菜单 角色 权限 用户
-- Create table create table B_PERMISSION ( PERMISSIONID NUMBER not null, PERMISSIONNAME VARCHAR2(500), PERMISSIONURL VARCHAR2(500), PERMISSIONSORT VARCHAR2(50), PERMISSIONLEFT NUMBER, PERMISSIONRIGHT NUMBER, REMARK CLOB ) tablespace YH pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64 next 1 minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); -- Add comments to the columns comment on column B_PERMISSION.PERMISSIONNAME is '名称'; comment on column B_PERMISSION.PERMISSIONURL is 'url地址'; comment on column B_PERMISSION.PERMISSIONSORT is '类别'; comment on column B_PERMISSION.PERMISSIONLEFT is 'left'; comment on column B_PERMISSION.PERMISSIONRIGHT is 'right'; comment on column B_PERMISSION.REMARK is '备注';
-- Create table create table B_ROLE ( ROLEID NUMBER not null, ROLENAME VARCHAR2(50), ROLEDESCRIPTION CLOB ) tablespace YH pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64 next 1 minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); -- Add comments to the columns comment on column B_ROLE.ROLEID is '角色编号'; comment on column B_ROLE.ROLENAME is '角色名称'; comment on column B_ROLE.ROLEDESCRIPTION is '角色备注';
create table B_ROLEPERMISSION ( ROLEID NUMBER not null, PERMISSIONID NUMBER, REMARK CLOB ) tablespace YH pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64 next 1 minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); -- Add comments to the columns comment on column B_ROLEPERMISSION.ROLEID is '角色编号'; comment on column B_ROLEPERMISSION.PERMISSIONID is '权限编号'; comment on column B_ROLEPERMISSION.REMARK is '备注';
-- Create table create table B_USERROLE ( ACCOUNTID NUMBER not null, ROLEID NUMBER ) tablespace YH pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255; -- Add comments to the columns comment on column B_USERROLE.ACCOUNTID is '用户编号'; comment on column B_USERROLE.ROLEID is '角色编号';
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "P_DELETENODES" ( pid in number ) AS pleft number;pright number;pcount number; BEGIN select count(*) into pcount from B_Permission where Permissionid=pid; if pcount > 0 then delete from B_RolePermission where Permissionid=pid; select PermissionLeft,PermissionRight INTO pleft,pright from B_Permission where Permissionid=pid; delete from B_Permission where PermissionLeft>=pleft and PermissionRight<=pright; update B_Permission set PermissionLeft=PermissionLeft-((pright+1)-pleft) where PermissionLeft>pleft; update B_Permission set PermissionRight=PermissionRight-((pright+1)-pleft) where PermissionRight>pright; end if; commit; exception when others then rollback; END;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "P_INSERTLASTNODE" ( pid in number, pname in varchar2, purl in varchar2, psort in number, premark in varchar2 ) AS pright number;pcount number; BEGIN select count(*) into pcount from B_Permission where Permissionid=pid; if pcount > 0 then select PermissionRight into pright from B_Permission where Permissionid=pid; update B_Permission set PermissionLeft=PermissionLeft+2 where PermissionLeft>pright; update B_Permission set PermissionRight=PermissionRight+2 where PermissionRight>=pright; select PermissionRight into pright from B_Permission where Permissionid=pid; insert into B_Permission(PermissionId,PermissionName,PermissionUrl,PermissionSort,PermissionLeft,PermissionRight,Remark) values(S_B_Permission.NEXTVAL,pname,purl,psort,pright-2,pright-1,premark); end if; END;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "P_INSERTRIGHTNODE" ( pid in number, pname in varchar2, purl in varchar2, psort in number, premark in varchar2 ) AS pright number;pcount number; BEGIN select count(*) into pcount from B_Permission where Permissionid=pid and PermissionLeft!=1; if pcount > 0 then select PermissionRight into pright from B_Permission where Permissionid=pid; update B_Permission set PermissionLeft=PermissionLeft+2 where PermissionLeft>pright; update B_Permission set PermissionRight=PermissionRight+2 where PermissionRight>pright; insert into B_Permission(PermissionId,PermissionName,PermissionUrl,PermissionSort,PermissionLeft,PermissionRight,Remark) values(S_B_Permission.NEXTVAL,pname,purl,psort,pright+1,pright+2,premark); end if; END;
create or replace view v_tool_biddirectory as select PermissionId, PermissionName, PermissionUrl, PermissionSort, PermissionLeft, PermissionRight, treelayer(PermissionId) as PermissionLayer, parentnode(PermissionId) as PermissionParent from B_Permission with read only
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "TREELAYER" ( fid number ) return number as rid number;fleft number;fright number;fcount number; begin rid:=0; select count(*) into fcount from B_Permission where PermissionId=fid; if fcount > 0 then select PermissionLeft,PermissionRight into fleft,fright from B_Permission where PermissionId=fid; select count(*) into rid from B_Permission where PermissionLeft<=fleft and PermissionRight>=fright; end if; return rid; end;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "PARENTNODE" ( fid number ) return number as rid number;fleft number;fright number;fcount number; begin rid:=-1; select count(*) into fcount from B_Permission where PermissionId=fid; if fcount > 0 then select PermissionLeft,PermissionRight into fleft,fright from B_Permission where PermissionId=fid; if fleft = 1 then rid:= 0; else select PermissionId into rid from(select tb.*,rownum from B_Permission tb where PermissionLeft<fleft and PermissionRight>fright order by PermissionLeft desc) where rownum=1; end if; end if; return rid; end;