select sum(a.value) total_cur,
avg(a.value) avg_cur,
max(a.value) max_cur,
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and s.sid = a.sid
and b.name = 'opened cursors current'
and machine like '%yaohuiqin%'
group by s.username, s.machine
order by 1 desc;
select o.sid, osuser, machine, count(*) num_curs
from v$open_cursor o, v$session s
where user_name = 'BXCWGZ' and o.sid=s.sid
and machine like '%yaohuiqin%'
and cursor_type in ('OPEN','OPEN-RECURSIVE')
group by o.sid, osuser, machine
order by num_curs desc;
select q.sql_text,cursor_type,o.sid
from v$open_cursor o, v$sql q
where q.sql_id=o.sql_id and o.sid in('209','7','221','366','63','92','465','364','163','109','135')
and cursor_type in ('OPEN','OPEN-RECURSIVE')
and q.sql_text not like '%$%'
and q.sql_text like '%LCurrency%'
order by o.sid,q.LAST_LOAD_TIME desc
Select FCurCode From A2019297LCurrency where FIsBase=1
Select FCurCode From A2019441LCurrency where FIsBase=1
select q.sql_text,cursor_type,o.sid
from v$open_cursor o, v$sql q
where q.sql_id=o.sql_id and o.sid ='309'
and cursor_type in ('OPEN','OPEN-RECURSIVE')
and q.sql_text not like '%$%'
order by o.sid,q.LAST_LOAD_TIME desc
select q.sql_text, count(1)
from v$open_cursor o, v$sql q
where q.sql_id=o.sql_id and o.sid = 286
group by q.sql_text
order by count(1) desc
select cursor_type,count(*) from v$open_cursor where sid = 286 group by cursor_type
select cursor_type,count(*) from v$open_cursor where sid = 286 group by cursor_type
select * from v$open_cursor where sid = 465 and cursor_type in ('OPEN','OPEN-RECURSIVE')