#!/bin/env python #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ #算法之冒泡排序 li = [13,22,6,99,11] for m in range(len(li)-1): if li[m] > li[m+1]: temp = li[m] li[m] = li[m+1] li[m+1] = temp #第一次# 13>22 —>pass #第二次# 22>6 ->li = [13,6,22,99,11] #第三次# 22>99 ->pass #第四次# 99>11 ->li = [13,6,22,11,99] #最大的数字已经找到99,并放在最后,接下来只需要比较前4个数字即可 for m in range(len(li)-2): if li[m] > li[m+1]: temp = li[m] li[m] = li[m+1] li[m+1] = temp #第一次# 13>6 ->li = [6,13,22,11,99] #第二次# 13>22 ->pass #第三次# 22>11 ->li = [6,13,11,22,99] #前4个数字最大数找到22,放在最后,接下来只需比较前3个数字即可 for m in range(len(li)-3): if li[m] > li[m+1]: temp = li[m] li[m] = li[m+1] li[m+1] = temp #第一次# 6>13 ->pass #第二次# 13>11 ->li = [6,11,13,22,99] #前3个数字最大数已找到13,放在最后,接来下只需要比较前2个数字即可 for m in range(len(li)-4): if li[m] > li[m+1]: temp = li[m] li[m] = li[m+1] li[m+1] = temp #第一次# 6>11 ->pass #前2个数字最大数为11,放在最后 print li #---------------->最终结果为: li=[6,11,13,22,99] ############简化版############################################################# list = [13,22,6,99,11] for n in range(1,len(list)-1): #n=1,2,3,4 #第一次大循环,n=1,m=4 for m in range(len(list)-n): #第一次小循环m[0]>m[1],第二次m[1]>m[2],第三次[m2]>[m3],第四次[m3>m4] if list[m] > list[m+1]: #第二次大循环,n=2,m=3 temp = list[m] #第一次小循环m[0]>m[1],第二次m[1]>m[2],第三次[m2]>[m3] list[m] = list[m+1] #第三次大循环,n=3,m=2 list[m+1] = temp #第一次小循环m[0]>m[1],第二次m[1]>m[2] #第四次大循环,n=4,m=1 #第一次小循环m[0]>m[1] print list #---------------->最终结果为: list=[6,11,13,22,99]
#!/bin/env python #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import time import random #生产随机列表 def get_randow(): list = [] for x in range(100): i = random.randrange(1000) list.append(i) return list def select_sort(list): for i in range(len(list)): #for i in range(5) #i=0,1,2,3,4 for j in range(i,len(list)): #for j in range(0,5) #i=0,j=0,1,2,3,4 if list[i] > list[j]: #if 13>13 ->pass tmp = list[i] #if 13>22 ->pass list[i] = list[j] #if 13>6 ->list=[6,22,13,99,11] list[j] = tmp #if 6>99 ->pass #if 6>11 ->pass if __name__ == '__main__': #for j in range(1,5) #i=1,j=1,2,3,4 list = [13,22,6,99,11] #if 22>22 ->pass #list = get_randow() #if 22>13 ->list=[6,13,22,99,11] start_time = time.time() #if 13>99 ->pass select_sort(list) #if 13>11 ->list=[6,11,22,99,13] end_time = time.time() #for j in range(2,5) #i=2,j=2,3,4 print list #if 22>22 ->pass print '本次耗时:%s'%(end_time-start_time) #if 22>99 ->pass #if 22>13 ->list=[6,11,13,99,22] #for j in range(3,5) #i=3,j=3,4 #if 99>99 ->pass #if 99>22 ->list=[6,11,13,22,99] #for j in range(3,5) #i=4,j=4 #if 99>99 ->pass
def select_sort2(list): #list = [13,22,6,99,11] for i in range(len(list)): #for i in range(5) #i=0,1,2,3,4 smallest_index = i #index=0,1,2,3,4 for j in range(i,len(list)): #for j in range(0,5) #i=0,j=0,1,2,3,4 ,index=0 if list[smallest_index] > list[j]: #if 13>13 ->pass smallest_index = j #if 13>22 ->pass tmp = list[i] #if 13>6 ->index=2 list[i] = list[smallest_index] #if 6>99 ->pass list[smallest_index] = tmp #if 6>11 ->pass #-> list=[6,22,13,99,11] #for j in range(1,5) #i=1,j=1,2,3,4 ,index=1 #if 22>22 ->pass #if 22>13 ->index=2 #if 13>99 ->pass #if 13>11 ->index=4 #-> list=[6,11,13,99,22] #for j in range(2,5) #i=2,j=2,3,4 ,index=2 #if 13>13 ->pass #if 13>99 ->pass #if 13>22 ->pass #-> list=[6,11,13,99,22] #for j in range(3,5) #i=3,j=3,4 ,index=3 #if 99>99 ->pass #if 99>22 ->index=4 #-> list=[6,11,13,22,99] #for j in range(4,5) #i=4,j=4 ,index=4 #if 99>99 ->pass #-> list=[6,11,13,22,99]
插入排序(Insertion Sort)
插入排序(Insertion Sort)的基本思想是:将列表分为2部分,左边为排序好的部分,右边为未排序的部分,循环整个列表,每次将一个待排序的记录,按其关键字大小插入到前面已经排好序的子序列中的适当位置,直到全部记录插入完成为止。
#!/bin/env python #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import time def insert_sort(list): for i in range(1,len(list)): position = i #刚开始往左边走的第一个位置 current_val = list[i] #先把当前值存下来 while position >0 and current_val < list[position-1]: list[position] = list[position-1] position -=1 list[position] = current_val #执行流程 #for i in range(10),i=1,9 #i=1,position=1,current_val=77 #while# 1>0 and 77<92: ->list=[92, 92, 67, 8, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] # ->position=0 #while# 0>0 ->pass #->list=[77, 92, 67, 8, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] #i=2,position=2,current_val=67 #while# 2>0 and 67<92: ->list=[77, 92, 92, 8, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] # ->postion=1 #while# 1>0 and 67<77: ->list=[77, 77, 92, 8, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] # ->postion=0 #while# 0>0 ->pass #->list=[67, 77, 92, 8, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] #i=3,position=3,current_val=8 #while# 3>0 and 8<92: ->list=[67, 77, 92, 92, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] # ->postion=2 #while# 2>0 and 8<77: ->list=[67, 77, 77, 92, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] # ->postion=1 #while# 1>0 and 8<67: ->list=[67, 67, 77, 92, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] # ->postion=0 #while# 0>0 ->pass #->list=[8, 67, 77, 92, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] #.......... if __name__ == '__main__': list = [92, 77, 67, 8, 6, 84, 55, 85, 43, 67] start_time = time.time() insert_sort(list) end_time = time.time() print list