|NO.Z.00087|——————————|BigDataEnd|——|Hadoop&Spark.V03|——|Spark.v03|Spark 原理 源码|作业执行原理&Stage划分&DAGScheduler中的重要对象|

### --- Stage划分

~~~     Spark的任务调度从 DAG 划分开始,由 DAGScheduler 完成
~~~     DAGScheduler 根据 RDD 的血缘关系构成的 DAG 进行切分,将一个Job划分为若干Stages,
~~~     具体划分策略是:从最后一个RDD开始,
~~~     通过回溯依赖判断父依赖是否是宽依赖(即以Shuffle为界),划分Stage;
~~~     窄依赖的RDD之间被划分到同一个Stage中,可以进行 pipeline 式的计算
~~~     在向前搜索的过程中使用深度优先搜索算法
~~~     最后一个Stage称为ResultStage,其他的都是ShuffleMapStage
~~~     一个Stage是否被提交,需要判断它的父Stage是否执行。只有父Stage执行完毕才能提交当前Stage,
~~~     如果一个Stage没有父Stage,那么从该Stage开始提交
~~~     总体而言,DAGScheduler做的事情较为简单,
~~~     仅仅是在Stage层面上划分DAG,提交Stage并监控相关状态信息。

### --- DAGScheduler中的重要对象

~~~     DAGSchedulerEventProcessLoop: DAGScheduler内部的事件循环处理器,
~~~     用于处理DAGSchedulerEvent类型的事件。DAGSchedulerEventProcessLoop 实现了自 EventLoop。
### --- EventLoop是个消息异步处理策略抽象类(abstract class)

~~~     内置了一个消息队列(双端队列) eventQueue: LinkedBlockingDeque[E],
~~~     配合实现消息存储、消息消费使用
~~~     内置了一个消费线程eventThread,消费线程消费队列中的消息,
~~~     消费处理接口函数是onReceive(event: E),消费异常函数接口onError(e: Throwable)
~~~     对外开放了接收消息的post方法:接收到外部消息并存入队列,等待被消费消费线程启动方法start。
~~~     在调用线程启动方法:eventThread.start()之前,需要调用onStart()为启动做准备接口函数
~~~     消费线程停止方法stop。
~~~     在调用线程停止方法:eventThread.interrupt&eventThread.join()之后需要调用onStop()做补充接口函数
### --- 源码提取说明

~~~     # 源码提取说明: EventLoop.scala
~~~     # 34行~80private[spark] abstract class EventLoop[E](name: String) extends Logging {
    // 事件队列,双端队列
    private val eventQueue: BlockingQueue[E] = new LinkedBlockingDeque[E]()
    // 标记当前事件循环是否停止
    private val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false)
    // 事件处理线程
    private val eventThread = new Thread(name) {
      // 设置为守护线程
      // 主要的run()方法
      override def run(): Unit = {
        try {
          while (!stopped.get) {
            // 从事件队列中取出事件
            val event = eventQueue.take()
            try {
              // 交给onReceive()方法处理
            } catch { // 异常处理
              case NonFatal(e) => // 非致命异常
                try {
                  // 回调给onError()方法处理
                } catch {
                  case NonFatal(e) => logError("Unexpected error in " + name, e)
        } catch { // 中断等其他异常
          case ie: InterruptedException => // exit even if eventQueue is not empty
          case NonFatal(e) => logError("Unexpected error in " + name, e)
    // 启动当前事件循环
    def start(): Unit = {
      // 判断是否已被停止,被停止的事件循环无法被启动
      if (stopped.get) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(name + " has already been stopped")
      // Call onStart before starting the event thread to make sure it happens before onReceive
      // 调用onStart()方法通知事件循环启动了,onStart()方法由子类实现
      // 启动事件处理线程
    // 停止当前事件循环
    def stop(): Unit = {
      // CAS方式修改stopped为true,标识事件循环被停止
      if (stopped.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
        // 中断事件处理线程
        // 标识是否调用了onStop()方法
        var onStopCalled = false
        try {
          // 对事件处理线程进行join,等待它完成
          // Call onStop after the event thread exits to make sure onReceive happens before onStop
          // 标记onStopCalled并调用onStop()方法通知事件循环停止了,onStop()方法由子类实现
          onStopCalled = true
        } catch {
          case ie: InterruptedException =>
            if (!onStopCalled) {
              // 如果join过程中出现中断异常,则直接调用onStop()方法
              // ie is thrown from `eventThread.join()`. Otherwise, we should not call `onStop` since
                // it's already called.
      } else {
        // Keep quiet to allow calling `stop` multiple times.
~~~     # 源码提取说明: EventLoop.scala
~~~     # 81行~121行

     * Put the event into the event queue. The event thread will process it later.
     * 投递事件,会放入eventQueue事件队列
    def post(event: E): Unit = {
     * Return if the event thread has already been started but not yet stopped.
     * 判断事件循环是否处于激活状态
    def isActive: Boolean = eventThread.isAlive
     * Invoked when `start()` is called but before the event thread starts.
     * 表示事件循环启动了,需子类实现
    protected def onStart(): Unit = {}
     * Invoked when `stop()` is called and the event thread exits.
     * 表示事件循环停止了,需子类实现
    protected def onStop(): Unit = {}
     * Invoked in the event thread when polling events from the event queue.
     * Note: Should avoid calling blocking actions in `onReceive`, or the event thread will be blocked
     * and cannot process events in time. If you want to call some blocking actions, run them in
     * another thread.
     * 表示收到事件,需子类实现
    protected def onReceive(event: E): Unit
     * Invoked if `onReceive` throws any non fatal error. Any non fatal error thrown from `onError`
     * will be ignored.
     * 表示在处理事件时出现异常,需子类实现
    protected def onError(e: Throwable): Unit
### --- 源码概述

