ffplay - FFplay media player [reship]


ffplay [options] input_file

FFplay is a very simple and portable media player using the FFmpeg libraries and the SDL library. It is mostly used as a test bench for the various APIs of FFmpeg.

"Main options"

show help force displayed width force displayed height disable audio disable video disable graphical display force format
"Advanced options"

show the stream duration, the codec parameters, the current position in the stream, and the audio/video synchronisation drift. force RTP/TCP protocol usage instead of RTP/UDP. It is only meaningful if you are doing stream with the RTSP protocol. set the master clock to audio ( type=audio), video ( type=video) or external ( type=ext). Default is audio. The master clock is used to control audio-video synchronization. Most media players use audio as master clock, but in some cases (streaming or high quality broadcast) it is necessary to change that. This option is mainly used for debugging purposes.


ffsserver - FFserver video server

ffserver [options]

FFserver is a streaming server for both audio and video. It supports several live feeds, streaming from files and time shifting on live feeds (you can seek to positions in the past on each live feed, provided you specify a big enough feed storage in ffserver.conf).

This documentation covers only the streaming aspects of ffserver / ffmpeg. All questions about parameters for ffmpeg, codec questions, etc. are not covered here. Read ffmpeg-doc.html for more information.

print the license print the help use configfile instead of /etc/ffserver.conf
posted on 2006-05-31 17:18  三千  阅读(1955)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报