services

_max_shrink_obj_stats                    number of segments for which shrink stats will be maintained

_max_sleep_holding_latch                 max time to sleep while holding a latch

_max_small_io                            IORM:max number of small I/O's to issue

_max_spacebg_msgs_percentage             maximum space management interrupt message throttling

_max_spacebg_slaves                      maximum space management background slaves

_max_spacebg_tasks                       maximum space management background tasks

_max_string_size_bypass                  controls error checking for the max_string_size parameter

_max_sys_next_extent                     Dictionary managed SYSTEM tablespace maximum next extent size in MB (allowed ran

                                         ge [16-4095], 0 if unlimited)


_media_recovery_read_batch               media recovery block read batch

_mem_annotation_pr_lev                   private memory annotation collection level

_mem_annotation_scale                    memory annotation pre-allocation scaling

_mem_annotation_sh_lev                   shared memory annotation collection level

_mem_annotation_store                    memory annotation in-memory store

_mem_std_extent_size                     standard extent size for fixed-size-extent heaps

_memory_broker_log_stat_entries          memory broker num stat entries

_memory_broker_marginal_utility_bc       Marginal Utility threshold pct for bc

_memory_broker_marginal_utility_sp       Marginal Utility threshold pct for sp

_memory_broker_shrink_heaps              memory broker allow policy to shrink shared pool

_memory_broker_shrink_java_heaps         memory broker allow policy to shrink java pool

_memory_broker_shrink_streams_pool       memory broker allow policy to shrink streams pool

_memory_broker_shrink_timeout            memory broker policy to timeout shrink shared/java pool

_memory_broker_stat_interval             memory broker statistics gathering interval for auto sga

_memory_checkinuse_timeintv              check inuse time interval

_memory_imm_mode_without_autosga         Allow immediate mode without sga/memory target

_memory_initial_sga_split_perc           Initial default sga target percentage with memory target

_memory_management_tracing               trace memory management activity

_memory_max_tgt_inc_cnt                  counts the times checker increments memory target

_memory_mgmt_fail_immreq                 always fail immediate mode request

_memory_mgmt_immreq_timeout              time in seconds to time out immediate mode request

_memory_nocancel_defsgareq               do not cancel deferred sga reqs with auto-memory

_memory_sanity_check                     partial granule sanity check

_messages                                message queue resources - dependent on # processes & # buffers

_mgd_rcv_handle_orphan_datafiles         Managed recovery handle orphan datafile situation

_midtier_affinity_cluswait_prc_threshold cluster wait precentage threshold to enter affinity

_midtier_affinity_goodness_threshold     goodness gradient threshold to dissolve affinity

_min_time_between_psp0_diag_secs         minimum time between PSP0 diagnostic used for flow control

_minfree_plus                            max percentage of block space + minfree before we mark block full

_minimal_stats_aggregation               prohibit stats aggregation at compile/partition maintenance time

_minimum_blocks_to_shrink                minimum number freeable blocks for shrink to be present

_minimum_db_flashback_retention          Minimum flashback retention

_minimum_extents_to_shrink               minimum number freeable extents for shrink to be present

_mirror_redo_buffers                     Save buffers for debugging redo corruptions

_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled               allow rewrites with multiple MVs and/or base tables

_modify_column_index_unusable            allow ALTER TABLE MODIFY(column) to violate index key length limit

_module_action_old_length                Use module and action old length parameter

_mpmt_enabled                            MPMT mode enabled

_mpmt_enabled_backgrounds                mpmt enabled backgrounds

_mpmt_fg_enabled                         MPMT mode foreground enabled

_mpmt_procs_per_osp                      max procs per osp

_multi_instance_pmr                      force multi instance parallel recovery

_multi_join_key_table_lookup             TRUE iff multi-join-key table lookup prefetch is enabled

_multi_transaction_optimization_enabled  reduce SGA memory use during create of a partitioned table

_multiple_instance_recovery              use multiple instances for media recovery

_mutex_spin_count                        Mutex spin count

_mutex_wait_scheme                       Mutex wait scheme

_mutex_wait_time                         Mutex wait time

_mv_add_log_placeholder                  add log placeholder

_mv_cleanup_orphaned_metadata            cleanup orphaned materialized view metadata

_mv_complete_refresh_conventional        use conventional INSERTs for MV complete refresh

_mv_deferred_no_log_age_val              avoid build deferred MV log age validate

_mv_expression_extend_size               MV expression extend size

_mv_generalized_oj_refresh_opt           enable/disable new algorithm for MJV with generalized outer joins

_mv_refresh_ana                          what percent to analyze after complete/PCT refresh

_mv_refresh_costing                      refresh decision based on cost or on rules

_mv_refresh_delta_fraction               delta mv as fractional percentage of size of mv

_mv_refresh_enhanced_dml_detection       enable enhanced detection of DML types from MV log

_mv_refresh_eut                          refresh materialized views using EUT(partition)-based algorithm

_mv_refresh_force_parallel_query         force materialized view refreshes to use parallel query

_mv_refresh_insert_no_append             materialized view refresh using insert no append

_mv_refresh_new_setup_disabled           materialized view MV refresh new setup disabling

_mv_refresh_no_idx_rebuild               avoid index rebuild  as part of the MV refresh

_mv_refresh_pkfk_data_units_opt          control MV refresh based on the assumption of PK-FK data units

_mv_refresh_pkfk_relationship_opt        control MV refresh based on the use of PK-FK relationships

_mv_refresh_rebuild_percentage           minimum percentage change required in MV to force an indexrebuild

_mv_refresh_selections                   create materialized views with selections and fast refresh

_mv_refresh_update_analysis              materialized view refresh using update analysis

_mv_refresh_use_hash_sj                  use hash_sj hint in queries

_mv_refresh_use_no_merge                 use no_merge hint in queries

_mv_refresh_use_stats                    pass cardinality hints to refresh queries

_mv_refsched_timeincr                    proportionality constant for dop vs. time in MV refresh

_mv_rolling_inv                          create/alter mv uses rolling cursor invalidation instead of immediate

_mwin_schedule                           Enable/disable Maintenance Window Schedules

_nameservice_consistency_check           NameService Consistency check switch

_nchar_imp_cnv                           NLS allow Implicit Conversion between CHAR and NCHAR

_nchar_imp_conv                          should implicit conversion bewteen clob and nclob be allowed

_ncmb_readahead_enabled                  enable multi-block readahead for an index scan

_ncmb_readahead_tracing                  turn on multi-block readahead tracing

_ncomp_shared_objects_dir                native compilation shared objects dir

_nested_loop_fudge                       nested loop fudge

_nested_mv_fast_oncommit_enabled         nested MV refresh fast on commit allowed

_net_timeout_latency                     NET_TIMEOUT latency

_new_initial_join_orders                 enable initial join orders based on new ordering heuristics

_new_sort_cost_estimate                  enables the use of new cost estimate for sort

_newsort_enabled                         controls whether new sorts can be used as system sort

_newsort_ordered_pct                     controls when new sort avoids sorting ordered input

_newsort_type                            specifies options for the new sort algorithm

_nineteenth_spare_parameter              nineteenth spare parameter - string

_ninth_spare_parameter                   ninth spare parameter - integer

_nlj_batching_ae_flag                    FAE flag type set after restoring to IO batching buffer

_nlj_batching_enabled                    enable batching of the RHS IO in NLJ

_nlj_batching_misses_enabled             enable exceptions for buffer cache misses

_nls_parameter_sync_enabled              enables or disables updates to v$parameter whenever an alter session statement m

                                         odifies various nls parameters


_no_objects                              no object features are used

_no_or_expansion                         OR expansion during optimization disabled

_no_recovery_through_resetlogs           no recovery through this resetlogs operation

_no_small_file                           Not to apply new extent scheme for small file temp spaces

_no_stale_joinback_rewrite               No joinbacks if mv is stale

_nologging_kcnbuf_hash_buckets           Number of nologging buffer hash buckets

_nologging_kcnbuf_hash_latches           Number of nologging buffer hash latches

_nologging_load_slotsz                   Nologging standby: direct load buffer size

_nologging_sdcl_append_wait              Nologging standby append sdcl wait time

_nologging_sendbuf_ratio                 Nologging standby: outstanding send buffer ratio

_nologging_txn_cmt_wait                  Nologging standby transaction commit wait time

_noncdb_to_pdb                           converting a non-cdb to a pdb

_noseg_for_unusable_index_enabled        no segments for unusable indexes if set to TRUE

_notify_crs                              notify cluster ready services of startup and shutdown

_ns_max_flush_wt                         Flush wait time for NetServer to flush oustanding writes

_ns_max_send_delay                       Data Loss Time Bound for NetServer

_num_longop_child_latches                number of child latches for long op array

_numa_buffer_cache_stats                 Configure NUMA buffer cache stats

_numa_shift_enabled                      Enable NUMA shift

_numa_shift_value                        user defined value for numa nodes shift

_numa_trace_level                        numa trace event

_number_cached_attributes                maximum number of cached attributes per instance

_number_cached_group_memberships         maximum number of cached group memberships

_obj_ckpt_tracing                        Enable object checkpoint tracing

_object_number_cache_size                Object number cache size

_object_reuse_bast                       if 1 or higher, handle object reuse

_object_statistics                       enable the object level statistics collection

_object_stats_max_entries                Maximum number of entries to be tracked per stat

_odci_aggregate_save_space               trade speed for space in user-defined aggregation

_offline_rollback_segments               offline undo segment list

_ogms_home                               GMS home directory

_olap_adv_comp_stats_cc_precomp          do additional predicate stats analysis for AW rowsource

_olap_adv_comp_stats_max_rows            do additional predicate stats analysis for AW rowsource

_olap_aggregate_buffer_size              OLAP Aggregate max buffer size

_olap_aggregate_flags                    OLAP Aggregate debug flags

_olap_aggregate_function_cache_enabled   OLAP Aggregate function cache enabler

_olap_aggregate_max_thread_tuples        OLAP Aggregate max thread tuples creation

