English Writing
advances in the field of scientific endeavour
I will endeavour to do my best for my country.
However, the fraternity of XXX researchers is large and the areas of interest are diverse
In the interest of brevity
by today's standards
the available memory is about two orders of magnitude greater
We did not think the cuts would be of this magnitude.
an increase of this order of magnitude
The star varies in brightness by about three magnitudes.
The effects were substantial in magnitude.
Her calculation was out by several orders of magnitude.
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步
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· 开发中对象命名的一点思考
· .NET Core内存结构体系(Windows环境)底层原理浅谈
· C# 深度学习:对抗生成网络(GAN)训练头像生成模型
· .NET 适配 HarmonyOS 进展
· 如何给本地部署的DeepSeek投喂数据,让他更懂你
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· 用 DeepSeek 给对象做个网站,她一定感动坏了
· .NET 8.0 + Linux 香橙派,实现高效的 IoT 数据采集与控制解决方案
· .NET中 泛型 + 依赖注入 的实现与应用
2019-03-10 MATLAB 和 armadillo 数据转换
2019-03-10 MATLAB 和 armadillo 数据转换
2019-03-10 macOS gcc g++ c++ cc
2019-03-10 macOS gcc g++ c++ cc
2019-03-10 Sublime-Text macOS 编译运行armadillo
2019-03-10 Sublime-Text macOS 编译运行armadillo
2018-03-10 Conservation Vs Non-conservation Forms of conservation Equations