
struct BinaryTreeNode{
       int      m_nValue;
       BinaryTreeNode*      m_pLeft;
       BinaryTreeNode*      m_pRight;


package com.yyq;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Stack;
 * Created by Administrator on 2015/9/20.
public class PathInTree {
    public static void findPath_1(BinaryTreeNode pRoot, int expectedSum){
        if (pRoot == null)
        Stack<Integer> path = new Stack<Integer>();
        int currentSum = 0;
        findPath_2(pRoot, expectedSum, path, currentSum);
    public static void findPath_2(BinaryTreeNode pRoot,int expectedSum,Stack<Integer> path,int currentSum){
        currentSum += pRoot.getM_nValue();
        boolean isLeaf = pRoot.getM_pLeft() == null && pRoot.getM_pRight() == null;
        if (currentSum == expectedSum && isLeaf){
            System.out.println("A path is found:");
            Iterator<Integer> it = path.iterator();
                System.out.print(it.next() + "\t");
        if (pRoot.getM_pLeft()!= null){
            findPath_2(pRoot.getM_pLeft(), expectedSum, path, currentSum);
        if (pRoot.getM_pRight()!=null){
            findPath_2(pRoot.getM_pRight(), expectedSum, path, currentSum);
        // 在返回到父结点之前,在路径上删除当前结点,
        // 并在currentSum中减去当前结点的值
        currentSum -= pRoot.getM_nValue();
    // ====================测试代码====================
    public static void Test(String testName, BinaryTreeNode pRoot, int expectedSum)
        if(testName != null)
            System.out.println(testName+" begins:");
        findPath_1(pRoot, expectedSum);
    //        10
//         /      \
//        5        12
//       /\
//      4  7
// 有两条路径上的结点和为22
    public static void Test1()
        BinaryTreeNode pNode10 = new BinaryTreeNode(10);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode5 = new BinaryTreeNode(5);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode12 = new BinaryTreeNode(12);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode4 = new BinaryTreeNode(4);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode7 = new BinaryTreeNode(7);
        pNode10.connectTreeNodes(pNode5, pNode12);
        pNode5.connectTreeNodes(pNode4, pNode7);
        System.out.println("Two paths should be found in Test1.");
        Test("Test1", pNode10, 22);
        pNode10 = null;
    //        10
//         /      \
//        5        12
//       /\
//      4  7
// 没有路径上的结点和为15
    public static void Test2()
        BinaryTreeNode pNode10 = new BinaryTreeNode(10);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode5 = new BinaryTreeNode(5);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode12 = new BinaryTreeNode(12);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode4 = new BinaryTreeNode(4);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode7 = new BinaryTreeNode(7);
        pNode10.connectTreeNodes(pNode5, pNode12);
        pNode5.connectTreeNodes(pNode4, pNode7);
        System.out.println("No paths should be found in Test2.");
        Test("Test2", pNode10, 15);
        pNode10 =null;
    //            5
//              /
//             4
//            /
//           3
//          /
//         2
//        /
//       1
// 有一条路径上面的结点和为15
    public static void Test3()
        BinaryTreeNode pNode5 = new BinaryTreeNode(5);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode4 = new BinaryTreeNode(4);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode3 = new BinaryTreeNode(3);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode2 = new BinaryTreeNode(2);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode1 = new BinaryTreeNode(1);
        pNode5.connectTreeNodes(pNode4, null);
        pNode4.connectTreeNodes(pNode3, null);
        pNode3.connectTreeNodes(pNode2, null);
        pNode2.connectTreeNodes(pNode1, null);
        System.out.println("One path should be found in Test3.");
        Test("Test3", pNode5, 15);
        pNode5 = null;
    // 1
//  \
//   2
//    \
//     3
//      \
//       4
//        \
//         5
// 没有路径上面的结点和为16
    public static void Test4()
        BinaryTreeNode pNode1 = new BinaryTreeNode(1);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode2 = new BinaryTreeNode(2);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode3 = new BinaryTreeNode(3);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode4 = new BinaryTreeNode(4);
        BinaryTreeNode pNode5 = new BinaryTreeNode(5);
        pNode1.connectTreeNodes(null, pNode2);
        pNode2.connectTreeNodes(null, pNode3);
        pNode3.connectTreeNodes(null, pNode4);
        pNode4.connectTreeNodes(null, pNode5);
        System.out.println("No paths should be found in Test4.");
        Test("Test4", pNode1, 16);
        pNode1 = null;
    // 树中只有1个结点
    public static void Test5()
        BinaryTreeNode pNode1 = new BinaryTreeNode(1);
        System.out.println("One path should be found in Test5.");
        Test("Test5", pNode1, 1);
        pNode1 = null;
    // 树中没有结点
    public static void Test6()
        System.out.println("No paths should be found in Test6.");
        Test("Test6", null, 0);
    public static void main(String[] args)
Two paths should be found in Test1.
Test1 begins:
A path is found:
10 5 7
A path is found:
10 12
No paths should be found in Test2.
Test2 begins:
One path should be found in Test3.
Test3 begins:
A path is found:
5 4 3 2 1
No paths should be found in Test4.
Test4 begins:
One path should be found in Test5.
Test5 begins:
A path is found:
No paths should be found in Test6.
Test6 begins:


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