On blocking the SMS sending and dialing in Android

Yesterday, Hao told me that in the security part of android system setting can we find a SMS limitation function which is intended to block SMS sending from a certain APP if the APP send the SMS too frequently. It really works, and the technique of doing this is required in my graduate thesis. Thus, I decided to scan the source code of this part to find out relevant functions. However, in my source code (jerry bean, android 4.1.4) doesn't have such functions which showed in cm edition of android system.(https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Settings/blob/cm-10.1/src/com/android/settings/SecuritySettings.java). My source code has no such functions "private void updateSmsSecuritySummary(int i) {        String message = getString(R.string.sms_security_check_limit_summary, i);        mSmsSecurityCheck.setSummary(message);    }". Thus, I would like to ask Hao about the ways to download cm edition of android system from github to the eclipse in Ubuntu, and then I can debug this source code and realize the solution to fulfill the function of blocking the SMS sending in ANdroid. 

Ok, Hao also told me another solution which is shown in this page. http://www.eoeandroid.com/thread-8990-1-1.html


First, I will make out how to blook a dialing from a certain app. and to demonstrate this below. 


Some tiips on phone block


posted on 2013-03-05 19:31  ghostli123  阅读(196)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