_olap_aggregate_min_buffer_size          OLAP Aggregate min buffer size

_olap_aggregate_min_thread_status        OLAP Aggregate minimum cardinality of dimensions for thread

_olap_aggregate_multipath_hier           OLAP Aggregate Multi-path Hierarhies enabled

_olap_aggregate_statlen_thresh           OLAP Aggregate status array usage threshold

_olap_aggregate_work_per_thread          OLAP Aggregate max work parents

_olap_aggregate_worklist_max             OLAP Aggregate max worklists generated at once

_olap_allocate_errorlog_format           OLAP Allocate Errorlog Format

_olap_allocate_errorlog_header           OLAP Allocate Errorlog Header format

_olap_analyze_max                        OLAP DML ANALYZE command max cells to analyze

_olap_continuous_trace_file              OLAP logging definition

_olap_dbgoutfile_echo_to_eventlog        OLAP DbgOutfile copy output to event log (tracefile)

_olap_dimension_corehash_force           OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Force

_olap_dimension_corehash_large           OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Large Threshold

_olap_dimension_corehash_pressure        OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Pressure Threshold

_olap_dimension_corehash_size            OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Maximum Memory Use

_olap_eif_export_lob_size                OLAP EIF Export BLOB size

_olap_lmgen_dim_size                     Limitmap generator dimension column size

_olap_lmgen_meas_size                    Limitmap generator measure column size

_olap_object_hash_class                  OLAP Object Hash Table Class

_olap_page_pool_expand_rate              OLAP Page Pool Expand Rate

_olap_page_pool_hi                       OLAP Page Pool High Watermark

_olap_page_pool_hit_target               OLAP Page Pool Hit Target

_olap_page_pool_low                      OLAP Page Pool Low Watermark

_olap_page_pool_pressure                 OLAP Page Pool Pressure Threshold

_olap_page_pool_shrink_rate              OLAP Page Pool Shrink Rate

_olap_parallel_update_server_num         OLAP parallel update server count

_olap_parallel_update_small_threshold    OLAP parallel update threshold for number of small pagespaces

_olap_parallel_update_threshold          OLAP parallel update threshold in pages

_olap_row_load_time_precision            OLAP Row Load Time Precision

_olap_sesscache_enabled                  OLAP Session Cache knob

_olap_sort_buffer_pct                    OLAP Sort Buffer Size Percentage

_olap_sort_buffer_size                   OLAP Sort Buffer Size

_olap_statbool_corebits                  OLAP Status Boolean max incore bits

_olap_statbool_threshold                 OLAP Status Boolean CBM threshold

_olap_table_function_statistics          Specify TRUE to output OLAP table function timed statistics trace

_olap_wrap_errors                        Wrap error messages to OLAP outfile

_olapi_history_retention                 enable olapi history retention

_olapi_iface_object_history              enable olapi interface object history collection

_olapi_iface_object_history_retention    enable olapi interface object history retention

_olapi_iface_operation_history_retention enable olapi interface operation history retention

_olapi_interface_operation_history       enable olapi interface operation history collection

_olapi_memory_operation_history          enable olapi memory alloc/free history collection

_olapi_memory_operation_history_pause_at enable olapi memory alloc/free history collection pausing



_olapi_memory_operation_history_retentio enable olapi memory operation history retention



_olapi_session_history                   enable olapi session history collection

_olapi_session_history_retention         enable olapi session history retention

_old_connect_by_enabled                  enable/disable old connect by

_old_extent_scheme                       Revert to old extent allocation

_ols_cleanup_task                        Clean up unnecessary entries in OLS sessinfo table

_oltp_comp_dbg_scan                      oltp compression scan debug

_oltp_compression                        oltp compression enabled

_oltp_compression_gain                   oltp compression gain

_oltp_spill                              spill rows for oltp compression if loader pga limit is exceeded

_omf                                     enable/disable OMF

_omni_enqueue_enable                     Enable Omni Enqueue feature (0 = disable, 1 = enable on ASM (default), 2 = enabl



_oneside_colstat_for_equijoins           sanity check on default selectivity for like/range predicate

_online_ctas_diag                        controls dumping diagnostic information for online ctas

_online_patch_disable_stack_check        disable check for function on stack for online patches

_ops_per_semop                           the exact number of operations per semop system call

_optim_adjust_for_part_skews             adjust stats for skews across partitions

_optim_dict_stats_at_db_cr_upg           enable/disable dictionary stats gathering at db create/upgrade

_optim_enhance_nnull_detection           TRUE to enable index [fast] full scan more often

_optim_new_default_join_sel              improves the way default equijoin selectivity are computed

_optim_peek_user_binds                   enable peeking of user binds

_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing       optimizer adaptive cursor sharing

_optimizer_adaptive_plan_control         internal controls for adaptive plans

_optimizer_adaptive_plans                enable adaptive plans

_optimizer_adjust_for_nulls              adjust selectivity for null values

_optimizer_ads_max_table_count           maximum number of tables in a join under ADS

_optimizer_ads_time_limit                maximum time limit (seconds) under ADS

_optimizer_ads_use_result_cache          use result cache for ADS queries

_optimizer_ansi_join_lateral_enhance     optimization of left/full ansi-joins and lateral views

_optimizer_ansi_rearchitecture           re-architecture of ANSI left, right, and full outer joins

_optimizer_autostats_job                 enable/disable auto stats collection job

_optimizer_aw_join_push_enabled          Enables AW Join Push optimization

_optimizer_aw_stats_enabled              Enables statistcs on AW olap_table table function

_optimizer_batch_table_access_by_rowid   enable table access by ROWID IO batching

_optimizer_better_inlist_costing         enable improved costing of index access using in-list(s)

_optimizer_block_size                    standard block size used by optimizer

_optimizer_cache_stats                   cost with cache statistics

_optimizer_cartesian_enabled             optimizer cartesian join enabled

_optimizer_cbqt_factor                   cost factor for cost-based query transformation

_optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction      disable cost based transformation query size restriction

_optimizer_ceil_cost                     CEIL cost in CBO

_optimizer_coalesce_subqueries           consider coalescing of subqueries optimization

_optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity      enable selectivity estimation for builtin functions

_optimizer_compute_index_stats           force index stats collection on index creation/rebuild

_optimizer_connect_by_cb_whr_only        use cost-based transformation for whr clause in connect by

_optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw         combine no filtering connect by and start with

_optimizer_connect_by_cost_based         use cost-based transformation for connect by

_optimizer_connect_by_elim_dups          allow connect by to eliminate duplicates from input

_optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity        force correct computation of subquery selectivity

_optimizer_cost_based_transformation     enables cost-based query transformation

_optimizer_cost_filter_pred              enables  costing of filter predicates in IO cost model

_optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch         add cost of generating result set when #rows per key > 1

_optimizer_cost_model                    optimizer cost model

_optimizer_cube_join_enabled             enable cube join

_optimizer_degree                        force the optimizer to use the same degree of parallelism

_optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel             use join selectivity in choosing star transformation dimensions

_optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_checks  disable star transformation sanity checks

_optimizer_distinct_agg_transform        Transforms Distinct Aggregates to non-distinct aggregates

_optimizer_distinct_elimination          Eliminates redundant SELECT DISTNCT's

_optimizer_distinct_placement            consider distinct placement optimization

_optimizer_dsdir_usage_control           controls optimizer usage of dynamic sampling directives

_optimizer_dyn_smp_blks                  number of blocks for optimizer dynamic sampling

_optimizer_eliminate_filtering_join      optimizer filtering join elimination enabled

_optimizer_enable_density_improvements   use improved density computation for selectivity estimation

_optimizer_enable_extended_stats         use extended statistics for selectivity estimation

_optimizer_enable_table_lookup_by_nl     consider table lookup by nl transformation

_optimizer_enhanced_filter_push          push filters before trying cost-based query transformation

_optimizer_extend_jppd_view_types        join pred pushdown on group-by, distinct, semi-/anti-joined view

_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing       optimizer extended cursor sharing

_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel   optimizer extended cursor sharing for relational operators

_optimizer_extended_stats_usage_control  controls the optimizer usage of extended stats

_optimizer_false_filter_pred_pullup      optimizer false predicate pull up transformation

_optimizer_fast_access_pred_analysis     use fast algorithm to traverse predicates for physical optimizer

_optimizer_fast_pred_transitivity        use fast algorithm to generate transitive predicates

_optimizer_feedback_control              controls the optimizer feedback framework

_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup            use cost-based flter predicate pull up transformation

_optimizer_filter_pushdown               enable/disable filter predicate pushdown

_optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias           Optimizer index bias over FTS/IFFS under first K rows mode

_optimizer_force_CBQT                    force CBQT transformation regardless of cost

_optimizer_free_transformation_heap      free transformation subheap after each transformation

_optimizer_full_outer_join_to_outer      enable/disable full outer to left outer join conversion

_optimizer_gather_feedback               optimizer gather feedback

_optimizer_gather_stats_on_load          enable/disable online statistics gathering

_optimizer_generate_transitive_pred      optimizer generate transitive predicates

_optimizer_group_by_placement            consider group-by placement optimization

_optimizer_hybrid_fpwj_enabled           enable hybrid full partition-wise join when TRUE

_optimizer_ignore_hints                  enables the embedded hints to be ignored

_optimizer_improve_selectivity           improve table and partial overlap join selectivity computation

_optimizer_instance_count                force the optimizer to use the specified number of instances

_optimizer_interleave_jppd               interleave join predicate pushdown during CBQT

_optimizer_invalidation_period           time window for invalidation of cursors of analyzed objects

_optimizer_join_elimination_enabled      optimizer join elimination enabled

_optimizer_join_factorization            use join factorization transformation

_optimizer_join_order_control            controls the optimizer join order search algorithm

_optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check         enable/disable sanity check for multi-column join selectivity

_optimizer_max_permutations              optimizer maximum join permutations per query block

