The GPU scheduler provides entities which allow userspace to push jobs into software queues which are then scheduled on a hardware run queue. The software queues have a priority among them. The scheduler selects the entities from the run queue using a FIFO. The scheduler provides dependency handling features among jobs. The driver is supposed to provide callback functions for backend operations to the scheduler like submitting a job to hardware run queue, returning the dependencies of a job etc.
The organisation of the scheduler is the following:
1. Each hw run queue has one scheduler
2. Each scheduler has multiple run queues with different priorities (e.g., HIGH_HW,HIGH_SW, KERNEL, NORMAL)
3. Each scheduler run queue has a queue of entities to schedule
4. Entities themselves maintain a queue of jobs that will be scheduled on the hardware.
The jobs in a entity are always scheduled in the order that they were pushed.
众所周知,现代GPU给CPU提供了下发命令流(command stream)接口,而这些命令流用于控制GPU硬件,下发着色程序,以及传递OpenGL或vulkan所需的状态值等。
linux中的GPU scheduler正是用于GPU命令流的调度,这部分代码是从AMD GPU driver中的独立出来的。
从内核文档的描述中可知,GPU scheduler为用户程序提供了entities,可用于用户程序向其提交jobs,这些jobs先被加入到software queue上,然后再经调度器调度到hardware(GPU)上。
GPU上一个命令流通道对应一个GPU scheduler。
GPU scheduler调度策略有两个,一是按优先级调度,二是同等优先级下先入队的先调度,即FIFO模式。GPU scheduler通过回调函数的方法实现不同硬件的jobs提交。
在jobs被提交到硬件之前GPU scheduler提供了依赖项检查特性,只有当jobs的所有依赖项全部可用时,才会被提交到硬件上。
GPU上一个命令流通道对应一个gpu scheduler,一个gpu scheduler上包含多个run queue,这些run queue代表了不同的优先级。
当有一个新的job需要提交到GPU上时,先被提交到entities上,被提交的entity通过负载均衡算法,确定该entity最终会被调度到的gpu scheduler,并把entity加入到选中的gpu scheduler的run Queue的列表中,等待被调度。
1.GPU scheduler在能工作前,需要对其初始化,并提供与硬件操作相关的回调函数,而GPU上的一个命令流通道对应一个scheduler
2.在scheduler中有software run queue,这些run queue对应不同的优先级,优先级高的run queue优先调度
3.新的job首先被提交到entity上,而后entity被加入到scheduler的run queue的队列中。在相同优先级下,job和entity按先进先出规则调度(FIFO)
4.当scheduler开始调度时,首先从优先级最高的run queue中选出最先进入的entity,再从选出的entity中,选出最先加入的job
5.在一个job能被提交到GPU HW 上前,需要做依赖性项检测,比如即将render的framebuffer是否可用(依赖检测也是通过回调函数的实现的)
6.scheduler选出的job,最终需要通过初始化中实现的回调函数,将job提交到的GPU的hardware run queue上
7.在GPU处理完一个job后,通过dma_fence的callback通知GPU scheduler,并signal finish fence
struct drm_gpu_scheduler; int drm_sched_init(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched, //sched: scheduler instance const struct drm_sched_backend_ops *ops, //ops: backend operations for this scheduler unsigned hw_submission, //hw_submission: number of hw submissions that can be in flight unsigned hang_limit, //hang_limit: number of times to allow a job to hang before dropping it long timeout, //timeout: timeout value in jiffies for the scheduler const char *name) //name: name used for debugging
通过函数drm_sched_init()完一个struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched的初始化工作。
通过函数drm_sched_init()初始化一个GPU scheduler。其中通过参数const struct drm_sched_backend_ops *ops提供平台相关的回调接口。
struct drm_sched_backend_ops { struct dma_fence *(*dependency)(struct drm_sched_job *sched_job, struct drm_sched_entity *s_entity); struct dma_fence *(*run_job)(struct drm_sched_job *sched_job); void (*timedout_job)(struct drm_sched_job *sched_job); void (*free_job)(struct drm_sched_job *sched_job); }
