
1 缩略语列表问题出发点:一段包含大量缩略语的文本,例如:

        The <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> defines
        the <abbr title="Document Object Model">DOM</abbr> as:
    <blockquote cite="">
        A platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs
        and scripts to dynamically access and update the
        content, structure and style of documents.
        It is an <abbr title="Application Programming Interface">API</abbr>
        that can be used to navigate <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr>
        and <abbr title="eXtensible Markup Language">XML</abbr> documents.






 1 function displayAbbreviations() {
 2     //注释1:注意这里没有对DOM方法做兼容性检查
 3     var abbreviations = document.getElementsByTagName("abbr");
 4     var defs = new Array();//注释2:用数组的键值对来保存abbr的title属性和文本
 5     //loop through the abbr list
 6     for (var i=0; i<abbreviations.length; i++) {
 7         var current_abbr = abbrevaitons[i];
 8         //注释3:if (current_abbr.childNodes.length < 1) continue;
 9         var defination = current_abbr.getAttributes("title");
10         var key = current_abbr.lastChild.nodeValue;
11         defs[key] = defination;
12     }
13     var dlist = document.createElement("dl");
14     //loop through the defs
15     for (key in defs) {
16         var defination = defs[key];
17         var dtitle = document.createElement("dt");
18         var dtitle_text = document.createTextNode(key);
19         dtitle.appendChild(dtitle_text);
20         var ddesc = document.createElement("dd");
21         var ddesc_text = document.createTextNode(defination);
22         ddesc.appendChild(ddesc_text);
23         dlist.appendChild(dtitle);
24         dlist.appendChild(ddesc);
25     }
26     //注释4:if (dlist.childNodes.length < 1) return false;
27     var header = document.createElement("h2");
28     var header_text = document.createElement("Abbreviations");
29     header.appendChild(header_text);
30     //注释5:下面两行用到了HTML-DOM属性:document.body,也可以用DOM core的 document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]方法;
31     document.body.appendChild(header);
32     document.body.appendChild(dlist);
33 }


2  动态创建文献来源链接的实现方法和缩列语列表的方法大致相同

    <blockquote> 标签定义块引用,它有一个可选的cite属性,这个属性规定了引用的来源。该属性的值是一个包含在引号中并指向某个网页的 URL地址。这个属性很有用,它可以将文献资料和相关网页链接起来。但主流浏览器均不支持 cite 属性,一般都会将它忽略,用户也看不到。

    将1中的html代码中 <blockquote> 的cite属性以链接的形式显示出来,代码如下:

 1 function displayCitations() {
2 if (!document.getElementsByTagName || !document.createElement 3 || !document.createTextNode) return false; 4 //获取所有的blockquote元素 5 var quotes = document.getElementsByTagName("blockquote"); 6 //1 遍历blockquote元素 7 for (var i=0; i<quotes.length; i++) { 8 // 检查是否存在cite属性 9 if (!quotes[i].getAttribute("cite")) continue; 10 // 2 提取cite属性的值 11 var url = quotes[i].getAttribute("cite"); 12 // 获取blockquote包含的所有元素节点,注意是元素节点,这样就把文本节点排除掉了 13 var quoteChildren = quotes[i].getElementsByTagName("*"); 14 // 判断元素是否为空 15 if (quoteChildren.length < 1) continue; 16 var elem = quoteChildren[quoteChildren.length - 1];//获取最后一个元素节点 17 var link = document.createElement("a");//3 创建链接节点 18 var link_text = document.createTextNode("source"); 19 link.appendChild(link_text); 20 link.setAttribute("href", url);//4 给链接节点的href属性赋值 21 var superscript = document.createElement("sup"); 22 superscript.appendChild(link); 23 elem.appendChild(superscript);//5 追加节点到<blockquote>包含节点的末尾 24 } 25 }

3  accesskey 属性可以将<a>链接与键盘的特定按键关联在一起,如:<a href="index.html" accesskey="1">Home</a>,不过好像不是所有的浏览器都支持这个属性,比如Opera。


<ul id="navigation">
      <li><a href="index.html" accesskey="1">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="search.html" accesskey="4">Search</a></li>
      <li><a href="contact.html" accesskey="0">Contact</a></li>


 1 function displayAccesskeys() {
 2   if (!document.getElementsByTagName || !document.createElement || !document.createTextNode) return false;
 3 // get all the links in the document
 4   var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
 5 // create an array to store the accesskeys
 6   var akeys = new Array();
 7 // loop through the links
 8   for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
 9     var current_link = links[i];
10 // if there is no accesskey attribute, continue the loop
11     if (current_link.getAttribute("accesskey") == null) continue;
12 // get the value of the accesskey
13     var key = current_link.getAttribute("accesskey");
14 // get the value of the link text
15     var text = current_link.lastChild.nodeValue;
16 // add them to the array
17     akeys[key] = text;
18   }
19 // create the list
20   var list = document.createElement("ul");
21 // loop through the accesskeys
22   for (key in akeys) {
23     var text = akeys[key];
24 //  create the string to put in the list item
25     var str = key + " : "+text;
26 // create the list item
27     var item = document.createElement("li");
28     var item_text = document.createTextNode(str);
29     item.appendChild(item_text);
30 // add the list item to the list
31     list.appendChild(item);
32   }
33 // create a headline
34   var header = document.createElement("h3");
35   var header_text = document.createTextNode("Accesskeys");
36   header.appendChild(header_text);
37 // add the headline to the body
38   document.body.appendChild(header);
39 // add the list to the body
40   document.body.appendChild(list);
41 }
42 addLoadEvent(displayAccesskeys);


posted @ 2015-09-05 14:21  yangtoude  阅读(647)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报