
### --- 新增会员

~~~     留存会员:某段时间的新增会员,经过一段时间后,仍继续使用应用认为是留存会员;
~~~     新增会员:第一次使用应用的用户,定义为新增会员;卸载再次安装的设备,不会被算作一次新增。
~~~     新增会员先计算 => 计算会员留存
### --- 案例分析:
~~~     # 需求:每日新增会员数

~~~     # 08-02:
~~~     DWD:会员每日启动明细(95-110);所有会员的信息(1-100)???
~~~     新增会员:101-110
~~~     新增会员数据 + 旧的所有会员的信息 = 新的所有会员的信息(1-110)
~~~     # 08-03:
~~~     DWD:会员每日启动明细(100-120);所有会员的信息(1-110)
~~~     新增会员:111-120
~~~     新增会员数据 + 旧的所有会员的信息 = 新的所有会员的信息(1-120)
### --- 计算步骤:

~~~     计算新增会员
~~~     更新所有会员信息
### --- 改进后方法:

~~~     在所有会员信息中增加时间列,表示这个会员是哪一天成为新增会员
~~~     只需要一张表:所有会员的信息(id,dt)
~~~     将新增会员 插入 所有会员表中
### --- 步骤一:日志动表t1
### --- 日志动表t1:如何计算新增会员
~~~     # 语法-- 日启动表 => DWS

use test;
drop table t1;
create table t1(id int, dt string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
load data local inpath '/data/yanqidw/logs/data/t10.dat' into table t1;
select * from t1;
~~~     # 准备数据集

[root@hadoop02 ~]# vim /data/yanqidw/logs/data/t10.dat
~~~     # 建表并查看数据
~~~     # 建表

hive (default)> use test;
hive (test)> drop table t1;
hive (test)> create table t1(id int, dt string)
           > row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
hive (test)> load data local inpath '/data/yanqidw/logs/data/t10.dat' into table t1;
~~~     # 查看加载的数据

hive (test)> select * from t1;
t1.id   t1.dt
4   2020-08-02
5   2020-08-02
6   2020-08-02
7   2020-08-02
8   2020-08-02
9   2020-08-02
### --- 步骤二:全量数据t2
~~~     # 全量数据t2:如何计算新增会员
~~~     # 语法
-- 全量数据 => DWS

drop table t2;
create table t2(id int, dt string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
load data local inpath '/data/yanqidw/logs/data/t2.dat' into table t2;
~~~     # 准备数据集

[root@hadoop02 ~]# vim /data/yanqidw/logs/data/t2.dat
~~~     # 建表并查看数据
~~~     # 建表

hive (test)> drop table t2;
hive (test)> create table t2(id int, dt string)
           > row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
hive (test)> load data local inpath '/data/yanqidw/logs/data/t2.dat' into table t2;
~~~     # 查看加载的数据

hive (test)> select * from t2;
t2.id   t2.dt
1   2020-08-01
2   2020-08-01
3   2020-08-01
4   2020-08-01
5   2020-08-01
6   2020-08-01
### --- 步骤三:将找到 2020-08-02 新用户数据插入t2表中
~~~     # 找出 2020-08-02 的新用户

~~~     # 语法
~~~     找出 2020-08-02 的新用户
select t1.id, t1.dt, t2.id, t2.dt
from t1 left join t2 on t1.id=t2.id
where t1.dt="2020-08-02";

select t1.id, t1.dt
from t1 left join t2 on t1.id=t2.id
where t1.dt="2020-08-02"
and t2.id is null;
~~~     # 操作实例

hive (test)> select t1.id, t1.dt, t2.id, t2.dt
           > from t1 left join t2 on t1.id=t2.id
           > where t1.dt="2020-08-02";
t1.id   t1.dt   t2.id   t2.dt
4   2020-08-02  4   2020-08-01
5   2020-08-02  5   2020-08-01
6   2020-08-02  6   2020-08-01
7   2020-08-02  NULL    NULL
8   2020-08-02  NULL    NULL
9   2020-08-02  NULL    NULL
hive (test)> select t1.id, t1.dt
           > from t1 left join t2 on t1.id=t2.id
           > where t1.dt="2020-08-02"
           > and t2.id is null;
t1.id   t1.dt
7   2020-08-02
8   2020-08-02
9   2020-08-02
~~~     # 将找到 2020-08-02 新用户数据插入t2表中

~~~     # 语法
~~~     将找到 2020-08-02 新用户数据插入t2表中
insert into table t2
select t1.id, t1.dt
from t1 left join t2 on t1.id=t2.id
where t1.dt="2020-08-02"
and t2.id is null;

~~~     检查结果
select * from t2;
~~~     # 操作实例

hive (test)> insert into table t2
           > select t1.id, t1.dt
           > from t1 left join t2 on t1.id=t2.id
           > where t1.dt="2020-08-02"
           > and t2.id is null;
hive (test)> select * from t2;
t2.id   t2.dt
7   2020-08-02
8   2020-08-02
9   2020-08-02
1   2020-08-01
2   2020-08-01
3   2020-08-01
4   2020-08-01
5   2020-08-01
6   2020-08-01
### --- 步骤四:将找到 2020-08-03 新用户数据插入t2表中
~~~     # t1加载2020--8-03的数据到t1表中

~~~     # 语法
~~~     t1 加载 2020-08-03 的数据
load data local inpath '/data/yanqidw/logs/data/t3.dat' into table t1;
~~~     # 准备数据

[root@hadoop02 ~]# vim /data/yanqidw/logs/data/t3.dat
~~~     # 操作实例
~~~     t1 加载 2020-08-03 的数据

hive (test)> load data local inpath '/data/yanqidw/logs/data/t3.dat' into table t1;
~~~     # 查看t1表中现在的数据

hive (test)> select * from t1;
t1.id   t1.dt
4   2020-08-02
5   2020-08-02
6   2020-08-02
7   2020-08-02
8   2020-08-02
9   2020-08-02
14  2020-08-03
15  2020-08-03
16  2020-08-03
17  2020-08-03
18  2020-08-03
19  2020-08-03
### --- 步骤五:将找到 2020-08-03 新用户数据插入t2表中
~~~     # 将找到 2020-08-03 新用户数据插入t2表中
~~~     # 语法
~~~     将找到 2020-08-03 新用户数据插入t2表中

insert into table t2
select t1.id, t1.dt
from t1 left join t2 on t1.id=t2.id
where t1.dt="2020-08-03"
and t2.id is null;
~~~     检查结果

select * from t2;
~~~     # 操作实例

hive (test)> insert into table t2
           > select t1.id, t1.dt
           > from t1 left join t2 on t1.id=t2.id
           > where t1.dt="2020-08-03"
           > and t2.id is null;
hive (test)> select * from t2;
t2.id   t2.dt
7   2020-08-02
8   2020-08-02
9   2020-08-02
14  2020-08-03
15  2020-08-03
16  2020-08-03
17  2020-08-03
18  2020-08-03
19  2020-08-03
1   2020-08-01
2   2020-08-01
3   2020-08-01
4   2020-08-01
5   2020-08-01
6   2020-08-01


Walter Savage Landor:strove with none,for none was worth my strife.Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art:I warm'd both hands before the fire of life.It sinks, and I am ready to depart



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