dependency:当一个job被视作下一个调度对象时,会调用该接口。如果该job存在依赖项,需返回一个dma_fence指针,GPU scheduler会在这个返回的dma_fence的callback list中添加唤醒操作,一旦该fence被signal,就能再次唤醒GPU scheduler。如果不存在任何依赖项,则返回NULL。
run_job:一旦job的所有依赖项变得可用后,会调用该接口。这个接口主要是实现GPU HW相关的命令提交。该接口成功把命令提交到GPU上后,返回一个dma_fence,gpu scheduler会向这个dma_fence的callback list中添加finish fence唤醒操作,而这个dma_fence一般会在GPU处理完毕该job后被signal。
int drm_sched_entity_init(struct drm_sched_entity *entity, enum drm_sched_priority priority, struct drm_gpu_scheduler **sched_list, unsigned int num_sched_list, atomic_t *guilty)
初始化一个struct drm_sched_entity *entity。
sched_list:entity中job可以被提交的gpu scheduler列表。当gpu存在多个gpu命令流通道时,这样同一个job就有多个潜在的可被提交的通道(HW相关,需要gpu支持),sched_list中即保存了这些潜在的通道。
当一个entity有多个Gpu scheduler时,drm scheduler支持负载均衡算法。
num_sched_list:指定了sched_list中gpu scheduler的个数。
如前文所述,entity是job的提交点,gpu上的一个命令流通道对应一个gpu scheduler,当有多个应用程序同时向同一个gpu命令流通道提交job时,job先被加入到各自的entity上,再等待gpu scheduler的统一调度。
int drm_sched_job_init(struct drm_sched_job *job, struct drm_sched_entity *entity, void *owner)
entity:指定job会被提交到的entity。如果entity的sched_list大于一个时,会调用负载均衡算法,从entity的sched_list中挑选一个最佳的gpu scheduler进行job调度。
函数drm_sched_job_init()会为该job初始化两个dma_fence:scheduled 和finished,当scheduled fence被signaled,表明该job要被发送到GPU上,当finished fence被signaled,表明该job已在gpu上处理完毕。
void drm_sched_entity_push_job(struct drm_sched_job *sched_job, struct drm_sched_entity *entity)
当一个job被drm_sched_job_init()初始化后,就可以通过函数 drm_sched_entity_push_job()提交到entity的job_queue上了。
如果entity是首次被提交job到其上的job_queue上,该entity会被加入到gpu scheduler的run queue上,并唤醒gpu scheduler上的调度线程。
DMA fence是linux中用于不同内核模块DMA同步操作的原语,常用于GPU rendering、displaying buffer等之间的同步。
使用DMA FENCE可以减少在用户态的等待,让数据的同步在内核中进行。例如GPU rendering和displaying buffer的同步,GPU rendering负责向framebuffer中写入渲染数据,displaying负责将frambuffer中数据显示到屏幕上。那么displaying需要等待GPU rendering完成后,才能读取framebuffer中的数据(反过来也一样,gpu rendering也需要等displaying显示完毕后,才能在framebuffer上画下一帧图像)。我们可以在应用程序中去同步两者,即等rendering结束后,才调用displaying模块。在等待的过程中应用程序往往会休眠,不能做其他事情(比如准备下一帧framebuffer的渲染)。等displaying显示完毕后,再调用GPU rendering也会使gpu不饱和,处于空闲状态。
使用DMA fence后,将GPU rendering和displaying的同步放到内核中,应用程序调用GPU rendering后,返回一个out fence,不用等GPU rendering的完成,即可调用displaying,并把GPU rendering的out fence传递给displaying模块作为in fence。这样在内核中displaying模块要做显示输出前会等待in fence被signal,而一旦GPU rendering完成后,就会signal该fence。不再需要应用程序的参与。
在Gpu scheduler中,一个job在被调度前要确定其是否有依赖项,一个job被调度后需要告知外界自己当前的状态,这两者均是通过fence来实现的。
job的依赖项叫 in_fence,job自身状态报告叫out_fence,本质上都是相同的数据结构。
当存在in fence且不处于signaled状态,该job需要继续等待(这里的等待方式不是通过调用dma_fence_wait()),直到所有的in fence被signal。在等待前Gpu scheduler会注册一个新的回调接口dma_fence_cb到in fence上(其中包含唤醒Gpu scheduler调度程序的代码),当in fence被signal时,这个callback会被调用,在其中再次唤醒对该job的调度。
一个job有两个out fence:scheduled 和finished,当scheduled fence被signaled,表明该job要被发送到GPU上,当finished fence被signaled,表明该job已在gpu上处理完毕。
Vc4 driver没有使用drm的gpu scheduler作为调度器。VC4在in fence的处理上是blocking式的,即应用程序会阻塞在这里,这里似乎不符合fence的初衷。且当前driver也只支持单个in fence,而vulkan上可能传入多个依赖项。
实际的测试发现,与原本的driver相比使用gpu scheduler没有带来明显的性能变化,但可以解决fence的问题,当然主要的目的还是练手,主要参考了v3d driver的代码。
1.首先是调用 drm_sched_init()创建scheduler。Vc4上对应两个命令入口,bin和render,所以这里创建两个scheduler。
