

数据地址:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-RbHi5xxBwJDG1gqAYUReQ 密码: rkup


import argparse
import time

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--train', help='input a training file')
parser.add_argument('--test', help='input a testing file')
args = parser.parse_args()

class POSTagging():
    # ======输入文件处理=============
    def __init__(self, train_path, test_path):
        # 读取传入文件内容,生成训练及测试需要的数据格式
        train_lst, test_lst = [], []
        with open(train_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f1, open(test_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f2:
            train_lst, test_lst = f1.readlines(), f2. readlines()
        temp_train_lst = [train_line.strip() for train_line in train_lst]
        temp_test_lst = [test_line.strip() for test_line in test_lst]
        temp_train_sent, temp_test_sent = [], []
        self.train_sent_lst, self.test_sent_lst = [], []
        self.tags_cnt, self.words_cnt = 0, 0
        self.tag2num, self.num2tag = {}, []
        self.word2num = {}

        for i in range(len(temp_train_lst)):
            line = temp_train_lst[i]
            if line.split('/')[0] == '###':
                temp_train_sent = []
            elif line != '':
        if temp_train_sent != []:
        for i in range(len(temp_test_lst)):
            line = temp_test_lst[i]
            if line.split('/')[0] == '###':
                temp_test_sent = []
            elif line != '':
        if temp_test_sent != []:

    # =========计算概率矩阵==========
    def train(self):
        emission_cnt = {}
        trigram_cnt = {}
        self.all_tags = set()
        self.all_words = set()
        # 统计词频
        for train_sent in self.train_sent_lst:
            tag_sent = []
            for word_tag in train_sent:
                wrd = word_tag.split('/')[0]
                tag = word_tag.split('/')[1]
                if (wrd, tag) not in emission_cnt:
                    emission_cnt[(wrd, tag)] = 0
                emission_cnt[(wrd, tag)] += 1
            extend_tag_sent = 2 * ['*']
            for i in range(len(extend_tag_sent) - 2):
                if tuple(extend_tag_sent[i:i+3]) not in trigram_cnt:
                    trigram_cnt[tuple(extend_tag_sent[i:i+3])] = 0
                trigram_cnt[tuple(extend_tag_sent[i:i+3])] += 1
        # 对词语和词性做映射
        for tag in self.all_tags:
            self.tag2num[tag] = self.tags_cnt
            self.tags_cnt += 1
        for wrd in self.all_words:
            self.word2num[wrd] = self.words_cnt
            self.words_cnt += 1
        print(self.tags_cnt, ' ', self.words_cnt)
        # 计算发射矩阵和转移矩阵
        nt = self.tags_cnt
        nw = self.words_cnt
        self.emission_prob = [None for i in range(nt)]
        self.transition_prob = [[None for i in range(nt+1)] for j in range(nt+1)]
        # 发射矩阵
        for i in range(nt):
            tag = self.num2tag[i]
            counts = [0] * (nw+1)
            for wrd in self.all_words:
                if (wrd, tag) not in emission_cnt:
                    emission_cnt[(wrd, tag)] = 0
                counts[self.word2num[wrd]] = emission_cnt[(wrd, tag)]
            self.emission_prob[i] = self.good_turing(counts)
        # 转移矩阵(u, v, w)或者(u, v, 'STOP')
        for i in range(nt):
            u = self.num2tag[i]
            for j in range(nt):
                v = self.num2tag[j]
                counts = [0] * (nt+1)
                for w in self.all_tags:
                    if (u, v, w) not in trigram_cnt:
                        trigram_cnt[(u, v, w)] = 0
                    counts[self.tag2num[w]] = trigram_cnt[(u, v, w)]
                if (u, v, 'STOP') not in trigram_cnt:
                    trigram_cnt[(u, v, 'STOP')] = 0
                counts[nt] = trigram_cnt[(u, v, 'STOP')]
                self.transition_prob[i][j] = self.good_turing(counts)
        # 转移矩阵(*, v, w)
        for j in range(nt):
            v = self.num2tag[j]
            counts = [0] * (nt+1)
            for w in self.all_tags:
                if ('*', v, w) not in trigram_cnt:
                    trigram_cnt[('*', v, w)] = 0
                counts[self.tag2num[w]] = trigram_cnt[('*', v, w)]
            if ('*', v, 'STOP') not in trigram_cnt:
                trigram_cnt[('*', v, 'STOP')] = 0
            counts[nt] = trigram_cnt[('*', v, 'STOP')]
            self.transition_prob[nt][j] = self.good_turing(counts)
        # 转移矩阵(*, *, w)
        counts = [0] * nt
        for w in self.all_tags:
            if ('*', '*', w) not in trigram_cnt:
                trigram_cnt[('*', '*', w)] = 0
            counts[self.tag2num[w]] = trigram_cnt[('*', '*', w)]
        self.transition_prob[nt][nt] = self.good_turing(counts)
    # ========结果预测及保存===========
    def predict(self):
        word_sequence = []
        novel_sequence = []
        predict_result = []
        true_result = []
        print(len(self.test_sent_lst), " sentences total.")
        for i in range(len(self.test_sent_lst)):
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print("process ", i, " sentence")
            test_sent = self.test_sent_lst[i]
            temp_sent = [line.strip().split('/')[0] for line in test_sent]
            labels = [line.strip().split('/')[1] for line in test_sent]
            temp_sent = [word if word in self.all_words else 'UNK' for word in temp_sent]
            temp_result = self.viterbi(temp_sent)
        self.evaluation(predict_result, true_result, novel_sequence, word_sequence)
        self.save_result(predict_result, word_sequence)
        #for pred, label in zip(predict_result, true_result):
            #print(pred, label)
    def evaluation(self, predict_result, true_result, novel_sequence, word_sequence):
        cnt_known = 0
        cnt_novel = 0
        cnt_known_right = 0
        cnt_novel_right = 0
        for i in range(len(predict_result)):
            if true_result[i] == '###':
            if novel_sequence[i] == word_sequence[i]:
                if predict_result[i] == true_result[i]:
                    cnt_known_right += 1
                cnt_known += 1
                if predict_result[i] == true_result[i]:
                    cnt_novel_right += 1
                cnt_novel += 1
        if cnt_known+cnt_novel != 0:
            print("accuracy: ", round((cnt_known_right+cnt_novel_right)*100/(cnt_known+cnt_novel), 2), "%")
        if cnt_known != 0:
            print("known word accuracy: ", round((cnt_known_right)*100/(cnt_known), 2), "%")
        if cnt_novel != 0:
            print("novel word accuracy: ", round((cnt_novel_right)*100/(cnt_novel), 2), "%")
    def save_result(self, predict_result, word_sequence):
        with open("test-output", "w", encoding="utf8") as f:
            for i in range(len(word_sequence)):
        print("result saved.")
    # =========viterbi算法============
    def viterbi(self, sent):
        n = len(sent)
        nt = self.tags_cnt
        y = [None] * n
        path = [[[0]*nt for i in range(nt)] for j in range(n-1)]
        val = [[[0]*nt for i in range(nt)] for j in range(n-1)]
        # 如果句子只有一个单词,则单独处理
        if (n == 1):
            max_val = -100000
            for v in range(nt):
                tmp = self.transition_prob[nt][nt][v] * self.emission_prob[v][self.word2num[sent[0]]] * self.transition_prob[nt][v][nt]
                if tmp > max_val:
                    max_val = tmp
                    y[0] = v
            return [self.num2tag[y[0]]]
        # 句首
        for u in range(nt):
            for v in range(nt):
                val[0][u][v] = self.transition_prob[nt][nt][u] * self.emission_prob[u][self.word2num[sent[0]]] * \
                    self.transition_prob[nt][u][v] * self.emission_prob[v][self.word2num[sent[1]]]
                path[0][u][v] = -1
        # viterbi动态规划
        for k in range(1, n-1):
            for u in range(nt):
                for v in range(nt):
                    max_val = -100000
                    best_tag = -1
                    for w in range(nt):
                        tmp = val[k-1][w][u] * self.transition_prob[w][u][v] * self.emission_prob[v][self.word2num[sent[k+1]]]
                        if tmp > max_val:
                            max_val = tmp
                            best_tag = w
                    val[k][u][v] = max_val
                    path[k][u][v] = best_tag
        # 句尾
        max_val = -100000
        for u in range(nt):
            for v in range(nt):
                tmp = val[n-2][u][v] * self.transition_prob[u][v][nt]
                if tmp > max_val:
                    max_val = tmp
                    y[-1] = v; y[-2] = u
        # 找到最佳标注
        for k in range(n-3, -1, -1):
            y[k] = path[k+1][y[k+1]][y[k+2]]
        return [self.num2tag[t] for t in y]
    # ==========平滑方法===========
    def good_turing(self, counts):
        N = sum(counts)  # 总的出现次数
        prob = [0] * len(counts)
        if N == 0:
            return prob
        Nr = [0] * (max(counts) + 1) # 出现r次的词个数
        for r in counts:
            Nr[r] += 1
        max_smooth = min(len(Nr)-1, 8)  # 使用good-turing方法进行平滑
        for r in range(max_smooth):
            if Nr[r] != 0 and Nr[r+1] != 0:
                Nr[r] = (r+1) * Nr[r+1] / Nr[r]
                Nr[r] = r
        for r in range(max_smooth, len(Nr)):
            Nr[r] = r
        for i in range(len(counts)):
            prob[i] = Nr[counts[i]]
        total = sum(prob)
        return [p/total for p in prob]  # 归一化输出
if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_time = time.time()
    pos_tagging = POSTagging(args.train, args.test)
    end_time = time.time()
    print("time cost: ", int(end_time - start_time), " seconds")
posted @ 2020-12-01 11:54  Yanqiang  阅读(263)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报