

一下单词来自于《Pattern Recogniton and Machine Learning》的Introduction(绪论)部分

English Translation Example
  •  [,pɒlɪ'nəʊmɪəl]


 Curve  曲线  
 Polynomial Curve Fitting  多项式曲线拟合  
 Probability Theory  概率论  
  •  [æm'bɪgjʊəs]
 fraction  分数 It is given by the number of points falling in the cell i,j as a fraction of the
total number of points, and hence
  • [ˈmjuːtʃuəli]
 exclusive  独有的;排外的  
 mutually exclusive  互相排斥的  Also, if the events are mutually exclusive and

 if they include all possible outcomes,

 then we see that the probabilities for those events must sum to one.

 overall  全部的  
 derive  派生,得出  In order to derive the rules of probability
  •  ['traɪəl]
 试验 Consider a total of N trials in which we sample both of the
variables X and Y
  •  ['mɑːdʒɪn(ə)l]
 marginal probability  边缘概率  
 conditional probability  条件概率  
 random variable  随机变量  
 distribution  分布 we may simply write p(B) to denote a distribution over the random
variable B
  •  [ɪntɜːprɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]

 provided that the interpretation is clear from the context 


 joint probability  联合概率  p(X,Y)

 be verbalized as

  •  ['vɜːb(ə)laɪz]


  •  ['sɪmɪtrɪ]
 symmetry property  对称性  
 Bayes’ theorem  贝叶斯定理  
  • [dɪ'nɒmɪneɪtə]


  •  ['hɪstəgræm]
 statistical  统计的  
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