springmvc 批量插入,更新

       <insert id="insertUser">  
       insert into user(name,age,createTime,createBy,modifyTime,modifyBy)  
       <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=",">  
        ( #{item.name},#{item.age},#{item.createTime},#{item.createBy},#{item.modifyTime},#{item.modifyBy} )  

<update id="batchUpdate"  parameterType="Java.util.List" >
          <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="" close="" separator=";">
                update test
                <if test="item.type != null and item.type != ''">
s_type = #{item.type},
                <if test="item.status != null and item.status != ''">
status = #{item.status}
                <if test="item.oldPath != null and item.oldPath != ''"> 
old_path = #{item.oldPath},
<if test="item.breviaryPath != null and item.breviaryPath != ''">
b_path = #{item.breviaryPath},
<if test="item.bigImagePath != null and item.bigImagePath != ''">
big_path = #{item.bigImagePath},

<if test="item.bigType != null and item.bigType != ''">
s_bigType = #{item.bigType},
<if test="item.userId != null and item.userId != ''">
s_userId = #{item.userId},
<if test="item.oldName != null and item.oldName != ''">
old_fileName = #{item.oldName},
<if test="item.breviaryName != null and item.breviaryName != ''">
b_fileName = #{item.breviaryName},
<if test="item.remark != null and item.remark != ''">
s_remark = #{item.remark},
                where id = ${item.id}


posted @ 2016-12-27 11:34  yangxu6069  阅读(2672)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报