_optimizer_min_cache_blocks              set minimum cached blocks

_optimizer_mjc_enabled                   enable merge join cartesian

_optimizer_mode_force                    force setting of optimizer mode for user recursive SQL also

_optimizer_multi_level_push_pred         consider join-predicate pushdown that requires multi-level pushdown to base tabl



_optimizer_multi_table_outerjoin         allows multiple tables on the left of outerjoin

_optimizer_multiple_cenv                 generate and run plans using several compilation environments

_optimizer_multiple_cenv_report          control what to report in trace file when run in multi-plan mode

_optimizer_multiple_cenv_stmt            control the types of statements that are run in multi-plan mode

_optimizer_native_full_outer_join        execute full outer join using native implementaion

_optimizer_nested_rollup_for_gset        number of groups above which we use nested rollup exec for gset

_optimizer_new_join_card_computation     compute join cardinality using non-rounded input values

_optimizer_null_accepting_semijoin       enables null-accepting semijoin

_optimizer_null_aware_antijoin           null-aware antijoin parameter

_optimizer_or_expansion                  control or expansion approach used

_optimizer_or_expansion_subheap          Use subheap for optimizer or-expansion

_optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled  Eliminates order bys from views before query transformation

_optimizer_outer_join_to_inner           enable/disable outer to inner join conversion

_optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled         Enable transformation of outer-join to anti-join if possible

_optimizer_partial_join_eval             partial join evaluation parameter

_optimizer_percent_parallel              optimizer percent parallel

_optimizer_performance_feedback          controls the performance feedback

_optimizer_proc_rate_level               control the level of processing rates

_optimizer_proc_rate_source              control the source of processing rates

_optimizer_purge_stats_iteration_row_cou number of rows to be deleted at each iteration of the stats                   pu

nt                                       rging process


_optimizer_push_down_distinct            push down distinct from query block to table

_optimizer_push_pred_cost_based          use cost-based query transformation for push pred optimization

_optimizer_random_plan                   optimizer seed value for random plans

_optimizer_reuse_cost_annotations        reuse cost annotations during cost-based query transformation

_optimizer_rownum_bind_default           Default value to use for rownum bind

_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr         enable the use of first K rows due to rownum predicate

_optimizer_save_stats                    enable/disable saving old versions of optimizer stats

_optimizer_search_limit                  optimizer search limit

_optimizer_self_induced_cache_cost       account for self-induced caching

_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled             enable/disable index skip scan

_optimizer_skip_scan_guess               consider index skip scan for predicates with guessed selectivity

_optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled        enable/disable sort-merge join method

_optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality     enable/disable sort-merge join using inequality predicates

_optimizer_squ_bottomup                  enables unnesting of subquery in a bottom-up manner

_optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause      enable/disable star transformation in with clause queries

_optimizer_star_trans_min_cost           optimizer star transformation minimum cost

_optimizer_star_trans_min_ratio          optimizer star transformation minimum ratio

_optimizer_starplan_enabled              optimizer star plan enabled

_optimizer_strans_adaptive_pruning       allow adaptive pruning of star transformation bitmap trees

_optimizer_system_stats_usage            system statistics usage

_optimizer_table_expansion               consider table expansion transformation

_optimizer_trace                         optimizer trace parameter

_optimizer_transitivity_retain           retain equi-join pred upon transitive equality pred generation

_optimizer_try_st_before_jppd            try Star Transformation before Join Predicate Push Down

_optimizer_undo_changes                  undo changes to query optimizer

_optimizer_undo_cost_change              optimizer undo cost change

_optimizer_unnest_all_subqueries         enables unnesting of every type of subquery

_optimizer_unnest_corr_set_subq          Unnesting of correlated set subqueries (TRUE/FALSE)

_optimizer_unnest_disjunctive_subq       Unnesting of disjunctive subqueries (TRUE/FALSE)

_optimizer_unnest_scalar_sq              enables unnesting of of scalar subquery

_optimizer_use_cbqt_star_transformation  use rewritten star transformation using cbqt framework

_optimizer_use_feedback                  optimizer use feedback

_optimizer_use_gtt_session_stats         use GTT session private statistics

_optimizer_use_histograms                enable/disable the usage of histograms by the optimizer

_optimizer_use_subheap                   Enables physical optimizer subheap

_or_expand_nvl_predicate                 enable OR expanded plan for NVL/DECODE predicate

_oracle_script                           Running an Oracle-supplied script

_oradbg_pathname                         path of oradbg script

_oradebug_cmds_at_startup                oradebug commands to execute at instance startup

_oradebug_force                          force target processes to execute oradebug commands?

_ordered_nested_loop                     enable ordered nested loop costing

_ordered_semijoin                        enable ordered semi-join subquery

_orph_cln_interval                       qmon periodic interval for removed subscriber messages cleanup

_os_sched_high_priority                  OS high priority level

_oss_skgxp_udp_dynamic_credit_mgmt       OSSLIB enable[!0]/disable[0] dynamic credit mgmt for SKGXP-UDP

_other_wait_event_exclusion              exclude event names from _other_wait_threshold calculations

_other_wait_threshold                    threshold wait percentage for event wait class Other

_outline_bitmap_tree                     BITMAP_TREE hint enabled in outline

_parallel_adaptive_max_users             maximum number of users running with default DOP

_parallel_blackbox_enabled               parallel execution blackbox enabled

_parallel_blackbox_sga                   true if blackbox will be allocated in SGA, false if PGA

_parallel_blackbox_size                  parallel execution blackbox bucket size

_parallel_broadcast_enabled              enable broadcasting of small inputs to hash and sort merge joins

_parallel_cluster_cache_pct              max percentage of the global buffer cache to use for affinity

_parallel_cluster_cache_policy           policy used for parallel execution on cluster(ADAPTIVE/CACHED)

_parallel_conservative_queuing           conservative parallel statement queuing

_parallel_ctas_enabled                   enable/disable parallel CTAS operation

_parallel_default_max_instances          default maximum number of instances for parallel query

_parallel_execution_message_align        Alignment of PX buffers to OS page boundary

_parallel_fake_class_pct                 fake db-scheduler percent used for testing

_parallel_fault_tolerance_threshold      total number of faults fault-tolerance will handle

_parallel_fixwrite_bucket                Number of buckets for each round of fix write

_parallel_heartbeat_snapshot_interval    interval of snapshot to track px msging between instances

_parallel_heartbeat_snapshot_max         maximum number of historical snapshots archived

_parallel_load_bal_unit                  number of threads to allocate per instance

_parallel_load_balancing                 parallel execution load balanced slave allocation

_parallel_load_publish_threshold         diffrence in percentage controlling px load propagation

_parallel_min_message_pool               minimum size of shared pool memory to reserve for pq servers

_parallel_optimization_phase_for_local   parallel optimization phase when all slaves are local

_parallel_queuing_max_waitingtime        parallel statement queuing: max waiting time in queue

_parallel_recovery_stopat                stop at -position- to step through SMON

_parallel_replay_msg_limit               Number of messages for each round of parallel replay

_parallel_scalability                    Parallel scalability criterion for parallel execution

_parallel_server_idle_time               idle time before parallel query server dies (in 1/100 sec)

_parallel_server_sleep_time              sleep time between dequeue timeouts (in 1/100ths)

_parallel_slave_acquisition_wait         time(in seconds) to wait before retrying slave acquisition

_parallel_statement_queuing              parallel statement queuing enabled

_parallel_syspls_obey_force              TRUE to obey force parallel query/dml/ddl under System PL/SQL

_parallel_time_unit                      unit of work used to derive the degree of parallelism (in seconds)

_parallel_txn_global                     enable parallel_txn hint with updates and deletes

_parallelism_cost_fudge_factor           set the parallelism cost fudge factor

_parameter_table_block_size              parameter table block size

_part_access_version_by_number           use version numbers to access versioned objects for partitioning

_part_redef_global_index_update          online partition redefinition update global indexes

_partial_pwise_join_enabled              enable partial partition-wise join when TRUE

_partition_advisor_srs_active            enables sampling based partitioning validation

_partition_large_extents                 Enables large extent allocation for partitioned tables

_partition_view_enabled                  enable/disable partitioned views

_passwordfile_enqueue_timeout            password file enqueue timeout in seconds

_pct_refresh_double_count_prevented      materialized view PCT refreshes avoid double counting

_pdb_use_sequence_cache                  Use sequence cache in PDB mode

_pdml_gim_sampling                       control separation of global index maintenance for PDML

_pdml_gim_staggered                      slaves start on different index when doing index maint

_pdml_slaves_diff_part                   slaves start on different partition when doing index maint

_percent_flashback_buf_partial_full      Percent of flashback buffer filled to be considered partial full

_pga_large_extent_size                   PGA large extent size

_pga_limit_check_wait_time               microseconds to wait for over limit confirmation

_pga_limit_dump_summary                  dump PGA summary when signalling ORA-4036

_pga_limit_interrupt_smaller             whether to interrupt smaller eligible processes

_pga_limit_min_req_size                  bytes of PGA usage below which process will not get ORA-4036

_pga_limit_simulated_physmem_size        bytes of physical memory to determine pga_aggregate_limit with

_pga_limit_target_perc                   default percent of pga_aggregate_target for pga_aggregate_limit

_pga_limit_time_to_interrupt             seconds to wait until direct interrupt

_pga_limit_time_until_idle               seconds to wait before treating process as idle

_pga_limit_time_until_killed             seconds to wait before killing session over limit

_pga_limit_tracing                       trace pga_aggregate_limit activity

_pga_limit_use_immediate_kill            use immediate kill for sessions over limit

_pga_limit_watch_perc                    percentage of limit to have processes watch

_pga_limit_watch_size                    bytes of PGA usage at which process will begin watching limit

_pga_max_size                            Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process

_pgactx_cap_stacks                       capture stacks for setting pgactx

_pin_time_statistics                     if TRUE collect statistics for how long a current pin is held