1 static const struct drm_sched_backend_ops vc4_bin_sched_ops = { 2 .dependency = vc4_job_dependency, 3 .run_job = vc4_bin_job_run, 4 .timedout_job = NULL, 5 .free_job = vc4_job_free, 6 }; 7 8 static const struct drm_sched_backend_ops vc4_render_sched_ops = { 9 .dependency = vc4_job_dependency, 10 .run_job = vc4_render_job_run, 11 .timedout_job = NULL, 12 .free_job = vc4_job_free, 13 }; 14 15 int vc4_sched_init(struct vc4_dev *vc4) 16 { 17 int hw_jobs_limit = 1; 18 int job_hang_limit = 0; 19 int hang_limit_ms = 500; 20 int ret; 21 22 ret = drm_sched_init(&vc4->queue[VC4_BIN].sched, 23 &vc4_bin_sched_ops, 24 hw_jobs_limit, 25 job_hang_limit, 26 msecs_to_jiffies(hang_limit_ms), 27 "vc4_bin"); 28 if (ret) { 29 dev_err(vc4->base.dev, "Failed to create bin scheduler: %d.", ret); 30 return ret; 31 } 32 33 ret = drm_sched_init(&vc4->queue[VC4_RENDER].sched, 34 &vc4_render_sched_ops, 35 hw_jobs_limit, 36 job_hang_limit, 37 msecs_to_jiffies(hang_limit_ms), 38 "vc4_render"); 39 if (ret) { 40 dev_err(vc4->base.dev, "Failed to create render scheduler: %d.", ret); 41 vc4_sched_fini(vc4); 42 return ret; 43 } 44 45 return ret; 46 }
2.在drm driver的open回调接口中添加,entity的初始代码。
1 static int vc4_open(struct drm_device *dev, struct drm_file *file) 2 { 3 struct vc4_dev *vc4 = to_vc4_dev(dev); 4 struct vc4_file *vc4file; 5 struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched; 6 int i; 7 8 vc4file = kzalloc(sizeof(*vc4file), GFP_KERNEL); 9 if (!vc4file) 10 return -ENOMEM; 11 12 vc4_perfmon_open_file(vc4file); 13 14 for (i = 0; i < VC4_MAX_QUEUES; i++) { 15 sched = &vc4->queue[i].sched; 16 drm_sched_entity_init(&vc4file->sched_entity[i], 17 DRM_SCHED_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 18 &sched, 1, 19 NULL); 20 } 21 22 file->driver_priv = vc4file; 23 24 return 0; 25 }
1 static void vc4_job_free(struct kref *ref) 2 { 3 struct vc4_job *job = container_of(ref, struct vc4_job, refcount); 4 struct vc4_dev *vc4 = job->dev; 5 struct vc4_exec_info *exec = job->exec; 6 struct vc4_seqno_cb *cb, *cb_temp; 7 struct dma_fence *fence; 8 unsigned long index; 9 unsigned long irqflags; 10 11 xa_for_each(&job->deps, index, fence) { 12 dma_fence_put(fence); 13 } 14 xa_destroy(&job->deps); 15 16 dma_fence_put(job->irq_fence); 17 dma_fence_put(job->done_fence); 18 19 if (exec) 20 vc4_complete_exec(&job->dev->base, exec); 21 22 spin_lock_irqsave(&vc4->job_lock, irqflags); 23 list_for_each_entry_safe(cb, cb_temp, &vc4->seqno_cb_list, work.entry) { 24 if (cb->seqno <= vc4->finished_seqno) { 25 list_del_init(&cb->work.entry); 26 schedule_work(&cb->work); 27 } 28 } 29 30 spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vc4->job_lock, irqflags); 31 32 kfree(job); 33 } 34 35 void vc4_job_put(struct vc4_job *job) 36 { 37 kref_put(&job->refcount, job->free); 38 } 39 40 static int vc4_job_init(struct vc4_dev *vc4, struct drm_file *file_priv, 41 struct vc4_job *job, void (*free)(struct kref *ref), u32 in_sync) 42 { 43 struct dma_fence *in_fence = NULL; 44 int ret; 45 46 xa_init_flags(&job->deps, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC); 47 48 if (in_sync) { 49 ret = drm_syncobj_find_fence(file_priv, in_sync, 0, 0, &in_fence); 50 if (ret == -EINVAL) 51 goto fail; 52 53 ret = drm_gem_fence_array_add(&job->deps, in_fence); 54 if (ret) { 55 dma_fence_put(in_fence); 56 goto fail; 57 } 58 } 59 60 