opencascade官网文档学习之OCCT-Shape healing (3)分析 TopoDS_Shape

Analysis 分析

Analysis of shape validity 形状有效性分析



  • 创建一个分析工具;
  • 通过形状对其进行初始化,并设置公差,如果必要,将检测到问题;
  • 检查您感兴趣的问题。
 1 TopoDS_Face theFace = ...;
 2 // create a tool for analyzing an edge
 3 ShapeAnalysis_Edge aCheckEdge;
 4 for (TopExp_Explorer anExp (theFace, TopAbs_EDGE); anExp.More(); anExp.Next())
 5 {
 6   TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge (anExp.Current());
 7   if (!aCheckEdge.HasCurve3d (anEdge))
 8   {
 9     std::cout << "Edge has no 3D curve\n";
10   } 
11 }

Analysis of orientation of wires on a face 分析face上的wires的朝向


1 TopoDS_Face theFace = ...; // analyzed face
2 if (!ShapeAnalysis::IsOuterBound (theFace))
3 {
4   std::cout << "Face has not outer boundary\n";
5 } 

Analysis of wire validity 分析wire的有效性

类ShapeAnalysis_Wire用于分析wire。它提供了探索wire特性和检查其是否符合Open CASCADE Technology要求的功能。这些功能包括:

  • 检查wire上的edge的顺序,
  • 检查对于small edge(长度小于给定值)的存在,
  • 检查边缘曲线 edge curves的一致性,
  • 检查退化边缘的存在或缺失,
  • 检查是否存在自相交边和相交边(边的相交被理解为其2D曲线的相交)
  • 检查缺少的边以填充曲面参数空间中的间隙,
  • 分析导线方向(定义表面的外部或内部边界),
  • 分析添加到现有导线的形状(边缘或导线)的方向。





  • CheckOrder检查wire中的边的顺序是否正确
  • CheckConnected检查边是否断开连接;
  • CheckSmall检查是否存在比给定值短的边;
  • CheckSelfIntersection检查是否存在自相交边或相邻相交边。如果相交是由于不相邻的边而发生的,则不会检测到。

此类维护状态管理。每个API方法都存储其最后一次执行的状态,可以通过Status...()方法查询 。此外,每个API方法都返回一个布尔值,当检测到正在分析的案例时(设置ShapeExtend_DONE状态),该值为True,否则为False。

 1 TopoDS_Wire theWire = ...;
 2 Standard_Real aPrecision = 1e-04;
 3 ShapeAnalysis_Wire aCheckWire (theWire, theFace, aPrecision);
 4 // create a tool and load objects into it
 5 if (aCheckWire.CheckOrder())
 6 {
 7   std::cout << "Some edges in the wire need to be reordered\n"
 8             << "Please ensure that all the edges are correctly ordered before further analysis\n";
 9   return;
10 }
11 if (aCheckWire.CheckSmall (aPrecision))
12 {
13   std::cout << "Wire contains edge(s) shorter than " << aPrecision << std::endl;
14 }
15 if (aCheckWire.CheckConnected())
16 {
17   std::cout << "Wire is disconnected\n";
18 }
19 if (aCheckWire.CheckSelfIntersection())
20 {
21   std::cout << "Wire has self-intersecting or intersecting adjacent edges\n";
22 } 

Analysis of edge validity 边的有效性分析


  • 查询几何表示(给定面或曲面上的三维曲线和曲线)
  • 查询拓扑子形状(边界顶点),
  • 检查重叠边,
  • 分析曲线一致性:
    • 3D曲线和2D曲线的相互定向(同方向或相反方向),
    • 3D和2D曲线与顶点的对应关系。


 1 TopoDS_Face theFace = ...;
 2 // create a tool for analyzing an edge
 3 ShapeAnalysis_Edge aCheckEdge;
 4 for (TopExp_Explorer anExp (theFace, TopAbs_EDGE); anExp.More(); anExp.Next())
 5 {
 6   TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge (anExp.Current());
 7   if (!aCheckEdge.HasCurve3d (anEdge))
 8   {
 9     std::cout << "Edge has no 3D curve\n";
10   }
11   Handle(Geom2d_Curve) aPCurve;
12   Standard_Real aPFirst = 0.0, aPLast = 0.0;
13   if (aCheckEdge.PCurve (anEdge, theFace, aPCurve, aPFirst, aPLast, Standard_False))
14   {
15     // print the pcurve and its range on the given face
16     std::cout << "Pcurve range [" << aPFirst << ", " << aPLast << "]\n";
17   }
18   Standard_Real aMaxDev = 0.0;
19   if (aCheckEdge.CheckSameParameter (anEdge, aMaxDev))
20   {
21     // check the consistency of all the curves in the edge
22     std::cout << "Incorrect SameParameter flag\n";
23   }
24   std::cout << "Maximum deviation " << aMaxDev << ", tolerance"
25             << BRep_Tool::Tolerance (anEdge) << std::endl;
26 }
 1 // check the overlapping of two edges
 2 TopoDS_Edge theEdge1 = ...;
 3 TopoDS_Edge theEdge2 = ...;
 4 Standard_Real theDomainDist = 0.0;
 6 ShapeAnalysis_Edge aCheckEdge;
 7 Standard_Real aTolOverlap = 0.0;
 8 if (aCheckEdge.CheckOverlapping (theEdge1, theEdge2, aTolOverlap, theDomainDist))
 9 {
10   std::cout << "Edges are overlapped with tolerance = " << aTolOverlap << std::endl;
11   std::cout << "Domain of overlapping =" << theDomainDist << std::endl;
12 }


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