_ping_wait_for_log_force                 Wait for log force before block ping

_pivot_implementation_method             pivot implementation method

_pkt_enable                              enable progressive kill test

_pkt_pmon_interval                       PMON process clean-up interval (cs)

_pkt_start                               start progressive kill test instrumention

_plan_outline_data                       explain plan outline data enabled

_plan_verify_improvement_margin          Performance improvement criterion for evolving plan baselines

_plan_verify_local_time_limit            Local time limit to use for an individual plan verification

_plsql_anon_block_code_type              PL/SQL anonymous block code-type

_plsql_cache_enable                      PL/SQL Function Cache Enabled

_plsql_dump_buffer_events                conditions upon which the PL/SQL circular buffer is dumped

_plsql_max_stack_size                    PL/SQL maximum stack size

_plsql_minimum_cache_hit_percent         plsql minimum cache hit percentage required to keep caching active

_plsql_native_frame_threshold            Allocate PL/SQL native frames on the heap if size exceeds this value

_plsql_nvl_optimize                      PL/SQL NVL optimize

_pluggable_database_debug                Debug flag for pluggable database related operations

_pmon_dead_blkrs_alive_chk_rate_secs     rate to check blockers are alive during cleanup (in seconds)

_pmon_dead_blkrs_max_blkrs               max blockers to check during cleanup

_pmon_dead_blkrs_max_cleanup_attempts    max attempts per blocker while checking dead blockers

_pmon_dead_blkrs_scan_rate_secs          rate to scan for dead blockers during cleanup (in seconds)

_pmon_enable_dead_blkrs                  look for dead blockers during PMON cleanup

_pmon_load_constants                     server load balancing constants (S,P,D,I,L,C,M)

_pmon_max_consec_posts                   PMON max consecutive posts in main loop

_post_wait_queues_dynamic_queues         Post Wait Queues - Num Dynamic Queues

_post_wait_queues_num_per_class          Post Wait Queues - Num Per Class

_pqq_debug_txn_act                       pq queuing transaction active

_pqq_enabled                             Enable Resource Manager based Parallel Statement Queuing

_pre_rewrite_push_pred                   push predicates into views before rewrite

_precompute_gid_values                   precompute gid values and copy them before returning a row

_pred_move_around                        enables predicate move-around

_predicate_elimination_enabled           allow predicate elimination if set to TRUE

_prefered_standby                        standby db_unique_name prefered for krb operations

_prescomm                                presume commit of IMU transactions

_print_inmem_heatmap                     print inmem ilm heatmap

_print_refresh_schedule                  enable dbms_output of materialized view refresh schedule

_print_stat_segment                      print ilm statistics segment

_private_memory_address                  Start address of large extent memory segment

_project_view_columns                    enable projecting out unreferenced columns of a view

_projection_pushdown                     projection pushdown

_projection_pushdown_debug               level for projection pushdown debugging

_prop_old_enabled                        Shift to pre 11g propagation behaviour

_protect_frame_heaps                     Protect cursor frame heaps

_ptn_cache_threshold                     flags and threshold to control partition metadata caching

_push_join_predicate                     enable pushing join predicate inside a view

_push_join_union_view                    enable pushing join predicate inside a union all view

_push_join_union_view2                   enable pushing join predicate inside a union view

_px_adaptive_dist_method                 determines the behavior of adaptive distribution methods

_px_adaptive_dist_method_threshold       Buffering / decision threshold for adaptive distribution methods

_px_adaptive_offload_percentage          percentage for PQ adaptive offloading of granules

_px_adaptive_offload_threshold           threshold (GB/s) for PQ adaptive offloading of granules

_px_async_getgranule                     asynchronous get granule in the slave

_px_back_to_parallel                     allow going back to parallel after a serial operation

_px_bind_peek_sharing                    enables sharing of px cursors that were built using bind peeking

_px_broadcast_fudge_factor               set the tq broadcasting fudge factor percentage

_px_buffer_ttl                           ttl for px mesg buffers in seconds

_px_cdb_view_enabled                     parallel cdb view evaluation enabled

_px_chunklist_count_ratio                ratio of the number of chunk lists to the default DOP per instance

_px_compilation_debug                    debug level for parallel compilation

_px_compilation_trace                    tracing level for parallel compilation

_px_concurrent                           enables pq with concurrent execution of serial inputs

_px_cpu_autodop_enabled                  enables or disables auto dop cpu computation

_px_cpu_operator_bandwidth               CPU operator bandwidth in MB/sec for DOP computation

_px_cpu_process_bandwidth                CPU process bandwidth in MB/sec for DOP computation

_px_dp_array_size                        Max number of pq processes supported

_px_dump_12805_source                    enables or disables tracing of 12805 signal source

_px_dynamic_opt                          turn off/on restartable qerpx dynamic optimization

_px_dynamic_sample_size                  num of samples for restartable qerpx dynamic optimization

_px_execution_services_enabled           enable service-based constraint of px slave allocation

_px_filter_parallelized                  enables or disables correlated filter parallelization

_px_filter_skew_handling                 enable correlated filter parallelization to handle skew

_px_freelist_latch_divisor               Divide the computed number of freelists by this power of 2

_px_gim_factor                           weighted autodop global index maintenance factor

_px_granule_batch_size                   maximum size of a batch of granules

_px_granule_randomize                    enables or disables randomization of parallel scans rowid granules

_px_granule_size                         default size of a rowid range granule (in KB)

_px_groupby_pushdown                     perform group-by pushdown for parallel query

_px_hold_time                            hold px at execution time (unit: second)

_px_hybrid_TSM_HWMB_load                 Enable Hybrid Temp Segment Merge/High Water Mark Brokered load method

_px_index_sampling_objsize               parallel query sampling for index create based on object size

_px_io_process_bandwidth                 IO process bandwidth in MB/sec for computing DOP

_px_io_system_bandwidth                  total IO system bandwidth in MB/sec for computing DOP

_px_join_skew_handling                   enables skew handling for parallel joins

_px_join_skew_minfreq                    sets minimum frequency(%) for skewed value for parallel joins

_px_join_skew_ratio                      sets skew ratio for parallel joins

_px_kxib_tracing                         turn on kxib tracing

_px_load_balancing_policy                parallel load balancing policy

_px_load_factor                          weighted autodop load factor

_px_load_monitor_threshold               threshold for pushing information to load slave workload monitor

_px_load_publish_interval                interval at which LMON will check whether to publish PX load

_px_loc_msg_cost                         CPU cost to send a PX message via shared memory

_px_max_granules_per_slave               maximum number of rowid range granules to generate per slave

_px_max_map_val                          Maximum value of rehash mapping for PX

_px_max_message_pool_pct                 percentage of shared pool for px msg buffers range [5,90]

_px_message_compression                  enable compression of control messages for parallel query

_px_min_granules_per_slave               minimum number of rowid range granules to generate per slave

_px_minus_intersect                      enables pq for minus/interect operators

_px_monitor_load                         enable consumer load slave workload monitoring

_px_net_msg_cost                         CPU cost to send a PX message over the internconnect

_px_no_granule_sort                      prevent parallel partition granules to be sorted on size

_px_no_stealing                          prevent parallel granule stealing in shared nothing environment

_px_nss_planb                            enables or disables NSS Plan B reparse with outline

_px_numa_stealing_enabled                enable/disable PQ granule stealing across NUMA nodes

_px_numa_support_enabled                 enable/disable PQ NUMA support

_px_object_sampling                      parallel query sampling for base objects (100000 = 100%)

_px_object_sampling_enabled              use base object sampling when possible for range distribution

_px_onepass_slave_acquisition            enable/disable one pass slave acquisition for parallel execution

_px_parallelize_expression               enables or disables expression evaluation parallelization

_px_partial_rollup_pushdown              perform partial rollup pushdown for parallel execution

_px_partition_scan_enabled               enables or disables parallel partition-based scan

_px_partition_scan_threshold             least number of partitions per slave to start partition-based scan

_px_proactive_slave_alloc_threshold      parallel proactive slave allocation threshold/unit

_px_proc_constrain                       reduce parallel_max_servers if greater than (processes - fudge)

_px_pwg_enabled                          parallel partition wise group by enabled

_px_pwmr_enabled                         parallel partition wise match recognize enabled

_px_replication_enabled                  enables or disables replication of small table scans

_px_round_robin_rowcnt                   round robin row count to enq to next slave

_px_rownum_pd                            turn off/on parallel rownum pushdown optimization

_px_send_timeout                         IPC message  send timeout value in seconds

_px_single_server_enabled                allow single-slave dfo in parallel query

_px_slaves_share_cursors                 slaves share cursors with QC

_px_tq_rowhvs                            turn on intra-row hash valueing sharing in TQ

_px_trace                                px trace parameter

_px_ual_serial_input                     enables new pq for UNION operators

_px_wif_dfo_declumping                   NDV-aware DFO clumping of multiple window sorts

_px_wif_extend_distribution_keys         extend TQ data redistribution keys for window functions

_px_wif_min_ndv_per_slave                mininum NDV of TQ keys needed per slave for scalable WiF PX

_px_xtgranule_size                       default size of a external table granule (in KB)

_qa_control                              Oracle internal parameter to control QA

_qa_lrg_type                             Oracle internal parameter to specify QA lrg type

_query_cost_rewrite                      perform the cost based rewrite with materialized views

_query_execution_cache_max_size          max size of query execution cache

_query_mmvrewrite_maxcmaps               query mmv rewrite maximum number of cmaps per dmap in query disjunct

_query_mmvrewrite_maxdmaps               query mmv rewrite maximum number of dmaps per query disjunct

_query_mmvrewrite_maxinlists             query mmv rewrite maximum number of in-lists per disjunct

_query_mmvrewrite_maxintervals           query mmv rewrite maximum number of intervals per disjunct

_query_mmvrewrite_maxpreds               query mmv rewrite maximum number of predicates per disjunct

_query_mmvrewrite_maxqryinlistvals       query mmv rewrite maximum number of query in-list values

_query_mmvrewrite_maxregperm             query mmv rewrite maximum number of region permutations

