383. 赎金信
题目来源:383. 赎金信
给定一个赎金信 (ransom
) 字符串和一个杂志(magazine
)字符串,判断第一个字符串 ransom
能不能由第二个字符串 magazines
里面的字符构成。如果可以构成,返回 true
;否则返回 false
/** * @param {string} ransomNote * @param {string} magazine * @return {boolean} */ var canConstruct = function(ransomNote, magazine) { let noteMap = new Map(); for(let note of ransomNote){ noteMap.set(note, (noteMap.get(note) || 0)+1); } for(let ma of magazine){ if(noteMap.get(ma) > 0){ noteMap.set(ma, noteMap.get(ma) - 1); } } let res = Array.from(noteMap.values()).filter((v)=>v!=0); return res.length ? false:true; };
示例 1:
输入:ransomNote = "a", magazine = "b" 输出:false
示例 2:
输入:ransomNote = "aa", magazine = "ab" 输出:false
示例 3:
输入:ransomNote = "aa", magazine = "aab" 输出:true
import collections from typing import Collection class Solution: def canConstruct(self, ransomNote: str, magazine: str) -> bool: ra = collections.Counter(ransomNote) for c in magazine: if(ra.get(c)): ra[c] = ra.get(c) - 1 return sum(ra.values()) == 0 if __name__ == '__main__': so = Solution() ransomNote , magazine = "a", "b" print(ransomNote , magazine, so.canConstruct(ransomNote , magazine)) ransomNote , magazine = "aa", "ab" print(ransomNote , magazine, so.canConstruct(ransomNote , magazine)) ransomNote , magazine = "aa", "aab" print(ransomNote , magazine, so.canConstruct(ransomNote , magazine))
- 你可以假设两个字符串均只含有小写字母。