var text = "cat, bat, sat, fat"; var result = text.replace("at", "ond"); alert(result); //"cond, bat, sat, fat" 替换第一个 result = text.replace(/at/g, "ond"); alert(result); //"cond, bond, sond, fond" //替换全部 result = text.replace(/(.at)/g, "word ($1)"); alert(result); //word (cat), word (bat), word (sat), word (fat) //使用特殊的字符序列替换,字符序列有($$、$&、$`、$'、$n、$nn),具体用法需要时查 function htmlEscape(text){ return text.replace(/[<>"&]/g, function(match, pos, originalText){ switch(match){ case "<": return "<"; case ">": return ">"; case "&": return "&"; case "\"": return """; } }); } alert(htmlEscape("<p class=\"greeting\">Hello world!</p>")); //<p class="greeting">Hello world!</p>
var stringValue = "yellow"; alert(stringValue.localeCompare("brick")); //1 alert(stringValue.localeCompare("yellow")); //0 alert(stringValue.localeCompare("zoo")); //-1 //preferred technique for using localeCompare() function determineOrder(value) { var result = stringValue.localeCompare(value); if (result < 0){ alert("The string 'yellow' comes before the string '" + value + "'."); } else if (result > 0) { alert("The string 'yellow' comes after the string '" + value + "'."); } else { alert("The string 'yellow' is equal to the string '" + value + "'."); } } determineOrder("brick"); determineOrder("yellow"); determineOrder("zoo");
var stringValue = "hello world"; alert(stringValue.slice(3)); //"lo world" alert(stringValue.substring(3)); //"lo world" alert(stringValue.substr(3)); //"lo world" alert(stringValue.slice(3, 7)); //"lo w" alert(stringValue.substring(3,7)); //"lo w" alert(stringValue.substr(3, 7)); //"lo worl" alert(stringValue.slice(-3)); //"rld" alert(stringValue.substring(-3)); //"hello world" alert(stringValue.substr(-3)); //"rld" alert(stringValue.slice(3, -4)); //"lo w" alert(stringValue.substring(3, -4)); //"hel" alert(stringValue.substr(3, -4)); //"" (empty string)