_query_on_physical                       query on physical

_query_rewrite_1                         perform query rewrite before&after or only before view merging

_query_rewrite_2                         perform query rewrite before&after or only after view merging

_query_rewrite_drj                       mv rewrite and drop redundant joins

_query_rewrite_expression                rewrite with cannonical form for expressions

_query_rewrite_fpc                       mv rewrite fresh partition containment

_query_rewrite_fudge                     cost based query rewrite with MVs fudge factor

_query_rewrite_jgmigrate                 mv rewrite with jg migration

_query_rewrite_maxdisjunct               query rewrite max disjuncts

_query_rewrite_or_error                  allow query rewrite, if referenced tables are not dataless

_query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable           perform general rewrite using set operator summaries

_query_rewrite_vop_cleanup               prune frocol chain before rewrite after view-merging

_queue_buffer_max_dump_len               max number of bytes to dump to trace file for queue buffer dump

_radm_enabled                            Data Redaction

_rbr_ckpt_tracing                        Enable reuse block range checkpoint tracing

_rcfg_disable_verify                     if TRUE disables verify at reconfiguration

_rcfg_parallel_fixwrite                  if TRUE enables parallel fixwrite at reconfiguration

_rcfg_parallel_replay                    if TRUE enables parallel replay and cleanup at reconfiguration

_rcfg_parallel_verify                    if TRUE enables parallel verify at reconfiguration

_rdbms_compatibility                     default RDBMS compatibility level

_rdbms_internal_fplib_enabled            enable CELL FPLIB filtering within rdbms

_rdbms_internal_fplib_raise_errors       enable reraising of any exceptions in CELL FPLIB

_re_fast_sql_operator                    enables fast boxable sql operator

_re_independent_expression_cache_size    defines max number of compiled cached expressions for iee

_re_num_complex_operator                 defines max number of compiled complex operator per ruleset-iee

_re_num_rowcache_load                    defines max number of complex operators loaded with row cache

_re_result_cache_keysiz                  defines max number key for result cache hash table

_re_result_cache_size                    defines max number of cached elements for result cache

_read_mostly_enable_logon                Read mostly instances enable non-privileged logons

_read_mostly_instance                    indicates this is a read_mostly instance

_read_mostly_instance_qa_control         internal parameter to control read mostly instance QA

_read_mostly_slave_timeout               Time to wait on read mostly node when hub not available

_read_only_violation_dump_to_trace       read-only violation dump to trace files

_read_only_violation_max_count           read-only violation array max count

_read_only_violation_max_count_per_modul read-only violation array per module max count



_readable_standby_sync_timeout           readable standby query scn sync timeout

_real_time_apply_sim                     Simulation value with real time apply

_realfree_heap_max_size                  minimum max total heap size, in Kbytes

_realfree_heap_mode                      mode flags for real-free heap

_realfree_heap_pagesize                  hint for real-free page size in bytes

_realfree_pq_heap_pagesize               hint for pq real-free page size in bytes

_recoverable_recovery_batch_percent      Recoverable recovery batch size (percentage of buffer cache)

_recovery_asserts                        if TRUE, enable expensive integrity checks

_recovery_percentage                     recovery buffer cache percentage

_recovery_read_limit                     number of recovery reads which can be outstanding

_recovery_skip_cfseq_check               allow media recovery even if controlfile seq check fails

_recovery_verify_writes                  enable thread recovery write verify

_recursive_imu_transactions              recursive transactions may be IMU

_recursive_with_max_recursion_level      check for maximum level of recursion instead of checking for cycles

_redef_on_statement                      Use on-statement refresh in online redefinition

_redo_compatibility_check                general and redo/undo compatibility sanity check

_redo_log_debug_config                   Various configuration flags for debugging redo logs

_redo_log_record_life                    Life time in hours for redo log table records

_redo_read_from_memory                   Enable reading redo from in-memory log buffer

_redo_transport_compress_all             Is ASYNC LNS compression allowed?

_redo_transport_sanity_check             redo transport sanity check bit mask

_redo_transport_stall_time               I/O stall time before terminating redo transport process

_redo_transport_stall_time_long          long I/O stall time before terminating redo transport process

_redo_transport_stream_test              test stream connection?

_redo_transport_stream_writes            Stream network writes?

_redo_transport_vio_size_req             VIO size requirement

_reduce_sby_log_scan                     enable standby log scan optimization

_region_name                             gsm region name

_release_insert_threshold                maximum number of unusable blocks to unlink from freelist

_reliable_block_sends                    if TRUE, no side channel on reliable interconnect

_relocate_pdb                            Relocate PDB to another RAC instance after it is closed in the current instance

_relocation_commit_batch_size            ASM relocation commit batch size

_remote_asm                              remote ASM configuration

_remote_awr_enabled                      Enable/disable Remote AWR Mode

_remove_aggr_subquery                    enables removal of subsumed aggregated subquery

_remove_exf_component                    enable/disable removing of components EXF and RUL during upgrade

_rep_base_path                           base path for EM reports in database

_replace_virtual_columns                 replace expressions with virtual columns

_report_capture_cycle_time               Time (in sec) between two cycles of report capture daemon

_report_capture_dbtime_percent_cutoff    100X Percent of system db time daemon is allowed over 10 cycles

_report_capture_recharge_window          No of report capture cycles after which db time is recharged

_report_capture_timeband_length          Length of time band (in hours) in the reports time bands table

_report_request_ageout_minutes           Time (in min) after which a report request is deleted from queue

_reset_maxcap_history                    reset maxcap history time

_resource_includes_unlimited_tablespace  Whether RESOURCE role includes UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege

_resource_manager_always_off             disable the resource manager always

_resource_manager_plan                   resource mgr top plan for internal use

_restore_maxopenfiles                    restore assumption for maxopenfiles

_restore_spfile                          restore spfile to this location

_result_cache_auto_dml_monitoring_durati result cache auto dml monitoring duration



_result_cache_auto_dml_monitoring_slots  result cache auto dml monitoring slot

_result_cache_auto_dml_threshold         result cache auto dml threshold

_result_cache_auto_dml_trend_threshold   result cache auto dml trend threshold

_result_cache_auto_execution_threshold   result cache auto execution threshold

_result_cache_auto_size_threshold        result cache auto max size allowed

_result_cache_auto_time_distance         result cache auto time distance

_result_cache_auto_time_threshold        result cache auto time threshold

_result_cache_block_size                 result cache block size

_result_cache_copy_block_count           blocks to copy instead of pinning the result

_result_cache_deterministic_plsql        result cache deterministic PLSQL functions

_result_cache_global                     Are results available globally across RAC?

_result_cache_timeout                    maximum time (sec) a session waits for a result

_resumable_critical_alert                raise critical alert for resumable failure

_reuse_index_loop                        number of blocks being examine for index block reuse

_right_outer_hash_enable                 Right Outer/Semi/Anti Hash Enabled

_rm_cluster_interconnects                interconnects for RAC use (RM)

_rm_numa_sched_enable                    Is Resource Manager (RM) related NUMA scheduled policy enabled

_rm_numa_simulation_cpus                 number of cpus for each pg for numa simulation in resource manager

_rm_numa_simulation_pgs                  number of PGs for numa simulation in resource manager

_rman_io_priority                        priority at which rman backup i/o's are done

_rman_roundrobin_placement               Numa round robin placement for RMAN procs

_rollback_segment_count                  number of undo segments

_rollback_segment_initial                starting undo segment number

_rollback_stopat                         stop at -position to step rollback

_rond_test_mode                          rac one node test mode

_row_cache_cursors                       number of cached cursors for row cache management

_row_cr                                  enable row cr for all sql

_row_locking                             row-locking

_row_shipping_explain                    enable row shipping explain plan support

_row_shipping_threshold                  row shipping column selection threshold

_rowlen_for_chaining_threshold           maximum rowlen above which rows may be chained across blocks

_rowsets_enabled                         enable/disable rowsets

_rowsets_max_rows                        maximum number of rows in a rowset

_rowsets_target_maxsize                  target size in bytes for space reserved in the frame for a rowset

_rowsource_execution_statistics          if TRUE, Oracle will collect rowsource statistics

_rowsource_profiling_statistics          if TRUE, Oracle will capture active row sources in v$active_session_history

_rowsource_statistics_sampfreq           frequency of rowsource statistic sampling (must be a power of 2)

_rowsrc_trace_level                      Row source tree tracing level

_rta_sync_wait_timeout                   RTA sync wait timeout

_rtaddm_trigger_args                     comma-separated list of numeric arguments for RT addm trigger

_rtaddm_trigger_enabled                  To enable or disable Real-Time ADDM automatic trigger

_rtc_infeasible_threshold                Redo Transport Compression infeasible threshold

_sample_rows_per_block                   number of rows per block used for sampling IO optimization

_scalar_type_lob_storage_threshold       threshold for VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, and RAW storage as BLOB

_scatter_gcs_resources                   if TRUE, gcs resources are scattered uniformly across sub pools

_scatter_gcs_shadows                     if TRUE, gcs shadows are scattered uniformly across sub pools

_sched_delay_max_samples                 scheduling delay maximum number of samples

_sched_delay_measurement_sleep_us        scheduling delay mesurement sleep us

_sched_delay_os_tick_granularity_us      os tick granularity used by scheduling delay calculations

_sched_delay_sample_collection_thresh_ms scheduling delay sample collection duration threshold ms

_sched_delay_sample_interval_ms          scheduling delay sampling interval in ms

_scn_wait_interface_max_backoff_time_sec max exponential backoff time for scn wait interface in kta



_scn_wait_interface_max_timeout_secs     max timeout for scn wait interface in kta

_sdiag_crash                             sql diag crash

_sec_enable_test_rpcs                    Whether to enable the test RPCs

_second_spare_parameter                  second spare parameter - integer

_securefile_log_num_latches              Maximum number of open descriptors for securefile log

_securefile_log_shared_pool_size         Size of securefile log buffer pool from SGA

_securefile_timers                       collect kdlu timers and accumulate per layers

