- What is the map control (GMapControl)? This is the control which renders the map.
- What is an Overlay (GMapOverlay)? This is a layer on top of the map control. You can have several layers on top of a map, each layer representing, say, a route with stops, a list of stores etc.
- What are Markers (GMapMarker)? These are the points on a layer, each representing a specific geo location (Lat,Lon) e.g. each drop point on a route.
- What is a route (GMapRoute)? This is the path or direction between two or more poin
2、c# 使用GMap 实现具体的功能(加载地图、放大、缩小、鹰眼、添加点线面、自定义marker、截图、下载缓存)
注:添加GMap.NET.Core.dll 和 GMap.NET.WindowsForms.dll文件,引用后使用GMap的控件。
2.1 加载地图
这里直接调用了SuperMap iServer REST服务。调用第三方地图服务参考
2.2 放大、缩小地图
private void tsbZoomIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.mapControl1.Zoom += 1; } private void tsbZoomOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.mapControl1.Zoom -= 1; } //定义的地图控件缩放变化后对应的事件 private void mapControl1_OnMapZoomChanged() { double zoom = this.mapControl1.Zoom - Convert.ToDouble(5); this.mapControl2.Zoom = zoom; //设置地图缩放大小 }
2.3 鹰眼
gMapControl1 事件设置代码:
private bool Mapleft1 = false; private void gMapControl1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { Mapleft1 = true; } } private void gMapControl1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { Mapleft1 = false; } } private void gMapControl1_OnPositionChanged(PointLatLng point) { if (Mapleft1) { this.gMapControl2.Position = point; //设置小地图中心点 } } private void gMapControl1_OnMapZoomChanged() { double zoom = this.gMapControl1.Zoom - Convert.ToDouble(5); this.gMapControl2.Zoom = zoom; //设置地图缩放大小 }
gMapControl2 事件设置代码:
private bool Mapleft2 = false; private void gMapControl2_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { lastPosition1 = this.gMapControl1.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); } private void gMapControl2_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button==MouseButtons.Left) { Mapleft2 = false; } } private void gMapControl2_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { this.gMapControl1.Position = lastPosition1; //鼠标单击设置gMapControl1.中心点 Mapleft2 = true; } } private void gMapControl2_OnPositionChanged(PointLatLng point) { if (Mapleft2) { this.gMapControl1.Position = point; //设置gMapControl1中心点 } }
2.4 添加点线面
IAction _editAddAlarmAction = null; //添加告警源 private void tsbAddAlarm_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_editAddAlarmAction == null) { _editAddAlarmAction = new AddAlarmAction(); } this.mapControl1.CurrentAction = _editAddAlarmAction; ToolCheckChanged((sender as ToolStripItem).Name); }
public class AddAlarmAction : Action { List<Feature> targetFeatures = null; private GMapControl _gMapControl = null; private GMapOverlay markerOverlay = new GMapOverlay("addalarm"); private bool _start = false; List<PointLatLng> _points = null; List<Point2D> _point2Ds = new List<Point2D>(); private string _mapUrl = string.Empty; private string _mapName = string.Empty; Map _map = null; public override void OnLoad(GMapControl gMapControl) { _gMapControl = gMapControl; _gMapControl.Overlays.Add(markerOverlay); _points = new List<PointLatLng>(); _start = false; this._mapUrl = ((SuperMapProvider)gMapControl.MapProvider).ServiceUrl; this._mapName = ((SuperMapProvider)gMapControl.MapProvider).MapName; this._map = new Map(this._mapUrl); } public override void OnMapMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { PointLatLng currentPoint = this._gMapControl.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); double mercatorX, mercatorY; Helper.LonLat2Mercator(currentPoint.Lng, currentPoint.Lat, out mercatorX, out mercatorY); Point2D point2D = new Point2D(mercatorX, mercatorY); _point2Ds.Add(point2D); _points.Add(currentPoint); if (_start) { GMapMarker marker = new GMapMarkerImage(currentPoint, new Bitmap("C:\\Users\\yaohui\\Desktop\\iClient-for-DotNet-master\\iClient-for-DotNet-master\\Demo\\demo.winform\\Resources\\sign-warning-icon.png")); markerOverlay.Markers.Add(marker); marker.ToolTipText = "告警源编号:"; marker.ToolTip.Fill = Brushes.Blue; marker.ToolTip.Foreground = Brushes.White; marker.ToolTip.Stroke = Pens.Black; marker.ToolTip.TextPadding = new Size(20, 20); marker.