Newcomer to London

Act1 At the airport ,Christina and Michael are waiting for May


Hasn' May come out yet?

no…Oh,yes,yes! See that girl pushing the luggage cart?

Which girl?

The one in red, with black hair. Did you see her?

Oh,yeah! She's waving to us !


Hey,May! Here you come! Look at you!

Hi,Chris! Long time no see. So nice to see you again!

Me too. How's the flight?

oh, it couldn't be worse .It's delayed. I spent long time waiting in the airport

That really sucks. Well, anyway, Welcome to London. Oh, I forgot, this is Michael,

my boyfriend ,and Michael, this is May, my college friend from China.

Glad to see you. May!


May I help you with the luggage?

Yes,please. Thank you!

(Michael takes May's suitcase. christina and May are walking behind )


Come on , I hear you. You mean Todd,right? I'm totally over him now . Mihael is cute. We really love each other.

But you didn't mention Michael in your e-mails. How long have you been together?

Well,not long ,Actually , we knew each other two hours ago .

Are you kidding?

Why? I believe in love at first sight.



posted @ 2012-12-20 21:12  哪啊哪啊神去村  阅读(183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报