_securefiles_breakreten_retry            segment retry before dishonoring retention

_securefiles_bulkinsert                  securefiles segment insert only optization

_securefiles_concurrency_estimate        securefiles concurrency estimate

_securefiles_fg_retry                    segment retry before foreground waits

_securefiles_forceflush                  securefiles force flush before allocation

_securefiles_memory_percentofSGA         securefiles memory as percent of SGA

_securefiles_spcutl                      securefiles segment utl optimization

_select_any_dictionary_security_enabled  Exclude USER$, XS$VERIFIERS, ENC$ and DEFAULT_PWD$ from             SELECT ANY D

                                         ICTIONARY system privilege


_selectivity_for_srf_enabled             enable/disable selectivity for storage reduction factor

_selfjoin_mv_duplicates                  control rewrite self-join algorithm

_selftune_checkpoint_write_pct           Percentage of total physical i/os for self-tune ckpt

_selftune_checkpointing_lag              Self-tune checkpointing lag the tail of the redo log

_sem_per_semid                           the exact number of semaphores per semaphore set to allocate

_send_ast_to_foreground                  if TRUE, send ast message to foreground

_send_close_with_block                   if TRUE, send close with block even with direct sends

_send_requests_to_pi                     if TRUE, try to send CR requests to PI buffers

_serial_direct_read                      enable direct read in serial

_serial_log_write_worker_io              Serialize log write slave I/O

_serial_recovery                         force serial recovery or parallel recovery

_serializable                            serializable

_serialize_lgwr_sync_io                  Serialize LGWR SYNC local and remote io

_service_cleanup_timeout                 timeout to peform service cleanup

_session_allocation_latches              one latch per group of sessions

_session_cached_instantiations           Number of pl/sql instantiations to cache in a session.

_session_context_size                    session app context size

_session_idle_bit_latches                one latch per session or a latch per group of sessions

_session_page_extent                     Session Page Extent Size

_session_wait_history                    enable session wait history collection

_set_mgd_recovery_state                  set mgd recovery state to new value

_seventeenth_spare_parameter             seventeenth spare parameter - string

_seventh_spare_parameter                 seventh spare parameter - integer

_sf_default_enabled                      enable 12g securefile default

_sga_alloc_slaves_term_timeout_secs      Termination timeout in secs for SA** slaves

_sga_clear_dump                          Allow dumping encrypted blocks in clear for debugging

_sga_early_trace                         sga early trace event

_sga_locking                             sga granule locking state

_shared_io_pool_buf_size                 Shared IO pool buffer size

_shared_io_pool_debug_trc                trace kcbi debug info to tracefile

_shared_io_pool_size                     Size of shared IO pool

_shared_io_set_value                     shared io pool size set internal value - overwrite zero user size

_shared_iop_max_size                     maximum shared io pool size

_shared_pool_max_size                    shared pool maximum size when auto SGA enabled

_shared_pool_minsize_on                  shared pool minimum size when auto SGA enabled

_shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc          minimum allocation size in bytes for reserved area of shared pool

_shared_pool_reserved_pct                percentage memory of the shared pool allocated for the reserved area

_shared_server_load_balance              shared server load balance

_shared_server_num_queues                number of shared server common queues

_shmprotect                              allow mprotect use for shared memory

_short_stack_timeout_ms                  short stack timeout in ms

_show_mgd_recovery_state                 Show internal managed recovery state

_shrd_que_tm_processes                   number of sharded queue Time Managers to start

_shrd_que_tm_statistics_duration         Shaded queue statistics collection window duration

_shrunk_aggs_disable_threshold           percentage of exceptions at which to switch to full length aggs

_shrunk_aggs_enabled                     enable use of variable sized buffers for non-distinct aggregates

_shutdown_completion_timeout_mins        minutes for shutdown operation to wait for sessions to complete

_side_channel_batch_size                 number of messages to batch in a side channel message (DFS)

_side_channel_batch_timeout              timeout before shipping out the batched side channelmessages in seconds

_side_channel_batch_timeout_ms           timeout before shipping out the batched side channelmessages in milliseconds

_simple_view_merging                     control simple view merging performed by the optimizer

_simulate_disk_sectorsize                Enables skgfr to report simulated disk sector size

_simulate_io_wait                        Simulate I/O wait to test segment advisor

_simulate_mem_transfer                   simulate auto memory sga/pga transfers

_simulated_log_write_usecs               Simulated latency of log writes (usecs)

_simulator_bucket_mindelta               LRU bucket minimum delta

_simulator_internal_bound                simulator internal bound percent

_simulator_lru_rebalance_sizthr          LRU list rebalance threshold (size)

_simulator_lru_rebalance_thresh          LRU list rebalance threshold (count)

_simulator_lru_scan_count                LRU scan count

_simulator_pin_inval_maxcnt              maximum count of invalid chunks on pin list

_simulator_reserved_heap_count           simulator reserved heap count

_simulator_reserved_obj_count            simulator reserved object count

_simulator_sampling_factor               sampling factor for the simulator

_simulator_upper_bound_multiple          upper bound multiple of pool size

_single_process                          run without detached processes

_siop_flashback_scandepth                Shared IO pool flashback io completion scan depth

_siop_perc_of_bc_x100                    percentange * 100 of cache to transfer to shared io pool

_sixteenth_spare_parameter               sixteenth spare parameter - string

_sixth_spare_parameter                   sixth spare parameter - integer

_skgxp_ant_options                       SKGXP ANT options (oss)

_skgxp_ctx_flags1                        IPC debug options flags (oss)

_skgxp_ctx_flags1mask                    IPC debug options flags mask (oss)

_skgxp_dynamic_protocol                  IPC protocol override (!0/-1=*,2=UDP,3=RDS,0x1000=ipc_X)

_skgxp_gen_ant_off_rpc_timeout_in_sec    VRPC request timeout when ANT disabled

_skgxp_gen_ant_ping_misscount            ANT protocol ping miss count

_skgxp_gen_rpc_no_path_check_in_sec      ANT ping protocol miss count

_skgxp_gen_rpc_timeout_in_sec            VRPC request timeout when ANT enabled

_skgxp_inets                             limit SKGXP networks (oss)

_skgxp_min_rpc_rcv_zcpy_len              IPC threshold for rpc rcv zcpy operation (default = 0 - disabled)

_skgxp_min_zcpy_len                      IPC threshold for zcpy operation (default = 0 - disabled)

_skgxp_reaping                           tune skgxp OSD reaping limit

_skgxp_rgn_ports                         region socket limits (0xFFFFNNXX): F=flags, N=min, X=max

_skgxp_spare_param1                      ipc oss spare parameter 1

_skgxp_spare_param2                      ipc oss spare parameter 2

_skgxp_spare_param3                      ipc oss spare parameter 3

_skgxp_spare_param4                      ipc oss spare parameter 4

_skgxp_spare_param5                      ipc oss spare parameter 5

_skgxp_udp_ach_reaping_time              time in minutes before idle ach's are reaped

_skgxp_udp_ack_delay                     Enables delayed acks

_skgxp_udp_enable_dynamic_credit_mgmt    Enables dynamic credit management

_skgxp_udp_hiwat_warn                    ach hiwat mark warning interval

_skgxp_udp_interface_detection_time_secs time in seconds between interface detection checks

_skgxp_udp_keep_alive_ping_timer_secs    connection idle time in seconds before keep alive is initiated. min: 30 sec max:

                                          1800 sec default: 300 sec


_skgxp_udp_lmp_mtusize                   MTU size for UDP LMP testing

_skgxp_udp_lmp_on                        enable UDP long message protection

_skgxp_udp_timed_wait_buffering          diagnostic log buffering space (in bytes) for timed wait (0 means unbufferd

_skgxp_udp_timed_wait_seconds            time in seconds before timed wait is invoked

_skgxp_udp_use_tcb                       disable use of high speek timer

_skgxp_zcpy_flags                        IPC zcpy options flags

_skgxpg_last_parameter                   last defined skgxpg parameter - oss

_skip_acfs_checks                        Override checking if on an ACFS file system

_skip_assume_msg                         if TRUE, skip assume message for consigns at the master

_skip_trstamp_check                      Skip terminal recovery stamp check

_slave_mapping_enabled                   enable slave mapping when TRUE

_slave_mapping_group_size                force the number of slave group in a slave mapper

_slave_mapping_skew_ratio                maximum skew before slave mapping is disabled

_small_table_threshold                   lower threshold level of table size for direct reads

_smm_advice_enabled                      if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice

_smm_advice_log_size                     overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log

_smm_auto_cost_enabled                   if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions

_smm_auto_max_io_size                    Maximum IO size (in KB) used by sort/hash-join in auto mode

_smm_auto_min_io_size                    Minimum IO size (in KB) used by sort/hash-join in auto mode

_smm_bound                               overwrites memory manager automatically computed bound

_smm_control                             provides controls on the memory manager

_smm_freeable_retain                     value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain

_smm_isort_cap                           maximum work area for insertion sort(v1)

_smm_max_size                            maximum work area size in auto mode (serial)

_smm_max_size_static                     static maximum work area size in auto mode (serial)

_smm_min_size                            minimum work area size in auto mode

_smm_px_max_size                         maximum work area size in auto mode (global)

_smm_px_max_size_static                  static maximum work area size in auto mode (global)

_smm_retain_size                         work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO)

_smm_trace                               Turn on/off tracing for SQL memory manager

_smon_internal_errlimit                  limit of SMON internal errors

_smon_undo_seg_rescan_limit              limit of SMON continous undo segments re-scan

_smu_debug_mode                          <debug-flag> - set debug event for testing SMU operations

_smu_error_simulation_site               site ID of error simulation in KTU code

_smu_error_simulation_type               error type for error simulation in KTU code

_smu_timeouts                            comma-separated *AND double-quoted* list of AUM timeouts: mql, tur, sess_exprn,

                                         qry_exprn, slot_intvl


_snapshot_recovery_enabled               enable/disable snapshot recovery

_sort_elimination_cost_ratio             cost ratio for sort eimination under first_rows mode

