
### --- 使用Blue Ocean生成pipeline:Jenkinsfile
~~~     # 创建一个流水线项目,使用pipeline创建流水线模板
~~~     不支持写kubernetes模板,需要把编译的容器的模板加进去
~~~     Environment:添加环境变量

~~~     进入jenkins——>Dashboard——>jenkinsfile——>master——>Open Blue Ocean——>Edit——>
~~~     ——>Pipeline Settings——>Agents:kubernetes                
~~~     ——>添加环境变量:Environment:
~~~     ——>CommitID
~~~     ——>CommitMessage
~~~     ——>TAG
### --- 步骤一:获取代码仓库的项目,自动触发构建

~~~     # git地址:使用变量获取
~~~     # Credentialsld凭证ID:7a1ce79d-acbe-443c-b500-0971c05b9cdf:gitlab key凭证ID
~~~     步骤一:加号+——>Name your stage:pulling Code——>Add step:Git
~~~     ——>Url:"${REPO_URL}"——>Branch:"${BRANCH}"——>取消对勾:Changelog
~~~     ——>Credentialsld:7a1ce79d-acbe-443c-b500-0971c05b9cdf——>返回键——>
### --- 步骤二:手动触发Jenkins进行构建——>和步骤一平级

~~~     # 步骤二:
~~~     加号+——>Name your stage:pulling Code by trigger ——>Add step:Git
~~~     ——>Url:"${REPO_URL}"——>Branch:${env.gitlabBranch}——>取消对勾:Changelog
~~~     ——>Credentialsld:7a1ce79d-acbe-443c-b500-0971c05b9cdf——>返回键——>
### --- 步骤三:生成的镜像就是唯一的标签

~~~     # 步骤三:
~~~     加号+——>Name your stage:initConfiguration
~~~     ——>Add step:Run arbitrary Pipeline script——>返回键——>
~~~     CommitID = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%h'").trim()
~~~               CommitMessage = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -1 --pretty=format:'%h : %an  %s'").trim()
~~~               def curDate = sh(script: "date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'", returnStdout: true).trim()
~~~               TAG = curDate[0..14] + "-" + CommitID + "-" + BRANCH
~~~     # 注:
~~~     ——>println "初始化一些配置变量"    
~~~     ——>CommitMessage = sh(returnstdout: true, script: "git log -1 --pretty=format:'%h : %an %s' ").trim()  

~~~     # 注:把日志打印出来
~~~     ——>CommitID = sh(returnstdout: true, script: "git log -1 --pretty=format:'%h' ").trim()  
~~~     # 注:获取哈希值
~~~     ——>def curDate = sh(returnstdout: true, script: "date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S' ").trim()     

~~~     # 注:获取时间生成标签
~~~     # 注:init获取到git项目的一些信息,比如提交人是谁,根据提交人,时间生成一个tag
~~~     # 注:Run arbitrary Pipeline script:触发了一个shell命令,是一个全局的信息
~~~     ——>TAG = curDate[0..14] + '-" + CommitID + "-" + BRANCH
### --- 步骤四:代码编译构建

~~~     # 步骤四:加号+——>Name your stage:Building——>
~~~     ——>Add step:Shell Script——>
~~~     """
~~~                               echo "Building Project..."
~~~                               ${BUILD_COMMAND}
~~~                             """
~~~     ——>Add step:Run build steps in a container——>Name:build——>Shell:空——>返回键——>
### --- 步骤五:代码扫描

~~~     # 部署五:
~~~     并行:加号+——>Name your stage:Scan Code——>Add step:Shell Script——>返回键——>
~~~     echo "Scan Code"
### --- 步骤六:根据dockerfile生成镜像   

~~~     # 步骤六:
~~~     加号+——>Name your stage:Build image
~~~     ——>Add step:Bind credentials to variables
~~~     Bindings*
~~~     This property type is not supported
~~~     ——>Add step:Run build steps in a container——>Name:docker——>Shell:空
~~~     ——>Add step:Shell Script
~~~     """
~~~                           docker build -t ${HARBOR_ADDRESS}/${REGISTRY_DIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} .
~~~                           docker login -u ${Username} -p ${Password} ${HARBOR_ADDRESS}
~~~                           docker push ${HARBOR_ADDRESS}/${REGISTRY_DIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG}
~~~                           """
~~~     ——>返回键——>
### --- 步骤七:部署流水线

~~~     步骤七:加号+——>Name your stage:Deploy
~~~     ——>Add step:Run build steps in a container——>Name:kubectl——>Shell:空
~~~     ——>Add step:Shell Script——>
~~~     """
~~~                       cat ${KUBECONFIG_PATH} > /tmp/1.yaml
~~~                 /usr/local/bin/kubectl config use-context ${CLUSTER} --kubeconfig=/tmp/1.yaml
~~~                 export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/1.yaml
~~~                 /usr/local/bin/kubectl set image ${DEPLOY_TYPE} -l ${DEPLOY_LABEL} ${CONTAINER_NAME}=${HARBOR_ADDRESS}/${REGISTRY_DIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} -n ${NAMESPACE}
~~~               """    
~~~     ——>返回键——>
### --- initConfiguration / Run arbitrary Pipeline script

CommitID = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%h'").trim()
          CommitMessage = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -1 --pretty=format:'%h : %an  %s'").trim()
          def curDate = sh(script: "date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'", returnStdout: true).trim()
          TAG = curDate[0..14] + "-" + CommitID + "-" + BRANCH
### --- Building / Shell Script

                          echo "Building Project..."
### --- Scan Code / Shell Script

echo "Scan Code"
### --- Build image / Shell Script

                      docker build -t ${HARBOR_ADDRESS}/${REGISTRY_DIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} .
                      docker login -u ${Username} -p ${Password} ${HARBOR_ADDRESS}
                      docker push ${HARBOR_ADDRESS}/${REGISTRY_DIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG}
### --- Deploy / Shell Script

                  cat ${KUBECONFIG_PATH} > /tmp/1.yaml
            /usr/local/bin/kubectl config use-context ${CLUSTER} --kubeconfig=/tmp/1.yaml
            export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/1.yaml
            /usr/local/bin/kubectl set image ${DEPLOY_TYPE} -l ${DEPLOY_LABEL} ${CONTAINER_NAME}=${HARBOR_ADDRESS}/${REGISTRY_DIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} -n ${NAMESPACE}
### --- 保存创建的流水线项目

~~~     保存——>Save——>Description:first commit——>Commit to new branch:java-pipeline
~~~     通过gitlab查看推送的Jenkinsfile
### --- 更新Jenkinsfile配置文件到gitlab上(使用下面的模板)

~~~     进入gitlab——>kubernetes-guide——>jenkinsfile——>java-pipeline分支——>Jenkinsfile——>Web IDE——>拷贝pipeline模板——>commint
~~~     进入jenkins——>Dashboard——>jenkinsfile——>java-pipeline——>Open Blue Ocean——>java-pipeline


Walter Savage Landor:strove with none,for none was worth my strife.Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art:I warm'd both hands before the fire of life.It sinks, and I am ready to depart



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