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.OnMouseOver; } _start = true; } public override void OnMapMouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!_start) return; PointLatLng currentPoint = this._gMapControl.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); double mercatorX, mercatorY; Helper.LonLat2Mercator(currentPoint.Lng, currentPoint.Lat, out mercatorX, out mercatorY); Point2D point2D = new Point2D(mercatorX, mercatorY); markerOverlay.Markers.Clear(); _points.Clear(); _point2Ds.Clear(); _start = false; } }
2.5 自定义marker
using GMap.NET.WindowsForms; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace gmap.demo.winform { class GMapMarkerImage : GMapMarker { private Image image; public Image Image { get { return image; } set { image = value; if (image != null) { this.Size = new Size(image.Width, image.Height); } } } public bool IsHighlight = true; public Pen HighlightPen { set; get; } public Pen FlashPen { set; get; } public Pen OutPen { get; set; } private Timer flashTimer = new Timer(); private int radius; private int flashRadius; public GMapMarkerImage(GMap.NET.PointLatLng p, Image image) : base(p) { Size = new System.Drawing.Size(image.Width, image.Height); Offset = new System.Drawing.Point(-Size.Width / 2, -Size.Height / 2); Image = image; HighlightPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(Brushes.Red, 2); radius = Size.Width >= Size.Height ? Size.Width : Size.Height; flashTimer.Interval = 10; flashTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(flashTimer_Tick); } void flashTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FlashPen == null) { FlashPen = new Pen(Brushes.Red, 3); flashRadius = radius; } else { flashRadius += radius / 4; if (flashRadius >= 2 * radius) { flashRadius = radius; FlashPen.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Red); } else { Random rand = new Random(); int alpha = rand.Next(255); FlashPen.Color = Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.Red); } } } //this.Overlay.Control.Refresh(); //this.mapControl1.Refresh(); public void StartFlash() { flashTimer.Start(); } public void StopFlash() { flashTimer.Stop(); if (FlashPen != null) { FlashPen.Dispose(); FlashPen = null; } } //this.mapControl1.Refresh(); public override void OnRender(Graphics g) { if (image == null) return; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(LocalPosition.X, LocalPosition.Y, Size.Width, Size.Height); g.DrawImage(image, rect); if (IsMouseOver && IsHighlight) { g.DrawRectangle(HighlightPen, rect); } if (FlashPen != null) { g.DrawEllipse(FlashPen, new Rectangle(LocalPosition.X - flashRadius / 2 + Size.Width / 2, LocalPosition.Y - flashRadius / 2 + Size.Height / 2, flashRadius, flashRadius)); } } //public override void Dispose() //{ // if (HighlightPen != null) // { // HighlightPen.Dispose(); // HighlightPen = null; // } // if (FlashPen != null) // { // FlashPen.Dispose(); // FlashPen = null; // } //} } }
2.6 截图
//地图保存为图片 private void toolStripButton6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog()) { dialog.Filter = "PNG (*.png)|*.png"; dialog.FileName = "GMap.NET image"; Image image = this.mapControl1.ToImage(); if (image != null) { using (image) { if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string fileName = dialog.FileName; if (!fileName.EndsWith(".png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { fileName += ".png"; } image.Save(fileName); MessageBox.Show("图片已保存: " + dialog.FileName, "GMap.NET", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("图片保存失败: " + exception.Message, "GMap.NET", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } }
2.7 保存缓存
//保存缓存 private void toolStripButton7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.mapControl1.ShowExportDialog() == true) { //this.gMapControl1.ShowTileGridLines = true;//显示瓦片,也就是显示方格 this.mapControl1.ReloadMap(); } }
3、iclient for .net 模拟B/S实现报警闪烁demo展示