kref_init(&job->refcount); 61 job->free = free; 62 63 return 0; 64 65 fail: 66 xa_destroy(&job->deps); 67 return ret; 68 } 69 70 static int vc4_push_job(struct drm_file *file_priv, struct vc4_job *job, enum vc4_queue queue) 71 { 72 struct vc4_file *vc4file = file_priv->driver_priv; 73 int ret; 74 75 ret = drm_sched_job_init(&job->base, &vc4file->sched_entity[queue], vc4file); 76 if (ret) 77 return ret; 78 79 job->done_fence = dma_fence_get(&job->base.s_fence->finished); 80 81 kref_get(&job->refcount); 82 83 drm_sched_entity_push_job(&job->base, &vc4file->sched_entity[queue]); 84 85 return 0; 86 } 87 88 /* Queues a struct vc4_exec_info for execution. If no job is 89 * currently executing, then submits it. 90 * 91 * Unlike most GPUs, our hardware only handles one command list at a 92 * time. To queue multiple jobs at once, we'd need to edit the 93 * previous command list to have a jump to the new one at the end, and 94 * then bump the end address. That's a change for a later date, 95 * though. 96 */ 97 static int 98 vc4_queue_submit_to_scheduler(struct drm_device *dev, 99 struct drm_file *file_priv, 100 struct vc4_exec_info *exec, 101 struct ww_acquire_ctx *acquire_ctx) 102 { 103 struct vc4_dev *vc4 = to_vc4_dev(dev); 104 struct drm_vc4_submit_cl *args = exec->args; 105 struct vc4_job *bin = NULL; 106 struct vc4_job *render = NULL; 107 struct drm_syncobj *out_sync; 108 uint64_t seqno; 109 unsigned long irqflags; 110 int ret; 111 112 spin_lock_irqsave(&vc4->job_lock, irqflags); 113 114 seqno = ++vc4->emit_seqno; 115 exec->seqno = seqno; 116 117 spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vc4->job_lock, irqflags); 118 119 render = kcalloc(1, sizeof(*render), GFP_KERNEL); 120 if (!render) 121 return -ENOMEM; 122 123 render->exec = exec; 124 125 ret = vc4_job_init(vc4, file_priv, render, vc4_job_free, args->in_sync); 126 if (ret) { 127 kfree(render); 128 return ret; 129 } 130 131 if (args->bin_cl_size != 0) { 132 bin = kcalloc(1, sizeof(*bin), GFP_KERNEL); 133 if (!bin) { 134 vc4_job_put(render); 135 return -ENOMEM; 136 } 137 138 bin->exec = exec; 139 140 ret = vc4_job_init(vc4, file_priv, bin, vc4_job_free, args->in_sync); 141 if (ret) { 142 vc4_job_put(render); 143 kfree(bin); 144 return ret; 145 } 146 } 147 148 mutex_lock(&vc4->sched_lock); 149 150 if (bin) { 151 ret = vc4_push_job(file_priv, bin, VC4_BIN); 152 if (ret) 153 goto FAIL; 154 155 ret = drm_gem_fence_array_add(&render->deps, dma_fence_get(bin->done_fence)); 156 if (ret) 157 goto FAIL; 158 } 159 160 vc4_push_job(file_priv, render, VC4_RENDER); 161 162 mutex_unlock(&vc4->sched_lock); 163 164 if (args->out_sync) { 165 out_sync = drm_syncobj_find(file_priv, args->out_sync); 166 if (!out_sync) { 167 ret = -EINVAL; 168 goto FAIL;; 169 } 170 171 drm_syncobj_replace_fence(out_sync, &bin->base.s_fence->scheduled); 172 exec->fence = render->done_fence; 173 174 drm_syncobj_put(out_sync); 175 } 176 177 vc4_update_bo_seqnos(exec, seqno); 178 179 vc4_unlock_bo_reservations(dev, exec, acquire_ctx); 180 181 if (bin) 182 vc4_job_put(bin); 183 vc4_job_put(render); 184 185 return 0; 186 187 FAIL: 188 return ret; 189 }
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