maven 自动编译脚本
@echo off color 1f :menu echo ------------------------------------------------------- echo + 1 - compile 2 - deploy 3 - version + echo ------------------------------------------------------- :input set /p input=please select: if "%input%"== "1" goto compile if "%input%"== "2" goto deploy if "%input%"== "3" goto version goto refresh :compile echo starting clean target directory and compile project... mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true &&pause exit :version echo this operation will change the project version, including the version of all the module projects set /p version=please input a new version: call mvn clean versions:set -DnewVersion=%version% del /s pom.xml.versionsBackup echo successfully changed project version, the new version is: %version% pause exit :deploy echo starting compile project and deploy jar file to maven repository... mvn deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true &&pause exit :refresh echo invalid input &&pause &&cls &&goto menu
- compile:编译
- deploy:发布到maven仓库
- versioin:修改工程及子工程版本号