_sort_multiblock_read_count              multi-block read count for sort

_sort_spill_threshold                    force sort to spill to disk each time this many rows are received

_sort_sync_min_spill_threshold           controls the mininum spill size for synchronized spill (in percent)

_sort_sync_min_spillsize                 controls the size of mininum run size for synchronized spill (in kb)

_space_align_size                        space align size

_spare_test_parameter                    Spare test parameter

_spawn_diag_opts                         thread spawn diagnostic options

_spawn_diag_thresh_secs                  thread spawn diagnostic minimal threshold in seconds

_spin_count                              Amount to spin waiting for a latch

_spr_max_rules                           maximum number of rules in sql spreadsheet

_spr_push_pred_refspr                    push predicates through reference spreadsheet

_spr_use_AW_AS                           enable AW for hash table in spreadsheet

_spr_use_hash_table                      use hash table for spreadsheet

_sql_analyze_enable_auto_txn             SQL Analyze Autonomous Transaction control parameter

_sql_analyze_parse_model                 SQL Analyze Parse Model control parameter

_sql_compatibility                       sql compatability bit vector

_sql_connect_capability_override         SQL Connect Capability Table Override

_sql_connect_capability_table            SQL Connect Capability Table (testing only)

_sql_diag_repo_origin                    duarations where sql diag repository are retained

_sql_diag_repo_retain                    retain sql diag repository to cursor or not

_sql_hash_debug                          Hash value of the SQL statement to debug

_sql_hvshare_debug                       control hash value sharing debug level

_sql_hvshare_threshold                   threshold to control hash value sharing across operators

_sql_model_unfold_forloops               specifies compile-time unfolding of sql model forloops

_sql_ncg_mode                            Optimization mode for SQL NCG

_sql_plan_directive_mgmt_control         controls internal SQL Plan Directive management activities

_sql_plan_management_control             controls various internal SQL Plan Management algorithms

_sql_show_expreval                       show expression evalution as shared hash producer in plan

_sqlexec_progression_cost                sql execution progression monitoring cost threshold

_sqlmon_binds_xml_format                 format of column binds_xml in [G]V$SQL_MONITOR

_sqlmon_max_plan                         Maximum number of plans entry that can be monitored. Defaults to 20 per CPU

_sqlmon_max_planlines                    Number of plan lines beyond which a plan cannot be monitored

_sqlmon_recycle_time                     Minimum time (in s) to wait before a plan entry can be recycled

_sqlmon_threshold                        CPU/IO time threshold before a statement is monitored. 0 is disabled

_sqltune_category_parsed                 Parsed category qualifier for applying hintsets

_srvntfn_job_deq_timeout                 srvntfn job deq timeout

_srvntfn_jobsubmit_interval              srvntfn job submit interval

_srvntfn_max_concurrent_jobs             srvntfn max concurrent jobs

_srvntfn_q_msgcount                      srvntfn q msg count for job exit

_srvntfn_q_msgcount_inc                  srvntfn q msg count increase for job submit

_sscr_dir                                Session State Capture and Restore DIRectory object

_sscr_osdir                              Session State Capture and Restore OS DIRectory

_sta_control                             SQL Tuning Advisory control parameter

_stack_guard_level                       stack guard level

_standby_causal_heartbeat_timeout        readable standby causal heartbeat timeout

_standby_flush_mode                      standby flush mode

_standby_implicit_rcv_timeout            minutes to wait for redo during standby implicit recovery

_standby_switchover_timeout              Number of secords for standby switchover enqueue timeout

_stat_aggs_one_pass_algorithm            enable one pass algorithm for variance-related functions

_static_backgrounds                      static backgrounds

_statistics_based_srf_enabled            enable/disable the use of statistics for storage reduction factor

_step_down_limit_in_pct                  step down limit in percentage

_streams_pool_max_size                   streams pool maximum size when auto SGA enabled

_subquery_pruning_cost_factor            subquery pruning cost factor

_subquery_pruning_enabled                enable the use of subquery predicates to perform pruning

_subquery_pruning_mv_enabled             enable the use of subquery predicates with MVs to perform pruning

_subquery_pruning_reduction              subquery pruning reduction factor

_suppress_identifiers_on_dupkey          supress owner index name err msg

_switch_current_scan_scn                 switch current uses scan scn

_switchover_timeout                      Switchover timeout in minutes

_switchover_to_standby_option            option for graceful switchover to standby

_switchover_to_standby_switch_log        Switchover to standby switches log for open redo threads

_swrf_metric_frequent_mode               Enable/disable SWRF Metric Frequent Mode Collection

_swrf_mmon_dbfus                         Enable/disable SWRF MMON DB Feature Usage

_swrf_mmon_flush                         Enable/disable SWRF MMON FLushing

_swrf_mmon_metrics                       Enable/disable SWRF MMON Metrics Collection

_swrf_on_disk_enabled                    Parameter to enable/disable SWRF

_swrf_test_action                        test action parameter for SWRF

_swrf_test_dbfus                         Enable/disable DB Feature Usage Testing

_sync_primary_wait_time                  wait time for alter session sync with primary

_synonym_repoint_tracing                 whether to trace metadata comparisons for synonym repointing

_sys_logon_delay                         failed logon delay for sys

_sysaux_test_param                       test parameter for SYSAUX

_system_api_interception_debug           enable debug tracing for system api interception

_system_index_caching                    optimizer percent system index caching

_system_trig_enabled                     are system triggers enabled

_ta_lns_wait_for_arch_log                LNS Wait time for arhcived version of online log

_table_lookup_prefetch_size              table lookup prefetch vector size

_table_lookup_prefetch_thresh            table lookup prefetch threshold

_table_scan_cost_plus_one                bump estimated full table scan and index ffs cost by one

_tablespaces_per_transaction             estimated number of tablespaces manipulated by each transaction

_target_log_write_size                   Do log write if this many redo blocks in buffer (auto=0)

_target_log_write_size_timeout           How long LGWR will wait for redo to accumulate (csecs)

_target_rba_max_lag_percentage           target rba max log lag percentage

_tdb_debug_mode                          set debug mode for testing transportable database

_temp_tran_block_threshold               number of blocks for a dimension before we temp transform

_temp_tran_cache                         determines if temp table is created with cache option

_temp_undo_disable_adg                   is temp undo disabled on ADG

_tenth_spare_parameter                   tenth spare parameter - integer

_test_hm_extent_map                      heatmap related - to be used by oracle dev only

_test_ksusigskip                         test the function ksusigskip

_test_param_1                            test parmeter 1 - integer

_test_param_2                            test parameter 2 - string

_test_param_3                            test parameter 3 - string

_test_param_4                            test parameter 4 - string list

_test_param_5                            test parmeter 5 - deprecated integer

_test_param_6                            test parmeter 6 - size (ub8)

_test_param_7                            test parameter 7 - big integer list

_test_param_8                            test parameter 8 - cdb tests

_third_spare_parameter                   third spare parameter - integer

_thirteenth_spare_parameter              thirteenth spare parameter - integer

_thread_state_change_timeout_pnp         Thread state change timeout for PnP instance (in sec)

_threshold_alerts_enable                 if 1, issue threshold-based alerts

_time_based_rcv_ckpt_target              time-based incremental recovery checkpoint target in sec

_time_based_rcv_hdr_update_interval      time-based incremental recovery file header update interval in sec

_timemodel_collection                    enable timemodel collection

_timeout_actions_enabled                 enables or disables KSU timeout actions

_timer_precision                         VKTM timer precision in milli-sec

_total_large_extent_memory               Total memory for allocating large extents

_tq_dump_period                          time period for duping of TQ statistics (s)

_trace_buffer_wait_timeouts              trace buffer busy wait timeouts

_trace_buffers                           trace buffer sizes per process

_trace_dump_all_procs                    if TRUE on error buckets of all processes will be dumped to the current trace fi



_trace_dump_client_buckets               if TRUE dump client (ie. non-kst) buckets

_trace_dump_cur_proc_only                if TRUE on error just dump our process bucket

_trace_dump_static_only                  if TRUE filter trace dumps to always loaded dlls

_trace_events                            trace events enabled at startup

_trace_files_public                      Create publicly accessible trace files

_trace_kqlidp                            trace kqlidp0 operation

_trace_ktfs                              Trace ILM Stats Tracking

_trace_ktfs_mem                          Debug memleak

_trace_navigation_scope                  enabling trace navigation linking

_trace_pin_time                          trace how long a current pin is held

_trace_pool_size                         trace pool size in bytes

_trace_processes                         enable KST tracing in process

_trace_temp                              Trace Tempspace Management

_trace_virtual_columns                   trace virtual columns exprs

_track_metrics_memory                    Enable/disable Metrics Memory Tracking

_transaction_auditing                    transaction auditing records generated in the redo log

_transaction_recovery_servers            max number of parallel recovery slaves that may be used

_transient_logical_clear_hold_mrp_bit    clear KCCDI2HMRP flag during standby recovery

_truncate_optimization_enabled           do truncate optimization if set to TRUE

_tsenc_obfuscate_key                     Encryption key obfuscation in memory

_tsenc_tracing                           Enable TS encryption tracing

_tsm_connect_string                      TSM test connect string

_tsm_disable_auto_cleanup                Disable TSM auto cleanup actions

_tstz_localtime_bypass                   Should TTC not convert to LocalTime to preserve Timestamp with Timezone values

_tts_allow_charset_mismatch              allow plugging in a tablespace with an incompatible character set

_twelfth_spare_parameter                 twelfth spare parameter - integer

_twentieth_spare_parameter               twentieth spare parameter - string

_twenty-eighth_spare_parameter           twenty-eighth spare parameter - boolean

_twenty-fifth_spare_parameter            twenty-fifth spare parameter - string list

_twenty-first_spare_parameter            twenty-first spare parameter - string list

_twenty-fourth_spare_parameter           twenty-fourth spare parameter - string list

