
  1. Python configuration setup for 'xm create'.
  2. This script sets the parameters used when a domain is created using 'xm create'.
  3. You use a separate script for each domain you want to create, or
  4. you can set the parameters for the domain on the xm command line.
  5. ============================================================================

import os, re arch = os.uname()[4] if re.search('64', arch):

    arch_libdir = 'lib64'


    arch_libdir = 'lib'
  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Kernel image file.

kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"

  1. The domain build function. HVM domain uses 'hvm'.


  1. Node infomation

nodenum = 2 nodeid = 0

  1. 主:prime=1 从prime=0

prime = 1

  1. 主:pinexp=20 从:pinexp=0

pinexp = 20 spinexp = 0 awinterval = 0 scproto = 0 sgfn = 0

  1. 双结点的IP,前主后从.

nodeip = ["",""]

vcpus_on_nodes = [1,1]

  1. Initial memory allocation (in megabytes) for the new domain.
  2. WARNING: Creating a domain with insufficient memory may cause out of
  3. memory errors. The domain needs enough memory to boot kernel
  4. and modules. Allocating less than 32MBs is not recommended.

memory = 1024

  1. Shadow pagetable memory for the domain, in MB.
  2. Should be at least 2KB per MB of domain memory, plus a few MB per vcpu.

shadow_memory = 8

  1. A name for your domain. All domains must have different names.

name = "hvm"

  1. 128-bit UUID for the domain. The default behavior is to generate a new UUID
  2. on each call to 'xm create'.
  3. uuid = "06ed00fe-1162-4fc4-b5d8-11993ee4a8b9"
  4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. the number of cpus guest platform has, default=1

vcpus = 2


  1. enable/disable HVM guest PAE, default=0 (disabled)
  2. pae=0
  3. enable/disable HVM guest ACPI, default=0 (disabled)


  1. enable/disable HVM guest APIC, default=0 (disabled)


  1. List of which CPUS this domain is allowed to use, default Xen picks
  2. cpus = "" # leave to Xen to pick
  3. cpus = "0" # all vcpus run on CPU0
  4. cpus = "0-3,5,^1" # run on cpus 0,2,3,5
  5. Optionally define mac and/or bridge for the network interfaces.
  6. Random MACs are assigned if not given.
  7. vif = [ 'type=ioemu' ]
  8. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Define the disk devices you want the domain to have access to, and
  10. what you want them accessible as.
  11. Each disk entry is of the form phy:UNAME,DEV,MODE
  12. where UNAME is the device, DEV is the device name the domain will see,
  13. and MODE is r for read-only, w for read-write.
  14. disk = [ 'file:/export/home/mydisk.raw,hdc,w', 'file:/export/home/install.iso,hda:cdrom,r' ]
  15. disk:主结点disk,从结点可以一个空文件.

disk = [ 'file:/root/szl/disk_szl.img,hdc,w']

  1. disk = [ 'phy:/dev/dsk/c1d0p0,hdc,w', 'file:/export/home/install.iso,hda:cdrom,r' ]
  2. disk = [ 'phy:/dev/zvol/dsk/mypool/mydisk,hdc,w', 'file:/export/home/install.iso,hda:cdrom,r' ]
  3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Configure the behaviour when a domain exits. There are three 'reasons'
  5. for a domain to stop: poweroff, reboot, and crash. For each of these you
  6. may specify:
  7. "destroy", meaning that the domain is cleaned up as normal;
  8. "restart", meaning that a new domain is started in place of the old
  9. one;
  10. "preserve", meaning that no clean-up is done until the domain is
  11. manually destroyed (using xm destroy, for example); or
  12. "rename-restart", meaning that the old domain is not cleaned up, but is
  13. renamed and a new domain started in its place.
  14. The default is
  15. on_poweroff = 'destroy'
  16. on_reboot = 'restart'
  17. on_crash = 'restart'
  18. For backwards compatibility we also support the deprecated option restart
  19. restart = 'onreboot' means on_poweroff = 'destroy'
  20. on_reboot = 'restart'
  21. on_crash = 'destroy'
  22. restart = 'always' means on_poweroff = 'restart'
  23. on_reboot = 'restart'
  24. on_crash = 'restart'
  25. restart = 'never' means on_poweroff = 'destroy'
  26. on_reboot = 'destroy'
  27. on_crash = 'destroy'

on_poweroff = 'destroy' on_reboot = 'restart' on_crash = 'preserve'

  1. ============================================================================
  2. New stuff
  3. device_model = '/usr/' + arch_libdir + '/xen/bin/qemu-dm'

device_model = '/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm'

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. boot on floppy (a), hard disk (c) or CD-ROM (d)
  3. default: hard disk, cd-rom, floppy
  4. boot="cda"


  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. write to temporary files instead of disk image files
  3. snapshot=1
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. enable SDL library for graphics, default = 0


  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. enable VNC library for graphics, default = 1


  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. address that should be listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set.
  3. default is to use 'vnc-listen' setting from /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp


  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. set VNC display number, default = domid


  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. try to find an unused port for the VNC server, default = 1
  3. vncunused=1
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. enable spawning vncviewer for domain's console
  6. (only valid when vnc=1), default = 0



  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. no graphics, use serial port


  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. enable stdvga, default = 0 (use cirrus logic device model)


  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. serial port re-direct to pty deivce, /dev/pts/n
  3. then xm console or minicom can connect
  4. serial='pty'
  5. serial='stdio'
  6. serial='file:/tmp/blah'
  7. serial='/dev/pts/0'


  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. enable sound card support, [sb16|es1370|all|..,..], default none
  3. soundhw='sb16'
  4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. set the real time clock to local time [default=0 i.e. set to utc]
  6. localtime=1
  7. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. start in full screen
  9. full-screen=1
  10. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Enable USB support (specific devices specified at runtime through the
  12. monitor window)
  13. usb=1
  14. Enable USB mouse support (only enable one of the following, `mouse' for
  15. PS/2 protocol relative mouse, `tablet' for
  16. absolute mouse)
  17. usbdevice='mouse'
  18. usbdevice='tablet'