
链表定义:一种递归的数据结构, 它是在集合类的抽象数据,它或者为空, 或者是指向一个节点 (node) 的引用, 该结点含有一个泛型的元素和一个指向另一条链表的引用。


    public class LinkList<T> : IEnumerable
        public Node First { get => _first; set { _first = value; } }
        public Node Last { get => _last; set { _last = value; } }
        public bool isEmpty() { return _first == null; }

        private Node _first;
        private Node _last;
        private int N;
        // 节点的抽象数据类型
        public class Node
            public T val;
            public Node next;

            public Node(T val) { this.val = val; }

        public void AddFirst(T val)
            // it doesn't matter whether the first is null
            Node oldFirst = _first;
            _first = new Node(val);
            _first.next = oldFirst;
            if (N == 1) { _last = _first; }

        public void AddLast(T val)
            // it doesn't matter whether the last is null
            Node oldLast = _last;
            _last = new Node(val);
            _last.next = null;
            if (N == 1) { _first = _last; }
            else oldLast.next = _last;

        // make the class iterable
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            Node current = _first;

            while (current != null)
                yield return current.val;
                current = current.next;




  public class RecycleLinkList<Tval> : IEnumerable
        public class Node
            public Tval val;
            public Node next;
            public Node(Tval val) { this.val = val; }

        private Node _first;
        private Node _last;
        private int _n;

        public Node First { set => _first = value; get => _first; }
        public Node Last { set => _last = value; get => _last; }
        public bool IsEmpty() { return _first == null; }
        public int Size() { return _n; }

        public void Add(Tval val)
            Node oldLast = _last;
            _last = new Node(val);

            if (IsEmpty())
                _first = _last;
                oldLast.next = _last;

            // 与单向链表唯一的不同,多了下面这行代码
            // last.next = null;
            _last.next = _first;

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            Node current = _first;

            while (current != null)
                yield return current.val;
                current = current.next;




可实现任意插入和删除操作, 与单向链表相比多了一个向前的指向。


    public class DoubleRecycleLinkedList<Tval>
        public class Node
            public Tval Val { set; get; }
            public Node Next { set; get; }
            public Node Prev { set; get; }
            public Node(Tval val, Node prev, Node next)
                this.Val = val;
                this.Prev = prev;
                this.Next = next;

        private Node _first;
        private Node _last;
        private int _size;
        public DoubleRecycleLinkedList()
            _first = new Node(default(Tval), null, null);
            _first.Prev = _first;
            _first.Next = _first;
            _size = 0;

        public int Size() => _size;
        public bool IsEmpty() => _size == 0;

        // search by index
        private Node GetNode(int index)
            if (index < 0 || index >= _size)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("the index overflow or the linkedList is null");
            // choose lookup mehtod by compare the index with _size/2 (save a lot of times)
            // forward lookup
            if (index < _size/2)  
                Node current = _first.Next;
                for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                    current = current.Next;
                return current;

            // reverse lookup
            Node rnode = _first.Prev;
            int rindex = _size - index - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < rindex; i++)
                rnode = rnode.Prev;
            return rnode;

        public Tval Get(int index) => GetNode(index).Val;

        // add node before the index
        public void InsertPrev(int index, Tval t)
            if (_size < 1 || index >= _size)
                throw new Exception("index overflow");
            if (index == 0)
                InsetAfter(_size, t);
                Node inode = GetNode(index);
                Node tnode = new Node(t, inode.Prev, inode);
                inode.Prev.Next = tnode;

        // add node after the index
        public void InsetAfter(int index, Tval t)
            Node inode;
            if (index == 0) { inode = _first; }
                // 此处代码可能有误, 无需用 index - 1 , 直接用index 即可 
                //index = index - 1;
                if (index < 0)
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("位置不存在");
                inode = GetNode(index);

            Node tnode = new Node(t, inode, inode.Next);
            inode.Next.Prev = tnode;
            inode.Next = tnode;

        public void Del(int index)
            Node inode = GetNode(index);
            inode.Prev.Next = inode.Next;
            inode.Next.Prev = inode.Prev;

        public void ShowAll()
            for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)


posted on 2017-09-21 00:39  张居斜  阅读(141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