_twenty-second_spare_parameter           twenty-second spare parameter - string list

_twenty-seventh_spare_parameter          twenty-seventh spare parameter - boolean

_twenty-sixth_spare_parameter            twenty-sixth spare parameter - boolean

_twenty-third_spare_parameter            twenty-third spare parameter - string list

_two_pass                                enable two-pass thread recovery

_two_pass_reverse_polish_enabled         uses two-pass reverse polish alg. to generate canonical forms

_txn_control_trace_buf_size              size the in-memory buffer size of txn control

_uga_cga_large_extent_size               UGA/CGA large extent size

_ultrafast_latch_statistics              maintain fast-path statistics for ultrafast latches

_undo_autotune                           enable auto tuning of undo_retention

_undo_block_compression                  enable undo block compression

_undo_debug_mode                         debug flag for undo related operations

_undo_debug_usage                        invoke undo usage functions for testing

_unified_audit_flush_interval            Unified Audit SGA Queue Flush Interval

_unified_audit_flush_threshold           Unified Audit SGA Queue Flush Threshold

_unified_audit_policy_disabled           Disable Default Unified Audit Policies on DB Create

_union_rewrite_for_gs                    expand queries with GSets into UNIONs for rewrite

_unnest_subquery                         enables unnesting of complex subqueries

_unused_block_compression                enable unused block compression

_update_datafile_headers_with_space_info user requested update of datafile headers of locally managed datafiles with spac

rmation                                  e information


_upddel_dba_hash_mask_bits               controls masking of lower order bits in DBA

_use_adaptive_log_file_sync              Adaptively switch between post/wait and polling

_use_best_fit                            use best fit to allocate space

_use_column_stats_for_function           enable the use of column statistics for DDP functions

_use_hidden_partitions                   use hidden partitions

_use_hybrid_encryption_mode              Enable platform optimized encryption in hybrid mode

_use_ism                                 Enable Shared Page Tables - ISM

_use_ism_for_pga                         Use ISM for allocating large extents

_use_nosegment_indexes                   use nosegment indexes in explain plan

_use_platform_compression_lib            Enable platform optimized compression implementation

_use_platform_encryption_lib             Enable platform optimized encryption implementation

_use_realfree_heap                       use real-free based allocator for PGA memory

_use_seq_process_cache                   whether to use process local seq cache

_use_single_log_writer                   Use a single process for redo log writing

_use_vector_post                         use vector post

_use_zero_copy_io                        Should network vector IO interface be used for data transfer

_utlmmig_table_stats_gathering           enable/disable utlmmig table stats gathering at upgrade

_uts_first_segment_retain                Should we retain the first trace segment

_uts_first_segment_size                  Maximum size (in bytes) of first segments

_uts_trace_disk_threshold                Trace disk threshold parameter

_uts_trace_segment_size                  Maximum size (in bytes) of a trace segment

_uts_trace_segments                      Maximum number of trace segments

_validate_flashback_database             Scan database to validate result of flashback database

_validate_metric_groups                  Enable/disable SGA Metric Structure validation

_validate_readmem_redo                   validate redo blocks read from in-memory log buffer

_vendor_lib_loc                          Vendor library search root directory

_verify_fg_log_checksum                  LGWR verifies redo checksums generated by foreground processes

_verify_flashback_redo                   Verify that the redo logs needed for flashback are available

_verify_undo_quota                       TRUE - verify consistency of undo quota statistics

_very_large_object_threshold             upper threshold level of object size for direct reads

_very_large_partitioned_table            very_large_partitioned_table

_virtual_column_overload_allowed         overload virtual columns expression

_vkrm_schedule_interval                  VKRM scheduling interval

_vktm_assert_thresh                      soft assert threshold VKTM timer drift

_wait_breakup_threshold_csecs            Wait breakup threshold (in centiseconds)

_wait_breakup_time_csecs                 Wait breakup time (in centiseconds)

_wait_for_sync                           wait for sync on commit MUST BE ALWAYS TRUE

_wait_samples_max_sections               Wait Samples maximum sections

_wait_samples_max_time_secs              Wait Samples maximum time in seconds

_wait_tracker_interval_secs              Wait Tracker number of seconds per interval

_wait_tracker_num_intervals              Wait Tracker number of intervals

_wait_yield_hp_mode                      Wait Yield - High Priority Mode

_wait_yield_mode                         Wait Yield - Mode

_wait_yield_sleep_freq                   Wait Yield - Sleep Frequency

_wait_yield_sleep_time_msecs             Wait Yield - Sleep Time (in milliseconds)

_wait_yield_yield_freq                   Wait Yield - Yield Frequency

_walk_insert_threshold                   maximum number of unusable blocks to walk across freelist

_watchpoint_on                           is the watchpointing feature turned on?

_wcr_control                             Oracle internal test WCR parameter used ONLY for testing!

_wcr_grv_cache_size                      Oracle internal: Set the replay cache size for WRR$_REPLAY_DATA.

_wcr_seq_cache_size                      Oracle internal: Set the replay cache size for WRR$_REPLAY_SEQ_DATA.

_widetab_comp_enabled                    wide table compression enabled

_windowfunc_optimization_settings        settings for window function optimizations

_with_subquery                           WITH subquery transformation

_write_clones                            write clones flag

_xa_internal_retries                     number of internal retries for xa transactions

_xds_max_child_cursors                   Maximum number of XDS user-specific child cursors

_xengem_devname                          override default VM GEM device name used by skgvm

_xengem_diagmode                         set to OFF to disable VM GEM support and functionalities

_xengem_enabled                          Enable OVM GEM support

_xpl_peeked_binds_log_size               maximum bytes for logging peeked bind values for V$SQL_PLAN (0 = OFF)

_xpl_trace                               Explain Plan tracing parameter

_xs_cleanup_task                         Triton Session Cleanup

_xs_dispatcher_only                      XS dispatcher only mode

_xsolapi_auto_materialization_bound      OLAP API lower bound for auto materialization.

_xsolapi_auto_materialization_type       OLAP API behavior for auto materialization

_xsolapi_build_trace                     OLAP API output build info to trace file

_xsolapi_debug_output                    OLAP API debug output disposition

_xsolapi_densify_cubes                   OLAP API cube densification

_xsolapi_dimension_group_creation        OLAP API symmetric overfetch

_xsolapi_dml_trace                       OLAP API output dml commands and expressions to trace file

_xsolapi_fetch_type                      OLAP API fetch type

_xsolapi_fix_vptrs                       OLAP API Enable vptr fixing logic in shared server mode

_xsolapi_generate_with_clause            OLAP API generates WITH clause?

_xsolapi_hierarchy_value_type            OLAP API hierarchy value type

_xsolapi_load_at_process_start           When to load OLAP API library at server process start

_xsolapi_materialization_rowcache_min_ro OLAP API min number of rows required to use rowcache in query materialization



_xsolapi_materialize_sources             OLAP API Enable source materialization

_xsolapi_metadata_reader_mode            OLAP API metadata reader mode

_xsolapi_odbo_mode                       OLAP API uses ODBO mode?

_xsolapi_opt_aw_position                 OLAP API enables AW position and count optimization?

_xsolapi_optimize_suppression            OLAP API optimizes suppressions?

_xsolapi_precompute_subquery             OLAP API precomputes subqueries?

_xsolapi_remove_columns_for_materializat OLAP API removes columns for materialization?



_xsolapi_set_nls                         OLAP API sets NLS?

_xsolapi_share_executors                 OLAP API share executors?

_xsolapi_source_trace                    OLAP API output Source definitions to trace file

_xsolapi_sql_all_multi_join_non_base_hin OLAP API multi-join non-base hints



_xsolapi_sql_all_non_base_hints          OLAP API non-base hints

_xsolapi_sql_auto_dimension_hints        OLAP API enable automatic dimension hints

_xsolapi_sql_auto_measure_hints          OLAP API enable automatic measure hints

_xsolapi_sql_dimension_hints             OLAP API dimension hints

_xsolapi_sql_enable_aw_join              OLAP API enables AW join?

_xsolapi_sql_enable_aw_qdr_merge         OLAP API enables AW QDR merge?

_xsolapi_sql_hints                       OLAP API generic hints

_xsolapi_sql_measure_hints               OLAP API measure hints

_xsolapi_sql_minus_threshold             OLAP API SQL MINUS threshold

_xsolapi_sql_optimize                    OLAP API enable optimization

_xsolapi_sql_prepare_stmt_cache_size     OLAP API prepare statement cache size

_xsolapi_sql_remove_columns              OLAP API enable remove unused columns optimizations

_xsolapi_sql_result_set_cache_size       OLAP API result set cache size

_xsolapi_sql_symmetric_predicate         OLAP API enable symmetric predicate for dimension groups

_xsolapi_sql_top_dimension_hints         OLAP API top dimension hints

_xsolapi_sql_top_measure_hints           OLAP API top measure hints

_xsolapi_sql_use_bind_variables          OLAP API enable bind variables optimization

_xsolapi_stringify_order_levels          OLAP API stringifies order levels?

_xsolapi_support_mtm                     OLAP API MTM mapping classes supported?

_xsolapi_suppression_aw_mask_threshold   OLAP API suppression AW mask threshold

_xsolapi_suppression_chunk_size          OLAP API suppression chunk size

_xsolapi_use_models                      OLAP API uses models?

_xsolapi_use_olap_dml                    OLAP API uses OLAP DML?

_xsolapi_use_olap_dml_for_rank           OLAP API uses OLAP DML for rank?

_xt_coverage                             external tables code coverage parameter

_xt_trace                                external tables trace parameter

_xtbuffer_size                           buffer size in KB needed for populate/query operation

_xtts_allow_pre10                        allow cross platform for pre10 compatible tablespace

_xtts_set_platform_info                  set cross platform info during file header read

_zonemap_control                         control different uses/algorithms related to zonemaps

_zonemap_staleness_tracking              control the staleness tracking of zonemaps via trigger

_zonemap_use_enabled                     enable the use of zonemaps for IO pruning


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