~~~     JobWaiter实现了 JobListener 接口,等待 DAGScheduler 中的job计算完成。
~~~     每个 Task 结束后,通过回调函数,将对应结果传递给句柄函数 resultHandler 处理。
~~~     所有Tasks都完成时认为job完成。
### --- 源码提取说明

~~~     # 源码提取说明:JobWaiter.scala
~~~     # 30行~73private[spark] class JobWaiter[T](
      dagScheduler: DAGScheduler,
      val jobId: Int,
      totalTasks: Int,
      resultHandler: (Int, T) => Unit) 
    extends JobListener with Logging {
    // 等待完成的Job中已经完成的Task数量
    private val finishedTasks = new AtomicInteger(0)
    // If the job is finished, this will be its result. In the case of 0 task jobs (e.g. zero
    // partition RDDs), we set the jobResult directly to JobSucceeded.
     * 用来代表Job完成后的结果。
     * 如果totalTasks等于零,说明没有Task需要执行,此时将被直接设置为Success。
    private val jobPromise: Promise[Unit] = 
      if (totalTasks == 0) Promise.successful(()) else Promise()
    // Job是否已经完成
    def jobFinished: Boolean = jobPromise.isCompleted
    // 返回jobPromise的future
    def completionFuture: Future[Unit] = jobPromise.future
     * Sends a signal to the DAGScheduler to cancel the job. The cancellation itself ishandled
     * asynchronously. After the low level scheduler cancels all the tasks belonging to thisjob, it
     * will fail this job with a SparkException.
     * 取消对Job的执行
    def cancel() {
      // 使用DAGScheduler的cancelJob()方法来取消Job
    // Job执行成功后将调用该方法
    override def taskSucceeded(index: Int, result: Any): Unit = {
      // resultHandler call must be synchronized in case resultHandler itself is not threadsafe.
      synchronized { // 加锁进行回调
        resultHandler(index, result.asInstanceOf[T])
      // 完成Task数量自增,如果所有Task都完成了就调用JobPromise的success()方法
      if (finishedTasks.incrementAndGet() == totalTasks) {
    // Job执行失败后将调用该方法
    override def jobFailed(exception: Exception): Unit = {
      // 调用jobPromise的相关方法将其设置为Failure
      if (!jobPromise.tryFailure(exception)) {
        logWarning("Ignore failure", exception)


Walter Savage Landor:strove with none,for none was worth my strife.Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art:I warm'd both hands before the fire of life.It sinks, and I am ready to depart



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