coursera-gamification003-notes-week3-Game Thinking

3.1 why gamify

the core skill for gamication :game thinking
compare 2 examples
1,Dodgeball,one of the smartphone applications,for people who often hang around the bars.
function:give you a map showed you where you are,and people can check in and see  the info thay what there friends are(nearby) when they are check in.
google bought the company
the basic challengh: How to get people involed.
if lots of people use,you have the motivation to use and see the info.But when you check in and see a blank map,may be you wont check in the next time.
2,Foursquare(the same person who create Dodgeball)
have basiclly the same function as Dodgeball,BUT ,user gamification
some of aspects that may make gamification appropriate
1,engagement gap:need to get more people to engage in
2,choices :the Dodgeball dont have enough vatiety in it.Only check in and not check in ,and see the info
3,progression :lack of progression,check in 1000 times is like check in the first time
4,social. shows a relationships whit friends and social interaction
5,habit :let people make the action(check in ) a habbit
Foursquare:a lot of improvement
if you check in the most times out of everyone at a certaion lacation ,you get a rewards
3.2 thinking like a game designer
keep this words in minds------I am a game designer------------Jesses Schell <the art of game design>
to look at a problem as the view of a game designer,to think like a game designer
it's different than "being" a game designer 
it's different than thinking like a "gamer"
it's to pay attention to the structures and the frameworks of the games
think the people(participants) as the players
the meaning of a player:
1,players are the center of a
2,players feels a sense of autonomu and control
3,players play
the goal of a game designer:
create a sense of play that have the purpose:
1get your players playing 
2and keep them playing 
3.3,design rules
the player journey :you should want the player journey have a beginning,a middile and an end,so rules are
1 onboarding:get players into games as quickly and easily as you can
2 scaffolding:such as training system,let player knows what to do next
3 pathways to mastery:let players concure and achieve some real skills
eg:plants vs zombies,the first easy level of the game:
tips:it gives you guides,highlightings,feedback,limited options,limited monsters,impossible to fail
create an experience  a website to listen music
3.4tapping the emotions
what makes game engaging-----------fun
what things are fun: winning,problem-solving,exploring,chilling,teamwork,recognition,trimuphing(the notion that you crush sb else ,a little different from fun ),collecting,surprise,imagination,sharing,Role Playing(my favourite!),customization(个性化定制,如在极品里把车涂成红色。。。),goof off(游手好闲)
3.5 Anatomy of Fun(Understanding fun)
Nicole Lazzaro's 4 keys:about  fun
1,easy fun
2,hard fun,such as challenging,problem solving ,overcoming sth,accomplishment
3,people fun,the fun of work in a team ,the fun of socialize
4,serious fun,the fun of doing things meaningful,good for the cummunity;also as collecting a lot of keys to unlock some rewards(meaningful to you)
Mark LeBlanc's 8 kinds of fun
sensation  fantasy  narrative challenge fellowship discovery expression submission
recommend book:A theory of fun for game designer---Raph Koster
fun can be and should be designed
fan can be challenging 
appeal to different kinds of fun
3.6 finding the fun
LinkedIn,to let people fill out there information during a boring process,come up with an idea that called "profile completeness"(进度条)
final ps:

posted on 2014-02-15 03:00  TheBest  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
